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    zábava - Strana 166

    20 vecí, ktoré sa stali za scénami na CW (neboli hrdí)
    CW sieť je známa svojimi lákavými predstaveniami Riverdale, Gossip Girl, Arrow, Jeden strom Hill, a 90210. Dospelí a dospelí boli už niekoľko rokov prilepení k sieti a sledovali svoje obľúbené televízne...
    20 Things That Didn't Make Sense On Vampire Diaries
    nbeluIf you are a fan of vampires, then you were probably one of the many people obsessed with The Vampire Diaries. It was not quite the same as Twilight because...
    20 Things Only Superfans Would Know About The Newly Engaged Taraji P. Henson
    It may seem like Taraji P. Henson is a bit of an overnight sensation, but trust us - she's been hustling to make it happen for well over a decade...
    20 vecí Nick Lachey nám mohol povedať o Jessica Simpson
    Kultový seriál MTV „Novomanželia: Nick a Jessica“ bol obľúbeným vinným potešením všetkých. Samozrejme, to bolo predtým, než sa do obrazu dostal „Držať krok s Kardaščanmi“. Na začiatku 2000s, diváci ladili,...
    20 Things Kylie Jenner Doesn't Share About Herself On Social Media
    Here's something that Kylie Jenner loves to do - share stuff about herself. With 118 million followers, Kylie uses her IG account as a literal platform to teeter around in...
    20 Things Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel Keep On The DL (With Reason)
    When you think of "celebrity" as an entity as it applies to every element of entertainment, it's easy to find yourself wrapped up in endless mental images of celebs who...
    20 Things 'Grey's Anatomy' Taught Me About Relationships
    Thirteen years, 14 seasons, over 300 hundred episodes with earth-shattering drama, tragic heartbreak, and a ton of life lessons. ABC's Grey's Anatomy has been making us fall in love, laugh,...
    20 vecí, Disney Princes to bolo bezprostredne červené vlajky
    Disney kritici dnes tvrdia, že kniežatá klasických rozprávok dávali dievčatám veľmi nereálne predstavy o láske. Je tu princ Phillip, bojujúci s Maleficentom, aby dosiahol Auroru vo veži. Potom je tu...