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    18 Things That Literally Made No Sense About 'Pretty Little Liars'

    Pretty Little Liars is a mystery lover's dream. It's also a perfect show if we love teen TV and friendship stories. When the final episode aired in June 2017, it was definitely sad (okay, it was totally heartbreaking) for fans who had been watching for seven seasons. If we loved the book series, too, then we were even more attached to these characters.

    Like a lot of mysteries, we still had a lot of questions even after the series finale aired and we only got some answers. That's sometimes just the name of the game, and we get that not everything can be wrapped up with a neat and tidy bow like a Christmas present.

    But even though this show is over, it hasn't left our hearts and minds, and we're still thinking about it. There are certain things that haunt us, like "A" haunted the four liars, Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Emily, throughout their high school years and beyond. We still love the show, of course, but we can't help but wonder about some characters and storylines.

    Here are 18 things that literally made no sense about Pretty Little Liars. (Again, we still adore it and welcome a re-watch any time, but we're a bit confused… )

    18 Some Of The Boyfriends Being On The "A Team"

    It's a common experience to watch a teen drama like Pretty Little Liars and get super attached to certain couples. We love Hanna and Caleb, Spencer and Toby, and Aria and Ezra.

    Talk about #relationshipgoals.

    That's why it was devastating when we watched the third season episode where Toby seems to be part of the "A Team." How could he do that to Spencer?! What?! It was also strange in season four when we learned that Ezra seemed to be spying on the girls and had his own lair. We were so sad and couldn't believe what we were seeing.

    17 Hanna And Caleb Not Getting Married Sooner

    Hanna and Caleb finally tied the knot a few episodes before the series finale. It literally didn't make any sense that they didn't get married before season seven episode 18.

    Fans 'ship this couple super hard and they have always been a sure thing.

    Why would they wait so long? Why didn't they just get married right after high school or right after college? They totally knew that they were crazy in love and meant to be together. And, also, this is a dramatic TV show. These types of things are allowed to happen. It would have totally been logical for a young couple like them to get hitched pretty early on.

    16 Some Of The Boyfriends Actually NOT Being On The "A" Team

    On the other hand, it didn't make any sense when we learned that, nope, some of the boyfriends weren't actually on the "A-Team." In fact, if they were, they were just trying to help the girls.

    Ezra was writing a book about Ali, so that was why he seemed sketchy, and Toby was trying to help the girls figure out what was going on.

    It literally doesn't make any sense to freak us out like that and make us think something and then it's like, "Oh, no, that didn't really happen." Fans would have probably wanted it to either be true or not at all.

    15 Spencer Ignoring The Girl Code

    If there's one thing that we know to be true, it's that girl code is a thing. We don't date our best friend's ex-boyfriend and she would (hopefully) never do date ours.

    Fans were thrown for a loop when Spencer totally ignored girl code and dated Caleb.

    It was awkward and weird and even more so because fans didn't really hate it.

    They seemed to work as a couple. But we want Spencer and Toby to be a thing and we ship Hanna and Caleb, so this storyline didn't make sense. We just want all of the couples to be happy and in love, please and thank you.

    14 The Girls Staying In Rosewood

    Would we stick around if our hometown was full of secrets and dark memories? Would we want to keep thinking about the same things over and over again? Would we honestly not want to move away and start our lives?

    It doesn't make sense that the girls stay in Rosewood after they finish college and are starting their grown-up lives. They can literally go anywhere. Sure, they do move away for a period of time, but they come back. It just seems like they would want to be anywhere but Rosewood and it would be too hard and emotional to return.

    13 What Went Down With Ali

    The overarching mystery of Pretty Little Liars is Alison DeLaurentis's disappearance. That's what reunites the girls in the series premiere after they grew apart, and it's why a mysterious "A" figure is texting them and knows all of their deep, dark secrets.

    When Ali returns in the fourth season, we only get a vague explanation.

    She says that she was hiding all of this time and comes up with a story for the cops. Even the girls don't seem to really know the full story, and it's confusing. Do they actually know and just go along with it because of the cops, or do they not know? This is a confusing storyline for sure.

    12 Hanna And Caleb Eloping Instead Of Having A Big Wedding

    On that note, when Hanna and Caleb finally got married, they eloped. Wait. What?!

    We just can't see Hanna eloping. Sure, we get that she loves Caleb and so that's all that matters to her, and that's the way that it should be.

    But Hanna is a very stylish, trendy kind of girl; she loves lavish things!

    We can't picture her not actually wanting a big wedding, especially because she would have a ton of fun planning it. We would have thought that she would have had the big wedding instead of Aria and that Aria and Ezra would have eloped.

    11 The Dollhouse Thing

    One of the scariest moments on Pretty Little Liars is when the girls get up in the morning and think that they're in their bedrooms but realize that they are in copies of those rooms but in a huge dollhouse in episode 25 of the fifth season. It's a nightmare and feels like a horror movie, but of course, it's a scene on this teen drama that we all know and love.

    This storyline is kind of confusing, and since the girls were arrested and thought that they were going to jail or something like that, it doesn't make that much sense that they were somehow taken to this dollhouse. Couldn't someone have stopped it? How did they get there? What?!

    10 If Mona Is A Good Or Bad Character

    Mona and Hanna used to be best friends, but then Mona seems kind of crazy sometimes, so it's safe to say that we're not really sure how to feel about this character.

    Whether she's good or bad is something that we wonder throughout the series, and that makes it tough to know how to feel about her.

    It doesn't make much sense that we're not certain about her intentions and her place in the liars' lives.

    We get that on a mystery show, we're not going to know who the girls should trust, but still, this just seemed so confusing.

    9 Spencer's Sister's Role In All Of This

    Melissa Hastings is one of those characters that pop up every now and then, and we never know if Spencer loves her or is mad at her. They have a complicated sister relationship for sure.

    What role does Melissa have when it comes to the overall mystery? Was she helping "A" or on the "A-Team"? Did she know Ali? Is she a force for good or bad? It takes a really long time to get any answers about Spencer's older sister, and for that reason, her plotline doesn't make that much sense. We're more confused than anything else when we see her onscreen.

    8 Why Hanna Would Get Engaged To Someone Else

    After the time jump, when we see the girls five years in the future and they're totally grown up (but just as fashionable as ever and thankfully still BFFs), Hanna is engaged to a guy named Jordan. Um, what?! No PLL fan was happy about this. And no fan thought that this made sense.

    Sorry but Hanna and Caleb are a forever thing and that's just the way that it has to be.

    Hanna should never have gotten engaged to someone other than Caleb. We're pretty sure that every fan was thinking, "That should be Caleb who put a ring on that finger."

    7 Spencer And Toby Ever Being Apart

    There are certain TV couples that we feel super strongly about and Spencer and Toby are one of them. They have so much chemistry and really care about each other.

    It literally didn't make any sense that they broke up and spent a lot of time apart. They actually break up a few times, but the fact that they keep getting back together proves that they should never have split up in the first place. The worst breakup is when we see the girls in season six after the five-year time jump and learn that Spoby is over. (Ugh.) We just don't think that they would be able to be apart.

    6 Why Wren Keeps Popping Up Every Now And Then

    Wren is kind of a confusing character, don't we think? Sometimes he seems sweet and charming (that accent… ) and other times, he's a bit too mysterious. It's hard to understand where he fits into the show's universe.

    It doesn't make sense that Wren keeps popping up every now and then.

    It seems like every few episodes, he appears, and we're supposed to wonder if he and Spencer have a thing for each other or if he knows something about the overall mystery. It's too much to deal with and it seems like he could have just been in a few episodes and that would be it.

    5 The Rosewood Cops Being So Suspicious Of Teenage Girls

    One reoccurring storyline on Pretty Little Liars is that the Rosewood cops basically hate the four main characters and they keep wondering if they are responsible for the various deaths on the show.

    It literally doesn't make any sense that cops would be so suspicious of teenage girls, right? It's not like these girls have sketchy pasts. They live in a wealthy town and go to school and, okay, so their best friend disappeared, but that doesn't mean that they've done anything wrong. It seems like cops would look into some other suspects before them. They just get no sympathy and it seems a bit harsh.

    4 How We Should Feel About Jenna

    Pretty Little Liars fans are super familiar with "The Jenna Thing" (aka the mistake that the liars make that changes Jenna's life forever).

    It's sad and something that people would always feel guilty about.

    It makes sense that Jenna wouldn't be a huge fan of the girls after that… but how are we supposed to feel about this character? We feel sorry for her, so that makes it tough to dislike her, but toward the beginning of the show, she's not all that nice. Near the end, she seems sweeter, so it's all very confusing. We just don't really know how to feel.

    3 How We Should Feel About Lucas

    Just like how we should feel about Jenna doesn't make that much sense, the same thing goes for Lucas. He's kind of a charming nerd who has a thing for Hanna… or is on the "A Team"? Do we like him or hate him?

    We don't know what to think about this character, either. It's always kind of confusing when he's on screen because we want Hanna to be with Caleb and we know that's the way that things have to be, no matter how sweet Lucas seems. Sometimes it seems like he's harmless and other times it seems like he's got something up his sleeve.

    2 Mona Playing With Those Dolls In The Final Scene

    In the final scene of the series finale, Mona is in France, playing with dolls, and that's supposed to be super fitting for the character. We're meant to feel like everyone, even Mona, got what they deserved (for better or worse) by the time that we were saying goodbye to Rosewood and its residents.

    But… does it really make sense for Mona to keep playing games?

    Shouldn't she have moved on and tried to live a better, happier life free from mystery, just like the other girls? Why was this the ending that she got? It might not make that much sense to some fans.

    1 The Moms Getting Trapped In The Basement That One Time

    Fans love to joke about that scene in the season six finale when the girls' moms get trapped in the basement. It was definitely memorable.

    One thing that doesn't make any sense? How they actually got out and how long they spent there. This was never explained on the show and so we never got closure on this storyline.

    Sure, it's just a silly, fun scene, and it made us laugh and brought some levity to the show, but still, it would have been cool to know. Oh well. We're still PLL fans forever and ever and nothing will ever change that.