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    Mismatched Kids 20 Celebs Whose Children Look Nothing Like Them

    It is always a puzzle when a couple has a child that appears to bear no physical resemblance to one of its parents. Some genes must be stronger than others because they make it to the top of the gene pool, leaving others behind.

    This is particularly noticeable with children of famous celebrities as they are photographed often and fans know the faces of their moms and dads intimately. Children of dark haired, dark skinned parents end up pale-faced and with blonde hair and vice versa.

    Coloring and facial features are determined by genes that fight each other for supremacy. Some of these gene-defined characteristics can skip a generation, having lain dormant with one of the parents during their lifetimes.

    This explains why so many children of the rich and famous look as if they do not even belong to the same family as one of their parents, notes The India Times. Looking at friends and family, most people probably notice exactly the same phenomenon.

    But fans find it so much more fascinating when genetics relate to celebrity idols. And for some children, this lack of physical resemblance to one of their parents might be regarded as a blessing rather than a curse since it might let them fly under the radar in life!

    20 Jessica Alba And Haven

    Despite the fact that Jessica has three children, she makes sure she spends time with the two older girls alone to compensate for the time she spends with baby son Hayes, notes Hello Magazine. However, her youngest daughter Haven could be mistaken for having no connection with Jessica, if her appearance is anything to go by.

    While Jessica has a tanned complexion and dark hair, six-year-old Haven has a very fair complexion and strawberry blonde hair. Father Cash Warren also has a darker complexion and did have dark hair before he turned grey. However, Haven appears to have inherited genes from a previous generation as her coloring is quite different.

    19 Michael Jackson's Daughter Paris

    It is somewhat hard to contrast the appearance of Michael and Paris as Michael changed his looks so much through plastic surgery.

    However, if you examine pictures of father and daughter at similar ages, little similarity can be seen.

    As a child, Michael had rounded features, an Afro hairstyle, and brown skin. Paris, by contrast, has blue eyes, straight hair, and a fair complexion. Her mother, Debbie Rowe, has pale, blonde coloring, so perhaps this is what Paris has inherited. While her maternity is not doubted, there is speculation that Michael did not provide the genetic material that Debbie used to conceive, suggests Life and Style Mag. However, Michael regarded himself as Paris' father and that seems to be good enough for her.

    18 Madonna's Daughter Lourdes

    Madonna had a relationship with Carlos Leon, resulting in the birth of their daughter Lourdes. However, Carlos has a dark complexion and hair and Madonna is much fairer skinned with paler hair than her daughter, as Heart reveals.

    Lourdes has a more exotic look compared to her mother and dark eyes, whereas Madonna has blue eyes and usually has light hair, depending on her color of choice at that time! Lourdes has fuller lips and a slightly fuller nose than her mother too, although as she has grown up she is as tall as her famous mom. She chooses to wear her eyebrows quite bushy, in contrast to her mother's preened and tweaked look.

    17 Beyonce And Blue Ivy

    Despite similar coloring to her mother, Blue Ivy Carter bears much more resemblance to her father Jay-Z. Her face does not have the same shape or open features of her mother's, although perhaps this will change as she grows.

    Blue Ivy shares her father's face shape and is very similar in coloring to him as well. They even have a tendency to make similar facial expressions, quite often looking none too impressed with the cameras that surround them. While her outfits are often pure mom according to the BBC, her eyes show the steely determination of her dad.

    16 Gwen Stefani And Kingston

    Gwen's son, Kingston is a dark-skinned, brown-haired young man with a tousled hairdo. This is in stark contrast to his pale skinned mother with her platinum blonde hair pulled back from her face, shows Hollywood Life.

    His eyes, nose, and face are not similar in shape to his mother's and look more like his father Gavin Rossdale's in coloring as well.

    Gwen's soft features are at odds with her son who has the sharper look of his dad. Despite Kingston's blonder hair when he was younger and his brown eyes, which mirror his mom, his face shape and features don't resemble her as yet.

    15 Tom Cruise And Suri

    Suri Cruise is Katie Holmes through and through. She has the same coloring and mannerisms of her beautiful mother and appears to bear little likeness to her megastar father. Suri's smile, her facial features, and demeanor both scream "Katie," points out Footwear News.

    Mother and daughter are incredibly close and share many days and nights out as a couple. Suri has inherited her mother's grace and glamor and dresses in the same understated elegant style as her mother. She has not had much contact with her father and has had little chance to adopt any of his characteristics. However, thanks to her striking similarity to Katie, there is no doubt who her mother is.

    14 Kim Kardashian And North West

    North West is a beautiful little girl, she has that much in common with her mother. However, the similarities are not striking between Kim and her eldest daughter. North West has the darker skin and tightly curled hair of her father Kanye West and less of the straight locks of her mom.

    While North West has been seen out with straightened hair as seen on MTV, her dark eyes, skin, and facial expressions are much more akin to her rapper dad. Mom might enjoy dressing her daughter in similar designer outfits to her, but nothing is going to change the fact that North West is a proper daddy's girl in looks.

    13 Christina Aguilera And Max

    Christina's young son Max is a pale skinned little boy with long brown hair. He bears little resemblance to his mother with her darker skin and dyed blonde hair. His facial features are different from Christina's as well. He is more similar facially to his father, Jordan Bratman, with a chubbier face and his father's eyes.

    The two look close to each other when they are out and about and often have similar outfits on when they spend time together, enhancing the likeness.

    Max is ten now and old enough to join his mother when she tours. He and younger sister Summer take the tour bus and enjoy the traveling and the sights of the cities mom visits, reveals People.

    12 Robert De Niro And Eliot

    Robert de Niro is married to philanthropist Grace Hightower and they have a son, Eliot, together. Eliot has more of the look of his mother about him, and curly short hair, as opposed to Robert's longer-haired look.

    Both parents joke that Eliot does not look like either of them, but Eliot certainly bears more of a family resemblance to Grace than to Robert, reveals Body Height Weight. Eliot has a younger sister, Helen Grace, who shares her brother's coloring but has more of a likeness to her superstar father. Of course, with genes as strong as Grace's, you can expect the kids to follow in her footsteps as far as their looks.

    11 Bruce Willis And Rumer

    While Rumer has the look of her mother Demi Moore, so she looks virtually nothing like her dad, Bruce Willis. Her thin, slightly pointed nose is not like her dad's and nor is her eye color, with Rumer's dark eyes contrasting with her dad's blue as Metro clearly shows.

    Even their mouth shapes are different, with Rumer having a fuller set of lips and a wider smile than Bruce. One area that the two match up on is height; in heels, Rumer can easily reach eye level with her dad. One feature that Rumer has inherited from her dad is eye shape, the small, close-set peepers of Bruce are mirrored in his daughter.

    10 Ben Affleck And Violet

    Ben Affleck has the thick-set, strong-jawed face that is known so well in Hollywood. His dark hair and eyes have contributed to his role as a Hollywood pin-up. As shown in Do You Remember, his daughter Violet has not inherited his coloring, with her pale brown hair and softer features.

    Violet has obviously inherited the face shape and features of her mother, Jennifer Garner, if not her hair color.

    Jennifer shares the dark locks of Violet's father. She is darker skinned than her eldest child as well, but who knows how much the parents' tanned skin is due to time in the sun and how much due to genes?

    9 Gisele And Benjamin Brady

    Gisele and husband Tom Brady share some similar coloring with their brown hair and blue eyes. However, neither of their sons has picked up Gisele's facial features. They look much more like their sporty dad. While the model has the familiar darker skin thanks to his South America heritage, her sons and daughter Vivian, have paler complexions, more similar to that of their dad.

    Vivian has paler hair and bears the most resemblance to her mother, but Benjamin shows no real similarity to his mom.

    Benny, as he is known, is very close to his dad reports Heavy, and Tom is a hands-on parent. He puts the children to bed, reads them stories, and picks them up from school.

    8 Nicolas Cage And Weston Coppola Cage

    It is true that Weston Coppola Cage has gone through a series of looks and styles over the years, but none of them have resembled his famous dad. Both men have dark hair and blue eyes, but there the likeness ends there, notes The Express.

    Weston often dyes his dark hair black and wears it long in contrast to his dad's cropped style. He is partial to facial hair too, which Nicolas has occasionally adopted. Facially the two might not even be taken for brothers, let alone father and son. Even in build, the two men seem opposite, with Weston's muscular, chunky frame contrasting with Nicolas' lithe look.

    7 Alec Baldwin And Ireland

    Ireland is the daughter that Alec Baldwin had with Kim Basinger and that much is obvious. The blonde beauty looks very much like her stylish mother.

    However, the Basinger genes must be strong because Ireland hardly resembles her actor father.

    The two have had a tricky relationship over the years reports Glamour Magazine, with Ireland much closer to her mother. She towers over her father in heels and her facial features and coloring are closer to her mom. Ireland has struggled with her body image over the years, bemoaning her pale skin and statuesque height, which was no doubt inherited from her mother.

    6 Victoria Beckham And Brooklyn

    Victoria Beckham is one of the most recognizable faces in fashion, and her husband, David, is regarded as a global status symbol. All of their four children have inherited great genes and fabulous looks, but Brooklyn does not look like his mother at all.

    Victoria is slight, tanned and has dark brown hair, whereas Brooklyn is more muscular and has lighter brown hair. His face is much more like his dad with his cheeky grin and mischievous mannerisms, in contrast to Victoria's elegant languor. Mom and son are incredibly close though, points out Evening Standard, so what they lack in physical similarity they make up for in love.

    5 Rob Lowe And His Children

    Rob is married to Sheryl Berkoff and they have two sons, John and Matthew. The boys have inherited the great looks of both their parents reveals AOL, but neither boy looks much like Rob. The boys have paler brown hair and don't share Rob's square jaw and piercing blue eyes.

    While their mother is blonde with blue eyes, the boys still look more like her than their famous dad.

    Regardless of this, the three men are very close, and Rob is immensely proud of his boys and often spends time with them. He often posts IG shots of them together working out or spending time singing karaoke.

    4 Tom Hanks And Chet

    The dark-haired, somewhat cozy look that has made Tom Hanks a household name and an Oscar-winning actor is not shared by his son, Chet. Chet has a far lighter complexion and hair color and doesn't share the curly hair of his famous dad, points out Fox News.

    Pictures of the two together show Chet has a lower hairline than his dad, a slimmer nose, and closer set eyes.

    Chet is a classically handsome man and shares more of the glamor of his mother, Rita Wilson. Close-ups show little resemblance to his father in terms of facial shape, coloring or mannerisms.

    3 Andy Garcia And Alessandra

    Alessandra is Andy Garcia's youngest child and is already making a name for herself. She has established her billing as a plus-size model and with her stunning face, straight black hair, and model figure, she is bound to rise to success, according to W Magazine.

    Alessandra's perfectly proportioned face, full lips, and button nose are at odds with her dad's coarser features and she looks much more like her mother, Marivi Lorido. In fact, all of Andy and Marivi's four children look much more like their mother than their father. Alessandra, in particular, is physically very close to her mother in coloring, stature, and features.

    2 Sylvester Stallone And His Daughters

    Two of Sylvester's daughters, Sophia and Sistine, are aspiring models and are tanned, slim, and have pale hair, quite at odds with their muscular dad, points out Daily Star. Younger sister Scarlet looks set to follow in their footsteps. Sylvester is well-known for his body-building and his frame shows the work he has put in over the years. His dark hair and chiseled looks have put him in major blockbusters such as Rocky during his acting work.

    However, his daughters have a much more delicate look.

    They look strikingly similar to their beautiful mother, Jennifer Flavin, who is an elegant, pale-haired beauty in her own right.

    1 Neymar And Son David Lucca

    Young David Lucca da Silva Santos appears to have inherited none of his famous father's coloring. Rather, he is much closer in appearance to his mother, Neymar's ex-girlfriend Carolina Dantas. The contrast between father and son is noticeable. Both have brown eyes, but David is much more like his mother in her fair coloring than his father.

    Neymar was present at his son's birth and described his joy and happiness when the baby arrived in August 2011.

    He sees his son as often as he can and there appears to be a strong bond between the two. David has appeared with his famous footballing father at a press conference, although he looked a little bored by the whole event, reports The Daily Mail.