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    25 Pics Showing That Snooki Has Done A 180 Since Becoming A Mom

    When the MTV reality series Jersey Shore first premiered in 2009, it didn't actually get an immediate response from television viewers. There wasn't anything else like it on television at the time and it was seen as completely different from MTV's other popular reality shows like The Hills and Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica. Yet, television audiences definitely jumped on board after seeing a multitude of scenes involving Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi. From her "Party's here!" introduction to the infamous thrown punch at the bar, it was obvious that she was going to be a huge breakout star of the show. As the seasons continued, fascination over Polizzi continued to grow and it wasn't long before she was branching out into other avenues of interest, outside of the series.

    While there were some people that would have liked for her to stay just like the little "meatball" she was when she first appeared at the house on Jersey Shore, it was definitely time for her to evolve her persona.

    While becoming a published author and meeting the man that she would later marry were definitely part of her evolution, it was her transformation into motherhood that led the change.

    Motherhood is known to change even the most hardened hearts and the wildest party girls, but there were some that were really surprised at how much it transformed this former Jersey Shore cast member. Check out the 25 pictures that prove Snooki has done a 180 since becoming a mother and see how she's evolved over the years.

    25 Living The Mom Life

    Snooki was seen as the ultimate party girl when she appeared as a cast member of Jersey Shore. Her lifestyle definitely consisted of drinking alcohol at all times of the day and night and meandering around in a stupor. Yet, becoming a mother has drastically changed her lifestyle and she's started to adopt the same sort of mentality seen in countless mothers across the nation.

    This particular photo, as seen on Buzzfeed, was posted by Nicole and it showcases a different look than people are used to for this little "meatball." She dons the look of a sleep-deprived mother just trying to make it through the day, with her coffee in hand. While she was once known for constantly holding a drink, it wasn't always coffee.

    24 Flashy With A Generous Heart

    When Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi was first introduced to the world as a cast member of Jersey Shore, she wasn't exactly portrayed as one of the brightest in the bunch. Yet, she was still incredibly likable to television audiences and it was apparent that she was quite marketable in many respects.

    When it was revealed that she was going to release a book, some people were skeptical. Yet, "A Shore Thing" actually achieved some success and it led to her continuing a life as a writer. When Polizzi embarked on motherhood, she took along her love of books. She proudly posted this photograph, taken at a children's event in collaboration with The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, as Buzzfeed reports.

    While she's definitely maintained some of that flashy style she's known for, it's been toned down and it's a look that really flatters her, actually.

    23 Post-Baby Body

    When Nicole was on Jersey Shore, she wasn't portrayed as a fit or healthy person. While the men in the house were known for their love of going to the gym, it seemed like Polizzi would much rather eat and drink. Yet, that seemed to really change after she became a mother and there have been numerous photos that have surfaced regarding her incredible physical transformation.

    The Sun reported on a post that Polizzi wrote about her journey, stating, "I do it for my kids and I do it most importantly for myself."

    This photo was taken after her son, Lorenzo, was born and it showcased Polizzi looking quite well after having a child. She reportedly lost 42 pounds after the birth of her son. The photo shows her looking radiant.

    22 Mom Selfie

    When Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi welcomed the arrival of her first child in 2012, it became immediately apparent that there was a definite change in her behaviour. While she had previously been known for her partying ways and not exactly being coherent at all times, her lifestyle drastically changed once she became a mother.

    She posted this photograph of herself cuddling up with her new son, as Starz Life reports, and people couldn't help but notice how much she looked like so many other new mothers during that precious infant stage. Her son can be seen resting on her while she snaps the selfie and the look on Polizzi's face shows how happy she is to be with her sleeping son. Perhaps the best part of the picture is the baby drool decorating her top.

    21 Out As A Family

    There was a time when a night out for Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi entailed some heavy drinking and a few trips and scrapes that would end with more than a few embarrassing moments. Yet, that completely changed when she became a mother.

    This photograph was taken after the birth of their son, Lorenzo, and it shows Polizzi and her husband, Jionni LaValle, looking like glowing parents that are really enjoying a night out as a family. As the photo, reported by Wet Paint, shows, Polizzi is also displaying her incredible physical transformation.

    20 Minimal Makeup Look

    When "Snooki" was first introduced as a cast member of Jersey Shore, she was definitely sporting an over-the-top look. It included hair that had a name of its very own, an overbaked tan skin tone and makeup that was anything but subtle. Yet, that seemed to change once she became a mother.

    This particular photograph shows Polizzi posing with Lorenzo, and it's a completely different makeup look she's wearing. While her previous makeup look often entailed huge lashes, dark black eyeshadow and dark lipstick, this shows a much more natural look. Her eyebrows are tastefully done, her lashes seem more natural than people are used to seeing on her and her lip shade is quite subtle. It's obvious that this glowing mother was happy to share a photograph of her growing son but people couldn't help but compliment her subdued look.

    19 Top Knot And Trendy

    On Jersey Shore, Nicole's hairstyle became known as "The Poof," as MTV reports. It was actually considered quite trendy during that time. While there were definitely some criticisms made over her signature poof hairstyle, it's hard to deny that her sporting it sparked a deeper interest into this hairstyle trend.

    While she's left this hairstyle look behind, that doesn't mean that she's opposed to partaking in some other hairstyles on trend. She sported this trendy top knot around 11 months after the birth of her son. While this look undoubtedly received criticisms as well, it's definitely an improvement over her previous signature hairstyle.

    18 Sophisticated In New York

    When MTV saw the incredible chemistry between Snooki and Jwoww on Jersey Shore, it seemed like a no-brainer to release a spinoff series for the two of them. Yet, there was something that they hadn't counted on and that was the fact that both of them were planning on starting a family.

    As Radar Online reports, in Snooki's book, "Baby Bumps: From Party Girl To Proud Mama And All The Messy Milestones Along The Way," Snooki writes, "You should have seen [MTV producers'] faces when I told them I was pregnant!"

    Yet, the show was still seen as a success and fans got to see how both women were able to transition into their new lifestyles. When promoting their show, Snooki and Jwoww were photographed in New York City and people couldn't help but remark on how great they looked.

    17 The "Parenting Survey" Look

    When Nicole became a mother, there were many people who wondered whether or not she had actually changed. BuzzFeed enlisted her and Jenni "Jwoww" Farley to answer a few questions regarding their parenting choices. One of the questions she was asked was whether or not her husband, Jionni LaValle, made for a good parent.

    Her response was, "It's like our kids have two moms because they change the diapers, they give baths, they do everything a mom would do. Not a lot of dads do that. We're definitely lucky."

    Not only were the responses to the parenting questions well-received, but people really liked seeing her sophisticated look for the interview.

    16 No One To Impress

    After the birth of her first child, Nicole seemed to retreat into home life and was no longer seen as a fixture at clubs and bars. While there were many people who wondered whether or not she would go back to her old partying ways as soon as her child was born, the truth of the matter was that she seemed to enjoy staying home and bonding with her son.

    This was just one of the photos that were posted shortly after her son was born and it showed the world a completely transformed Polizzi. While she was previously known for going over-the-top with her makeup and clothing choices, it seemed like she had an all-new focus. Not only was she completely free of makeup in the photo but she seemed to be glowing and content to pose with her baby.

    15 Mom And Son Duo

    It's been fun for Nicole's fans to see her grow with her son and form such a great bond with him. This particular picture showed the two of them wearing matching shirts and it really warmed the hearts of the public. Lorenzo donned an ultra-big smile and Polizzi had the typical mom uniform on display, with a pair of leggings and a baseball cap to tame her disheveled locks.

    14 Workout With Dr. Oz

    There have been a number of celebrities who have made headlines because of how fast they were able to shed the pounds after giving birth. The public always seems interested in how women are able to bounce back after having a child and that was definitely the case for Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi.

    People reported on a 2013 episode of The Dr. Oz Show, in which Polizzi appeared and stated, “If I can lose 42 lbs. after giving birth six months [ago], I mean, anybody could do it. You just need the dedication, and you need to want to have your body back.”

    Her look on the show was definitely that of a woman trying to live her best life and it really showed a different side to the Snooki that people once knew.

    13 Wizard Of OZ Halloween

    There was a time when Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi's idea of a smashing Halloween would entail some sort of party at a club or bar. Yet, motherhood seems to have altered her view of what constitutes a great Halloween outing.

    In October 2013, Polizzi posed with Jionni LaValle and their son in front of their home. LaValle was dressed as the Scarecrow character from The Wizard of Oz, their son was the Cowardly Lion and Polizzi was dressed as Dorothy. She completed her ensemble with matching hair ribbons and was holding a small picnic basket bag with a stuffed dog. Not only was it received well by the public because of the heartwarming family Halloween picture, but it showed that she had really blossomed into her role as mother.

    12 Dancing With The Stars Family Photo

    People were amazed by how quickly Nicole was able to shed the extra pounds and it wasn't surprising when Dancing with the Stars asked her to become a contestant on Season 17 of the show. Polizzi seemed to really thrive on the show and she definitely put everything she had into each week's dancing challenge. Yet, that didn't mean that she was completely absent in her life with her family. This particular photo showed Jionni LaValle bringing their son to the studio to spend some quality family time with Nicole and people really liked seeing that she was able to juggle work and family life.

    11 Trip To Disney

    For anyone who has seen an episode of Dancing with the Stars, it's obvious that there is an incredible amount of work that goes into learning the dance steps and getting ready for the live shows. There aren't many celebrities that are even willing to try their hand at competing on this reality show and those that do often find themselves regretting getting into such an intense ordeal. Yet, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi seemed to really thrive in the dancing atmosphere and surprised audiences by her drive and motivation to do well on the show. However, that didn't stop her from taking the extra time to do something special with her son.

    This particular photo was taken when Polizzi took some time away from the dance rehearsals in order to go to Disney World with Lorenzo and Jionni LaValle. It showed that no matter how tired she might have been, her job as a mother came first.

    10 Sharing Wholesome Moments With Her Fans

    When Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi gave birth to her daughter, Giovanni, in 2014, it seemed like she had the complete family package. The world had already seen her as a mother to her son, Lorenzo, but seeing her with a daughter was something new. When she posed for the official photo that she was going to release to the world, people couldn't help but remark on how great she looked as a mother of two. As Daily Mail reports, this was a "sweet family portrait." Indeed.

    9 Brunch With Her Daughter

    Although the official photo of her newborn daughter that Nicole released to the public got "likes," people still wanted to see the real-life mother behind the photo shoot. Polizzi had previously been known to look a tad sloppy during her days on the reality series, Jersey Shore, and people wanted to see whether or not she would be able to hold up well as a mother of two.

    This particular photo was posted in January 2015 and it really showed the world what life was like for Polizzi after the birth of her second child. It's a casual brunch setting and Polizzi does look a tad dishevelled but it's more of a mother-of-two look, rather than the previous Jersey Shore look. Look at how cute Giovanna looks in leopard print!

    8 Giovanna's One-Year Photos

    When it was revealed that Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi was going to have a daughter, people tried to picture what an even tinier version of her would look like and whether or not she would embrace motherhood a second time around. They definitely got their answer once Giovanna was born in 2014. Polizzi seemed to gush over her new daughter in every way.

    This particular photo was taken in commemoration of Giovanna's first birthday and it showed Polizzi glowing over her in typical mom fashion. She was happy to let her daughter be the center of attention. Proud mama!

    7 Joint Birthday Party Look

    This particular photograph shows a joint birthday party Polizzi threw and it really showed a maternal side to her that was a striking difference from her persona during her Jersey Shore days.

    Entertainment Tonight reported on the party and stated, "Snooki, 27, and husband Jionni LaValle hosted a joint birthday party over the weekend for their daughter Giovanna, who celebrated her first birthday on Saturday, and their son Lorenzo, who turned three on Aug. 26."

    6 Baby Girl Reveal

    When Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi discovered that she was pregnant for the second time, the world couldn't wait to hear whether or not it was going to be another boy or her first daughter. When she revealed that she would be having a daughter, the public was generally quite happy for her.

    This particular photograph really showed off her enthusiasm for being pregnant with a girl. She was seen holding a bunch of pink balloons, which matched her pink sweater. For a woman who was previously known for showing off quite a great deal during her time on the reality series, Jersey Shore, people were a tad surprised at how she looked in the photograph. Instead of baring her bump for all to see and showcasing her new form in some iconic way, she chose a more subtle and conservative look that was very flattering.

    5 Shore Flip Promo Shot

    With Nicole having a great deal of success as a published author and reality television star, it's not surprising that people would want to know more about her home life, specifically regarding her romantic relationship.

    In 2016, Polizzi and her husband, Jionni LaValle, set out to captivate a new fan base with their reality series, Nicole & Jionni's Shore Flip. The promotion photo used for the series showcased Jionni as a handyman and Polizzi as the beautiful and supportive wife. This is a striking contrast to how she was formerly portrayed on Jersey Shore.

    4 Anything To Make Her Kids Happy

    When Nicole began a life with Jionni LaValle, it was apparent that she was going to take full advantage of Halloween and get into the costume spirit. She had previously dressed up with LaValle and their son, Lorenzo, in themed costumes so the public was really looking forward to seeing what they would dress up as with their growing family.

    This particular photo was taken in October 2015 and it showed them as characters from the Star Wars franchise. While everyone looked great in their costumes, it was Polizzi that really seemed to shine. She dressed as Princess Leia and even styled her signature locks into side buns to complete the look. Rather than choosing a more revealing take on the classic costume, she opted for a demure look that really ensured authenticity without any loss of fun.

    3 "Healthy Living" Photoshoot

    When Nicole embarked on a healthy mom lifestyle, she was able to maintain it and ultimately became a huge inspiration to other women. Even after giving birth, Polizzi has been able to stay fit and she was even interviewed for a feature in Healthy Living Magazine. This was just one of the photos used for the feature and it showcased her new look in a more sophisticated style.

    2 Organizing Holiday Cards Like A Real Momma

    With Nicole blossoming as a mother of two, it's not surprising that she would want to share her Christmas photos with the rest of the world. This particular photo was taken during her Christmas 2017 photo shoot and it shows her with her two children, Lorenzo and Giovanna, in front of their Christmas tree.

    Rather than dressing everyone in the same Christmas-themed outfit or wearing a matching set of pajamas, she opted for everyone to have their own unique style. Both of the kids looked adorable and everyone seemed to love the whimsical pillow Lorenzo held up, which announced, "Santa, I want it all."

    1 Moms With Attitude Promo Shot

    The friendship between Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and Jenni "Jwoww" Farley really seemed to blossom during their time as cast members on Jersey Shore, which resulted in them getting a spin-off series. They seemed to be evolving together, with both of them starting their own families. The fact that their children were growing up together and they spent so much time together often led to joint interviews so that people could get to know them better as new mothers.

    In November 2015, the two of them collaborated on a web series entitled Moms With Attitude, as Elite Daily reports. It first premiered on Go90, Verizon's online streaming platform. Yet, the growing popularity of the series led to even more outlets for people to view the episodes.

    This particular promo shot shows them both posing with two of their children and it really showcases them in more of a normal light than their former Jersey Shore personas. Definitely refreshing!

    References: Buzzfeed The Sun, Wetpaint, MTV