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    20 Things Wrong With The OC That Still Don't Make Any Sense

    It's hard to believe that it's been 15 years since The O.C. aired. It certainly was a special show and there was a reason why it was so popular. It was just one of those teen dramas that was sharply written but still managed to have its questionable moments. It stood the test of time better than a lot of other teen soaps that were going on at the time.

    One of the reasons why the show lasted as long as it did was because of all the drama. We also felt like we were part of the Cohen family. We loved the show mainly because they did a lot of things right but like most other shows, they weren't perfect. If ever you decide to bind-watch the show again, you'll wonder how you never noticed these major plotholes. Check out these 20 things wrong with The O.C. that still doesn't make any sense.

    20 People Forgot About Kaitlin For A Year

    We met Kaitlin Cooper, Marissa's younger sister in the very first episode of the show and then we don't see her again for a year. Sure, we see her pop up here and there mainly when she wants to complain about something but for the most part, it's as if she doesn't exist. She may be in boarding school but you think someone's daughter would come up in conversation at some point. They could have put more work into the character and have her be part of the storyline.

    19 We Had No Idea What Grade They Are In

    Usually, when we are dealing with a teen drama, we know what grade the characters are in and we follow them through to their graduation. We were all bugged by the fact that they never really told us what grades the cast was in on The O.C. In the first season, it was pretty obvious they were juniors and in season three they were seniors, so what grade were they in season two? Fans suggest they were held back due to their extracurricular activities, but that doesn't make sense either.

    18 Being Created Into Superheroes

    Wasn't it weird when they created a spin-off of the show that was based on a comic project that Zach and Seth botched up in the first place? Thank goodness it only got ten episodes and a graphic novel as it was terrible. We're not even sure why the show tried such a spin-off. The reimagined cast was to be superheroes and they were called Cosmo Girl, Little Miss Vixen, The Ironist, and Kid Chino. It didn't last long, however, and after The Showdown, the whole Atomic County plot line was abandoned.

    17 Marissa Wasn't That Great Of A Person

    Considering she was one of the lead characters and the girl that the guy's wanted to be with, she wasn't actually a very nice person. It's not every day that the showrunners will make a lead that is so unlikeable. Maybe it's her parents' fault because they are so awful but she is an incredibly spoiled girl. It's always interesting to see a rich girl who has everything handed to her walking around complaining about her terrible life. She is a true damsel in distress and she seems to take advantage of the people that are around her.

    16 The Disappearance Of Lindsay

    Lindsay Wheeler seems to have a tough life but not because it was something that she did. Her entire life is built off a lie because her selfish mother couldn't tell her who her real father was. She eventually finds out it's Caleb Nicol and she also learns just how much her family has lied to her over the years. The worst part is that she finds all of this out after she tries to date Caleb's grandson Ryan. It sucks when you like someone only to find out that you are related to them. These secrets cause the girl to run away to Chicago never to be heard from again.

    15 Marissa's Drama-Filled Life

    Marissa's life is filled with drama and it's something that is a constant throughout the show. She could have easily been considered an alcoholic by how much she drank throughout the show. Her behavior doesn't make sense and maybe that can be explained by all the alcohol she drank. It would have been refreshing if she just enjoyed her privileged existence or been happy with Ryan but that stuff never seemed to be good enough with her. Instead, she is manipulative and selfish as a character throughout her entire life.

    14 The Parents Are Awful People

    One theme that seems to be the case in a few of the teen dramas we have watched over the years is the fact that the main character's parents are terrible people. You can almost see why the kids act out because the parents seem to want more drama than the children. The Cohens seem to be the only exception on the show. Julie Copper thinks it's totally acceptable to sleep with her daughter's ex-boyfriend and Taylor's mom states that her daughter isn't worth her time.

    13 You Can't Download The Original Score

    Didn't you just love the music that was provided on the soundtracks? Some of them were bestsellers while other were new indie singers that we got to experience. A lot of the mixes were released for people to download but oddly enough the original score was not part of it. You cannot download it anywhere which is really weird because you would think they would want to make some money off an iconic song. Christopher Tyng was in charge of creating the score for the first two seasons and Richard Marvin created it for seasons three and four.

    12 Everyone Was Focused On Destiny

    One annoying aspect of the show was that everyone believed that “things happen for a reason” If something wasn't written in the stars, then it wasn't going to happen. The characters believed too much in “fate” and “destiny” that it was almost as if they couldn't make something happens themselves, they had to wait and see if it was “meant to be.” It's true that teens tend to think that way but we think that the show went a little overboard with the whole thing.

    11 The Parents Were Never Around

    The kids on the show could basically get away with anything because their parents were always conveniently not around. That can be a theme with rich kids who have parent's that travel but that wasn't really the case in The O.C. The kids were doing whatever they wanted and there never seemed to be any consequences to their actions. They went to Tijuana and involved themselves in a situation where Marissa almost died. Yet, when they returned, there were no consequences for such a poor choice.

    10 Oliver Just Disappears

    Oliver Trask was easily one of Marissa's biggest mistakes and even had fans questioning her mental stability. He wasn't the best choice for the show and fans hated him. During the episode called The Truth he was carted off to rehab by police but after that, he completely vanished. There was a lot of talk about him returning to the show but he never did. A perfect time for him to come back would have been an episode in season four.

    9 The Show Was Full Of Stereotypes

    If you like to stick to traditional stereotypes than The O.C. was the show for you. They took the traditional stereotypes and ran with them and they didn't even try to think outside the box. That meant that the jocks always behaved like jocks and the smart kids were total geeks and losers. The popular girls were the means ones and the bad boys were bad. Ryan was one bad boy that turned good but he still fell into his bad boy role 75% of the time.

    8 Josh Schwartz Had Almost No Involvement In The Show

    Josh Schwartz was the creator of the show and he also created Chuck, was an executive producer on Gossip Girl and helped with the new Dynasty reboot and Runaways. He's a pretty awesome guy in the industry. Part of the success of a show is the writers who provide the awesome scripts that the actors use. Schwartz was involved in writing ten episodes out of the first season but after that, he wrote less and less to the point where in season three and four, he only wrote two episodes. We're not sure why he put little effort into the show but that may have been why the show didn't go to ten seasons like most.

    7 Kaitlin Cooper's Age Discrepancies

    There was a huge age jump with Kaitlin and it was so obvious that we are shocked that the show even tried to pull it off. In season one Kaitlin wasn't even a teenager yet, she would have been 12 at the most. She was originally portrayed by Shailene Woodley who has certainly made a name for herself in Hollywood but she was replaced on the show by Willa Holland. When Kaitlin came back from boarding school in season three, she had a rebellious streak. Isn't that what boarding school is supposed to cure? At that point, she was supposed to be 17 which doesn't make any sense at all.

    6 The "Free Marissa" Campaign

    Marissa had a bang-up year in season three. She actually shot someone during that season as well as shoplifted and drank a lot. But things got a little ridiculous when Marissa's classmates in high school decided to throw a campaign known as “Free Marissa!” She was expelled from The Harbor School and they wanted her back in class. It's bizarre that a whole school would do that for someone who really didn't do anything special for anyone else. We've all been to high school, these things just don't happen.

    5 The Dog Disappeared From The Cooper Family

    Usually, the family dog is pretty important to a family but not in the case of the Coopers. You may not even remember the family dog because he only appeared in like three episodes. His name was a weird one, like Justin or Dustin, something very un-dog-like. After a while, the dog just disappeared from the show and no one explained why that was. He clearly wasn't important to the family or the storyline because they decided the dog must go.

    4 Hailey Disappeared From The Show

    There were a lot of disappearing characters on the show over the years. She was considered the black sheep of the Nichol's family. She was one of the unstable characters on the show which was probably why Jimmy Cooper was so attracted to her. She eventually decides to become a fashion designer in Tokyo and changes her life around. Aside from a couple of appearances in season two she basically disappeared from the show. She wasn't even mentioned again in the show which is bizarre, to say the least.

    3 We Have No Idea What Happened To Zach

    The show just must get sick of certain characters and just get rid of them on a whim. Zach and Seth were friends and they were making a comic. The two were also fighting over Summer for a while. We knew that Zach was going to meet the creator of the Star Wars franchise to discuss the comic book and that was it. He disappeared. It's weird considering that he wanted to be with Summer that he just up and left her life and never came back. It was a recurring theme on the show so we sort of got used to it.

    2 Summer Wasn't Always A Great Girlfriend To Seth

    Pretty much anything goes on The O.C. and that means that boyfriends and girlfriend could treat each other terribly and it was just okay. The characters often put their significant other through hell. Marissa was emotionally abusive toward Ryan and Summer was physically abusive toward Seth. Summer would literally hit him with her bare hands and the show portrayed it as cute and harmless. That certainly wouldn't fly these days and these characters would be considered to be abusive. It also doesn't put summer in a very good light that's for sure.

    1 Who Was The Father Of Teresa's Baby?

    If you were a fan of the show then this was probably something that bothered you. Ryan and Teresa were childhood friends and there were some benefits to that friendship at times. In season one, we saw Teresa having a baby and the child looked a lot like Ryan. She claimed the father of the child was Eddie who was pretty dreamy. The problem was the kid looked nothing like Eddie. We knew Teresa to be a liar on the show especially when it came to her child. The show certainly led the audience to believe that Ryan was the father but it was never confirmed throughout the show.

    References: screenrant.com, uk.news.yahoo.com, refinery29.com