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    12 Ways To Tolerate That Period Pain

    It's that time of the month again. It's never really pleasant, it's sometimes messy, and you feel like an emotional, bloated, hungry girl for what seems like forever. You have menstrual cramps, your boobs are sore, and you have a raging headache that feels as if a million bricks are pressing against your head. You want to eat bad foods but you know that it will just make you feel even worse. You're lying in bed, and once again, not really motivated to get up and do anything. What do you do in this situation? Month after month your period comes around and every time it doesn't seem to get any easier. Well, you are in good luck because here are some ways and methods to making your time of the month a bit more tolerable.

    12 Heating Pads

    One of the many symptoms that come with getting your period are cramps. They ache, sometimes come in waves, and can range from mild to severe. One tip is to purchase some type of heating pad. By laying it on your pelvic region, the heat coming from the pad will not only sooth the direct pain from your uterus, but it will also relieve some tension that can be built up in your back or stomach from the result of tensing up. It can even be used to relieve headaches. You can purchase these already packaged heating pads at almost any drugstore, or you can purchase a water bag that can be reheated for continuous use.

    11 Comfortable Clothing

    Sometimes the key to a woman's heart is some comfy clothes. When you are on your period, you sometimes feel bloated and emotional, and all you want to do is lay around, eat, and watch some trash TV. The best way to do this is to wear some loose, comfortable clothing that doesn't make you feel uncomfortable or restricted. These may be your pajamas, yoga pants, a huge tee shirt, or even some cozy socks, but all in all, the fact that you are wearing clothes that you feel good in, helps the fact that you may be feeling a little crappy.

    10 Pain Relievers

    Sometimes the headaches, menstrual cramps, bloating, breast tenderness, and back discomfort can cause a lot of pain and anxiety that is hard to tolerate, especially if you are busy at work, school, or anything. Try some anti-inflammatory pain relievers to give you some temporary relief. They will relieve the hurting and let you focus on your day without being hunched over in discomfort. It's important not to rely solely on the pain medication and to incorporate other pain relieving elements such as exercising to help as well.

    9 Take A Bath

    Periods make us feel icky, so it's important to keep your body and mind relaxed so we don't get too stressed out. One way to do so is to draw yourself a hot bath. Put on some of your favorite music, light some delicious smelling candles, and make the biggest bubbles you possibly can, and just chill. The warmth of the water will help relieve some pain, and the weightlessness you feel while floating will ease the tension in your lower back and entire body. Pamper yourself as much as you can, and make sure you take care of that body of yours during this time.

    8 Get That Body Moving!

    While on your period, sometimes the last thing you want to do is move. But one way to tolerate your period is to get your body moving. Whether you physically go to the gym, take a walk, or even a swim, by getting your blood pumping throughout your body will help ease the pain from menstrual cramps. Also, endorphins, the “happy” chemical in your brain that releases during physical activity, will be released, and will help ease any mental PMS symptoms. You will generally overall feel better about getting some physical activity in your day as well.

    7 Get Some Practical Underwear

    During this time of the month, most of us know that it's not the best idea to wear your favorite, more delicate, sexy underwear. Periods are messy, sometimes unexpected, and having underwear that you know you won't mind getting a bit abused by your uterus is a must. Get some underwear that will be comfortable as well as practical. Boy shorts or brief style underwear is a great way to still feel cute and comfortable, but still be practical during this time of the month. They tend to have better coverage, which is great for any unexpected leakage.

    6 Keep Your Mind and Body Busy

    Getting yourself busy will keep your mind occupied during your period. You will have less time to sit and think about how bad your menstrual cramps hurt, and you will feel more accomplished during the process. Start a hobby, read a book, finish some work that needs finishing. Try and resist the urge to sit and curl up in a ball. As long as you keep your head occupied, you will almost forget that you're on your period. Before you know it, your period will be gone, and you can continue on normal again!

    5 Namaste

    Not only is yoga considered a type of exercise, but the spiritual and mental health benefits are what make it stand out from the rest. Yoga involves a lot of poses, natural movement, breathing, stretching, and holding. You can work up quite a sweat, but it's more spiritual side helps to clear the mind and helps us to focus on more grounded mindsets. It promotes meditation, which is great to incorporate into our daily lives, for it allows simplistic “me” time. There are also many yoga poses that help relieve menstrual pain, upper and lower back pain, and neck pain. One pose to check out and to help menstrual cramps is Chakravakasana, or more commonly known as the “cat-cow” stretch that involves an alternation of stretching the abdominals and back.

    4 Hit The Big O

    Whether getting there solo or with your partner, having an orgasm can help alleviate menstrual symptoms. It not only will calm down muscle aches afterward, since blood is moving more rapidly throughout the body, but it will also keep your mind busy focusing on a different, more pleasurable kind of sensation down there. For some women, the actual process achieving an orgasm could be quite relaxing, which is another way to help tolerate your period while it's present.

    3 Drink Some Tea

    Making yourself a nice, hot, cup of tea will help to relieve any stress pertaining to your period. More specifically, drinking ginger tea can help soothe and relax the stomach and pelvic area since it is an anti-inflammatory type of substance. The heat from the tea will also help settle any digestive annoyances, and the steam will help clear your nostrils so you can breath deep and thoroughly. This will help you to stay hydrated so you avoid headaches and annoying anxieties. So go ahead and make yourself a lovely cup of tea and enjoy a moment to yourself.

    2 Cook Some Grub

    We all know that when it comes to having our period, we are hungry, and we are hungry all the time. Instead of going to the local fast food drive-thru down the road, making something at home is something that you'll thoroughly enjoy and most likely wont make you feel awful and regretful after. Research some healthy and hearty recipes that you haven't made before, and head to the supermarket to get the ingredients. The act of going out and keeping your mind busy will benefit you during this time of the month. Not only will you enjoy the fun process of making a home cooked meal, but there's no doubt that you will thoroughly enjoy the process of eating it too!

    1 Call Up The Besties

    You know they always make you feel better. Call up your best friend and have a chat, or go on and hang out together and complain all you want about how crappy you feel. Pretty sure they understand. Go out shopping, go to the movies, or better yet, stay home and watch a movie and eat some ice cream together. Even if it's just their presence, your closest friends always seem to know how to make you laugh, listen, and cheer you up during that time of the month.