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    20 Little-Known Details About Bella Thorne Her Fans Would Be Surprised To Learn

    Sometimes it's easy to forget Bella Thorne is in her early 20s because of how much she has accomplished already, from being an actress to a novelist. Then again, she has been working since she was six weeks old, and has a real hunger, not just for success, but because she became the breadwinner for her family from a young, it was more than just about getting roles.

    She finally got her big break as an actress when she was a tween thanks to the popular Disney Channel show Shake It Up. Since then, like many other former Disney stars, she has shed her image to reveal a more authentic version of herself, and she's become a person who is unafraid to speak her mind.

    Thorne is refreshingly honest, which can be seen in her approach to her interviews and her social media (a platform she also admits is her moneymaker and the reason she has a house today), and she's proud of the woman she's become. But she's also a woman who has had a very interesting, at times controversial life and below are 20 little-known details about Bella Thorne that not all of her fans are aware of.

    20 She Totally Fan-Girled Over Mark Wahlberg

    Bella Thorne is a popular celebrity in her own right, but that doesn't mean there haven't been moments when she was a fangirl. And it seems someone she likes a lot is Mark Wahlberg because in an interview with Teen Vogue she recalled how she met him, and really, just how handsome he is. She said,

    "I was at a movie premiere and Mark Wahlberg came up to me. He was like, 'I'm so sorry to bug you. I feel so bad.'

    I was like, 'Oh, my God! Mark Wahlberg! Of course, I will take a photo with your daughter.' I mean, why wouldn't I? And let me tell you, he's beautiful no matter what he does."

    19 Her Career Started Much Earlier Than Most - And Hasn't Slowed Down

    Most people are aware that Bella Thorne got her start on Disney, like so many other famous faces, but before her breakthrough role on Disney Channel's Shake It Up, she had been modelling. In an interview with ABC News' Nightline, she revealed that she has been working pretty much her whole life.

    She said, “I started modelling when I was 6 weeks old, out of the womb, literally. And then I modelled every single day growing up - my whole life, like, three jobs A? day, you name it.”

    18 She Has A Fear Of Driving, But There's A Good Reason For It

    Bella Thorne probably has the means to get a private chauffeur to take her everywhere, but the reason she has been reluctant to start driving stems from her childhood heartache.

    Thorne lost her father when she was 9, and in an interview with Seventeen, back in 2015, she revealed she didn't have her driver's license, nor did she have a permit because her father lost his life in a motorcycle accident. She added, “I'm not mature enough to accept the responsibility of perhaps taking someone else's life."

    17 Instagram Is Her Moneymaker And She Takes It Seriously

    Bella Thorne once told Harper's Bazaar, "I want to use social media to spread goodness,” but she also uses it to get money. In an interview with Vogue, she revealed just how seriously she takes social media, explaining,

    “[Social media] is 100 percent a job to me. I started at 18 with $200 in my bank account and I bought this house a year later, and it's all from social media.”

    Her account is also reflective of her new image, and she doesn't have people working in the background trying to change the content she posts. She told Forbes, “I feel very authentic. If you go on my socials, it's me writing it. I don't have any social media management, whatsoever.”

    16 She's Embraced Who She Is And Isn't Going To Change

    Like many Disney stars, Bella Thorne decided to go in a different direction once she grew up, and she shed her image. She has been a controversial figure at times, but Thorne is proud of who she is and what she's become.

    She understands that if people look up to her, it's best to show them she's authentic and spoke to Teen Vogue about this, saying, "I'm not afraid to be myself. I know that people are looking up to me, but I'm a teenager and I'm still going to make mistakes.”

    15 She Can Add Writer To Her List Of Accolades

    It seems Bella Thorne is one of those women who can do just about everything, and in addition to being a model, actress, and even a singer, she also has a book. She released her first book, Autumn Falls, in 2014, and spoke about the inspiration for it during an appearance on The View.

    She explained that it's about “a girl who moves to Miami when her father [passes] and he leaves her a journal to write in to help her through high school. When she writes in the journal, things come to life. But since she's dyslexic, they come to life a little wonky, mostly backfiring on her throughout the series.” The story echoes much of her own life.

    14 She Needs A Safe Place, And That Place Is Inside A Teepee

    Perhaps one of the most fascinating things about Bella Thorne is not that she's shed her sweet Disney image or that she's been working since she was a baby, but what she does in her own home. And according to her, she sleeps in a teepee, and she told Vogue that she does this because she wanted to “have something that felt like a safe space.” When she sleeps in her teepee, she feels cozy and comfortable.

    13 It's Hard To Believe The Fiery Red Isn't Her Real Hair Color, But She's Blonde

    Bella Thorne's fiery red hair looks natural, and it really suits her, but actually, she's a blonde. Despite she was born a blonde, Thorne fought hard to choose to keep her hair a red hue and even had a bit of a breakdown when Disney wanted her hair to change it. She told Allure, "A lot of people don't know I'm not actually a redhead. I'm a blonde. I dyed it for Big Love.

    It started off more of a deep red, and Disney was like, 'Why don't we take Bella all the way to blonde again?' I don't know why, but I had a breakdown and so overreacted.

    I wanted to go back to red."

    12 She Believes Everything Happens For A Reason

    Celebrities are given a platform to speak and share their opinion, and this comes with a lot of responsibility. Bella Thorne recognizes that she has the ability to influence others, and considering she has an audience of 18 million on Instagram alone, she can really do a lot of good. She believes this happened for a reason, telling ABC News' Nightline,

    “The things that have happened to me in my life have happened to me, I feel, for a reason.

    And it sounds cheesy, but it's a reason for change. I have a platform to speak out."

    11 She Gives 'Cat Lady' A New Meaning With Her 19 Cats

    Bella Thorne gives the term “cat lady” a whole new meaning because she has 19 cats! She told Los Angeles Times that she started off with a cat named Lola, but decided not to get her spayed, and now has four generations of Lola's offspring.

    But fans have noticed she doesn't always post her cats on Instagram (which is probably an achievement in itself to not get any of them in the background of the photos she takes in her Los Angeles home). In fact, her lack of cat posts has even created articles, like one from Vulture, stating, “Why Doesn't Bella Thorne Instagram Her 19 Cats? What Is She Hiding?”

    10 She Was Almost Fired For Wearing A Bikini

    Many former Disney Channel stars have spoken out about the pressure they felt to maintain a certain image when they were part of the network, and there was the risk of being fired if they ruined their clean-cut image. Forbes notes that someone at Disney got angry with Thorne when she was aged 14 because she had been seen wearing a bikini, and the publication was curious to know more about the story. Thorne revealed that if she hadn't had the fan base she did at the time, Disney would have fired her.

    9 She's A Mix

    Bella Thorne has a mixed heritage and she is part Cuban. She spoke to Glamour about her Latin roots and what they meant to her, saying,

    "To me, being Latin is about more than your looks - it's how you're brought up.”

    She also told the publication Spanish was her first language but she struggled with it because of her dyslexia. "I still understand it, though, especially since my mom uses Spanish to tell me to take out the trash or do the dishes!" she explained.

    8 She Wants To Speak About Important And Personal Issues

    Bella Thorne understands the importance of using her voice and her platform to shed light on important issues, and something that's important to her is speaking about her own struggle with dyslexia. She told ABC News' Nightline,

    “I use my social media to talk about being dyslexic, to talk about, you know, other things from the past, to talk about basically anything. Any time you're creating debate, I think, is the best way to start any revolution.”

    Her hopes are that other people will also speak up about aspects of their lives, and share their own stories.

    7 She Knows Fans Struggled To See Her Break Away From Her Sweet Disney Image

    Bella Thorne was the sweetheart of Disney, and many people were left feeling upset when she decided to leave her Shake It Up image behind. She spoke to ABC News about this, explaining that, years later, people still look at her and think, ""Please be that girl. Please be the girl with the long, nice, red hair that's blown out and the light lashes and the little bit of eyeliner and the little bit of a lip, but not too much 'cause you don't want to be too much, you want to be just enough.""

    6 She Had A Lot Of Pressure To Land Roles To Feed Her Family

    The loss of Bella Thorne's father was very hard on her family, not just emotionally, but also financially. The accident left her mother as the sole provider of four children, and according to Seventeen, the family lived on food stamps. Thorne realized she had to get a job because, as she told ABC News, they had nothing and “were very close to actually just literally being on the street.” She also spoke to Seventeen about this time in her childhood, saying,

    "I've never really talked about it. I wasn't hiding it, and it wasn't like, 'Oh, I'm embarrassed because we don't have money.' It was, 'Oh, we don't have money, so we're going to work that much harder.

    ' It was scary, though, because you really want those jobs.”

    5 She Has Acne But Is Okay With Getting Real About It

    People in the entertainment industry are often thought of as being flawless. They are impeccably groomed, with perfect skin, and a wardrobe everyone wants, but that's not always the reality of the situation, and Bella Thorne wants to show the world that she, like so many others, also has a common skin condition. She spoke about this with Forbes, revealing how her social media makes her more relatable because she shares so many different aspects of her life. She said,

    “I think one of the reasons that people follow me is because I think they're like, 'That's what my best friend does.

    That's what I do. I struggle with acne, just as she does.'”

    4 She's A Relationship Girl And An Absolute Romantic

    Bella Thorne is dating American rapper Mod Sun, and the two appear to be incredibly happy together. They make regular appearances on each other's Instagram feed, and are not shy to admit their love.

    It's great that Thorne has found someone who makes her so happy because she's an absolute romantic. In an interview with Harper's Bazaar, she stated she was a "relationship girl," and a complete romantic, and according to the publication she “regularly dreams of dating in an alternate reality.”

    3 She Once Had A Very Jealous Boyfriend But Learned From That

    The pressure of dating in public must take some getting used to, especially when you're in your teens and early twenties, and Bella Thorne has previously admitted it annoys her when her romances become the subject of tabloid fodder. She told Harper's Bazaar,

    "Even if I'm not dating somebody, even if we're just seen hanging out, he must be my boyfriend and we're moving in.”

    But she has also spoken about how a jealous relationship can affect you. "An ex of mine and I knew each other's phone passwords, and he was constantly going through my phone," she told Seventeen. "I learned not to do that because anything can be misread.”

    2 She Really Doesn't Party That Much, Not Like Scott Disick

    Bella Thorne was linked to Scott Disick a couple of years ago, but she told Complex there is a really big difference between the two of them. That difference is Disick's love of partying. She said, “Scott is really nice, sweet, charming. I don't drink, and he really drinks a lot. And it just ended. I just wasn't down. I was like, 'I got to leave.'

    We were [at Cannes] a day and a half before I was like, 'I'm booking my flight and leaving.'”

    She continued to explain that as much as she loves to dance and have fun, she doesn't like to “party hardcore like that.”

    1 She's Just Like The Rest Of Us And Doesn't Want To Be Judged

    Bella Thorne is refreshingly honest, and this can be seen by her approach to her social media and interviews. She wants people to understand who she is, and not judge her because she changed from the Disney kid they once knew. In an interview with Vogue, she made a thought-provoking comment about judging others. She said,

    "If you're sitting here judging me, which you are, everyone is, for one moment just try and stop.

    Maybe close your eyes, and open them again. What do you see now?"

    References: Teen Vogue, ABC News, Seventeen, Harper's Bazaar, The Wrap, Forbes, Daily Mail, Allure, Los Angeles Times, Vulture, Glamour, Mod Sun Instagram