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    Exclusive Beauty Prep Insider 20 Things Meg Did To Prepare For Her Wedding

    On May 19th, the world watched as Meghan Markle, a Californian born Hollywood actress, blogger, and philanthropist married Prince Harry, sixth in line for the English throne and, arguably, the world's most eligible bachelor. The best part? They're completely, madly in love with each other and it showed! We set our alarms for the very early morning, made tea, ate cucumber sandwiches, put on our fascinators and watched in utter fascination as an American girl became a Princess IRL, well a Duchess anyway… but basically a PRINCESS! We laughed, we cried, and we wished it was us standing up there in front of Harry.

    Meghan looked absolutely stunning, whether the two dresses she wore that day, or her simple chic hairstyle and her natural looking, dewy makeup; even Harry was star struck by his beautiful bride; in a, now, viral moment Harry mouths to Meghan, "you look amazing, absolutely gorgeous" Swoon! She really did look amazing and absolutely gorgeous. So, today, we're looking at 20 things Meghan Markle did to prepare for her Royal wedding; we're taking a closer look at her food preferences, her workout routine, and revealing all the insider secrets about how to get that natural glow from within! Read on to find out how you can be a princess too - well, at least look like one!

    20 Meghan Eats Clean - But Can't Say "No" To A French Fry!

    Meghan Markle looked absolutely beautiful on her wedding day and according to her, her diet had a lot to do with it, although she wouldn't exactly call it that. Meghan definitely believes that you are what you eat and tries to eat foods that make her look and feel good. According to Harper's Bazaar, Meghan said this about how she eats, "It's not a diet; it's lifestyle eating." Meghan's lifestyle eating includes favorites like smoothies, sushi, watermelon, lots of roasted veggies, and the occasional giant bowl of carbohydrates - yes we're talking pasta! Meghan also can't turn down a french fry, and girl neither can we! According to Town & Country, Meghan said this about her love of fries,

    "I could eat French fries all day. I love carbs - who doesn't love a carbohydrate?"

    We do! We do! Meghan loves her fries, but might feel a little guilty to indulge all by herself as she also told Insider, "I'm always hoping I'm having lunch with people, so we can share fries." Meghan, we would totally share fries with you. We're just wondering if now that Meghan is married to perhaps the former most eligible bachelor in the world if fries over guys still applies? Either way, according to Shape, Meghan said this about her love of fries, "French fries and vino are my vices." We'll get to the wine part soon!

    19 Sweating For The Wedding? Meghan Was Practically Running To The Alter

    Meghan obviously has a pretty toned body, she's feminine, while also strong and apparently loves to run! The Hollywood actress has stayed in great shape over the years and she revealed her secret. According to Harper's Bazaar, Meghan said, "Running has always been my form of moving meditation, which I relish because it allows me to get out of my head." Running can be great for looking and feeling great. Look no further than the now deleted 'grams of the famous Suits actress to know that she cares about her mental and physical well being. According to Us Weekly, Meghan said this about her motivation to work out, "There was an old episode of The Cosby Show where Clair Huxtable was trying to lose weight to fit into a dress. Debbie Allen is her trainer, and she literally says, 'You've got to burn it to earn it. You've got to sweat it to get it!' It's the cheesiest thing in the world I know, but if I'm on the treadmill thinking I don't want to be there, I just go, 'Think of Clair Huxtable - you've got to burn it to earn it!'" Meghan definitely did "sweat it to get it," obviously upping her gym sessions before squeezing into that beautiful Givenchy dress.

    18 Meghan Does Pilates And Yoga To Exercise Her Mind And Body

    Meghan also focuses on finding her center, loving both, yoga and pilates. According to Vanity Fair, Meghan once wrote, "I was born and raised in Los Angeles, a California girl who lives by the ethos that most things can be cured with either yoga, the beach, or a few avocados." In a now-deleted Instagram, Meghan practiced yoga on the beach and uploaded a photo doing a handstand. According to Harper's Bazaar, Meghan said this about her passion and yoga,

    "My mom was a yoga instructor so that patience is in my blood. I love an intense vinyasa class - and even better if it's blasting hip-hop and done in a dark room with candlelight."

    Meghan is into going with the flow of movement, which is exactly what vinyasa is; we love that Meghan wants to blast hip-hop as she works out since we do the same! Meghan also does Pilates and according to Harper's Bazaar, Meghan said this about the strength training exercises, "[It's] hands down the best thing you could do for your body. Your body changes immediately." Meghan didn't only need to be in shape for her wedding day, she's going to be doing a lot of running around as the Duchess of Sussex, not to mention she'll be running around in four inch heels, although she's probably used to a long day after shooting Suits for so many years.

    17 Meghan Is Mostly Vegan And Gluten Free On Weekdays

    Meghan isn't officially a vegan but did tell Shape, "I try to eat vegan during the week and then have a little bit more flexibility with what I dig into on weekends. But at the same time, it's all about balance." Lots of people have gone vegan in recent years, whether the benefits to overall health or because of the belief behind it. Meghan is more focused on eating clean than anything. According to Insider, Meghan said this about her clean eats, "It's easy to fall into the trap of rushing for a coffee when you hit that 4 p.m. slump. But if I blend some apple, kale, spinach, lemon, and ginger in my Vitamix in the morning and bring it to work, I always find that sipping on that is a much better boost than a cup of espresso." Meghan is all about eating stuff that comes from the Earth, whether fruits, veggies, or almonds. She even grew veggies growing up! According to Harper's Bazaar, Meghan said this about homegrown food, "Growing up in Southern California… we had a Meyer lemon tree and fig tree in my backyard, I loved gardening and growing my own vegetables. That farm to table ethos was ingrained at such a young age."

    16 But On Weekends, Meghan Doesn't Skip Pasta Or Happy Hour - She Doesn't Want To Deprive Herself

    One thing that is going to make Meghan a great Royal is just how relatable she is, and we can't help but relate to someone who can't give up pasta and wine! According to Insider, Meghan said this about her love for that glass of red, "Of course I'm going to have that glass of wine - it's delicious and I enjoy it. Do the things you enjoy within reason." Meghan is all about moderation when it comes to indulging, but considering she once ran a blog called "The Tig," named after a favorite wine, it's no wonder she can't give up her favorite weekend foods! When it comes to wine, Meghan loves a full-bodied red, according to Town & Country, Meghan said this about the wine behind the namesake of her now removed blog, "Tignanello is a full-bodied red wine that I tried about seven years ago. In wine circles, it is nicknamed 'Tig.' It was my first moment of getting it - I finally understood what people meant by the body, structure, finish, legs of wine. The TIG is my nickname for me getting it. Not just wine, but everything." Girl, we get it! You're a princess now, well kind of, and after a long day of princess-ing, you deserve that pasta and wine with your new hubby! Meghan summed up her lifestyle eating, telling Town & Country, 

    "For me it's just finding that balance, eating really good during the week and then treating yourself to whatever it is that you want over the weekend."

    We couldn't agree more, we're all about that cheat meal!

    15 Meghan Exercises Her Facial Muscles Too, And Not Just By Smiling At Prince Harry

    Okay, we know that Meghan gets a lot of exercise when it comes to her face, there's the whole looking adoringly at Harry thing, smiling really big when he says something cute thing, the laughing hysterically stuff, but apparently, Meghan is exercising her face in other ways too! According to Birchbox, Meghan revealed, "I do facial exercises from one of my favorite aestheticians, Nicola Joss, who basically has you sculpt your face from the inside out. I swear it works, as silly as you may feel. On the days I do it, my cheekbones and jawline are way more sculpted. There's a reason she is in high demand around awards season when every actress want to look A-plus." We've heard of facials, and we've heard of massages, but a facial massage?! According to PopSugar, Meghan explained she, "literally massages your face from inside your mouth! Insane, right?" Okay, yeah, we're a little concerned here, but according to Nicola Joss, "The main benefits of daily massage on the face are removal of tension and stress in muscles. [It] softens but strengthens the muscle fibers to give a more lifted structure to facial contours. Massage will also remove toxins, help to drain and eliminate puffiness fluid retentions, and improve blood circulation," according to PopSugar. We guess there are crazier beauty trends out there right? Remember, Kate Middleton supposedly did bee venom facials before her wedding! Anything for beauty.

    14 Her Skincare Routine Gives Her That Glow From Within

    Meghan was absolutely glowing on her big day! Fans immediately wanted the breakdown on her flawless skin and what her skincare routine consists of to keep her looking so youthful and dewy. Meghan doesn't actually wear a lot of makeup; she merely uses it to enhance her natural features, as she doesn't want to hide those adorable freckles, which means skin care is hugely important! Meghan has a few go-to products, and the list seems to be growing since becoming pals with Kate Middleton, who also has a very youthful glow. Town & Country reports that some of Meghan's favorite skincare products include; Kate Somerville Quench Hydrating Face Serum, Now Tea Tree Oil, Laura Mercier Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer, and Nivea Skin Firming Hydration Cream, which Markle says,

    "I would buy a case of this at a time if I could find it."

    Meghan, of course, has access to the best aestheticians, makeup artists, and everything in between, and a lot of the products she actually uses are drugstore finds! We have a feeling that Nivea lotion she swears by is going to be selling out at a Target near you soon! Prepping for the big day took a lifetime of consistent skincare best practices; we're glad that Meghan cares so much about her natural skin.

    13 Biotulin Versus Botox? A Trick She Learned From Kate!

    Now, we can't confirm or deny any past history of Botox or other beauty enhancements, but it seems as though Meghan Markle's sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, tries to take a more natural approach to beauty and staying youthful and it seems like Meghan is following suit! Kate is rumored to use Biotulin, a celebrity favorite, "botox in a bottle." Botox is pretty much standard in Hollywood, so of course, the Royals have to keep up too and Meghan is taking skin care advice from Kate! According to Us Weekly, "Meghan Markle has heeded the skincare advice of soon-to-be sister-in-law Kate Middleton and started using an $89 gel-cream called Biotulin that claims to be 'botox in a bottle.'" $89?! The moisture enriching cream seems to plump up areas that normally would appear dull or even wrinkled. Us Weekly also reports, "Kensington Palace has not commented on reports linking Markle to Biotulin, but rumors have swirled for years that Kate Middleton is a fan. The speculation picked up steam when makeup artist Carl Ray told Celebrities Style magazine that former First Lady Michelle Obama started using the supposed Botox-alternative at the recommendation of the Duchess of Cambridge." Any face product that Kate Middleton, Michelle Obama, and Meghan Markle use is something that we need in our vanity and on our faces ASAP!

    12 Her Barely There Foundation Always Shows Off Her Freckles

    Meghan has gorgeous skin, we're so obsessed with her unique complexion! Her freckles make her a standout in a world of blurred, flawless, blemish-less, photoshopped faces! Meghan has famously talked about her freckles and her desire for photographers to show them off, rather than to cover them up, whether with makeup or blurring tools and photo effects. Anyone with freckles knows that a full face makeup means no more freckles, which is why Meghan is sticking to tinted moisturizers and concealer, and letting her real skin show through.

    Meghan told Vanity Fair, "I've always loved my freckles," and she should!

    Meghan's freckles make her look youthful, sun-kissed, and healthy. According to Birchbox, Meghan recommends, "Only apply foundation to the spots you need it and spread it with a beauty blender. I never want to cover my freckles, so we just do a 'wash' of foundation in certain sections instead of over the entire face." Meghan's barely there foundation routine evens out the rest of her complexion, covering dark circles, but is light enough to leave her freckles visible. According to Town & Country, Meghan's favorite face makeup includes, Laura Mercier's Illuminating Tinted Moisturizer, Chanel's Sublimage Le Teint, and Makeup Forever HD Powder!

    11 She Wears Super Minimal Makeup Every Day

    As for the rest of her face, Meghan keeps it pretty simple. She wears blush and bronzer; Town & Country reports that she wears Nars in a peachy-pink shimmery shade and tends to draw some attention to her eyes. Meghan also uses Chanel's Long Lasting Eyeliner and Dior Show Iconic Mascara, according to Town & Country. Meghan always aims to look fresh and awake, but never overly done up. According to Birchbox, Meghan recommends, "To open up your eyes, apply a highlighter like Yves Saint Laurent's Touche Éclat in the inner corner - this trick is especially good when we are filming at 3 a.m. and I need to look bright-eyed and bushy-tailed." Meghan even keeps her lips simple, wearing a tinted chapstick. Meghan wears the brand Sugar and said this about her lip balm according to Town & Country, "I have searched high and low and tried every kind of lip balm but this is the very best. Soft, kissable, buttery lips. I swear by it." Do you remember being like 13 and wanting to experiment with makeup for the first time, and your mom or sister or friend told you that makeup wasn't for covering up your features, but rather to enhance them? Well, Meghan basically is all of our big sisters when it comes to makeup. She doesn't overdo it and lets her natural beauty shine through.

    10 Her Eyes Were The Only Drama On The Wedding Day

    Meghan opted for a very natural, dewy makeup look that truly made her glow on her wedding day. She kept her face makeup simple, and minimal, a "your-skin-but-better" look, and left all the drama for her eyes! According to Harper's Bazaar, Meghan'smakeup artist, Daniel Martin, did Markle's makeup, even though it was speculated Markle would follow in new sister-in-law, Kate Middleton's, footsteps and do her own makeup on her big day. Harper's Bazaar described the iconic makeup look,

    "Martin kept Markle's skin fresh, with just a touch of concealer under her eyes. Her freckles were visible and her skin looked luminous."

    "Her eyebrows and eyes were the main focus of the look. Martin swept a gray eyeshadow across her eyes and piled on the mascara, then filled-in her eyebrows with a warm brown powder to define them."

    "Her cheeks had a subtle flush of peach color, while her lips were covered with a light pink shade."

    The look was bridal and beautiful, making Meghan look very young, fresh, and sun-kissed. Meghan has opted for minimal makeup in all public outings with Harry, although the star generally only had full face makeup while in character on Suits. We're loving this natural look.

    9 Meghan Gets Brazilian Blowouts Frequently To Keep Her Hair Straight

    Meghan has super curly hair, but you would never know that based on how she normally wears it. Meghan wears her hair sleek and straight, and sometimes up in a messy bun with piece-y bits pulled out around her ears. According to Daily Mail, Meghan said this about her hair, "My mom is black and my dad is Dutch and Irish, so the texture of my hair is densely curly. I've been getting Brazilian blowouts for a couple of years." Brazilian blowouts are expensive, usually starting around a few hundred dollars and can last between two and three months and take hours in the salon too. Don't worry, even though Meghan changes up her hairstyle, she's still the same California girl next door. Her friends and makeup artist worried about how to act around her once she was officially a Royal, but she told them to relax! According to E! News, Meghan's friend and longtime makeup artist, Daniel Martin, said "I asked her that. 'Do I bow to you? I don't want to disrespect you, but I've known you for almost ten years. What's up?' She started laughing and she said, 'I'm always going to be Meg.'"

    8 And Keratin Treatments Too, Just Like Kate!

    Keratin treatments are popular with celebrities and Royals alike. Keratin basically makes the hair smoother and more manageable, while also maintaining frizz and flyaways. According to People, Meghan Markle's London hairstylist said, "Meghan came to see me at least twice for keratin treatments. It's great for people with naturally curly hair like Meghan, it takes the frizz out and makes it more manageable - she said it made a real difference." The hairstylist also added,

    "She has really beautiful hair. Her hair was in such lovely condition, and you could tell that she really looks after it and that she was proud of it - it's really stunning."

    Kate Middleton also has been known to get keratin treatments for her hair! The smoothing treatment is generally a few hundred dollars and leaves hair less frizzy, more manageable, and smoother, but doesn't take all the curl out, like a Brazilian blowout does. The good news about being a Royal? Money isn't an issue, so Brazilian blowouts, Keratin treatments, all seem to come with the job. Hollywood Life, reported that sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, spent over $20k on her hair in a year; "Six haircuts and colors a year plus tri-weekly blowouts courtesy of the Richard Wood salon can total upwards of $21,685 annually!" Likewise, Glamour reported that Kate spend over $10k to have her hairstylist accompany her to Australia a few years ago.

    7 The "Flip" And How To Tame Flyaways, According To Megan

    Meghan Markle's hair is goals, regardless of how much it costs; we're jealous and we want our hair to look like it's permanently being fanned. Meghan's hair always looks bouncy, full, and put together; whether rocking an everyday messy bun or when her hair is down, she always looks incredible. So what's her secret?! According to Birchbox, Meghan revealed, "There is nothing like a hair flip! When my hair is feeling a little weighted, Suanne, my hair artist on set, has me bend forward and she sprays a little Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray or nothing at all, and the has me 'flip back hard' to give my hair a little extra bounce." We think Meghan is actually referencing the bend and snap here, but we can't be sure! Okay, so now that our hair is looking voluminous, what's next? Meghan also told Birchbox, "For my flyaways, I spray hairspray on a small boar bristle toothbrush (a regular toothbrush also works great!) to lightly brush them down or smooth the hairline - this is especially good for a sleek bun when I am off-camera." Of course, Meghan's messy buns are always perfectly and neatly unkept, while ours look absolutely ridiculous, but we're at least trying to look as effortless and amazing as her!

    6 The Smile That Made The World Fall In Love With The Couple

    Meghan is beautiful for a lot of reasons, but one of the reasons the world fell in love with her as quickly as Harry did is that beautiful smile! Twitter went a little crazy analyzing a picture of Meghan smiling as she rode away in a Royal carriage, and she presumably looked back on her old life and gave a small toothy smile. According to Huffington Post, 

    "In the photo, the former [Suits] star looks straight into the camera with a smile that could be interpreted a thousand different ways - and Twitter was up for the job."

    From declarations of her new title to documentary intros to references to looking at your ex one last time; Twitter was living for her smile, and so are we! We love Meghan's perfect, but very natural looking teeth. They're not too perfect, or too white; they look like really nice real teeth. According to Hello Magazine Meghan has "a symmetrical broad smile… and her teeth are elegantly contoured with feminine curves and even shape. The color is fresh and naturally white." To get a smile like Meghan's you don't need any expensive cosmetic dentistry, just take care of the teeth you have. Not to mention, smiling happens to be an already glowing bride's best accessory… other than the prince on her arm!

    5 Meghan Picked The Queen's Favorite Nail Polish For Her Big Day Mani

    One thing Meghan will absolutely have to give up as a new Royal? Her love for dark nail polish. The Royals either wear well groomed bare nails, or very pale, nude or pink polishes, but never wear dark hues, or even reds! According to Harper's Bazaar, "Markle appears to have picked the Queen's favorite nail polish, Essie Ballet Slippers, to wear on her big day. The universally-flattering pale pink, opaque shade is famous for being the go-to mani shade for brides and Royalty everywhere." The Queen always wears this Essie shade when she wears polish and Kate and Meghan have now both followed in her footsteps. According to Revelist, this Royal popularity means, "30 bottles of Ballet Slippers sells in the United States every hour. That's a lot of beige-pink polish!" Kate and Meghan both get regular manis, while the Queen sometimes doesn't wear polish; Kate usually wears either clear or a muted pink, while Meghan wears a more opaque color. For Meghan's nails, "It's been previously reported that Markle favors a salon in the posh London neighborhood of Mayfair called Nails & Brows. Manicures there can run anywhere from $30 to $80, depending on the add-ons you choose like a massage or shellac," according to Harper's Bazaar.

    4 Her Wedding Day Hair Was Simple And Chic

    Meghan's wedding day hair received mixed reviews, obviously, she did a lot to get ready for the big day, from Brazilian blowouts to keratin treatments, Meghan had been preparing for this moment for her whole life! Meghan's hair looked relaxed and personable; it wasn't too tidy, or perfect, it was casual and chic and while we're obsessed with anything and everything Meghan, some people thought it wasn't fancy or special enough for a wedding day, but we disagree; a messy bun is Meghan's signature look. According to Harper's Bazaar, wedding day hairstylist, Serge Normant said this about the big day, "I am still pinching myself this morning. It's just one of those moments you dream of. I am very excited about it… "

    "We had to blow dry [her hair] from wet, I would say 45 minutes to an hour. Then they did the makeup, and then you fiddle around with it a little bit. But it's not that long. I always tend to try and go as fast as I can at these events. Nobody wants to sit around… It's a messy bun, we call it. Messy in a controlled way."

    Meghan's wedding day look was effortless and her easy-going hair and makeup were a gorgeous contrast to her structured dress.

    3 People Can't Stop Asking If She Even Wore Makeup

    At this point, we're pretty much sold on the Markle sparkle, and the sparkle reflecting off Meghan's diamond tiara is maybe the only thing more luminous than Meghan's gorgeous skin. Meghan's full list of wedding day products hasn't officially been released, and girl we're waiting. Meghan's wedding day makeup artist did give a few details though! According to W Magazine, "As it turns out, Markle's beauty routine throughout her wedding day was just as relaxed. After Martin did her makeup, as well as her mother Doria Ragland's beauty look, he equipped Markle with only two products that she used for touch-ups: 'blot papers and lipstick!'" Meghan has notoriously said that she doesn't want to waste too much time on makeup, especially when her freckles and natural glow make her feel more confident. Meghan is too busy trying to change the world to have time for makeup; according to Women's Health, Meghan said, "Whether we care to admit it or not, we all have a finite amount of time to honor the days we have on earth and really push to achieve our potential and accomplish things we feel truly proud of." The less time Meghan's makeup routine takes the more time she has to save the world and enjoy her time! Her wedding day was not different, both her hairstylist and makeup artist noted the chill vibe and not wanting the beauty process to take too long!

    2 Her Dresses Were Absolutely Spectacular

    On the big day, Meghan wore two dresses; the first a Clare Wright Keller Givenchy wedding gown, and the second, a Stella McCartney gown for the reception. Each dress was beautiful in it's own way. The first, fitted and modern, with sleeves, and the second a more casual halter, with a fun bottom. Meghan's dresses got a lot of attention leading up to the big day; of course, she wanted them to be perfect. According to Harper's Bazaar, Clare Keller, Meghan's main wedding dress designer, said this about the design, "From the very start we had a few variations of the design, but then very quickly it [held] to the final creation that you saw… "

    "[Meghan] was really focused, as I was, on it being absolutely perfect for the occasion. And also knowing what the House of Givenchy has done in its history, I think it was a collaboration that came through that."

    "We exchanged conversations about what would be the ultimate lines and proportions and the scale of the dress, but over time we got to a point where I [knew] she knew exactly what she wanted." There was lots of speculation leading up to the wedding about who would design the dress, but most people agreed that it would be smart, sophisticated, and probably not have lace. Harry obviously thought his bride looked amazing, and Harper's Bazaar also reports that Keller got a very special thank you from him, she said, "[Harry] just came up to me and said, 'Oh my God, thank you. She looks absolutely stunning.'"

    1 She Glowed From Within, Because She's Basically A Princess Who Married A Prince IRL

    Maybe the most important thing Meghan did in preparation for the big day? Falling completely and utterly in love with Harry. Every guest from their wedding seemed to take away the same sentiment, that the couple was absolutely giddy to be marrying one another and were so filled with love and happiness. As much as it was a historical moment, it was also just their moment. The couple seemed focused on one another the whole time, that's how we got the now viral moment where Harry tells Meghan, "you look amazing." Naturally feeling happy, makes you look better too! Meghan seemed to smile all day and was literally glowing (don't worry we're not speculating the Royal baby watch quite yet). The already famous black and white wedding photo they released was supposedly even a "candid" shot! According to People, the wedding photographer, Alexi Lubomirski said this about the iconic shot, "I said finally, 'Okay, let's go back. You can go back to your thing now, but listen, just before you go in, let's sit down on these stairs.' And she just slumped in between his legs, and there was this moment where they were just laughing because they were joking about how they were exhausted and finally it's all over. And they just looked at each other and they were just laughing, and it was this just beautiful moment." What can we say? The way you feel inside, often reflects on the outside.

    References: Harper's BazaarTown & CountryInsider, ShapeUS Weekly, Vanity Fair, US Weekly, Town & Country, Hollywood Life, Glamour, Birchbox, PopSugar, Daily Mail, E! News, People, Revelist, Huffington Post, Hello!, Harper's Bazaar, Harper's Bazaar, Harper's Bazaar, W Magazine, Women's Health, Harper's Bazaar, People