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    Kardashi-What? 20 Celebs Who Are Coming For Their Crowns

    It's no surprise that the Kardashians have been on top for ages now. These women (and Rob) know how to pose, post, perform, and engage with their audiences and followers across any number of social media platforms.

    It seems like the Kardashian family has had nothing but success over the years, but that doesn't mean the clan is immune to a downfall. After all, sometimes business ventures don't work out.

    While Kylie's makeup empire is booming, Rob Kardashian recently ended up selling his sock line back to Kris Jenner, according to the little birdies known as Cosmopolitan. Is this the first in one long line of Kardashian comedowns? We're not sure. It's hard to fall from such a high pedestal, but definitely not impossible.

    We've noticed that there are quite a few superstars out there who are coming for the Kardashian crown, regardless of if they're still wearing it or not. These are the rising stars who know how to tease the tabloids, strut the streets, and pose for a post that will definitely go viral.

    From models to media influencers, these are the 20 up and coming celebrities that might just become the next Kardashians; with all the fame, influence, and power that that includes.

    20 Sofia Richie Is Keeping The Kardashians Close

    It's hard to ignore the beautiful Sofia Richie. Open up any newsfeed and we're sure to see at least one headline discussing the complex relationship between Scott Disick, Kourtney Kardashian, and Sofia Richie. InTouch says that they're still going strong(ish). A sweet model and a lovely woman, this blonde might just have succeeded in working her way up to the top.

    Being connected to a Kardashian, even when the press is so mixed, can sometimes have a great effect on the visibility of a young model.

    While Richie has been in the game for a while now, we know that we only recently learned of her name after that stint with Bieber that DailyMail reminded us of.

    19 Hailey Baldwin (AKA Hailey Bieber) Is Always On Our Feeds

    We're sure that everyone knows this woman's name. For those that don't, a quick Google search reveals that she's the daughter of the famous Stephen Baldwin. It's not that she was born into the spotlight, though; we've seen her in modeling campaigns for ages now, and she's supposedly been friends with Kendall and Kylie for about the same about of time. Not to mention her recent marriage to Justin Bieber, as reported by ETCanada. With fame, fortune, and a whole future ahead of her, we think that Hailey Baldwin is likely to surpass the Kardashians in terms of influence and power. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but definitely one day.

    18 Kamilla Osman Is The Top Kim K Lookalike In Our Books

    No, that's not young Kim Kardashian, although it looks remarkably close. While we hadn't heard of Osman by name before, it seems like she's got more of a connection to Kim K than the hair, face, and attitude. According to the New York Post, this social media influencer and Kardashian lookalike was actually used to try and make Kim a little bit jealous! New York Post also reports that she was dating Tyga for a while as well. If that's the case, we can't believe how confusing it might have been. Looking like a partner's ex is one thing, but looking like the clone of your partner's ex's sister? Our heads are already spinning!

    17 Yara Shahidi Is Using Her Powers For Good

    Not sure who Yara Shahidi is? We're sure that she'll become a household name soon enough. Insider has her listed on their list of 40 young stars who will eventually rule Hollywood, and we'd definitely believe it. People might recognize Shahidi from her role on Black-ish, as Insider reminds us, a show that has definitely taken the world by storm.

    The real reason we think everyone is going to know her?

    The fact that she's outspoken and confident and isn't afraid to break down stereotypes or hurtful media representations. This superwoman is definitely green, but she's got an only-upwards trajectory.

    16 The Hadids Might Just Be The Next Big Sister Pair

    We've spent a lot of time with the single stars, but there's no denying that the Kardashian/Jenners are such a powerful group partially due to their familial bond. The fact that all of these sisters are all so gorgeous gives them a huge edge over other up-and-coming stars. After all, two gorgeous sisters make for a better selfie than one, right?

    There's one pair that's vying for that sisterly spot, though, and those are the Hadids.

    Supposedly running in the same circle as Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin, the Hadid sisters might just be big enough names to knock the Kardashian/Jenner family out of the top influencer spot.

    15 Chloe Grace Moretz's Name Is On Our List Of Celebrities To Listen To

    This young actress has recently gotten our attention by her work in a few Netflix releases. Business Insider has listed her as one of the young stars to watch in the coming years. With a keep-it-real attitude and a consistently growing social media following, we're willing to bet that Chloe Grace Moretz will become even more influential than she already is. The next few years will reveal exactly where she might be heading. We're excited to watch! Not to mention the fact that she's got a whole lot of smarts, and even more talent. She's definitely set for the future, even if she's never quite at that Kim K level.

    14 Ariana Grande's Had A Big Year, With Much More To Come

    Ariana Grande has had a such a whirlwind of a year that we almost feel bad bringing it all up again. We'll just say this: when someone can go through what Grande's gone through and still comes out on top with their head held high, we'd call that a major success story.

    While the Kardashians might be great at those social media moments, Ariana Grande is great at the socializing itself.

    She's got viral comments on lock, and totally knows how to get the whole world saying “thank u, next." When was the last time the Kardashians had such a prolific quote?

    13 Desi Perkins Is An Influencer Extraordinaire

    Self-made millionaires don't just come in the Kylie Jenner form. While Desi Perkins is beautiful, she's also got a lot of heart, hustle, and brains inside that well-crafted head of hers. Daily Dot has said that she's one of the biggest lifestyle, makeup, and fashion influencers out there right now, and we're inclined to agree. Perkins has built what's quickly becoming an empire through her YouTube videos and social media presence. She's even working in real life now, building her modeling presence from the ground up. Beauty and fashion might be what her vlogs focus on, but we're willing to bet she's also got a lot to say about business as well.

    12 Cardi B's Media Frenzy Has Us Feeling Like She's The Next Big Thing

    Cardi B won't let a feud keep her down. After a stunning performance at Coachella, Cardi B has skyrocketed off the charts and into our hearts.

    We've seen her get her perfectly manicured nails into everything from a Fashion Nova clothing line to good old-fashioned motherhood.

    She's rocking all of it too. While we don't believe she's ever feuded with the Kardashian/Jenners, Vox has outlined the feud that had been bubbling with Nicki Minaj. Is it over yet? Time will tell. While it might not have been the best press, we're sure that it's going to push the two of them even further into the spotlight.

    11 Alexis Ren Is A Big Name In The Social Media Modeling Sphere

    If we want something, there's nothing stopping us from achieving it. Alexis Ren has taught us that recently with her cool, calm, and consistent rise to fame. The Daily Dot says that she currently boasts 11.7 million followers, seemingly just through her social media presence. Is it possible to gain so much success from posting photos and posing for handcrafted modeling shoots? Apparently, yes! Ren wasn't born into a famous family, but she's crafted a following that would rival any Kardashian or Jenner. In the social media age, it really is possible for anyone to be a star. Alexis Ren is proving that through her handcrafted influencer profession!

    10 Ever Since One Direction Harry Styles Has Gotten Bigger And Bigger

    Who thought that the X-Factor would have given us our new favorite celebrity to fawn over? Harry Styles, according to Insider, has been making big waves ever since the One Direction days. While the world might have shed a collective tear when they broke up, we couldn't despair for too long. Harry Styles released a solo album and all of a sudden the world was reinvigorated by his style. He's definitely going to become bigger than the Kardashians. We're not sure if he's done any official modeling yet, but with a face like that it's no doubt coming. We're also glad that he not only uses his influence for fame but also to support some amazing human rights organizations.

    9 Selena Gomez Will Always Top Follower Charts

    Another pop sensation, actor, and all-around goddess that has been through a lot over the last few years is Selena Gomez. This powerhouse of a performer feels like she's grown up with us. From her Disney days all the way until now, Gomez is proof that staying committed can truly make your professional life soar.

    Insider lists Selena as one of the most followed people, which is a huge feat considering how wide and far-reaching the social media sphere is.

    Plus, we're willing to bet that the new music she's coming out with will just serve to place her even more firmly in the most-loved star division.

    8 Emily Ratajkowski Has The Feed The Kardashians Dream Of

    Emily Ratajkowski might look familiar if anybody watched the "Blurred Lines" video. While she was climbing her way to the top of the modeling industry before that, the iconic level of that video was part of the reason she was truly launched into the stratosphere of popularity. According to the Daily Dot she has 16.4 million followers. Sure, it's a mere fraction of the 120 million that Kim Kardashian has; but Emily Ratajkowski's fame is only just starting to really bubble. She's been more popular now than ever before. We believe that it's just a matter of time before she starts to take over.

    7 Ezra Miller Is Our New Celebrity Crush

    Spoiler alert: Ezra Miller was our favorite part of the Fantastic Beasts movies, and we're only going to go watch the upcoming ones if he continues to be in them. Miller is truly the turning point in Hollywood right now.

    He's unapologetically himself, which will ultimately get him more love and appreciation than any number of makeup empires or selfies.

    Plus, his acting is spot-on. With all-around talent and something very important to say, Ezra Miller's existence is exactly what this world needs. He's a far cry from a Kardashian, but maybe that's a good thing.

    6 The Megan Fox Carbon-Copy Claudia Alende Is Making Her Name Known

    In an interview with Money Inc. Claudia Alende reportedly said that being a Megan Fox lookalike, “definitely helped in the beginning, but nowadays I have moved past it and want to be recognized as 'Claudia'.” We can't blame her.

    The same interview lists her as having 8 million social media followers, but we did some snooping and found that that number has since grown to 10 million.

    For a woman on the up and up, this is great news. While we can't say with confidence if she's going to surpass those Kardashian/Jenners soon, we do know that she's living her dream. The worldwide influence can come later.

    5 Cara Delevingne's Skyrocketed To The Top

    We can't spell her last name without double checking, but that doesn't take away how iconic she is. Cara Delevingne has quickly become one of the biggest names in the world, in our opinion.

    From her incredible appearances on the red carpets to her effortless success in modeling, acting, and even writing, Delevingne has a lot that's still coming her way.

    We're big fans of hers and are eagerly awaiting what's going to happen next. Insider considers her one of the top under-40 stars that are working and creating in the world today, and we're inclined to agree. Decades from now we're definitely still going to be referencing and remarking on Delevingne's art. That kind of longevity can't be bought.

    4 Taylor Swift Will Always And Forever Rule

    The final name on our list is the snake herself, as dubbed by Kim Kardashian during their weird and confusing feud. CNN has a complete backstory on it, so we won't get into it here. All that we need to understand for this article is the fact that Taylor Swift and the Kardashians are not necessarily best friends. Taylor Swift's music and publicity work have made her permanently lodged into the public zeitgeist, though, even more so than Kim K and her fam. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. Even if she can't quite snatch that crown away, Taylor Swift is still sharing the spotlight. She's one of our top most influential people, and we're sure it's going to stay that way for a while.

    3 Demi Rose Rocketed To The Spotlight Thanks To Some Jenner-esque Styles

    Demi Rose rose to fame what seems like only yesterday after the drama of Tyga and Kylie Jenner came to a head. Daily Star revealed her backstory as being a one-in-a-million kind of chance. The UK model became famous through her selfies first and then launched into the spotlight of the modeling world. With a talent to rival that of Kylie Jenner, we're waiting and watching for Demi Rose to come back into the limelight. We're sure that big things are coming. As a Kardashian lookalike, there's no way she won't be swimming in fame and fortune. Not to mention all the influence she already has through her social media platforms!

    2 Raven Lyn Is An Up-And-Coming Influencer

    On the Daily Dot's list of social media models and influencers to pay attention to, Raven Lyn snags the final spot. She's the definition of up and coming, but she's definitely not just sitting by the sidelines waiting for things to happen. This woman is hustling, and hustling hard.

    The Daily Dot says that she's been a featured model for Puma as well as graced the Vogue Arabia cover.

    Not to mention an interview with Maxim and social media accounts that are gaining more followers by the day. We're big, big fans of Lyn, and we can't wait to see what her next big step is.

    1 Jelena Karleusa Has Some Creative Connections To Kim K

    She certainly considers herself as coming for Kim Kardashian's crown, at least. The name might be difficult to pronounce (or even recognize) over here, but that doesn't mean that she's relaxing on her reach for Kardashian/Jenner fame levels. According to the New York Post she's a pop star who's actually really, incredibly popular in Serbia. The New York Post goes on to explain, “when Kim Kardashian sported platinum hair in 2015, this pop singer, who was blond first, uploaded side-by-side images of herself and Kardashian with the caption: “Will the real Slim… please stand up!” Watch out, Kim! Karleusa's coming!