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    Married To Cameron 20 Little-Known Things About Diaz And Benji's Marriage

    Cameron Diaz went off the radar and it happened around the time that she started dating Benji Madden. The two eventually married and it looked as if she wanted to focus more on her marriage rather than her acting career. It was surprising to her fans because she had a huge career at one time in the industry and to have her drop off seemed a little odd.

    This was one celebrity couple that we never really saw coming. They just seemed so different that we couldn't possibly think that it would work, but they have proved us wrong. The two married in 2015 and it seemed like they raced to the altar as they had only been dating for less than a year at that point. We just never expected one of the hottest celebrities in Hollywood to go after a rock star with face tattoos, it just seemed so unlikely. Now that they have been married for three years, we want to take a peek into their marriage even though they are a very private couple. Check out these 20 little-known things about Diaz and Benji's marriage.

    20 Selma Blair Told The World Cameron Was Retired

    It was actually Cameron's friend Selma Blair that broke the news of Diaz's retirement from Hollywood. She did it accidentally while she was on the red carpet. “I had lunch with Cameron the other day, we were reminiscing about the film.” Blair was talking about the film the two had starred in called The Sweetest Thing.

    “I would have liked to do a sequel but Cameron's retired from acting, she's like 'I'm done.'”

    She went on to say, “I mean, she doesn't need to make any more films, she has a pretty great life, I don't know what it would take to bring her back.”

    19 Cameron Says her Marriage Is The Highlight Of Her Life

    While talking to Harper's Bazaar, Diaz claimed that the marriage to Benji was the highlight of her life.

    “[Marriage] was the biggest thing I've done in my 40s, and it opened me up in different ways. It's pretty awesome. I didn't think it was something I'd do, and I don't know if I'd have done it if I hadn't met my husband. It was a surprise."

    It sounds like love truly found a way into Diaz's life and she seems to be happier than ever.

    18 They Had A 15-Minute Wedding

    You probably thought that when Cameron Diaz finally got married, it would be this big, lavish affair but that wasn't the case at all. The two married in 2015, in their own home in front of only 96 people. The whole ceremony took about 15 minutes and Diaz described it as "a beautiful, heartfelt ceremony." She had Drew Barrymore and Nicole Richie as some of her bridesmaids and her guest list included, Gwyneth Paltrow, Judd Apatow and Lionel Richie, to name a few.

    17 Their Wedding Was A Secret

    Diaz gave a rare interview about her wedding which happened to be a secret. "We got married in our living room in front of our friends," Cameron told radio host Andy Cohen. "Had a little party in our backyard on the tennis court and yeah. Otherwise it would have been something else." She knew that their wedding would be a big deal in the news and she didn't want the drama that came with it. She was trying to keep things on the down low and only certain people knew about it.

    16 Cameron Just Knew He Was The One

    Cameron Diaz has discussed how when she met Benji, she “just knew” that he was the one for her. That can be a rare thing indeed. She didn't just think that she wanted to date him, she knew that he would be her husband one day.

    "It was one of those things where everyone tells you, 'You just know when you know.' I was like, 'What does that mean?' Oh, I get it. You just know when you know.

    Like you're my husband," Cameron explained.

    15 Cameron's Fear

    Benji and Cameron have 24-hour security on their gorgeous property. Diaz may be retired, but she is still afraid of stalkers coming to her home. “Cameron is terrified the same thing will happen to her - and she's even hired a 24-hour security guard to keep watch over her L.A mansion,” a source revealed to Globe.

    “Her house is walled off from the street and impenetrable as it is. She's become totally paranoid.

    Especially after what happened to Taylor, and Sandra Bullock a few years back.”

    14 Her First Thoughts When She Saw Benji

    Sometimes when you meet the right person, things just click in a perfect way and you couldn't imagine being with anyone else. She thought her husband was pretty foxy when she first laid eyes on him. "The first thing I said when I first met my husband was, 'He's hot.' How come I didn't know this before? We had never been in the same circle.

    You know, nothing matters now that I have my husband. Like, I don't even remember any of that."

    The two are obviously very much in love with each other.

    13 She Continues To Turn Down Scripts

    The last film that Diaz made was Annie back in 2014 and the film made $113 million at the box office. She hasn't been interested in returning to do another movie even though she still gets scripts sent to her. An insider told the Daily Star Sunday newspaper, “Cameron is constantly inundated with film scripts trying to tempt her out of retirement but she's just not interested.” She seems to be happy staying at home with her husband. “She's happy, in love, and wants to make the most of her freedom and free time.”

    12 They Prefer To Have A Private Life

    Diaz has pretty much stayed out of the spotlight in the past few years and she seems content with that. She is enjoying her private and quiet life with her rocker husband. “Cameron hasn't wanted to work,” a source told US Weekly,

    “She is enjoying being at home and being a housewife, she would love more than anything to be a mom.”

    Who knows what the future will bring for this actress. “At this point they would be very happy with the miracle of one child,” the source added.

    11 They Celebrated Their Anniversary In Italy

    This year, they spent their wedding anniversary in Italy and they couldn't have looked more comfortable with each other. The two were spotted in June walking around a park in Florence and they were just like any other couple. It would have been their third anniversary and they never looked happier. The two were dressed casually as they headed off to dinner. Retirement definitely seems to be agreeing with Cameron because she looks so relaxed and at peace as she strolls around with her husband.

    10 They Are Both Edgy In Their Own Way

    Most people assume when they see these two that they couldn't be more different and in some ways that's true. But in other ways, they might just be perfect for each other. Benji made be a rocker from the Band Good Charlotte but Diaz has also had a badass career in Hollywood that included projects like Vanilla Sky and Gangs Of New York. She branched out professionally and published a book about aging called, The Longevity Book: The Science of Aging, the Biology of Strength, and the Privilege of Time.

    9 New Outlook

    Cameron Diaz didn't always believe in marriage, in fact, for many years she seemed to be a cynic about love. “Everybody has been [betrayed]," she told UK's OK! magazine. "Everyone will be  betrayed." She added, "I can't fix that. I don't know how. I don't have any judgment on anybody. We are human beings, we are complicated," Diaz said. But these days, she seems much more relaxed about her marriage and she doesn't talk like that anymore.

    8 Her Inner Circle

    These two have plenty of celebrities to hang out with between the two of them. We always see Drew Barrymore and Gwyneth Paltrow in the picture. We also know that Nicole Richie is also in the picture. These two have plenty of celebrities as friends but they have also had many celebrities in their little black book. Benji was once engaged to Paris Hilton and Diaz dated pop star Justin Timberlake. When Hilton heard that Benji was dating Diaz, she stated, “I remember being in [eighth grade] or something and looking up to Cameron and going, 'Wow, one day I want to be funny and be in the industry." She also said she wanted Madden "to be happy, so if he's found someone that makes him happy, that's awesome.”

    7 Always Learning Something New

    Cameron told Ellen DeGeneres that one great thing about being married is that it allows you to learn a lot about yourself which she really liked.

    "Someone asked me, 'What's your favorite thing about being married?' and I said, 'I just learned so much about myself. I didn't know these things. I would have never known them if I didn't have my husband to help me.'"

    Discovering new things about yourself can mean that you have found the partner that you are supposed to be with. It can also help you to grow into a stronger person.

    6 She May have Learned More Than She Bargained For

    She told Ellen that she learned a lot about herself through marriage but some of the stuff she learned, she didn't like. She stated that there was a double-edged sword to marriage. She continued,

    "And they said, 'What's the worst thing about being married?' It's like, 'Well, I learned all these things about myself that I wish I didn't know. And I wouldn't have learned them if I didn't get married.'

    So it's like this double-edged sword." That's a pretty interesting way to look at things but anyone who has been married knows it to be true.

    5 Cameron Has Found The Support She Has Been Looking For

    You know that you have met your soulmate when everything just seems to have fallen in place. "[Madden is] just my partner in life, in everything." she continued.

    "I've never had anyone who supported me so much and gave me so much courage to be myself and to really explore myself.

    My husband has been able to show me what it's like to [… ] be an equal. And I've learned so much from him. I look at him every day and he inspires me. I feel so lucky."

    4 Why Now?

    She waited until she was in her 40s before she got married and a lot of people speculated on why that was. Sometimes, it takes that long to meet the right person. She's definitely in a more relaxed state where she doesn't worry about what people think about her. "I think it's a matter of I just hadn't met my husband," she told People.

    "I had boyfriends before, and there's a really, really distinct difference between husbands and boyfriends."

    It's likely that those other relationships didn't work for a reason, they just weren't meant to be.

    3 She Understands The Difference Now

    For Cameron she has met the person that she is supposed to be with and that's all that matters to her. "All of that is like, that's the thing, that's how I know he's my husband, no one compares.

    Everything else just like washes and slips away. You realize like, 'Oh this is like the real thing is. This is what real love is.

    This is what real commitment and devotion is. This is the person you build your life with." We love that she is building a life that really means a lot to her.

    2 His Thoughts

    It's not just Cameron Diaz who is gushing about her husband. He seems just as equally smitten by her. He made that clear during her 45th birthday party when he posted a picture of them on social media. “Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Wife”, adding “I feel like I am the luckiest guy alive." It became only sweeter as the musician ended the note with, “You got me till the end baby.”

    1 Her Relationship With Her Sister-In-Law

    When you get married you acquire a new family and Diaz got some interesting in-laws that included Nicole Richie and Lionel Richie. Why not have a legend in the family if you can swing it. Nicole Richie certainly has had her ups and downs in the industry especially as a young socialite but she's settled down now and has a family and a fashion line. Nicole and Cameron seem to have bonded and we have often seen them photographed together shopping.

    References: dailymail.co.uk, nickiswift.com, dailymail.co.uk