Keď sa Kylie Jennerová narodila 1. februára 2018, je bezpečné povedať, že svet populárnej kultúry sa zbláznil. Toto je okamih, na ktorý sme napokon čakali a cítil sa ako navždy,...
Many of us cannot help but obsess over the British Royal Family. There is so much history behind them, some scandal, and a whole lot of crowns. Behind every British...
Kendall Jenner je nová značka celebrít pre tisícročnú éru. S túžbou odtrhnúť sa od Kardashian-Jennerovej reputácie "slávny tým, že je slávny" založila svoju vlastnú kariéru ako supermodelka a superstar spoločenských...
Laura Prepon has been around in Hollywood for just over twenty years now and has lucked out by snagging roles in not just one, but two incredibly popular television shows....
It's hard to be a working parent without having help. That's why maternity and paternity leave exists so that parents can take time off to devote to their kids. It's...
As far as the leading ladies of television go, Carrie Bradshaw is one of the most criticized in the history of the industry. The love and dating columnist from Manhattan...
Taylor Swift je do značnej miery najviac prepínacia speváčka tam ... alebo je to ona? Už nie si si tak istý. Pravdou je, že vaša láska k T-Swiftu bola v...
Kim Kardashian a Kanye West nedávno privítali svoj najnovší prírastok do rodiny. Privítali dcéru, Chicago West 15. januára prostredníctvom náhradného tovaru. Toto narodenie zatienila nová dievčatko Kylie Jennerová Stormi Webster....