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    Royal Baby Boy 17 Strict Rules Everyone Must Follow Around The Newborn

    On Monday, April 23rd, Kensington Palace announced that the Duchess of Cambridge (a.k.a Kate Middleton) had welcomed a new prince weighing 8lb 7oz. To say 'mother and baby are doing well' is an understatement as the newborn is fifth in line to the British throne, his father Prince William and brother Prince George are both potential future kings and will grow up within the walls of Kensington Palace.

    Prince George and sister Princess Charlotte have already paid a visit their new baby brother in the hospital and the family is now safely back at home. Prince William hasn't lost his sense of humor when reporters asked him what it will be like bringing the baby home, he laughed, "Thrice worry now," holding up three fingers.

    Last year, Kate revealed to reporters at a charity event for her Heads Together campaign, "Personally, becoming a mother has been such a rewarding and wonderful experience. However, at times it has also been a huge challenge. Even for me who has support at home that most mothers do not." Those challenges are going to be even greater now that the third baby has arrived and Royal protocol must be followed.

    Kate and Wills are known as modern parents but they will still need to follow these strict rules or fear the wrath of the palace.

    17 The Queen Must Be The First Person To Know When The Heir Is Born - Even Though She Isn't There

    News broke early in the morning on the day new prince was born that Kate had been rushed St Mary's Hospital in London and she was in the 'early stages of labor.' Then, Kensington Palace tweeted, "Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 11:01hrs. The baby weighs 8lbs 7oz. The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well."

    The news would only have come after the Queen was updated first.

    According to the Mirror, Prince William has an encrypted phone which he uses to call his grandmother after the birth.

    Only after he has made that call and announced the arrival of the fifth in line to the throne.

    16 Prince William Was Not Allowed To See The Birth Of His Son

    Although the details of the birth are kept top secret, it's unlikely that Prince William was present for the birth of his third child. One of the most-talked-about royal birthing stories is that Prince Phillip was playing a game of squash when his son Prince Charles was born. The Sun explained, "Giving birth is considered a female-only event and fathers are not allowed in the delivery room." Leaving the delivery room, Kate sat in the back of the car with the baby as Prince William drove them home and he told the crowd of reporters they were "very happy" and "delighted" with their new baby prince.

    It was nice for the crowds to see Kate all smiles as she had quite the rough pregnancy. The Duchess suffers from a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum which is a severe form of nausea that affects around 1.5% of pregnancies.

    15 Kate Must Be Ready To Appear In Public Just Hours After Giving Birth

    When the world's press are waiting just outside the hospital doors, it's not proper for Kate and Wills to keep them waiting to see the new baby. Within eight hours of giving birth, Kate was back into her heels, with full hair and makeup complete and ready to face the world. USA Today answered the question 'How does she do it!?' with: "Good health, good diet, no birth complications and a small army of supportive friends, aides and family."

    Kate has never suffered the pains of a long labor - both Prince George and Princess Charlotte were born within five hours of her walking through the hospital doors.

    One fan tweeted, "Cannot believe how unbelievable Kate looks hours after giving birth! She is glowing!" and another added, "I wish I could look as great as Kate Middleton looked just a few HOURS after giving birth!! Congrats on baby number 3!!"

    14 Kate Must Wear Only The Carefully Selected Outfit The Palace Has Chosen For Her

    Kate's clothes are carefully chosen for her first appearance after the birth by royal staffers at the palace. For the birth of Prince George she wore blue polka dots, for Princess Charlotte, it was yellow florals and for the new Prince she came out the hospital doors in a bright red frock. It's believed that this outfit choice was a nod to Prince William's late mother, Diana.

    In 1984, Diana wore a bright red coat with collar and bow as she left the hospital with Prince Harry in her arms. Diana tragically died in a car crash accident in 1997 so it was a nice way the couple could still involve the late grandmother who is no longer with them. All three of her dresses have been made especially for her by British designer Jenny Packham.

    13 The 23 Members Of The 'Birthing Team' Are Not Allowed To Drink For 3 Months

    There were more people on hand for the birth of the new royal Prince than on the average football team.

    According to People, there are three midwives, two obstetricians, three anesthesiologists, four surgical staff members, two special care staffers, four pediatricians, one lab technician for blood tests, and three or four managers.

    The 23 members of the 'birthing team' have all been on call for duty three months before the due date and can't let their hair down once.

    Dr. Joanna Bray - who was present for the births of Prince George and Prince Charlotte, told Marie Claire, "We were all on call for three months - my husband did the childcare for three months! You never know when you need to be called. You need to be in town and available. If you are at a party you need to have your car keys at the ready. No drinking!"

    12 Any Gifts Given To The New Heir Will Be Given Away To Charity

    Well-wishers usually send a huge amount of presents to the palace when a new royal baby has been born. After his birth in 1982, Prince William received more than 4,200, but now royal tradition bans gifts so that number has dropped over the years with Prince George receiving 720 gifts.

    The Queen's press secretary explained to the Daily Star, "It's just a common practice in the Royal household that they do not accept unsolicited gifts because there are just so many repercussions." Now, if fans of the royal baby do send gifts they will all be donated to a local children's hospital. Kate's sister Pippa Middleton has just announced she's pregnant with her first child, so maybe the Royals could donate some of the gifts to her newborn.

    11 The Royal Baby Must Not Fly On The Same Plane As Prince William

    Becoming a Royal Prince means a lot of air miles as the young heir will be expecting to travel the world with his parents for royal engagements. Prince George first jetted off on a private plane when he was just six months old to Australia, but the strict rules are he and his siblings won't fly with Prince William - even if they are going to the same place.

    The only time they will be allowed to travel together as a family is if the Queen gives her seal of approval for the trip.

    A Royal spokesperson explained to The Sun, "While there is no official rule on this, it is something that the Queen has the final say on." This is so, in case something terrible happens, the succession to the throne can be preserved.

    10 The Name Must Be Kept Top Secret For At Least A Week

    When Prince William left the hospital carrying his newborn son in the car seat, one reporter shouted when the name of the baby would be announced and he replied, " "You'll find out soon." The name of the newborn might be kept carefully under wraps for at least a week as the Royal staffers will have to do all the administration that comes with a newborn. Right now, the current favorites for a boy's name are Arthur, Albert, and Philip.

    Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told the BBC, "It's quite likely to follow the traditional route that William and Kate seem to favor. Family links are tremendously important in this. You want a name that resonates, a name that's got family links and is popular." One Twitter fan joked, "We should continue calling the royal baby 'the royal baby' even as he ages. So when he's 45 everyone still refers to him as 'Royal Baby.' But it only works if we all agree to do it."

    9 Kate Must Hand Over Most Of The Childcare Duties To The New Nanny As Per Tradition

    Prince William and Kate will have a few weeks with their newborn to enjoy bonding as a family but then he will rejoin the Royal Air Force and Kate will return to her own royal duties. When you're working full-time or traveling around the world for charity events, it's just not possible to be hands-on with a young family at the same time - so a nanny is absolutely essential.

    Nanny expert Rosemary Albone told Care magazine, "The nanny will make sure that the child has time dedicated to play, learn, rest and interact with other people and other children too, as this helps with overall development."

    "She will be responsible for managing the child's daily routine, noticing and alerting others of any changes in the child's health and well-being, and talking to the parents about what activities they did that day."

    8 The New Nanny Must Give Up Her Own Personal Life To Be With The Baby

    Being a Royal nanny is a 24/7 hour job and whoever is lucky enough to be chosen as the person to raise the future King will have to sacrifice their own personal life. Nanny expert Rosemary Albone also added, "As the nanny has the most contact with the royal baby, she will need to be particularly tuned into issues of confidentiality and privacy." Adding, "The nanny's own private life will be closely looked at and observed and so she may need to put her own personal life on hold for a while."

    The new nanny will likely be a graduate of the prestigious Norland College and it's not just changing diapers they are skilled at. College graduates are trained in hand-to-hand combat and even high-speed driving in a chase scenario. More like Super Nanny!

    7 Non-Royal Grandparents Will Have To Wait Longer To See The Newborn

    She might be the mother of a future Queen of England but it looks like Carol Middleton isn't the first in line to see the new prince.

    Shortly after the birth of her third grandchild was announced, she was pictured leaving a shopping mall in London several miles from her daughter's hospital bedside.

    Royal writer Tom Bower revealed in his new book Rebel Prince: The Power, Passion and Defiance of Prince Charles, that Carol Middleton has been continuously snubbed by the royal family ever since the birth of Prince George. He writes that "Charles began to fear that he was being usurped by the Middletons, and several of the Queen's courtiers picked up on this. As a consequence, they decided to ignore Carole Middleton on social occasions." Judging by the adorable photos of her playing with Prince George, she's one grandmother any child would love to have around.

    6 At Least Five Godparents Must Be Chosen - Will One Of Them Be Meghan?

    The new prince can expect a lot of godparents as his brother Prince George has seven and sister Princess Charlotte has five. The top favorites are Prince William's former nanny Tiggy Legge-Bourke who has been with the Royal family for more than thirty years, Prince William's step-sister Laura Lopes, his cousins Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie and also Meghan Markle.

    It's unsure if Meghan will be handed the role as it appeared she was snubbed from the Royal baby announcement. Kensington Palace stated shortly after the birth, "The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news." One Royal expert explained to Harper's Bazaar, "Meghan is not a member of the royal family yet, so she is not a relative at this time. Meghan is Harry's fiancée, but is not yet Auntie Meghan."

    5 Less Than 8 Weeks Old - The Newborn Must Attend The Queen's Birthday Celebrations

    The Queen famously has two birthdays; she was born on April 21st but she celebrates her official state birthday on the second Saturday of June every year.

    During the celebrations, she is joined by Prince William and Kate on the balcony at Buckingham Palace as they watch the Royal Air Force fly overhead and enjoy a procession down below.

    The young Prince will be less than 8 weeks old when he'll take a place in his mother's arms at the event - although he will be unable to wave to the crowds.

    The occasion would then mark the first engagement for the newborn and likely the second chance the baby will be revealed to the public. Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told the BBC, "Tradition plays a huge part in the British Royal Family, even in the 21st Century."

    4 As A Boy, The New Prince Must Only Wear Shorts

    Kate and Wills have earned themselves quite the reputation as the 'modern Royal couple' and have chosen to throw out many of the outdated traditions. However, when it comes to choosing outfits for the future heirs, there is one tradition they stick to with the boys - only shorts can be worn.

    Etiquette expert William Hanson explained to Harper's Bazaar, "It's a very English thing to dress a young boy in shorts. Trousers are for older boys and men, whereas shorts on young boys is one of those silent class markers that we have in England. Although times are (slowly) changing, a pair of trousers on a young boy is considered quite middle class - quite suburban. And no self-respecting aristo or royal would want to be considered suburban."

    3 William Will Have To Take Paternity Leave, But This Is Unpaid

    What many people don't realize is that Prince William has a full-time job working for the Royal Air Force Search and Rescue alongside keeping up with his other Royal engagements.

    According to the East Anglian Air Ambulance website, Prince Williams is called to "an average of four incidents per day," including, life-threatening situations such as road traffic accidents and medical emergencies."

    Despite his grueling schedule, he must take paternity leave to support his wife and newborn - although this is unpaid. An insider told The Telegraph, "He was saying he's obviously really enjoying being a father, and Princess Charlotte is actually keeping him up and (that is) probably why his eyes are looking a little bit tired." Well, let's see if he can keep awake for baby number three.

    2 The Crowds That Slept Outside The Hospital Must Move Along After The Baby Has Left

    The atmosphere outside the hospital where the young prince was born was frenzied as crowds who had slept on the streets for weeks waiting to see the newborn. When the news was announced that Kate had given birth to a baby boy, the champagne started flowing and a 'town-crier' started ringing out the news.

    Two students told Sky News, "We are so excited. It's so cool to see the whole family. The whole thing was magical. The atmosphere was electric, everything was just perfect." Another added, "I'm very excited. I was told at 8 am this morning she was in the Lindo Wing. What a day! And it's St George's Day. We're going to celebrate with some fish and chips, and an England flag."

    Now that the celebrations are over, the crowds will be expected to move on from the hospital or face a heavy fine.

    1 The Birth Will Be Marked With A Royal Procession

    On this special day that a royal baby is born, gunfire can be heard around London as the 'royal salute' takes place across the capital.

    The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery will dress in full uniform and ride past Buckingham Palace to Green Park on seventy-one horses. Then a team of ten bell ringers sounded 5,000 rings to mark the occasion.

    Some criticized that the celebrations were 'too much' for the day but one Royal fan fired back on Twitter, "We have celebrated the births of royals for centuries, why stop now? Are people really getting so pretentious that we pretend we don't care about this?" Although the Royal family have divided opinion over the years, the new Royal baby has caused quite the stir just days old.

    References: bbc.co.uk, thesun.co.uk, express.co.uk. hellomagazine.com