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    zábava - Strana 152

    22 Most Iconic Celebrity Wedding Photos Of All Time
    Every little girl dreams about her big wedding day. Ever since we were children, we grew up on fantasies about Disney princesses, magic castles, and happily ever afters. There have...
    22 Najkrajšie Oznámenia o tehotenstve celebrít
    Od chvíle, kedy vznikol Instagram, sa oznámenia o tehotenstve celebrít stali skutočnosťou, pričom jedna z nich sa stala lepšou ako ďalšia. Keď sa pár (alebo osamelý rodič v niektorých prípadoch)...
    22 Kardashian Moments That Had Fans Talking (That Didn't Air On E)
    Who doesn't love some Kardashian-Jenner gossip? Their names are synonymous with drama, intrigue, power, and pop culture. Any one of those traits a heavy load to bear for the average...
    22 Fakty o kráľovských deťoch, princovi Georgovi a princeznej Charlotte
    Svet pozoroval kráľovskú rodinu pod mikroskopom a teraz je tu nová generácia, ktorá má pochodeň odovzdať. Odkedy sa Kate Middletonová a Prince William oženili, bolo to len dané, že by...
    22 Celebs Reveal The Weird Celeb Crushes They Don't Like Talking About
    Everyone has a weird celebrity crush. Yet we can rest easy knowing that our feelings for the not-so-traditionally-attractive types won't come to light or be circulated around the world. However,...
    22 Celebrity Feuds That Never Really Ended (& Why)
    Jay-Z rapped that, “No one wins when the family feuds,” but what about celebrities, where the only blood between them is bad blood? With the rise of social media, celebs...
    22 Best Shots Of Kendall Jenner
    Povedz, čo budeš o Kendallovi Jennerovi, je to Dievča tej chvíle a nikto ju nemôže odniesť. V skutočnosti povedať, že je to len Dievča momentu, by bolo podcenenie. Od novembra...
    22 Najlepšie fotky Celebrity V Crop Tops
    Za posledný rok sa trend 90. rokov znovu objavil a dievčatá s abs a ploché žalúdky všade sa radujú z vrcholov plodín. Neexistuje žiadny lepší spôsob, ako predviesť, ako chudý...