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    zábava - Strana 168

    20 Storylines From That '70s Show That Wouldn't Fly Today
    When That '70s Show premiered in 1998 it was a groundbreaking sitcom. The majority of successful sitcoms at the time focused on either the lives of adults in the 90s...
    20 Storylines From Teen Drama One Tree Hill That Would Never Fly Today
    One Tree Hill was a hugely popular show and still receives acclaim despite the fact that it had some pretty crazy storylines over the years. Teen dramas will always be...
    20 Hviezd, ktorí vlastne chodili pred tým, než boli slávni
    Je ľahké zabudnúť, že predtým, ako boli slávni, boli celebrity rovnako ako vy a ja - žili svoj život, dospievali a zamilovali sa. Prechádzali rôznymi vzťahmi a niekedy sa stretávali...
    20 hviezd z 90. rokov, kde sú teraz?
    Vyrastať v 90. rokoch, nikdy sme nechceli, aby zábava skončila. Ak by sme nemali hrať s Pokemon obchodnými kartami alebo počúvať pásku v našom Walkmani, potom sme dohonili naše obľúbené...
    20 Smart and Hilarious Moments from 'The Office' Most Fans Overlooked
    The hallmark of a great television show lies in its ability to hold up on multiple re-watches. Do the plotlines still work? Do the characters still matter? Are the jokes...
    20 znakov je v dlhodobom vzťahu s ňou (ale ona nie je jedna)
    Príde čas v každom vzťahu, kde sa zdá, že páry si kolektívne oddýchnu, keď si obaja členovia dua uvedomia, že nemusia vykonávať rituály „skorého“ vzťahu; Vaša bae sa už nezdá,...
    20 Serious Celeb Couples Who Actually Didn't Even Live Together
    In a traditional relationship, an individual usually wants to see their partner as much as possible. As the relationship evolves and grows more serious, some couples opt to move in...
    20 Secrets Ellen DeGeneres Made Celebs Spill (That We'd Otherwise Never Know)
    "Is Kylie craving things yet?" No words for the #Awkward that Khloe Kardashian found herself in after she appeared on The Ellen Show to discuss her own pregnancy. It's called...