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    25 Pics The Cast Of 'Jersey Shore' Shared On Social Media (That Fans Might've Missed)

    Sometimes, it's hard to believe that Jersey Shore first came to our television screens nearly a decade ago. That's right - season one premiered in 2009! The show introduced many people to a whole different type of fist-pumping, fake tan-loving, party-crazy Jersey girls and guys who just wanted to have a fun time - and drink their fair share of shots at the club.

    There's no denying that the crew has grown up quite a bit over the years - in fact, nearly all of them are parents now! Jenni and Nicole both have two children, and Pauly and Ronnie likewise have babies. So, many assumed that when they came together again for a little family vacation, it would be a totally different experience - but when they were put back in a house together, away from their real-life responsibilities, things got just as wild as they used to on the shore back when they were all single 20-somethings ready to get loud and crazy.

    We're not sure how many family vacation seasons they're going to do, but one thing is for sure - we just can't seem to get enough of these guidos and guidettes. If you don't follow them on social media (and you should), here are 25 pics you may have missed from their accounts.

    25 Nicole Getting Ready To Open Her Very Own Store

    To be perfectly honest, we're pretty sure no one saw Snooki's evolution coming. All of a sudden, she went from a party-loving meatball to a mom who adores crafting and spending time at home with her family. Who would have guessed? Well, all her time working on her online business selling crafty swag, including a lot of items with funny quotes from the show or references to the show, paid off - she's apparently launching her very own retail shop! We doubt she'll be in there every day behind the register, but still, pretty cool!

    24 Nicole In Total Mom Mode

    Nicole may be a bit of a hot mess on the show when she's away on vacation, drinking with her MTV family, but when she's at home, she's in total mom mode. The Jersey girl is a devoted mama who posts tons of photos of her kids, including funny selfies like this one, where her kiss was met by her daughter's foot. Kids - they don't care if you're famous, they'll still shove a foot in your face because, well, you're just mom.

    23 Showing Off The Jersey Gear

    We've got to hand it to Nicole - the woman definitely isn't afraid to embrace her Jersey identity. She may be a mom now, and she may party way less than she did back in the day, but she's still totally willing to bust out the classic Jersey Shore phrases on some gear. Heck, the newest seasons have probably given her a whole new batch of inspiration. We have a feeling she'll be rocking these looks for years to come - hey, at least she's committed to her brand!

    22 The Laundry Part Of GTL Is A Lot Different As A Mom

    No matter how hard they were partying, the Jersey Shore crew didn't skip their beloved GTL routine. After all, how were you supposed to show up at the club if your outfit wasn't fresh? Well, Nicole's laundry probably looks a lot different now that she's a mom responsible for washing her kids' clothes as well, but we admire her dedication to the classic Jersey GTL. We also kind of love the glimpse into her more casual home life - it's not all just glam selfies.

    21 Jenni Keeping Her Physique Vacation-Ready

    You might not have known that Jenni had children, because her body is totally amazing! Even though she's a busy mom of two with a home and family to take care of, she obviously still makes time to work out and make her health a priority - and she's not afraid to document her grueling workouts every now and then. It just shows that a beach-ready physique doesn't just come automatically, you have to work hard for it!

    20 A Makeup-Free Jenni Posing With Her Daughter

    Most of the time, when she's ready to go out, Jenni is full glam. Sure, she rocks her glasses to the club, but her contour is on point, her hair is chic, and her outfit makes her body look amazing. However, she's definitely more willing to go natural nowadays than she was back in her 20s, and that includes taking absolutely adorable selfies with her daughter. We kind of love the homey, natural version of Jenni - although a little juicy JWOWW drama every now and then is definitely fun too.

    19 Jenni And Nicole Having A Crafting Date With Their Kids

    When Jenni and Nicole first met and became besties on the show, they probably never would have anticipated where their lives would end up - and that they'd end up crafting together with their respective children. The two are obviously a huge source of support for one another, and frequently appear on each other's Instagram pages, sometimes at events together, but more often than not just hanging out, kids in tow, doing mom stuff. We love the fun outings they're always documenting for their followers.

    18 Jenni Rocking A Much More Modest Kind Of Costume For A Birthday Party

    Some of the costumes that Jenni has rocked over the years have been, well, not exactly safe for a children's party. And, while she can still slip into a skimpy costume for an adults' only party when it comes to her daughter's birthday, she keeps things a little more appropriate. This Belle costume is more sweet than sultry, and we absolutely love that she was so devoted to making her daughter's party a success that she literally dressed for the part.

    17 Mike And The Future Mrs. Situation In Front Of The Iconic Garage Door

    It's hard to say which cast members have evolved the most over the years, but The Situation is definitely high on the list. He's had his drama recently, but his lady Lauren has been by his side through it all - and we have to admit, we teared up a little when he proposed to her in the last season of Family Vacation. It's adorable that these two lovebirds decided to take a pilgrimage back to the original Shore House garage door.

    16 Living His Best Life And Totally Committing To A Bag Of Chips

    Okay, we have to admit - Mike's obsession with food is kind of hilarious. Sure, Keto Guido Vinny may disapprove, but you have to admit, it's far healthier than the substance abuse issues he had previously. Mike is all about living his best life with multi-course meals and plenty of snacks, and that includes literally carrying around a bag of chips in a baby carrier, just in case an urgent need to snack arises. Hey, live your best life, bud - although Lauren may want him sweating for the wedding soon!

    15 Two Lovebirds Enjoying A Night On The Town

    Given his persona in earlier seasons of the show, it's hard to envision Mike as a one-woman man, but that's exactly who he's become. He's completely head over heels in love with Lauren, and they're just so cute together. While she's been in a few episodes of the show, you need to be following Mike's Instagram account if you want to get truly adorable behind the scenes shots of the two of them out and about together, like they are in this picture. Even for somewhat recently engaged couples, date night is important!

    14 Getting A Fresh New Cut

    Mike may not have chiseled abs like he used to back in the day, but that doesn't mean he's totally stopped caring about his appearance. He still takes a lot of care in choosing his outfit and making sure to get to the barber on a regular basis to ensure his hair is looking fresh. He's found a cut that works for him, and he's definitely saving a lot of time by not having a high maintenance style like Pauly has.

    13 Pauly Doing What He Does Best

    Of all the cast, Pauly's Instagram account is probably the least personal. That's because whenever he's not on the show filming, he's working on building his career as a DJ, which means his social accounts are basically just shots of him in the booth surrounded by hype crowds, or posts promoting appearances he has lined up. Hey, we can't blame the guy - obviously what he's doing is working because he's crafted quite the career for himself, pumping party jams around the world on a regular basis.

    12 Posing With His Wheels To Prove That The DJ Life Is Pretty Sweet

    While some of the crew like Nicole, Jenni and Vinny are living more traditional lives close to home, Pauly has completely changed his life since the show started, and now lives full time in Las Vegas, Nevada. There are plenty of DJs out there who are struggling to make it, but Pauly's name recognition definitely helped him get his foot in the door - and his sick beats helped him stay there. Nowadays, he's living large in Vegas, jetting around in a sports car between gigs.

    11 Vinny Posing With His Ride

    Even if he does still have a super close relationship with his mom, Vinny has definitely developed a more hip persona over the years. He's shed some weight and worked on his physique, and he's on the prowl, ready to meet some new women. And what better thirst trap than a shot on social media of him leaning against his ride, staring pensively into the distance? Or, maybe he's just thinking about what kind of keto treats he can eat during a big Italian family dinner.

    10 Vinny Capturing The Crazy Experience Of Seeing Himself On A Times Square Billboard

    The vast majority of reality television shows change their cast on a regular basis, which means fans don't really get to know them quite as well as they have the Jersey Shore crew. After all, apart from a few episodes here or there, pretty much all of them have been there from the very beginning - and their level of fame is definitely pretty crazy. Vinny got a taste of that when he was walking through Times Square and saw a massive billboard advertising the premiere of the latest season. Can you even imagine?

    9 Totally Melting Our Hearts By Posing With His Pup

    If there's anything better than cute guys, it's definitely cute guys and cute dogs. Vinny threw his followers a surefire crowd pleaser with this shot, where he's posing outside in a casual outfit with his pup by his side. Vinny's own talk show, The Show With Vinny, may have only lasted one season, but fingers crossed that someone will give him another show at some point - we'd love to get a behind the scenes look at his life at home.

    8 Ronnie In Total Dad Mode With His New Baby Girl

    All the drama in the latest season of the show between Ronnie and his baby mama Jen has definitely been super uncomfortable to watch - that relationship is majorly toxic. However, one thing is for sure - Ronnie clearly cares deeply for his baby girl, and wants to make her a big part of his life. He's been sharing photos of her all over his social media like a true proud papa, including this adorable shot of them snuggling in the kitchen. We've got to admit, she's a total cutie.

    7 Ronnie Is Definitely Not One To Miss A Selfie Opportunity

    All of the cast members are skilled at the art of the selfie, including Ronnie - what, you thought it was just a skill that the ladies developed while getting ready? The guido guys are just as into their looks as the girls, so you know that Ronnie isn't about to miss documenting his look on a day when his hair is on point and he's got an outfit that shows off his physique. We're not entirely sure why he seems to be wearing sunglasses inside, but hey - maybe it was part of his outfit.

    6 Deena Showing Off Her Future Mini Meatball

    We have to admit, we've really missed Deena on the latest season of Family Vacation, but she had a good reason for wanting to avoid the crazy partying that comes with every season - she was pregnant! The mom to be has been growing a meatball while her cast mates partied it up across the country, and she couldn't be happier about it. As many moms do, she's been documenting the process on social media, and her followers are all so excited to finally meet her little meatball.

    5 She May Not Have Gone On The Family Vacation, But She Took Her Own Pre-Baby Vacay

    Deena may have opted to skip the family vacation with her cast mates, but that doesn't mean she took a total break from all vacations in anticipation of the baby arriving. In fact, she took some time with her hubby to take a bit of a pre-baby break. After all, once that little meatball comes, it takes a lot of your time and energy - may as well get in some quality time with your partner before all that craziness starts up. Plus, how adorable does she look?

    4 A Totally Real Pajama Selfie That's Far Less Glam Than We're Used To Seeing

    We're used to pretty much always seeing Deena looking full glam on her social media profiles, taking selfies when she's all dressed up and ready to go for the night, or jetting between appearances. However, this selfie shows off a different side of Deena - and we have a feeling it's one she'll be showing off a lot more when she's a new mom with a newborn baby to care for. While we loving seeing our shore girl all dressed up, it's also fun to see her a little more casual, getting cozy in pajamas like the rest of us.

    3 Angelina Showing Off A Full Glam Look

    Most fans don't like Angelina as much as the rest of the Jersey Shore crew because, well, she wasn't there the entire time. In the recent seasons, she's been trying to make amends and rebuild some of the friendships she destroyed with her wrecking ball approach, but it's a little bit of a battle. Still - we've got to hand it to her, she definitely knows how to commit to a full glam look. While some of the other girls have gotten more casual over the years, her look has gotten increasingly glam. It's definitely a step up from garbage bag luggage!

    2 Angelina And Her Hubby To Be

    We have a feeling one of the reasons Angelina has been looking to repair her old friendships is because she's no longer experiencing drama in her love life - she's found her perfect match! She's an engaged woman now with a hubby to be, and though fans have really only met him in brief clips while Angelina was packing to head to Miami, it definitely seems like he's been a good influence on her. Sometimes, it just takes finding the right one!

    1 Three Shore Girls Having A Blast Together

    We have a feeling that Deena will be leaning on pals Jenni and Nicole a lot in the months to come, as she's trying to learn the ins and outs of being a mom. After all, they both have two kids and have been rocking the mom role for years now - who better to ask? Even though she's probably feeling a little intimidated at the moment, we know that Deena will be a totally amazing mom - she's just so full of love and energy.