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    15 Facts About Jessica Capshaw Only True 'Grey's Anatomy' Fans Know

    If you're a fan of Grey's Anatomy, chances are, you've heard by now that Jessica Capshaw's character Arizona Robbins will officially be leaving the show soon. We're never quite sure exactly how Shonda makes the decision about which cast members will carry on for another season and which will end up leaving, whether it's solely from the creative team's minds or whether the actors and actresses express a desire to tackle new projects, but one thing is for sure - we're going to miss Arizona Robbins!

    Not only was Jessica Capshaw's portrayal of the character amazing, she was also just such an amazing character! She was complex yet always sunny and optimistic, she had a huge impact on other characters, from being Karev's mentor to being Callie's partner, she was super focused on her job but also an amazing mother… there's just so many facets to her character. We're super sad to see her go, but we have to admit, we're pretty curious to see what kind of projects Jessica will end up tackling next. In honor of Jessica Capshaw and Arizona Robbins, we've gathered 15 things you may not know about the gorgeous blonde powerhouse who brought your favorite character to life, season after season.

    15 She's Completely Obsessed With 'Game Of Thrones' (Who Isn't?)

    We're pretty sure everyone on the planet is utterly obsessed with Game of Thrones, and it turns out, Jessica Capshaw is no different! And, if you thought the number of deaths and tragedies on Grey's Anatomy were bad, well - Game of Thrones is in a class of its own when it comes to killing off beloved characters.

    It's always fascinating to hear about what celebrities do when they go home after a long day on set, and in Jessica Capshaw's case, the answer is apparently to grab some popcorn and put the latest episode of the drama on!

    She discussed her obsession with Us Magazine, saying that "I'm addicted to Game of Thrones. Watching Khaleesi has made my hair three shades lighter and my eyebrows three shades darker. Fingers crossed for a baby dragon this Christmas!" It's always interesting to see what shows celebrities love, because you know they end up running into the stars of their favourite shows on the red carpet while they're both there for events - we wonder if she's had the opportunity to chat with Emilia Clarke on the red carpet (although it may be tough to spot her without her trademark long platinum blonde Khaleesi locks!)

    14 Sandwiches Are Her Absolute Favourite Food

    Okay, we have to admit - we kind of assume that most actresses spend their days eating a lot of salads, greens, lean proteins, and that type of thing. Not everyone is on the low carb bandwagon, but most actresses don't exactly chow down on huge bowls of pasta on the regular or reach for the bread basket multiple times prior to the meal. After all, staying in shape is a big part of their job.

    However, it seems that Jessica Capshaw isn't the type to reach for a salad when she wants a good meal - apparently, as she told Us Magazine, "sandwiches are my favorite kind of food and I spend countless amounts of time perfecting their construction."

    And we have a feeling her obsession involves both sweet and savory sandwiches. While she might whip up some amazing sandwiches for lunch at craft services, she's also paid for an ice cream sandwich truck to come to set to deliver a treat for the cast and crew before (and shared a shot of herself enjoying one of the ice cream sandwiches on social media because why not?). After all, if you're a true sandwich aficionado, you don't discriminate between sweet and savory sandwiches - you just want one that's well-constructed with tasty fillings.

    13 She Has 10 Brothers And Sisters (Talk About A Big Family!)

    At this point in her life, Capshaw lives with her hubby and children, not her parents, but we have a feeling that things get pretty crazy over the holidays if the entire Capshaw family manages to get together. That's because Jessica confirmed to Us Magazine that she actually has 10 brothers and sisters - yes, 10! Talk about a big family! It's a blended family, with siblings coming from unions between her mom, dad, and stepdad, some biological and some adopted but still - family is family!

    Especially now that the siblings are at an age where they're starting their own families and having children, that holiday table is only going to continue to grow year by year!

    Of course, we're not exactly sure what kind of schedule all her siblings have - they may be too busy to come together, even for the holidays - but it's kind of nice that she has such a large support system if she needs it. Plus, it likely gives her some major insight if she's playing a character with a big family, or playing a role where family dynamics have a big impact - she has some major experience in that camp that she can draw upon. We can't even imagine the chaos that must have gone on growing up!

    12 She Has Some Majorly Famous Parents

    When she decided that she wanted to pursue acting as a career, Jessica Capshaw didn't have to do too much explaining to her parents - since they have involved in the entertainment industry themselves, they totally understood. Her mother, Kate Capshaw, is also a famous actress who has appeared in many projects throughout her career.

    So, she likely was a great source of advice and insight when Jessica was starting out - and she probably had a better idea of what exactly Hollywood entailed than an aspiring actress who was new to the industry, having just arrived from a small town the Midwest. And, as if that weren't enough, her mother ended up falling for a pretty big name director - Steven Spielberg. That's right - Steven Spielberg is Jessica Capshaw's stepdad. So, she's basically Hollywood royalty.

    Obviously, she managed to get her roles on her own merit, not because of who her parents were, but still - talk about a cool family! We wonder if the discussion around the dinner table during family gatherings revolves almost entirely around the entertainment industry, or whether they avoid 'talking shop' entirely since it's a world they're all in. Either way, it's pretty wild to have one of the biggest directors in the world as your stepdad!

    11 She Studied Her Craft At RADA (The Royal Academy Of Dramatic Art) In London

    Jessica Capshaw consistently amazes us with the skill she brings to any role she plays on screen, and part of the reason is that she's been flawlessly trained. She didn't just attend a few acting classes in Los Angeles in her younger years - according to Wetpaint, Capshaw actually spent some time at the RADA - the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in England.

    Yes, Capshaw attended the same place where countless amazing British actors, including Anthony Hopkins, train to be ready for any role and to tackle the stage.

    Obviously, there are plenty of actors and actresses who managed to build a successful career with just their natural ability and very little actual training, but it never hurts to work on your craft. Especially if you tackle a role that's a bit trickier, we imagine it's immensely useful to have some RADA training to draw upon while you're grappling with exactly how to portray your character on screen. Plus, Jessica Capshaw can brag that she's studied where countless British legends studied back in the day, which is kind of cool - RADA is legit, and not just anyone manages to secure a spot there, so it speaks volumes of her talent even in her younger years.

    10 She Studied In Florence During College

    Okay, talk about well educated - in addition to spending some time at RADA working on her acting, Jessica Capshaw also went to Brown University. Impressive! And, while she was at Brown, she had the opportunity to spend some time studying in Florence, Italy - and obviously, when you have the chance to study in Italy, you snatch it up immediately!

    She spilled about her experience to Us Magazine, saying that during her studies in Florence she "became fluent in Italian," although the years since have erased some of her knowledge because she is "not currently fluent in Italian. Molto not bueno." She likely hasn't spent too much time travelling to promote her projects over the past few years, since she was a regular on a television show, but now that she'll be a free agent again, who knows - perhaps she'll take a break from the world of television and head to the silver screen. She may even revisit Florence again on a press tour promoting a project - perhaps she can brush up on her Italian and get that fluency back so her Italian is just as bueno as it was back in her college days. Or, maybe just take a vacation now that she has a bit of a break!

    9 She And Her Hubby Have Four Children

    Honestly, we don't know how this woman does it. Being a part of a television show is no small feat - the days are long, and she's required to memorize scripts for each episode, every week. It's a pretty crazy pace, and it requires a lot of focus and dedication to pull it off. And, unlike some other actors and actresses who can just come home after a long day on set and relax, Capshaw has a whole different set of responsibilities when she comes home - she's a mom! And, not just a mom of one - a mom of four growing, busy children who are likely running around the house and bursting with energy.

    She has three daughters - Eve, Poppy and Josephine, and a son, Luke.

    Her eldest child was born in 2007, which means he's finally entering double digits, and her youngest was born back in 2016, so she's still just a toddler. We're tired even just thinking about it! However, her posts on social media prove time and time again that she absolutely loves her family and makes sure to prioritize them, even with a busy work schedule. I mean, the matching shirts they donned for this photo are just too adorable for words.

    8 She's Married To The Honest Company Co-Founder, Christopher Gavigan

    Fans of the show know all about Arizona's tumultuous relationship with Callie Torres, but in real life, Jessica Capshaw has a far more solid and stable relationship. And no, she's not married to someone else in Hollywood - her hubby, Christopher Gavigan, is an entrepreneur and the co-founder and Chief Purpose Officer of the Honest Company. The name might ring a few bells - yes, it's the company that actress Jessica Alba helped co-found. That means that Jessica Capshaw has probably spent a whole lot of time with fellow actress and fellow mom Jessica Alba, as she and Gavigan worked on the company.

    Still, it's a pretty cool organization to be a part of, and particularly since she's a mom herself, we have a feeling Capshaw is totally supportive of her spouse's business. While it's always possible for relationships to work between actors, we have to admit, it's probably nice to have a partner who works in an entirely different world than you - it probably helps balance things a little bit more. Plus, if both partners are working long days on set, it becomes a lot harder to make the time to raise four busy children - it's probably much easier to balance schedules when their schedules are a lot different.

    7 She Has A Soft Spot For Denim Short-Shorts

    Jessica Capshaw's style when she's not on the red carpet or being photographed for a magazine seems to be pretty casual. Her social media accounts show her wearing a lot of jeans and tees, and just simple outfits. However, there is one particular piece of clothing that she has a bit of a soft spot for - jean shorts.

    She dished about her guilty pleasure to Yahoo, saying that "I never wore maternity clothes [during pregnancy], except for a couple pairs of - yes, it's true - jean shorts that I wore where I swear the inseam was like half an inch. It was embarrassing. I like myself a pair of jean shorts. I just did a recent purging of my closet and I'm not gonna lie, there were probably five to six one-inch if not half-inch inseam denim shorts that had to go. I really felt like maybe it was time. Maybe they have just run their course in my life."

    We would never have guessed!

    It's definitely normal for your style to evolve a bit over the years, but we have a feeling Jess still looks absolutely amazing in those shorts.

    If she ever decided to rock them again, we'd totally love it.

    6 She's Super Thankful For Shonda Rhimes' Attitude Towards Working Moms

    Hollywood is a demanding place, and being on set often involves a demanding schedule, so it can't be easy to be a mom in that industry - especially a mom of four children! However, Capshaw has admitted that she's been really fortunate to work with Shonda Rhimes and that it's made her work-life balance so much easier.

    She discussed the issue with Yahoo, saying that "she [Shonda] is amazing. She understands that every mom is going to need something different. And what she's been so great about is she goes to the person and says, 'what do you want? What do you need? What would make this transition and being a mom good for you in this way?' She's a godsend, and she's in the earned position where she has quite a bit of power and she commands attention and understanding from people. And she's able to say 'this needs to be looked at ' to the powers that be that might not have been keen on expanding options for maternity leave and childcare. And I think that's an incredible thing." We do too - what an amazing boss to work for!

    Shonda Rhimes, you're a total treasure, and we can't imagine Hollywood without you in it!

    5 She Follows The Tracy Anderson Method

    We have to admit, one of the things we're most curious about for every actress is how exactly they stay in such amazing shape. Yes, it's part of their job, but still, it can't be easy - they have long days on set, constant access to craft services, and busy lives. Well, in Jessica Capshaw's case, it's all about one particular trainer. She spilled her fitness secrets to Us Magazine, saying that "I won't run unless chased, so I dance. The Tracy Anderson Method is the way to go for me. If I had it my way, I'd go five times a week." Uh, be right back, we're racing to buy every single Tracy Anderson DVD so that we can look like Jessica Capshaw!

    You likely recognize the celeb trainer's name because countless stars are fans, including Gwyneth Paltrow back in the day.

    Plus, let's be honest - doesn't dancing your way to an amazing physique sound a whole lot more fun than just sweating for hours on weight machines and cardio machines at the gym? Everyone loves to dance! We wonder if Capshaw has turned any of her former co-stars on to Tracy Anderson - maybe once she's left the show, they can still catch up at workout classes from time to time.

    4 She Can Master Any Accent Except An Aussie One

    We have to admit, we're constantly astounded at the way that actors and actresses can so flawlessly put on an accent for certain characters. And the Grey's Anatomy cast and crew know that very, very well - several of the stars, including Kevin McKidd and Camilla Luddington, aren't American, and have completely different accents in real life. While Capshaw didn't have to work in an accent as Arizona Robbins, she told Us Magazine that she can, in fact, do many different accents.

    However, there's one that always seems to give her trouble - the Aussie accent. "I cannot for the life of me master the Aussie one," she admitted. "Doesn't stop Camilla [Luddington], who has a perfect accent, from trying to help me slash make fun of me." Hey, we don't blame Capshaw - we can't even imagine how difficult it must be to master an accent to the point where your audience completely believes you're from wherever the accent originates. Who knows, maybe all that on-set training will come in handy one day if she gets a role where she's supposed to use an Aussie accent (or maybe she can just call up Camilla for a few extra tips in that case!).

    3 She Apparently Does A Mean Cher Impression

    Okay, there are so many things about Jessica Capshaw that we just didn't know about, including this juicy tidbit! Apparently, as she told Us Magazine, "I do a mean Cher impression to her song 'If I Could Turn Back Time.'" Literally, all we want right now is a video clip of Jessica Capshaw totally slaying Cher. We're not sure if this is something she discovered while singing along to the song when it came on the radio, if it was something from back in her younger years that she mastered, or if it's just a party trick she has in her back pocket for when she needs to amp up the atmosphere.

    Either way, it's kind of a funny claim to fame, and we totally dig it.

    It's always so fantastic when actresses don't take themselves too seriously and are okay with having a little fun - after all, life is short, why not bust out your Cher impression from time to time?

    Who knows, maybe Jessica Capshaw will be tapped to appear on Lip Sync Battle one of these days, and she can do a live version of the Cher classic - with a guest appearance from Cher herself, obviously. We'd absolutely love to see that!

    2 She's Super Competitive

    Jessica Capshaw may seem like a very kind, sweet person, but don't be fooled - when it comes down to competing in a game of some sort, there's no more Mr. Nice Guy! The claws definitely come out in a competitive setting. She told Us Magazine that "I'm competitive! Don't play me in ping-pong because even if I don't get the most points, I will find a way to win the game." Noted!

    We wonder just how many Grey's Anatomy cast members saw the competitive side of Capshaw while they were passing time between filming. Perhaps Shonda had to take the ping pong table and chess boards and any other games out of everyone's trailers because Jess just couldn't handle the competition. Wouldn't that be hilarious? Still, that's a great trait to have in Hollywood - it's a town where you definitely need to believe in yourself, so the fact that Jess is competitive in everything means she's probably just as competitive when it comes to going after the roles she wants, which will only help her career in the long run. Perhaps it's best if she stays away from the ping pong tables, though - that seems like a disaster waiting to happen!

    1 She Had A Crush On Michael J. Fox Growing Up

    At this point in her life, Jessica Capshaw is kind of past her crush stage. Sure, she may work around actors who the rest of the world is totally crushing on (especially Jesse Williams!), but she's a happily married mom who is head over heels in love with her hubby. However, that doesn't mean she never had a crush - back when she was younger, she confessed to Us Magazine, she had a huge crush on Michael J. Fox. I mean, the man could travel back in time (or, well, his character could) - what's not to love about that?

    She admitted that she really loves funny men, which kind of makes us wonder what her hubby is like.

    We don't get too much of a glimpse of his personality since he's more involved in the business world, but maybe in private, at home, he's cracking her up on a regular basis. That would definitely explain why she always seems so happy! We wonder if she ever admitted her childhood crush to Michael J. Fox all these years later. I mean, surely she's run into him on the red carpet once or twice over the years. It would definitely make a hilarious icebreaker.

    References: usmagazine.com, yahoo.com, wetpaint.com