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    Všetky články - Strana 1494

    15 Facts About Jessica Capshaw Only True 'Grey's Anatomy' Fans Know
    If you're a fan of Grey's Anatomy, chances are, you've heard by now that Jessica Capshaw's character Arizona Robbins will officially be leaving the show soon. We're never quite sure...
    15 Facts About Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet's Relationship
    When we think about couples we admire and look up to, many of us will think of people we're close to in real life, but also a few couples in...
    15 Facts About James Franco & Isabel Paksad's Relationship
    As we all know, relationships can be pretty difficult if you don't work at them. And that's just in the real world. Imagine attempting to keep a relationship together when...
    15 Fakty o Ian Somerhalderovi, ktorý z neho robí aj Dreamiera
    Ak je pre Iana Somerhaldera jedna vec, ktorú určite poznáte, je to, že je šialene horúci! Avšak pod doutnajúcim exteriérom je veľa, čo vás môže prekvapiť, a ak už nikdy...
    15 Facts About Hollywood's Most Captivating Couple John Krasinski And Emily Blunt
    Watching The Office, the chemistry between Jim Halpert (played by John Krasinski) and Pam Beesly (played by Jenna Fischer) is off the charts. As far as fictional couples go, they...
    15 Facts About Heidi Klum's Latest Love Match, Tom Kaulitz
    It's safe to say that Heidi Klum - the fashion designer, television producer, businesswoman, and German model - is a jack of all trades. But her talent and beauty aren't...
    15 Fakty o pití, ktoré ste pravdepodobne nevedeli
    Pitie do značnej miery má univerzálny účinok na nás všetkých. To zasiahne niektoré oblasti mozgu a robí nás chlad, cítiť sa šťastne a, úprimne povedané, môže nás zapnúť. Väčšina z...
    15 faktov o podvádzaní mužov Pravdepodobne neviete
    Moderný vzťah vyzerá veľmi odlišne od toho, čo poznali predchádzajúce generácie. Dnes sa zdá, že mnohé vzťahy sledujú určitý vzor: stretávate sa s láskou svojho života online, popierate existenciu vzťahu...