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    16 Things Known So Far About Pippa Middleton's First Pregnancy

    Many of us cannot help but obsess over the British Royal Family. There is so much history behind them, some scandal, and a whole lot of crowns. Behind every British Royal is a friend or family member that helped shape them into who they are today. For Duchess Kate, the wife of Prince William, there was someone that notably had her back, so to speak. This was her sister, and maid of honor, Pippa Middleton. Pippa stole the show at Kate and William's wedding in 2011 with her form-fitting maid of honor gown. Since then, people have been almost as equally obsessed with Pippa as with the actual royals.

    Pippa has gone on to have a life of her own. She has gotten married, given a career in communications a try, while becoming a fashion icon. Her wedding was a showstopper despite her not becoming a royal. Shortly before her sister birthed her third child, rumors broke out that Pippa was also expecting a little one. While everyone is staying as hushed as possible, we do know a few things about Pippa's pregnancy and Kate's soon to be niece or nephew. We cannot wait to see this little one at the palace.

    16 Pippa Will Be Having A Halloween Baby

    With Prince Louis just recently arriving, the baby buzz is still high. Prince Louis was born in April 2018 and is the third child of Prince William and Kate Middleton. According to The Sun, Pippa told Kate about her pregnancy while Kate was still pregnant. The baby fever must have been strong, making it so Pippa could not control her excitement, especially since Kate is both her best friend and her sister.

    With Kate being pregnant at the time she was told, we imagine there were a lot of happy, hormonal tears from both of the Middleton sisters.

    So, when can we expect Pippa's baby to make his or her appearance into the world? According to The Sun, this baby is due in late October. This means that Pippa could very well have a Halloween baby. Pippa waited to tell all of her family and a select group of friends until she was about twelve weeks along, meaning she was ultimately out of the woods of her first trimester. We hope we get to see Pippa dress her baby bump up for a Halloween party at least once before she goes into labor. This little pumpkin is already generating so much excitement.

    15 This New Baby Is The First Child For Pippa And Her Husband, James

    Just like Duchess Kate is no longer technically “Kate Middleton,” Pippa is no longer Pippa Middleton. She is actually Pippa Matthews. According to The Sun, Pippa was proposed to in July 2016 by a millionaire, James Matthews. The two got married less than a year later on May 20, 2017, as stated by The Sun. Their wedding was private, yet highly publicized, especially since many people anticipated that Prince Harry would bring his now wife, Meghan, to the reception of this wedding. The eight-year age difference between Pippa and James does not seem to phase them or impact their relationship negatively.

    Who is James? James is a forty-two-year-old businessman. According to The Sun, he is a hedge fund manager who has acquired quite a fortune in this field. He has not had any children prior to his relationship with Pippa. While Pippa is a “commoner,” she has had a few book deals and tried to be a news anchor for a bit. Between big sister Kate, the future Queen Consort and James, a millionaire, Pippa and James will likely have a lavish baby shower and nursery for this new child. The first child tends to get the best.

    14 She May Be Getting Some Special Maternity Clothes

    Although the news has not been out for very long about Pippa expecting a child, she has quickly become a pregnancy fashion icon. People are noting her printed dresses and cute flats through the early stages of her pregnancy. She wore high heels to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding, likely as a formality. With her baby bump barely showing, Pippa may be able to get away with regular clothes for a little longer.

    Luckily for Pippa, when she needs maternity clothes, she will not need to look any further than sister Kate.

    According to People, after three pregnancies, Kate has quite the collection of maternity clothes. This is not every day maternity wear, it is designer, according to People. Many people have noticed that Kate does not mind repeating outfits now and again, which means she likely has most of her maternity clothes still, especially since Prince Louis is barely a month old. This means Pippa may get some of the looks that seemed to have been inspired by Princess Diana as well. Can we just make Pippa an honorary royal? She will definitely be dressed for the part up through October, if not a little after as well!

    13 A Nursery Is Already Being Built For The New Baby

    James and Pippa have been married for a little over a year now. They were able to take a luxurious honeymoon together before starting to settle into their regular, everyday life. The pair moved to West London within the past year and have been living in married bliss ever since, according to Footwear News. Without seeing the home, many people have wondered if they will have to relocate in order to accommodate a new baby or babies. This would be pretty tough for Pippa, especially since the location is great for seeing her niece and nephews.

    Luckily, James and Pippa thought ahead. According to Footwear News, the couple's West London house has been undergoing some major renovations. One of the notable renovations was adding on a room that could be a nursery for their child. While there is no set date for the renovations to be done as of right now, we expect that James and Pippa will put a rush on it in order to make sure it is fully ready for their new child. Footwear News says this nursery is expected to be pretty huge and that it is definitely a focus of the renovation. We wonder if they will give us a sneak peek of the theme!

    12 There Will Be Cousins All Around This Baby's Age

    Pippa and James are surrounded by love and family. Pippa is known for her closeness to sister Kate and Kate's husband and children. Pippa and Kate would spend every moment together if they could, but they both have obligations that they must tend to. Pippa is also very close to her mother and father. According to The Sun, Pippa and James have distanced themselves from James' father a bit since a scandal broke out.

    Luckily for Pippa and James, they are surrounded by people that have become baby experts, and luckily for the new child, there will be no shortage of cousins for him or her to play with.

    Kate has had three children with Prince William. They include Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. Prince Louis will only be a few months older than Pippa's baby, which gives them a great chance of being close. According to The Sun, James' brother, Spencer, is also expecting a child. This means that there will be at least two cousins within a few months of this baby for him or her to befriend. Between babysitters and friends for their new little one, Pippa and James have it made.

    11 Aunt Kate Is Over The Moon

    Pippa and Kate are best friends by choice and sisters by blood. Pippa acted as Kate's maid of honor in 2011 and the Duchess acted as Pippa's matron of honor in her 2017 wedding. They seem to have a wonderful relationship and do not seem to be letting titles or obligations interfere with their relationship. The two sisters do not seem to let fame or fortune interfere with their down to earth personalities.

    According to Elle, Kate was the first person to know about Pippa's pregnancy, other than Pippa and James themselves. Kate found out even before the girls' parents did. That is quite an honor for Kate. Insiders told Elle that Kate was “delighted” to find out that her sister was expecting. For Kate, this will likely be a wonderful experience, as she will now have someone with whom to discuss the trials and triumphs of motherhood. She will also have a niece or nephew of her own to spoil to pay back the favor from all of Pippa's exquisite gifts. Despite being Auntie Kate, this new child is going to have to bow to their aunt and uncle, especially once they become King and Queen Consort. Palace playdates!

    10 The Couple Started Trying Back In 2017

    Pippa and James were married in a small ceremony at St. Mark's Church in 2017, according to US Weekly. The pair had dated on and off, but James quickly realized that Pippa would make the perfect wife for him. He proposed and they got married in less than a year. These two do not like to waste their time too much and like to get what they want as soon as they can.

    According to People, both Pippa and James wanted to get married, settle down, and have a family as soon as possible.

    There were rumors that the two would try to have a honeymoon baby to get started at the first possible moment.

    Other stories state that they may have waited until a little later in the summer to start trying. All things considered, they were able to announce their pregnancy to friends and family before their first wedding anniversary, which means that they ultimately reached their goal of starting a family right away, as soon as it was suitable. Now, we wonder if Pippa will step back from some of her charitable obligations and if James will cut back his hours in order for them to settle down as a family.

    9 Pippa Is Relying On Her Sister For Advice

    First pregnancies can be intimidating for any woman. There are a lot of changes that the body goes through, physically and mentally. While Pippa has experienced her sister's pregnancies second hand, she has never had to experience an actual pregnancy herself. Some people turn to books to help them understand the changes that they will go through and what to expect when they give birth. Other people are lucky enough to have a friend or family member that can walk them through.

    According to US Weekly, Pippa does not need to buy a single book. Since Kate has now had three babies, she has ultimately become an expert in all things pregnancy and baby related. Kate has even been called a baby encyclopedia, according to US Weekly. Since the sisters have an incredibly close bond, Pippa will likely feel much more comfortable reaching out to Kate with questions or concerns. Kate may even offer up some unsolicited advice. Aunt Pippa may even start spending more time with her royal nephews and niece in order to get some extra childcare practice in before her baby arrives. Duchess Kate will likely be useful even after Pippa gives birth since Kate has had to decode three different babies.

    8 There Are Already Bets On The Baby's Name

    Word of Pippa's pregnancy is spreading as quickly as rumors of Duchess Kate's various pregnancies had in the past. Many people have been looking forward to the day that Prince William and Kate would become an auntie and uncle. There is also a great infatuation with Pippa ever since the 2011 Royal Wedding. This means Pippa's pregnancy rumors are all over every tabloid.

    Much like people have done with her sister's children, people are betting on what Pippa will name her child.

    There is a lot of speculation about a baby girl's name. According to The Sun, Pippa's middle name is Charlotte, which is the name of Kate's daughter. This has led many people to believe that Pippa may choose Catherine as a name for her sister. There are also suggestions that Pippa and James may name their children after their parents, according to The Sun. This could mean Carole or Jane for a girl or Michael or David for a boy. James is a name on both sides of the family, which could mean that Pippa and James will want to continue the tradition by using that. Bets are being placed, with more being expected to be placed if they reveal their baby's gender.

    7 She Is Currently Trying To Hide It From The Press

    As of right now, Pippa and James have not confirmed that they are expecting a child to the press. The story is currently being told by an insider who is close to the family. The press is trying to follow up with these allegations with photographic evidence that Pippa has a baby bump. Pippa is relatively good at keeping all of this hidden. She is likely taking a page out of her sister's book.

    According to Vanity Fair, Pippa is choosing clothing that would be able to conceal her baby bump without making it look like she is wearing maternity clothing. The waistlines of her dresses tend to be A-line or wrap around and do not have a defined waistline, which is a great way to camouflage any small bump that she may have right now. Pippa is also wearing a lot of prints that are great at disguising any bumps that she may have, such as floral print, according to Vanity Fair. Pippa is successfully wearing flowy dresses that are still beautiful and flattering to her petite frame. Some photos show a slight bump, but she could explain it away with salty food or the way she was sitting.

    6 This Baby Is Already A Light In Dark Times

    Many people say that babies always come during the darkest of times in order to help bring some light back into our lives. Some say babies help offset things, such as the loss of a loved one or other tragedies. After all, what better joy than bringing new life into your family? This can also help refocus people on the things that are truly important in life, whether it diffuses feuds and brings people together, or lessens the grief that follows a tough loss. We are hoping that this is true for Pippa and James.

    According to Newsweek, James Matthew's father - David Matthews - is currently under investigation by the police for some serious allegations of inappropriate misconduct and behavior that occurred back in the nineties.

    David Matthews had been a racecar driver before he became the owner of the Eden Roc Hotel. This investigation has put a lot of stress on Pippa and James. Naturally, the Royal Family wants Kate to stay far away from this issue so it does not become any kind of royal scandal. Now that there are rumors of Pippa being pregnant, people are focusing their curiosity and energy on getting a picture of her bump.

    5 Pippa Is Keeping Things Relatively Normal

    Pippa and James Matthews are doing everything that they can to avoid confirming that they are expecting. The news came at a very busy time for the Royal Family. Prince Harry was getting ready to marry Meghan Markle, and Kate had just given birth to Prince Louis. Pippa would be one that would not want to accidentally overshadow the big days for her sister or for Prince Harry, so she may be keeping this to herself for their sake.

    Even though she is rumored to be pregnant, Pippa is keeping life relatively normal, according to Express. Pippa has been sure to keep up with appearances she was supposed to make, including being a guest at the ceremony for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding. Pippa was also spotted out with a group of friends at one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants. She had been shopping for furniture through the day, which was likely for the renovations to her house. Express says it seemed as though Pippa and her friends were celebrating out together. They may have been celebrating the pregnancy, or they may have just been celebrating friendship. Only time will tell if they were celebrating the mommy to be.

    4 Pippa's Closeness To Kate Will Help Prepare Her

    As sister tend to be, Pippa and Kate are incredibly close. As we have stated before in this article, they have acted as each other's right-hand women in each other's weddings, they have stayed close despite one of them becoming a royal, and they seem to genuinely support and care for each other. With all of Kate's pregnancies, Kate is a resident expert in pregnancy and babies.

    Not only are they close to heart, but they are physically close. After marrying James, Pippa moved to West London, according to Evoke.

    Apparently, the house that Pippa and James moved to is less than a mile away from Kate, Prince William, and the children at Kensington Palace.

    According to Evoke, this was a big deal for Pippa and excited her greatly. This is great for their relationship. It will also be incredibly helpful for Pippa to be so close to her sister during her pregnancy. It will also help during the baby's first few months of life, as Pippa will be able to get her sister's hands-on help with the child. This will also make the child physically close to their cousins, which can help foster a tight bond between them all.

    3 There Will Be No Expense Too Great For Her Child

    Most aunties love to spoil their nieces and nephews. There are websites dedicated to merchandise for aunties that love to be with their nieces and nephews and that give them anything in their wildest dreams. While many people consider this to be an everyday person type of thing, this may be right up Pippa's alley. When Prince George was christened, Auntie Pippa bought him an $11,000 silver cast of his hands and feet, according to People. That is a lot of money to drop on such an uncommon gift.

    If Pippa was willing to spend that much money on her nephew before she was married to a millionaire, just think about how extravagant her baby's things will be. We are anticipating a high-end wardrobe, the best baby furniture, the best toys, and extravagant personalized mementos once the baby is here. No expense will be too grand for Pippa and James' baby's needs. We imagine that Auntie Kate and Uncle William will help get the new little one whatever he or she may want as well. This little one will have a comfortable life and is going to be loved by so many important people. How will Pippa top George's gift?

    2 If Pippa And James Need To Go On A Babymoon, They Can Go To St. Barts

    The babymoon is becoming more and more popular, especially among those that have a little extra cash to spend. A babymoon is generally the last trip that a couple will take before their child is born. Occasionally, this trip will happen after the baby has already arrived, but the baby will be left with a family member so the new parents can catch up on relaxation after the birthing process. Some people even go on a babymoon in order to try to conceive a child. It depends on the interpretation.

    Pippa and James have the perfect destination to go to for a babymoon: Eden Rock is a hotel owned by James' parents.

    After facing devastation after Hurricane Irma, this will be the first time this hotel in St. Barts opens in nearly a year, as reported to Hello. James' mother has been put in charge of the refurbishing and renovating of the hotel. Many people are not anticipating that Pippa and James will take a vacation before the baby, but this would likely be the destination. James has been trying to stay clear of his father since the scandal broke out, but if the air clears, this may offer some beautiful baby bump photos.

    1 She May Experience The Same Type Of Morning Sickness As Kate

    Many people have been made aware that Duchess Kate suffers from an extreme form of morning sickness. According to Daily Mail, this condition is called Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Duchess Kate has had to be hospitalized for this condition before, as she was getting sick all day for weeks at a time, dehydrating her and depriving the fetus of nutrients. Too much vomiting can take a toll on the pregnant body. According to Daily Mail, it had been thought that this condition was caused by the massive increase in pregnancy hormones, but recent studies show Pippa could be at risk as well.

    According to Daily Mail, Hyperemesis Gravidarum is caused be variations in two different genes. There is a great possibility that this could be a genetic condition, which could mean that Pippa may suffer from this as well. Luckily, more is known about this today than back in the days that this could end a woman's life. Daily Mail says that this condition impacts about two percent of all pregnant women. We hope that Pippa does not get this unpleasant condition, but at least Kate will understand and can help her. She may even be able to tell Pippa just when to go to the hospital.

    References: The Sun, People, Footwear News, The Sun, Elle, US Weekly, US Weekly, Vanity Fair, Newsweek, Express, Evoke, People, Hello, Daily Mail