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    16 Celeb Moms Who Rely On Nannies To Help Them Parent (& 6 Who Go It Alone)

    It's no secret that celebrities often have busy schedules. Whether they're touring or filming, working on a project or attending press junket after press junket, they're often working long hours, away from home. However, many celebrities decide that they want to start families as well - so how exactly are you supposed to balance the two?

    There are some celebrities who just function like other regular people who have to juggle family and career, and simply find a way to make it work. Then, there are the celebrities who take full advantage of the paycheck they get and use it to hire some help. There's no right or wrong answer - what works for one celebrity may not work for another, and it's something that everyone has to figure out. However, more and more celebrities are coming out and admitting to the help they have, which is refreshing. It can seem over-the-top to think that celebs balance busy careers and also are perfect parents when in reality, they have plenty of help to make it all work.

    Here are 16 celeb moms who rely on their nanny (or, in some cases, nannies) to help with their parenting, and 6 celebs who are dedicated to doing it all themselves.

    22 Nanny: Kourtney Makes Her Own Baby Food, But Has A Nanny By Her Side

    Kourtney Kardashian definitely puts forward an image of herself as a Pinterest-perfect mom, the type who makes all her kids' food from scratch and limits their screen time and all that. However, in reality, she's only able to do what she does because she has a whole lot of help. After all, how do you think she's able to hang out with her sisters for the show with no children climbing all over her? Not to mention her international travel! Don't feel bad if you can't find time to squeeze in as many workouts as Kourt can because, well, she has a lot more help than most moms.

    21 Nanny: Zoe Saldana Knew Twins Would Be A Handful, So She Got A Nanny For Each

    One child is a ton of work, but twins is a whole different ball game. So, when Zoe Saldana gave birth to her twin boys, she made the decision to hire a nanny for each twin in order to help out. Two nannies may seem excessive, but it's really no different than hiring one nanny to help with your one child - she wanted to make sure both their needs were met!  In the past few years, she's had a ton of blockbuster movies under her belt, so it's a good thing she had the help she needed at home to allow her to pursue her career!

    20 No Nanny: Mila Kunis Is All About Being A Hands-On Mom - Even With Two Kids

    Mila Kunis and her hubby Ashton Kutcher both have crazy busy schedules. Between television and movies, their days are jam-packed. However, they make their two adorable kids, Wyatt and Dimitri, a priority, and prefer to be hands-on parents. As Ashton spilled on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, "we just want to know our kid. We want to be the people that know what to do when the baby's crying to make the baby not cry anymore." So cute! Their stance may change as the kids get a bit older and require more shuttling around, but for the time being, they're happy as a family of four.

    19 Nanny: Jessica Alba Gives Huge Credit To Her Nanny, Who Wrote A Book

    Since she owns a company that creates natural products for babies, you might assume that Jessica Alba is the perfect mom who tends to her children's every need. However, while she's probably a great mom, she's not afraid to admit when she needs a little bit of help - and that's where Nanny Connie comes in. Alba apparently had the help of a nanny when her daughter Honor was born, and Connie came back into the family's lives with the birth of their son Hayes. Nanny Connie even wrote a book designed to help other moms - talk about some great credentials!

    18 Nanny: Victoria Beckham Has Nannies To Help The Beckham Household Run Smoothly

    Balancing the schedules of one child and one busy Hollywood career is tough. Balancing the schedules of four children and two busy careers in entirely different fields is an entirely different manner. The Beckhams seem like the perfect family, but it's definitely not completely effortless - and though she spends a ton of time with her kids, Victoria Beckham made the decision to hire a nanny to help keep things running smoothly. After all, with two parents and four children, sometimes you need an extra set of hands to transport someone to a practice or appointment! She's had a bit of nanny drama over the years but would probably agree that they're still a good addition to any busy household.

    17 No Nanny: Blake Lively Is Basically Super Mom

    Blake Lively and hubby Ryan Reynolds are definitely total goals as a couple, and we have to admit, Lively is certainly goals as a mom as well. She just seems like such an effortlessly perfect mother, who manages to care for her kids while also looking incredible and cooking meals from scratch on a regular basis. Reynolds spilled about their parenting style in a GQ interview a few years ago, saying that "I have this stupid grin on my face all the time. And that's not because I have a nanny or something like that. It's just us right now, and I love it."

    16 Nanny: Kim Kardashian West Has A Nanny For Each Child - As Well As A Team Of Assistants

    It's crazy to think about just how much help Kim Kardashian West has when it comes to simply running her life. She has a personal assistant, an executive assistant, a personal trainer, a chef, a glam squad… the list goes on and on. So, it probably comes as no surprise that she decided to hire not one, but two nannies to help with her children. I mean, even having an extra set of hands for when she needs to spend time in the make-up chair getting ready for filming every day is probably super useful - after all, she's on camera constantly!

    15 Nanny: Sarah Jessica Parker Has Nannies And Even Some E-Mail Issues

    It can be tough to find the right nanny when you're a celebrity - often, the temptation to spill secrets of a celebrity family's life is too much for a nanny to handle. Sarah Jessica Parker unfortunately learned that the hard way, when a former nanny she employed released some of the e-mails that SJP sent to her staff, which painted the actress as a bit of a control freak. Sarah Jessica Parker draws the line at having a live-in nanny, and is often taking her children around the city, but she does have help from time to time to make sure things run smoothly.

    14 Nanny: Kylie Jenner Wants To Be Hands-On With Stormi - But Realized She Needed Help

    Apparently, after Stormi was first born, Kylie really wanted to be a normal mom who was totally hands-on with her daughter. She didn't want extra help. Then, she quickly realized that she didn't exactly have a normal life - and that an extra set of hands would be hugely beneficial while she's running her cosmetics empire and appearing on her family's reality television show. However, a source told People that Kylie is still "incredible doting and hands-on as a mom," despite having nannies and assistants on her team to keep things running smoothly. Hey, if all her sisters can have nannies, why shouldn't she?

    13 No Nanny: Though Eva Mendes And Ryan Gosling Are Busy, She Hasn't Hired A Nanny

    Eva Mendes hasn't been popping up in quite as many projects lately as she once was, and there's a good reason for that - she's busy taking care of her and Ryan Gosling's adorable daughter! She spilled about her parenting to InStyle when her daughter was young, saying "I'm a very hands-on mom; I don't have a nanny. No matter how tired I am, I just do it." However, Mendes did later clarify in an interview with Wendy Williams that she did get some help from her family and Ryan Gosling's family from time to time, which probably makes a huge difference.

    12 Nanny: Beyonce Has Multiple Nannies For Each Child

    If you thought it was crazy that some celebrities have two nannies rather than just one, wait until you hear Beyonce's set-up. The singer has not one, not two, but allegedly around six nannies. She and Jay keep their private lives fairly private, so Beyonce isn't one of those celebrities proclaiming how her nannies have changed her life, but it's definitely something to be aware of. After all, she needs to maintain her schedule and get her beauty sleep, and her hubby has an equally packed schedule, so the nannies are probably total lifesavers in that regard. Why not, when you can afford it?

    11 Nanny: Though Jennifer Garner Has Had Nanny Issues, She Knows She Needs Them

    Back when she was with actor Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner had a nanny to help them balance their busy careers and their three adorable children. And, though their former nanny didn't work out, she's still one of many celebrities who counts on her nanny to help her get through the day. Especially now that she's a busy single mom, she needs an extra set of hands to help get her active children to all their activities and make sure they're happy and healthy! She's also been dabbling in some entrepreneurial ventures lately, so she has even more on her plate. Talk about super mom!

    10 Nanny: Gwen Stefani Interviewed 67 Nannies To Find The Right One

    Gwen Stefani has a totally chill, laid-back energy, but when it comes to her children she goes the extra mile. When she wanted to hire a nanny to help out at home, she apparently interviewed a whopping 67 candidates before finding the one she decided to hire. She's been outspoken about the fact that she's got a busy schedule and needs help making sure everything runs smoothly in her household. Her career is just as busy as it was before she had kids, so it's no wonder she needs a little extra assistance to ensure her kids are happy and that her time spent with them is spent well.

    9 No Nanny: Despite Her Massive Career, Reese Witherspoon Has Never Opted To Hire Help

    Things are likely getting easier now that two of her children are pretty much adults, but it's pretty crazy that Reese Witherspoon has never had a nanny despite her super busy career over the years. She and ex-hubby Ryan Philippe made the decision back when their kids were young that they'd raise their kids in the same kind of humble surroundings that they themselves were raised in, even though they were both rising stars in Hollywood. Reese has kept that attitude through the years, and it's obviously worked - her children are totally adorable and seem to have great heads on their shoulders.

    8 Nanny: Gwyneth Paltrow Has Musical And Linguistic Requirements For Her Nanny

    Gwyneth Paltrow obviously has some strong opinions about parenting, and opened up to People a while back about how important her nanny is to her family. She commented that "I have an amazing nanny. I didn't have one till Apple was 14 months old, but then, because we were going on tour, we found someone fantastic. She's been with us ever since." However, not just any nanny can score a gig in the Paltrow household - apparently, when she was looking for a nanny for her son Moses, she wanted someone fluent in at least four languages and able to play at least two instruments. Crazy!

    7 Nanny: Angelina Jolie Obviously Has Help To Manage Her Crew Of Six

    If there was ever a celebrity we would guess had a nanny, it would be Angelina Jolie. I mean, the woman has six children - that's no joke! She has to balance her role as a mom with her role as an actress and humanitarian, all of which require a lot of time and energy. So, she allegedly has about one nanny per child to make sure the family runs smoothly and everyone is happy. It's probably getting easier and easier as her children get older - we can't imagine what it must have been like back when they were all quite young. It was probably chaos!

    6 Nanny: Amy Poehler Fully Credits Her Nanny For Her Career

    One thing we absolutely love about Amy Poehler is that she tells it like it is - she's not about to lie or sugarcoat anything for anyone. So, it's not surprising that she decided to make her thoughts about having a nanny known to the world in an essay for Elle, in which she stated "I'm successful at work because of my nanny. The only reason I have a career is that we have a wonderful nanny who does everything in our house." It can be intimidating to figure out how she balances being a mom with being such a powerhouse in the industry, so it's nice to hear that she rocks it at work partly because she has some major help at home.

    5 No Nanny: Celine Dion Didn't Let Twins Slow Her Down

    It's tough enough to balance more than one child with a busy career, but balancing twins is an entirely different level of busy. However, singer Celine Dion wasn't about to let a nanny come in and parent when she'd worked so hard to have her boys. She spilled about her parenting philosophy to Gala, saying "I didn't have these children to not take care of them, to give myself to them 200-300 percent. I am changing diapers and breastfeeding and that's something where no one can take my place. It's tiring but an intense joy." Talk about an amazing, dedicated mother!

    4 Nanny: Serena Williams Got A Nanny To Help Out With Baby Alexis - And Teach Her French

    Serena Williams is an elite athlete who has to clock in countless hours on the court, training. And, her hubby Alexis Ohanian is an entrepreneur who has a pretty grueling schedule as well. So, when the duo welcomed their daughter into the world, they soon realized that they'd need a little help to make things work. So, they hired a nanny - and apparently, Williams was super into French culture and wanted to make sure her daughter had a bilingual nanny. I mean, why not? Williams is a first-time mom who definitely spends as much time with her baby girl as possible, but a nanny helps out when they need it.

    3 Nanny: Mariah Carey Has Nannies - And Some Pretty Strong Rules For Them

    If you've ever wondered just how extra Mariah Carey is with her kids, the answer is very. Carey, unsurprisingly, has hired nannies throughout her children's lives to help her with childcare. However, she has a pretty crazy rule - she fires her nannies immediately if she gets a hint that they're getting a bit too close to her children. One of a nanny's most important jobs is developing a great relationship and rapport with the child, so it's kind of nuts that Carey's one main rule would be that the nanny has to essentially keep his or her distance from the child, on an emotional level at least.

    2 Nanny: Rachel Zoe Considers Nannies A Chic Addition To Her Family

    Rachel Zoe definitely has a busy schedule - anyone who watched her reality show "The Rachel Zoe Project" when it was on the air knows that her hours were often absolutely bananas. So, when she decided to have children, things definitely had to change a bit. And, while Zoe has made many changes in her life to make time for her children, sometimes when both she and her hubby need to go to a fashion event, they need a little extra help. That's exactly why she has a nanny for each of her boys - there's no shame in needing a little help!

    1 No Nanny: Jenna Fisher May Be Busy, But She Always Makes Time For Her Kids

    While she's also had several movie roles over the years, actress Jenna Fisher is primarily known for breathing life into sitcom characters. I mean, who doesn't love Pam Beesly Halpert? Back in 2011, after marrying her second husband Lee Kirk, Fisher decided to take the plunge into motherhood and had her son, Weston. She's now a mom of two, but she hasn't gotten all Hollywood and hired a squad of nannies to help out, something she's been pretty outspoken about. She does it all herself and wants the world to know that many Hollywood parents are just like regular people, that not everyone has a team of nannies on call.

    References: babygaga.com, fame10.com, workingmother.com, dailymail.co.uk, elle.com