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    20 Things Wrong With Pretty Little Liars We All Choose To Ignore

    Of all the teen TV dramas out there, we can agree that we really love Pretty Little Liars. There are just so many special things about this series, from the fashionable main characters to the overall mysterious tone to the romantic relationships and friendships.

    While we loved watching all seven seasons and seeing which liars were dating who (and crossing our fingers that the best couples would be together in the end), we know that this is a story about good friends. That is ultimately what made the show so touching and comforting to watch.

    Like any good TV show that is beloved by fans, there are a few things about Pretty Little Liars that we might still be puzzled by to this day, even though the series finale aired in June 2017. There are some storylines and relationships that might need a second look.

    Here are 20 things wrong with Pretty Little Liars that we all choose to ignore. We're always going to love the show and have super fond memories about watching it, but we do have to admit that there are some things that we have been wondering about. Let's take a trip down teen mystery TV lane.

    20 Ezra And Aria's Forbidden Romance

    Fans know that Aria and Ezra belong together… or at least, that's what many of us would say that we've been thinking ever since the show started.

    But when you think about it, how do you really feel about this romance?

    We know that Aria and Ezra meet at a bar and then she learns that he's her high school English teacher. When we realize what the age gap is between them, well, that seems a bit odd, right?

    We can definitely overlook this because they are so sweet together and we would all agree that they were one of the PLL endgame couples. But we can't help but wonder about this.

    19 How Do The Parents Not Notice The Girls Sneaking Around At Night

    We often have to suspend some sort of disbelief when it comes to the grown-ups on a teen drama. Sure, they're the moms and dads of the main characters but not necessarily the main characters themselves, so we totally get that they might not get as much screen time as the teens.

    But on a show like Pretty Little Liars, we can't help but wonder why the parents never seem to notice what's going on.

    The liars are often sneaking around at night and they're not home very often. Wouldn't the parents notice? It just doesn't seem super realistic, right? Our moms always know where we are and we don't even live at home anymore.

    18 Ali's Disappearance Was Never Actually Explained

    Okay, can we talk about Ali's disappearance for a second?!

    What we know: she was assumed dead, her mom literally thought that she was dead and tried to bury her, she was rescued by someone and ended up running away, and Mona was there to lend some kind of hand (not really a helping hand, right?) and told her to act like she had passed away.

    What we don't know: how was she living this entire time, what was she eating, where was she staying, and basically any intricate details about her life and leaving.

    We've definitely chosen to ignore this confusing disappearance and moved on and still enjoyed the show, but it still haunts us.

    17 Ezra And Toby Being Part Of The "A Team"

    Every Pretty Little Liars fan can agree that it sucked to see Ezra and then Toby as part of the A team. Sure, we then learned that each of them was doing it for good reasons and they were trying to help the girls.

    But we can probably agree that this is a storyline that didn't feel super great. It's hard to believe that these guys would really do something like this, especially since their girlfriends would definitely wonder what was going on and think that it was pretty bad.

    Even all these years later and even after the show is over, it's hard to come to terms with this particular plotline.

    16 Spencer Breaking Girl Code With Caleb

    And now we have the final thing that we have chosen to ignore about Pretty Little Liars: the fact that Spencer breaks girl code and dates Caleb.

    It's tough because, sure, we get that these two are pretty good together and that they have had some good times and moments when they bonded. But… well… girl code is girl code for a reason. We truly believe that this is a storyline that is tough to get over. It would have been cool if they had maybe flirted a bit or considered dating, but ultimately, we want Spencer with Toby and Hanna with Caleb. That's just the way that it has to be, and we know that PLL fans all feel strongly about this.

    15 Toby Being Engaged To Someone Other Than Spencer

    When we become invested in a TV show, we get really invested in certain couples. We just can't wait for them to get together. It's like how we felt about Ross and Rachel on Friends along with other classic pairs like Jess and Rory or Luke and Lorelai on Gilmore Girls.

    When it comes to the couples on PLL, we really love Toby and Spencer. So it was pretty rough for us when we watched the last season of the show and realized that Toby was going to marry someone else, a girl named Yvonne. It just didn't feel right for Toby to be engaged to someone other than Spencer.

    14 Caleb Heading To Ravenswood

    This Vulture critic put it perfectly: "You're telling us that Caleb, who loves Hanna unconditionally, would choose to leave her so he can go back to Ravenswood and sleuth around with a random girl he barely knows? All because this chick “needs” him in this mysterious trash town?"

    We might have been excited for the Pretty Little Liars spin-off Ravenswood because that meant more Caleb and more of the PLL universe.

    But it was sad to see Caleb leave the show for a period of time and we always wondered why he made this decision. Since we care so much about Hanna and Caleb, we definitely wish that he had stayed in Rosewood.

    13 Spencer Heading To The Radley… As A Patient

    When we think about it, this doesn't seem like something that would actually happen, and we can't really wrap our heads around this particular storyline. We think of Spencer as such a put together and chill as a cucumber kind of character, and it was definitely jarring when we watched this storyline. We get that she was going through a rough time, but it seems like her family wouldn't really be okay with her being in there, right?

    Sometimes a teen drama will have some over-the-top plotlines and we can say that this fits into that category. It made sense that Mona ended up in The Radley for sure, but we're still scratching our heads over Spencer being there.

    12 Ezra Writing About Ali

    When we thought that Ezra was part of the A team, it was pretty nuts, and then we learned that he was actually writing a book about Ali.

    Honestly, that didn't really make it any less crazy or make us think that it was a good idea.

    We chose to ignore this storyline because we wanted to focus on the other mysteries and drama, and it was better to think about Ezra as someone who was with Aria and who loved her instead of someone who was sneaking around to meet Ali. We're just not really sure about this storyline or how we feel about it.

    11 The Girls' Less Than Loving Relationship With Mona

    Mona is a confusing character and if we thought that we hadn't exactly figured it her out by now, even though we've seen every single episode of this series, we wouldn't be alone.

    Is she good? Is she bad? Is she both or neither? We really have no idea. The girls seem to have a love/hate relationship with Mona. When we first start watching the series, they don't like her at all, but then we wonder if they don't mind her because they seem to be kind of working together near the end of the series. It's just hard to know what's going on with this relationship and even to this day, we might not be sure how we were supposed to feel about it.

    10 Charlotte Built That Dollhouse Prison… By Herself?

    It's true that there going to be confusing moments on any TV show or in any film that is part of the mystery genre. It's part of the whole thing since we're supposed to be kept guessing and we're not supposed to know what's going on.

    That being said, we feel like we've chosen to ignore the many confusing moments on this show. For just one example, we have to agree with Teen Vogue's statement that Charlotte creating the dollhouse was confusing: "We know that Charlotte was some kind of child prodigy, but how did one girl build that entire structure? There's no way she did it alone… so who is her accomplice?!"

    9 The Girls Don't Ask Ali Enough Questions When She Returns

    The fifth season of Pretty Little Liars is a big one since this is when Ali returns. Honestly, we're still not over this storyline because while it was good to know that she was alive and to see her back in Rosewood, we didn't feel like we learned enough about where she was and what was happening.

    Many of us PLL fans would agree that the girls didn't ask Ali enough questions about what was going on. They seemed to let her run the show once again and we don't really feel like that would have still been happening all of these years later. We still want more information!

    8 Aria's Many Love Interests Who Aren't Ezra

    Aria dates a lot of guys on the show: Jake, Andrew, Liam, Noel, and a few others who she was crushing on or flirting with.

    While we can all probably agree that the Aria/Ezra age difference isn't something that we can really ignore, we can all agree that we want them to be together anyway. Hey, love is complex, right?!

    It was always tough to watch Aria dating other people and we just knew that she and Ezra should be the ones who are together.

    It's simply the way that the PLL world has to be and we're never going to change our minds about that.

    7 The Girls Would Probably Be Done With Ali By Then

    Ali has honestly brought so much drama to these girls' lives. She disappeared, she lied to them, and it's just hard to believe that they wouldn't have agreed that it was time to break up the friendship by the time that she returned.

    The thing is that besides Emily, who definitely has had a connection with Ali since the start of their friendship, none of the other girls seem to really connect with Ali once she returns.

    It really seems like they are focusing on other things, so we have to wonder why they continued the friendship. After all, we don't stay friends with someone if they're too dramatic or if they're always late…

    6 Spencer's Sister Pops In And Out Of The Show

    At the beginning of the show, Spencer's sister Melissa seems like she's going to be a main character on the show. She's perfect and perky and smart, and she and Spencer definitely have a sibling rivalry thing going on.

    But then she's not on the show very often except for randomly popping up in a scene every now and then. That's something that we might have thought about and then dismissed, but we have to wonder about it because we assume that if she really was such an important character (and it seems like she knew something about Ali's disappearance), she might be around more.

    5 The Parents Can't Seem To Figure Out What's Going On

    Throughout the course of the seven seasons, we never really see the girls having honest and open conversations with their parents. Their moms and dads never really say, "Okay, this Ali girl is creating a lot of drama and issues for you girls and it's time for us to figure this out and get you out of trouble."

    The parents just don't seem to know that such weird things are going on throughout the series, and that is kind of odd when we think about it.

    We're pretty sure that if something like this was really happening, the parents would know exactly what was happening. It would be impossible not to, right?

    4 The Girls Were Really Mean To Jenna

    The show begins with "the Jenna thing" AKA the fact that the girls were responsible for Jenna losing her eyesight. It was a prank, though, and while it was always explained as something that Ali was in charge of, it's still a pretty tough thing.

    We kind of forget about this storyline as the show goes on since there are so many mysteries (and romances) to keep track of.

    But it wasn't exactly the best thing for the girls to have done. Actually, it's really sad and disturbing when we think about it, and it doesn't make anyone look very good.

    3 How The Girls Forgive Ali For Lying To Them So Much

    The series finale of Pretty Little Liars has a whole host of happy endings. Ali and Emily are getting married, Aria and Ezra are husband and wife, Caleb and Hanna are pregnant, and Spencer and Toby are together. We all were relieved because we all want our favorite shows to wrap up well.

    But there is one thing that has got us wondering, even though the show is long over: how could the girls forgive Ali for lying to them so much? Sure, all the girls lied and we call them the "liars" as a nickname (and it's in the title of the show, of course). But she really did a number on them when it comes to lies building up.

    2 Hanna And Caleb Splitting Up For A Time

    When we tuned into season seven of PLL, a lot of things had happened between the last episode we had seen.

    We learned that Hanna and Caleb had split up and that she was engaged to Jordan.

    This is definitely a storyline that shouldn't have happened. We would say that we have chosen to ignore it because, well, it's too painful to imagine this wonderful couple being apart. We've gotten very attached to the girls and their romantic lives, and we really didn't want these two to ever split up. At least they did end up together. We wouldn't have been okay with anything else.

    1 Why Was Ali Such A Mean Girl… To Her Friends?

    It's easy not to focus on the character of Ali even though she's definitely at the center of the show. When we first meet her in the pilot, she's basically a mean girl. She's beautiful, popular, and pretty much gets the liars to do what she wants. They're all hanging out in Spencer's barn and then she disappears.

    After that, we don't really see Ali again until she comes back for good, save for a few random scenes. But even though the Ali who returns seems sweet and like she's been through a lot, we can't help but think that she wasn't always the nicest person.