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    20 Smart and Hilarious Moments from 'The Office' Most Fans Overlooked

    The hallmark of a great television show lies in its ability to hold up on multiple re-watches. Do the plotlines still work? Do the characters still matter? Are the jokes still funny?

    Holding up on re-watch is a feat sadly unachievable by most television programs. But, 'The Office,' is not most television programs. In fact, by that particular measure, 'The Office' just might be the greatest television show of all time.

    Actually, no.


    'The Office' is the greatest television show of all time.

    Other network shows can try, but they'll never leave audiences smiling and satisfied like 'The Office.'

    (That's what she said.)

    I have a theory that if Netflix were to ever release its super-secret user data, it would probably show that a not-insignificant segment of their subscribers utilizes the service primarily to watch 'The Office' on a continuous loop. 'The Office' is seriously that good! Each time you watch, you can find some new, small detail that you never noticed before.

    To that end, the writers and producers of 'The Office,' are among the best in business. The show was clearly very lovingly crafted and filled with so many extremely smart and hilarious moments that it is impossible to catch them all in just one straight viewing.

    Not many television shows demand multiple binge viewings, but 'The Office' is a clear exception. Binge it thoroughly. Binge it repeatedly. And while you're at it, binge on this list of 20 Extremely Smart and Hilarious Moments from 'The Office.'

    20 Every 'Office' Character's Entry on Pam's New Years Resolution Board Is An Absolute Thing Of Beauty

    When a newly-promoted Pam Halpert got the idea (from Sue, the Office Administrator at Vance Refrigeration, of course) to create a New Year's Resolution Board for the employees of Dunder Mifflin Scranton Branch, she probably should have expected this bit of self-reflection to go completely and utterly off the rails.

    Here are some of the best resolutions we didn't get to see before the Resolution board ended up in a dumpster.

    Stanley: Be a better husband and boyfriend

    Kelly: Get more attention by any means necessary

    Gabe: Be less squeamish around people's dogs and babies

    19 Dwight Schrute's Emergency Organizational Chart Reveals Very Interesting Details About His 'Office' Coworkers

    When Michael Scott turns to Dwight Schrute for a way to discipline an insubordinate Stanley Hudson, the branch's No. 2 delivers an organizational chart that is truly one for the ages.

    It has notations for everything including his coworkers' ethnic backgrounds (Stanley, Darryl and Lonnie The Sea Monster all have Black Power fists next to their names) and orientations (Hello, Oscar Martinez!).

    It even has a “Menstruation Legend” to track the women of Dunder Mifflin Scranton's cycles, excluding a post-menopausal Phyllis Lapin-Vance and Meredith Palmer, who had her uterus removed (or at least she got time off for it).

    18 The Teapot Jim Gives Pam For Christmas in Season 2 Makes A Cameo Appearance in The Finer Things Episode of Season 4

    Play some Vivaldi and pretend you're in The Finer Things Club - the most exclusive club at the Scranton Branch. Founders Pam Beesly, Oscar Martinez and Toby Flenderson meet monthly to discuss books and art in a very refined cultural celebration with “no paper, no plastic and no work talk.” No wonder Oscar and Toby were dead-set against letting Pam's boyfriend, Jim Halpert join. He totally monopolizes the conversation by trying to be funny. That's lame. But seeing the teapot he got Pam for Christmas back in season two at the Finer Things table? That is some sweet attention to detail.

    17 If It Doesn't Make The Dunder Mifflin Newsletter, Did It Even Really Happen?

    'The Office' creators showed an amazing commitment to detail. Little touches, like actual mockups of the Dunder Mifflin Newsletter make “The Office” one of the greatest shows of all time.

    Highlights from the accompanying dummy text:

    “Hopefully, you will find a lot of useless information contained herein that will help you do your job better, faster and quicker and cheaper and happier.”

    “As anyone can easily tell, this newsletter doesn't really have a lot to say. It's really just a prop to fill some space and sort of look like a newsletter without being much of a newsletter at all.”

    16 Jim Halpert Signs 'John Krasinski' on Meredith's Pelvis Cast

    It ain't easy being Meredith Palmer. Her co-workers think she's an alcoholic, even though she's just a party girl getting her PhD. Dwight Schrute trapped a bat on her head. Michael Scott negligently ran over her in the office parking lot. Oh, and she contracted rabies after being bit by a rat and a raccoon (separate occasions). So, when she singled out office hottie Jim Halpert to sign her pelvis cast, well, that was just Meredith living her best life. Take a closer look at the signature. Turns out, actor John Krasinski signed his real name on Meredith's pelvis cast.

    15 Michael Scott Really Did Frame His Relationship Agreement With Jan

    Michael Scott and Jan Levenson's relationship timeline is messy. Does it start from the first time they shook hands? The first time they kissed? The first time they kissed sober? It's all a blur, but the only thing that really matters is that Michael loved Jan before she could bring herself to acknowledge that she was dating her subordinate. So, it makes sense that Michael would refer to the HR-mandated relationship disclosure form as a “Love Contract” and vow to get his framed. When Michael reveals the document in 'The Deposition,' it turns out, he really did get it framed.

    14 Michael Scott Motivates His Employees At The Michael Scott Paper Company With An Amazing Quote That He Definitely Thought Of Himself

    Michael Scott is a very creative guy. When he was five, he imagined a unicorn - even though he'd never seen or heard of one before. As an adult, he directed the greatest advertisement to never air in the local Scranton market. And when he parted ways with Dunder Mifflin to launch a startup, he gave it an incredibly creative and marketable name: The Michael Scott Paper Company. Being a creative guy, Michael motivated his only two employees, Pam Beesly and Ryan Howard, with a clutch quote that he definitely thought of himself and didn't crib from hockey legend, Wayne Gretzky.

    13 Michael Scott Hangs His Seiko Certificate Of Authenticity On His Office Wall

    No, Michael Scott didn't go to business school. But you know who else didn't go to business school? Lebron James, Tracy McGrady, Kobe Bryant. All those guys went straight from high school right into the NBA. Besides, he didn't need to attend some stuffy business school to know the No. 2 Rule of Business: Adapt. React. Re-Adapt. So, no. Michael Scott doesn't have a fancy diploma from a fancy school to hang on his office wall. He doesn't need it. Instead, he has a framed Certificate of Authenticity recognizing Michael Scott is the proud owner of a Quality Seyko timepiece.

    12 "Creed Bratton" Caught Dining and Dashing Twice

    “Creed Bratton,” if that is his real name, is a pretty sketchy guy. He's been involved with a number of cults, both as a leader and a follower. He's never gone bankrupt, instead of transferring his debt to someone named “William Charles Schneider.” And he is a raging kleptomaniac, stealing everything from poker chips at Casino Night to cash from a sympathy card meant for Debbie Brown at the paper mill. According to Creed, “it's just something he does.” No wonder his picture ended up on the wall of shame at a local Chinese restaurant. Twice. Check out that wig, though…

    11 Speaking of "Creed Bratton," He Was The Only One Who Knew What Happened To All Of The Printer Ink

    When Ryan Howard got promoted to corporate, he came up with the big idea to make Dunder Mifflin sleeker, faster, and younger. Naturally, talk of skewing younger sparked anxiety amongst the Scranton branch's aging contingent, most notably “Creed Bratton,” who took his concerns to Michael Scott. Michael's solution? A conference room meeting on Age Discrimination complete with pictures of elderly figures in pop culture and… Tom Hanks in Big? Michael's plan to print more relevant picture was foiled by a 29-year old “Creed Bratton,” who used all of the printer's ink to fake a Just For Men-style dye job.

    10 Michael Scott Never Got His Plasma TV Fixed After Jan Threw A Dundie At It In The 'Dinner Party' Episode

    Michael Scott's relationship with former Dunder Mifflin executive Jan Levenson was rife with manic highs and lows (mostly lows). Michael emailed a topless picture of Jan to the entire company listserv. Jan introduced Michael's secret diary as evidence in her wrongful termination proceedings against the Dunder Mifflin. Their relationship finally imploded when Jan threw a Dundie at Michael's $200 plasma TV in a fit of rage during a very uncomfortable dinner party. Apparently, she couldn't pay him back on her zero dollars a year salary plus benefits because a later episode shows a new TV sitting under the still-busted Plasma.

    9 Michael Scott Still Keeps His George Foreman Grill Near His Bed

    Michael Scott is nothing if not consistent. He enjoys waking up to the smell of bacon. Every night he lays out six strips of bacon on a George Foreman Grill ™ that he keeps bedside. That way, each morning greets him with the delectable smell of bacon. Michael is also nothing if not resilient. Despite suffering a debilitating foot injury when he accidentally stepped on the Foreman, Michael still keeps the grill by his bed. At least, he (or, more likely, his live-in girlfriend Jan Levenson) seems to have the good sense to keep it up on an end table.

    8 The Cute Waitresses That Michael And Andy Flirt With At Benihana Are Definitely Not The Same Ones They Brought To The Office Christmas Party

    When Andy Bernard got the bright idea to take a heartbroken Michael Scott to Benihana, the pair flirted with a cute waitress named Cindy. Cindy was a competent waitress, and in doing her job, managed to take Michael's mind off of his most recent ex-girlfriend, Carol. When Andy got the even brighter idea to invite Cindy and her equally adorable coworker to the Dunder Mifflin office Christmas party, Michael agreed, but the women they ended up bringing to the party were definitely not Cindy and her friend. Definitely. Michael and Andy were completely oblivious to the switcheroo.

    7 The Infamous Clown Painting From Jim's Parents' House Shows Up In The Warehouse

    Jim Halpert is truly the ideal son and husband. Buying the house that he grew up in was an amazing twofer. Jim got to help his parents retire and give new fiancée Pam Beesly the gift of home ownership. Sure, the gift of home ownership came with shag carpets, wood paneling and a painting of some creepy clowns that was apparently crucial to the building's integrity. But the Halperts figured out a way to remove the clown painting without bringing the entire house down because the unsettling work of art showed up at the warehouse garage sale in season seven.

    6 Chili's Lifted Pam's Permanent Ban!

    According to Small Businessman Man Magazine, Chili's is the new golf course. It's where business happens. So, Chili's was the perfect venue for the Dundies. Unfortunately, it is also where Pam Beesely found herself on the receiving end of a permanent ban from the southwestern-themed restaurant and former purveyor of the Awesome Blossom. Chili's has a strict policy against overserving alcohol to its customers, but Pam found a loophole by sneaking drinks off other people's tables. It only took twelve years, but Chili's finally lifted Pam's permanent ban. Welcome back to Chili's, Pam! Just take it easy. No “Second drinks.”

    5 Jim Hires The Same Dancer For Bob Vance and Dwight Schrute's Bachelor Parties

    Dunder Mifflin might be Elizabeth The Stripper's best client. The Scranton-area paper supplier certainly keeps her busy. She made her first appearance at the bachelor party for Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration, where she gave Michael Scott an extremely awkward lap dance. (She smelled like Tide detergent if anyone was wondering.) She also turned up in the finale where a confused Dwight Schrute mistook her for a very affectionate but otherwise inept waitress. And somehow, she managed to graduate nursing school and was on-hand to accept a giant check made out to Science at Michael's Fun Run to cure for rabies.

    4 Andy Tries To Impress Newly-Appointed Regional Manager Dwight Schrute By Wearing Short Sleeves

    If we know one thing about Andy Bernard, it's that he is the consummate Yes Man. Probably something to do with his wealthy, WASP-y parents withholding affection when he was but a Nard Pup. Quite a shame. In any case, personality mirroring is Andy's go-to survival strategy in most work-related situations. He positively overwhelmed former boss Michael Scott with the intensity of his friendship, but when Dwight Schrute was temporarily appointed Regional Manager, Andy took a more subtle approach. If those short sleeves don't launch the Nard Dog straight to the position of Assistant to The Regional Manager, nothing will.

    3 Michael Scott Celebrates St. Patrick's Day With An Italian Flag

    Michael Scott is a very well-traveled guy. An international jet-setter. He's even been to, how do you say, Canada. It was, how do you say, an excellent diplomatic trip. So, of course, when it comes to celebrating international traditions, Michael Scott does it with, how do you say, tremendous respect and, how do you say, a certain je ne sais quois. For instance, take his office St. Patrick's Day decorations. Only an unsophisticated bumpkin would make the mistake of displaying the similarly-colored Italian flag instead of the correct Irish flag. And Michael Scott is definitely not an unsophisticated country bumpkin.

    2 Dunder Mifflin: Rain Forest Harvester's Association Winner

    Turns out that the Dundies were not the only major awards that got doled out at Dunder Mifflin. Apparently, the Scranton-area paper supplier was recognized by the Rain Forest Harvester's Association for its prestigious One Million Trees Cut award. Let us extend our deepest congratulations to the dedicated Dunder Mifflin employees who made this award happen. From Meredith Palmer in Supplier Relations and “Creed Bratton” in Quality Assurance to the sales team of Jim Halpert, Stanley Hudson, Phyllis Lapin-Vance and top company salesman Dwight Schrute, it was truly a victory to be shared among the entire Dunder Mifflin Scranton family.

    1 Schrute Farms Actually Has Pretty Good Reviews On TripAdvisor

    Let's say that you're planning a very romantic weekend getaway for you and the Receptionist for whom you've held a torch for years and finally managed to start dating. Where do you take her? The Embassy Beets? The Beets Motel? Maybe The Radish Inn? False. Schrute Farms is the only acceptable answer. Dwight Schrute's 60-acre beet farm and Bed & Breakfast has been getting pretty great reviews on TripAdvisor. Get the most out of your trip to Pennsylvania farm country and request a bedtime story at check-in. And if you have your choice of themed rooms, “Irrigation,” is highly recommended.

    References: reddit.com, imgur.com, theofficeisms.com, Theoffice.wikia.com, pinterest.com tripadvisor.com