Ever wonder what happened to some of your favorite stars of the 90s? Maybe they were your girl-crush, one of the more popular 90s heartthrobs, or maybe they played the...
Existuje niekoľko televíznych relácií, ktoré majú za sebou masívnu základňu fanúšikov Upírske denníky je určite jedným z nich. Dramatické seriály bežali na The CW v rokoch 2009 až 2017 a...
When Suits first debuted, people quickly became obsessed with the new legal drama. Sure, there've been countless legal dramas on the air before - people love seeing high-stakes drama set in...
When one of our favorite TV series came to an end at 7 seasons and had way too many suspects to keep track of, every fangirl felt heartbroken. The teen...
Riverdale has continuously been a fan favorite on television, or, more accurately, whatever facsimile of television exists now that people spend all their viewing time streaming through their laptops. Maybe...
Game of Thrones is one of the best shows on television, and that is no exaggeration. Last season alone brought in 30.6 million views per episode. It really has captured...
When it comes to reality television stars, there is often a bit of criticism as to whether or not they can be considered true celebrities. Yet, it's important to note...
S ich armádami vizážistov a kaderníkov je ťažké uveriť, že celebrity by niekedy mali zlý deň, pokiaľ ide o ich vzhľad. Ale make-up je umelecká forma, a rovnako ako akékoľvek...