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    15 Surprising New Beauty Trends You Haven't Heard of Yet

    First there was contouring, and before you had time to master that, it was time to learn storing. Just when we think we're ready to master one new beauty trend, three more show up! But don't worry, this list outlines 15 beauty trends that you might not have heard of yet, and some are totally simple and can be done in a matter of seconds. Some of these trends might make you run for the hills, while others might be the miracle you've been waiting for all along!

    15 Changing Trends in Plastic Surgery

    For the longest time, to many, the bigger the breasts meant the better the breasts. But the 2014 plastic surgery statistics were released by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), and they revealed some interesting findings. Surprisingly, buttock augmentations were up 86% from the year before, although some doctors say that it's not so much bigger buttocks women are looking for but more shapely buttocks they desire. Now, the demand for breast implants is actually lower than it was before, however there has been a 30% increase in the number of people looking to have the previous plastic surgery on their breasts revised. This represents an interesting trend in women and men who either regret having plastic surgery, or are dissatisfied with the job that was done. In 2014 there was actually a 5% job drop in the overall number of aesthetic procedures. Most of this drop came from a lower numbers of Botox or other fillers. Liposuction still remains the most popular aesthetic surgical procedure.

    14 Nude or Red Lips?

    As we move into fall and winter, darker make up tends to be used more and more as brighter colors often go into hibernation. In the summertime you'll see colorful lips in purples and pinks, but for fall this year, trend watchers say to go with either a red lip for a nude lip. That's good news for those of you who are intimidated by wearing a bold lip because the nude lip is just as stylish right now. More good news: and nude lip goes with just about anything. Generally, if you're doing a bold smoky eye, you might want to do something more subtle on your lips and this is where a great nude lip comes in. If you're interested in over lining (lining just outside of your lips to make them look bigger - a la Kylie Jenner), a nude shade a good color to go with because any mistakes you make won't be as obvious as they would be with a darker lip color. Look to the models from New York Fashion Week for your red lip and nude lip inspiration, as that was the dominating runway trend of this year.

    13 Plopping

    For women with naturally curly hair, the struggle of taming it is all too familiar. There's now a beauty trend that's gone viral called “plopping” that has changed the way many women look at their hair. All this method entails is laying a T-shirt on a flat surface and bending over it so your hair hangs down onto it. You then roll your hair up into the T-shirt and tie the sleeves together at the front of your head and then keeping it up there for a while to dry. The result is naturally bouncy and smooth curls. It almost sounds too good to be true but in many people swear by this easy technique. Click here for a more detailed guide to plopping.

    12 Clown Contouring

    Have you seen those shocking pictures of make up vloggers with wild and bright colors all over their face? They're likely demonstrating a method called clown contouring that is a more dramatic take on traditional contouring (which just involves highlighting and shadowing certain areas). Unlike traditional contouring where you minimize or highlight certain areas, clown contouring even involves using heavy product in pink or red on your cheeks, and all others areas of your face you would normally apply make up to. This is a tricky method because blending all those colors can be very difficult so many people say it should be left to the experts, but if you're interested to try it, there are all sorts of YouTube tutorials for clown contouring.

    11 Baking

    You feel like you're under eye concealer just won't stay put there's a new method called baking that might be worth a try. While it isn't necessarily an every-day technique because of how much time it takes, it's a great method for picture days or times you really want to look your very best. After applying and blending your under eye concealer, dust a hefty amount of translucent powder on the areas you would want to highlight and over your concealer, but don't blend the powder in. Instead of blending the powder, you will let it “bake”on your face for 10 to 30 minutes. This gives it time to settle and make sure your makeup stays put. When this period has passed you dust off the loose remaining powder and you're left with make up that will stay all day.

    10 Me No Shita Chiiku

    While most of us are constantly battling dark under-eye colors, there is a growing trend from Japan that does the complete opposite of this. It's known as “me no shita chiiku” and it translates to “under-eye blush.” For most of us, having red eyes indicates you're sick or have been crying, but in Japan, this trend is meant to give you a youthful-like innocence. There is another makeup trend from Japan called “byojaku” or “sickly.” This makeup trend accomplishes the opposite of what we usually try to do when we're applying makeup. It's meant to give you puffy and red under-eyes that suggest you are sick and need to be taken care of, because of how fragile and doll-like you are.

    9 Cinderella Surgery

    There's a new trend in plastic surgery for feet called stiletto surgery or Cinderella surgery. It involves resizing and reshaping the feet and removing bunions, etc. to help your feet fit in and look great in high-heeled shoes. If you have genuine medical reasons for needing the surgery, it is usually covered by insurance. However, if you're having the surgery solely for cosmetic purposes, you can expect to pay about $10,000 dollars to have your feet resized. But beware, even if your feet look great in high heels, they certainly take a great toll on your body and wreak havoc on your back and knees.

    8 Bleached Brows

    Most of us work to darken and fill in our eyebrows, some people even get them tattooed on to ensure they are dark and filled in. But this year, a slew of celebrities, like Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, and Katy Perry, did the complete opposite of this and bleached their eyebrows. The results were shocking and often times it landed these celebrities on the front page of news sites talking about their look. If it's publicity they're going for, it may be a good choice, but most people don't find it to be very flattering on the face.

    7 Eyebrow Extensions

    If you were just getting used to the concept of eyelash extensions, get ready to have your world rocked. Now, you can actually have eyebrow extensions as well, and they look a lot more natural than one might think. Instead of being glued to the base of the hair the way eyelash extensions are, eyebrow extensions are actually glued to the skin on your eyebrows. They fall off naturally and need to be maintained the same way eyelash extensions do (ie. Every few weeks). Still, many people find this to be more convenient than filling in their eyebrows everyday.

    6 Dyed Underarm Hair

    Many women are foregoing removing their body hair and instead showing it off for the world to see. What better way to show it off than to dye it a wild and funky color? Miley Cyrus is just one celeb to do that this year, and now this trend is popping up all over the place. Some regard this trend as a feminist symbol which pushes back against societal expectations of women, while others say it's just a fashion choice. This year, we even saw it popping up on the runway, but it's becoming more and more common in every day life as well.

    5 Bronze Eyes

    Gold and silver eye-shadow has been popular for ages, and is commonly used on the runway because of how well it emphasizes the eyes. In a slight deviation from this trend, we've seen bronze shadows popping up all over the place this year. Bronze is one of the warmest metallic shades and thus brings light and warmth to the face. This trend is easy to do, as bronze shadows are widely available, and you can start with as little as you'd like to get used to this trend. You can also use bronze colors on your cheeks, and maybe even on your lips!

    4 Super-Flushed Cheeks

    When you're outside in the winter, your cheeks will naturally flush. This year make up artists are applying more of a natural-looking flush to their clients' cheeks in an effort to achieve that “just off the ski-hill” look. Flushed cheeks make you look happy and healthy and active. You can experiment with what color you want to use whether it's an orange, pink, red, or purple shade, and find out which one is most flattering for your skin tone. This year, companies like Kate Spade and J. Crew made sure their models had this flushed look before they walked down the runway.

    3 Duck feet nails

    Much like how lip colors fell on opposite ends of the spectrum this year, so to did nail colors. This year, runway nails were either bright and bold patterns or neutral shades. They were usually a natural looking length or quite long but not in between, and many would have deckles attached that looked exciting and wild. But what you probably haven't yet seen is the new nail trend called duck feet nails. Yes. That is correct, as you can see pictured above, people are starting to get into this trend and manicuring their nails to resemble that of duck feet. Check the hashtag #duckfeetnails on Instagram and you can see more of these peculiar nails.

    2 Glunge

    If you've never heard that word before, don't worry. It's a combination of glam and grunge, and it has been all over the runways this year. It entails having natural, just out of bed hair, paired with dramatic makeup, or other surprising pairings. This can be extended to have an intricate hair style, with a basic, almost "grungy" outfit. This trend is all about the contrast between glam and grunge, and the nice thing about it is not having to put quite as much effort into ALL aspects of your look (or at least looking like you didn't have to but you just naturally look THAT good!).

    1 Hand-Pressed Hair Coloring

    If you get your hair colored at a salon, you usually would have highlights done one of these two ways: balayage, where the color is hand-painted directly onto your strands, or highlights, which are painted on your hair and then wrapped in foil. However, there is now a totally new technique that is blowing people's minds. It's called hand-pressed hair coloring and Redkin colorist Chiala Marvici explained she pretty much came up with that in her sleep. This technique involves painting a pattern in the desired colors on plexi-glass, and then pressing it to the hair. Marvici claims one of the many benefits of this process is that it doesn't take as long as other hair coloring methods because it requires less blending. She is traveling around the country training stylists on her new technique, but it may be a while before it appears in your salon. It's definitely something to look forward to and keep your eye out for, though!