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    19 Over-The-Top Kardashian Birthdays (& 5 We're Glad We Weren't Invited To)

    When one of the members of the most iconic pop culture family has a birthday, it's only right to assume that birthday is going to make quite a splash. With the rise of social media comes a new pressure to document fabulous parties. Sharing the wealth of photos and lavish get-togethers is a way to prove that the party happened. It sounds silly, as the most socially spectacular family, they certainly need to keep those appearances up. Besides, who doesn't want to celebrate family members by posting throwback photos and embarrassing cake incidents long after the actual party? We've dug deep to find the best of the best Kardashian-Jenner birthday parties. The luxury, the lewd, and the low-key-but-lavish ones are all just as tempting in our books. Sometimes we even dream about the idea of joining them. It's with that mindset that we decided to go ahead and find the top 25 Kardashian-Jenner birthday parties. The top 25 best and most blah, that is! For as many amazing parties as they have, it only makes sense that there are a few duds in there too. So, which are the drool-worthy, must-have-an-invite parties in our books? Read on to find out.

    24 Kris Jenner's 60th Is Still Our Party Goals

    Turning 60 is a huge milestone. While Kris Jenner doesn't exactly look like she's aged in the last 10 to 20 years, 3 years ago she hit her big six-oh. 60 might seem like a daunting number for some, but Kris Jenner is far and away exceeding our expectations for 60. Her birthday party was the celebration that we wish we could have when we turn 60.

    TMZ reveals that it was a 1920s theme, featuring slinky diamond dresses, huge feathers, and musical performances with a speakeasy vibe.

    Who wouldn't want to go to that?

    23 We All Wanted To Go To North & Penelope's Unicorn Bash

    News outlets recently got riled up thanks to the reveal of the unicorn party that was put on for the Kardashian kids. Joint parties are anything but lame when it's for a Kardashian kid; that's just a fact. Her goes into more details on it, describing how the joint party between North West and Penelope Disick featured rainbows everywhere and a mountain of unicorn themed food. The Kardashians apparently even managed to find “real” unicorns (which we're pretty sure were just horses with glitter and horns on). We know what we'll be doing for our next birthday…

    22 Though North West's “Kidchella” Might Still Be The Best Kids Party Ever

    The pictures seriously don't do it justice. Kidchella was an icon of kids' parties, and we're not surprised that it turned out to be such a fantastic success.

    Refinery29 explains that Kidchella was the name created for North West's first birthday, which was a Coachella themed extravaganza in their huge backyard.

    There's a part of us that thinks this was more exciting for the grown-up Kardashian clan than for North. It doesn't make us want to go any less, though!

    21 Kim Kardashian's 33rd Was An Iconic Moment In Kardashian History

    Some people don't want their engagement to overshadow their birthday party and vice versa. While we personally want the events to be separate for us, we totally see why Kanye opted to do combine them both. This turned out to be one of the most iconic Kardashian birthdays ever.

    EOnline reminds us that this was the birthday at which Kim Kardashian was proposed to by Kanye, and he went all out; the entire AT&T park was rented out for her and their family and friends.

    And from the pictures, it looks like the band set the mood well. The Jumbotron was a surprisingly classy touch.

    20 Kylie's Most Recent Birthday Was One We'd Have Done Anything To Be At

    Talk about the party of the year. Kylie Jenner recently turned 21 this year, and the resulting party was exactly what we would have expected from this party-queen-turned-new-mom. Cosmopolitan gave us all the inside details, which included pointing out the fact that Kylie put on this amazing sparkly bodysuit that definitely was the true star of the night. The other amazing party piece? An indoor ball pit that was, like almost every other aspect of this party (including Kylie) bright, hot pink.

    19  But Her 20th Surprise Party Was A Bit Of A Dud

    The one that we really didn't want to go to? Kylie's 20th birthday. No shade to the girl, but we don't super want to pose under a big, floating, gold mylar “Kylie” sign. Not that that was the big feature of the night, of course. People magazine explains that the party itself was a surprise. Kylie had no idea it was happening until she walked in.

    The one thing we wish we were there to see? The ice sculpture they commissioned that immortalized Kylie's behind.

    Or at least, immortalized it until the ice melted.

    18 Khloe's 34th Was A New Mom's Dream

    New mom Khloe was gifted with a great party for her 34th. With a new baby it can be hard to work up the energy to get to a party. And trusting your newborn with a babysitter? It can be stressful. Khloe, luckily, opted to have a family affair. ENews said that the low-key event featured a simple (but also probably totally lavish and luxurious) dinner with her close friends and family, and was topped off with pink balloons and a berry-decorated cake.

    17 Kanye's 41st Birthday Was… Kanye Themed

    Yes, that cake is a reference to his newest album. Yes, Kanye's 41st album did happen fairly recently. And, yes, it was everything we'd want a Kanye West birthday party to be. EOnline says that, on top of cookies that were decorated to look like Kanye, the superstar's family also surprised him with what was essentially a tableside magician. The party was definitely one that we had put on our must-attend list for this year. Maybe our invitation got lost in the mail, right?

    16 Kendall's 19th Was Arguably One Of The Wildest

    The 19th birthday party is typically a wild one up in Canada, where most of the legal drinking ages are 19. In the US it's a little different, though, as 21 is the big date. For Kendall, however, she decided to jump on the wild party train early.

    Cosmopolitan tells us that the party featured serenades from Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne, a birthday rap, as well as a pilot's cap for wild polaroid pictures.

    This is absolutely still the standout of teenage birthday parties for us.

    15 North West's Third Birthday Wasn't Our Cup Of Tea But At 3 Years Old…

    We'll admit it: Disneyland is not our thing. We don't super want to battle the crowds and stickiness that seems to be inherent in such a kid-friendly place. While it's not our cup of tea, North West was nothing but smiles at her Disneyland birthday party. Refinery29 talks about the fact that she and the rest of the Kardashian clan spent the day at Disneyland in honor of North West's third birthday. The part that we do like about this birthday? All the adorable princess photos of West.

    14 Kendall's 21st Was All About The Outfit

    We discussed the wildness of Kendall Jenner's 19th birthday above, but that almost pales in comparison to her 21st birthday. This was the birthday that featured the silver, sparkly napkin she wore that caused everybody's heads to turn. We always thought that dinner and a night out were pretty typical birthday events, and couldn't be made all that extravagant; Vanity Fair proves us wrong, though.

    Vanity Fair details that Kendall Jenner's birthday dress alone cost an extravagant $9,000.

    13  And Truly Outdid Khloe's 33rd, Which Was A Very Similar Theme

    Maybe it's the fact that Kendall Jenner was riding the wave of excitement that naturally comes with a 21st birthday, but when looking at these similar parties Khloe's just pales in comparison. We're sure she had fun, but it was nowhere near as great as Kendall's. People Magazine explains that she had a similar event, with dinner starting off the evening and a fun time going out on the town afterward. Somehow it just wasn't quite the same as Kendall's, making us less inclined to look for an invite.

    12 Kanye's Was Every Sports Lover's (Or Cheerleader Fan's) Dream

    Kim Kardashian-West truly outdid herself on this one. Planning a birthday party for yourself is never a lot of fun. That's why it's important to have people in your life that want to plan a party for you. Bonus points if they do it as well as Kim K did for her husband, Kanye. A social media post that she made hints at the fact that she rented out the entire Staples Centre for Kanye, including the company of these lovely ladies. Talk about a slam dunk party!

    11 Kim's 35th Would Have Had Us In Stitches

    It goes both ways, though, with Kanye proving that he's just as excited about Kim Kardashian's party prowess as she is about his. Vanity Fair explains that the amazing 35th birthday's theme was “pregnant Kim”.

    The night featured Kanye renting out an entire movie theatre and handing out fake baby bumps for people to wear, so Kim K could eat churros and waddle around without feeling alone.

    We wish we could have been there, as it sounds like an amazing (and hilarious) party.

    10 Though It's A Dramatic Shift From All Her TAO Nightclub Birthdays!

    Maybe it's just because she was rocking the preggo belly that Kim Kardashian got such a unique party, but it certainly was a dramatic shift from her typical birthday extravaganzas. The classic spot that we've seen her celebrating at for years is revealed by ENews to be the TAO nightclub. While we've never been, the photos always show Kim grinning ear-to-ear. With that kind of publicity, we can't help but wish we were a fly on the wall for just one of the half-dozen parties she's had at TAO.

    9 Dream's Was Actually Kind Of Dreamy- For A Toddler

    Let's not forget about Dream, Rob Kardashian, and Blac Chyna's little girl. This kid has been incredibly cute since day one, and we're sure that that's not going to change. The parties, however, will, which is why we want to take a moment to relish this sweet birthday. Unlike North West's Kidchella, Dream got a gorgeous car-themed birthday party safe and sound at home. Refinery29 tells us she was surrounded by family and fun and spent the whole party smiling. We admit we're a little jealous-- We wish someone would buy us a hot pink car like that!

    8 But Mason And Reign's Almost Outdid Her's With This Car Show

    We're not sure who inspired who, but if we mention one car-themed Kardashian kid birthday we have to mention the other one, right? In this case, the party was done for Mason and Reign, who typically share a birthday party every year.

    Kourtney Kardashian's blog went into glorious detail about the event and discussed how it was not only car themed, but also The Fast and the Furious themed.

    She reports that they even screened the movie outdoors, and got their hands on some of the real Fast and Furious cars!

    7 Kourtney Needs To Up Her Birthday Game: Glamping Does Not Equal Party

    It seems like all her party prowess was used up on the kids, though. The glamping that she did for her own birthday was not anywhere close to something we wanted to come along for. People magazine mentions that this birthday was a three-stage party. She started with a visit to see Khloe and True on day one. Day 2 featured balloons, bouquets, and her kids. Day three was a surprise glamping adventure by her bae-at-the-time, Younes. Sweet, but definitely not a party.

    6 We Wish We Were At Kylie's Sweetest 16 Ever

    The one thing we haven't touched on in this list is any of the Kardashian-Jenners' sweet 16s. A right of passage for many, Kylie Jenner entirely fulfilled expectations at her 16th birthday. She even got an amazing car, in typical 16th style.

    ENews mentions how she had both Big Sean and Drake performing at the party, which was an Alice in Wonderland theme.

    We wish we had been there just because of all the photo booth snaps; it looked like so much fun!

    5 Most People Go To Cali To Get Away From The Snow; Not These Party Monsters

    It sounds like a weird mash-up but trust us: your jealousy will be provoked just a little bit when we dive into the details of this party. A joint birthday between Saint and Reign was reported by Refinery29 as featuring an ice skating rink, snow, and Monsters Inc. decor. The monster onesies were the perfect way to keep warm while the kids got to skate in the middle of California. We would have loved to see these party monsters living it up on the ice. Talk about adorable!

    4 Rob's 31st Was Surprisingly Low-Key, But Looked Lovely

    When your birthday falls on St. Patrick's Day, the expectation is one of a huge party. Those that don't partake in the party times end up getting some raised eyebrows. After all, the world is basically telling them to get wild, right? That's the case with everyone but Rob. EOnline describes his 31st birthday as low-key, but still totally lovely. Not only was he surrounded by family and friends, but the highlight of his day seemed to be the quality time spent with Dream. Sounds like a dreamy party!

    3 The Honorary Kardashian-Jenner, Jordyn Woods, Had Four Fantastic 21st Birthdays

    Jordyn Woods is Kylie Jenner's best friend. They've lived together for a while, and are often thought of in our minds as being closer than two peas in a pod. Teen Vogue gave the inside scoop on all of Jordyn Woods' four amazing 21st birthdays, proving that even the honorary Kardashian-Jenners get to have the best parties.

    This photo is from the actual party that was thrown for her, which Teen Vogue says was a bowling theme.

    Bowling? Sounds like fun to us! Can we come along to the next celebration?

    2 Maybe It's Too Soon For A 63rd Birthday Party, But This Stunningly Sweet Celebration Has Us Stoked

    Kris Jenner's 60th was a full-on blow out bash, but this birthday celebration just might have topped it.

    A little on the early side, Kylie Jenner gifted her mom Kris a $250K, bright red car, as reported by People.

    The car is reportedly her favorite, and she's dreamed about it forever. Looks like the other ladies will have to up their gift game this year. We hope this means a big party is in the works, as it's going to be hard to top Kylie Jenner's birthday gift to her lovely mama bear.

    1 And We Can't Wait To See Stormi's “Epic” First Birthday

    The best birthday gift-giver is soon to become the best birthday party thrower too. EOnline revealed that Kylie Jenner is so excited for Stormi's first birthday she took to social media to share her thoughts on it. She's apparently planning an “epic” bash for Stormi's first, lamenting the fact that the unicorn theme was already done recently. Stormi's birthday is February 1st, which means we're a cool couple of months away from this potential party. Kylie Jenner, we're ready and waiting with handcrafted knit booties in hand. Just let us know where and when this party is happening- We want to go!