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    zábava - Strana 201

    18 krát Emily Ratajkowski bola najväčšia žízeň kráľovnej
    Emily Ratajkowksi vstúpila na scénu a vypálila cez naše obrazovky vo svojom debute ako tanečnice v hudobnom videu Robina Thickeho, kde sa objavila nahoře bez. Odvtedy je úspešným modelom a...
    18 Times Both Meghan And Kate Broke Royal Protocol
    Out with the old and in with the new is what seems to be the mantra of the British Royal Family as the next generation takes precedence. Though the Royal...
    18 Things We Wish Ellen Would Ask The Kardashians (+ 2 She Was Brave Enough To Try)
    Going on The Ellen Show might dish out secrets, but it shows one thing above all- that you've made it. Ariana Grande may have slipped up during her "Thank U,...
    18 vecí, ktoré sa budú diať, keď sa Prince William stane kráľom
    Kráľovná Alžbeta II. Je jednou z najdlhších vládnucich panovníkov v histórii. Ak zostane na tróne až do roku 2022, oficiálne bude najdlhším vládnucim panovníkom na svete. Hoci mala na tróne...
    18 vecí, ktoré sa rozpadli za scénami „oranžovej je nová čierna“
    Vzrušujúce novinky pre Oranžová je nová čierna fanúšikovia: mohli by sme byť len niečo málo cez mesiac od Sezóny 6! Po obrovskom šoku, ktorý bol koncom sezóny Five (človek, táto...
    18 Things That Literally Make No Sense About Grey's Anatomy
    Even fourteen seasons in, Grey's Anatomy is still a show that gets people talking. There are some true fans who are always going to watch and love this dramatic hospital series… and...
    18 Things That Literally Made No Sense About 'Pretty Little Liars'
    Pretty Little Liars is a mystery lover's dream. It's also a perfect show if we love teen TV and friendship stories. When the final episode aired in June 2017, it was...
    18 Things That Literally Made No Sense About 'One Tree Hill'
    One Tree Hill is one of those teen dramas that stays in your heart for a long time after you've finished the final episode. You just can't help but get totally...