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    Cardi B Is Going To Be A Mama 17 Images Leading Up To Her Big Reveal

    All of a sudden, Cardi B is absolutely everywhere, and news just broke that the singer/rapper is pregnant with her first child. How did Cardi B tell the world that she was expecting? Well, the moment was just as cool and fabulous as she is, but of course, none of us would expect anything less. She appeared on Saturday Night Live and let everyone see her super pregnant belly. She captioned a recent Instagram photo with, "The love I'm receiving is overwhelming" so it's safe to say that fans are thrilled that she's going to be a mom soon.

    Cardi B's real name is Belcalis Almanzar and she has become famous for songs like "Bodak Yellow (Money Moves)." If any of us are reality TV fans, maybe we saw her on the sixth season of Love & Hip Hop: New York. Cardi B used to be a dancer (yes, that kind of dancer) and that got people talking about her, but her music and fashion sense have gotten people interested her as well. And now, of course, she's having a baby with her fiance, Offset, and everyone is going to focus on that. Read on to see 15 photos of the soon-to-be mom!

    17  Fancy Nails

    Cardi B is definitely not shy when it comes to fashion. We don't really see her in a plain outfit like a t-shirt or tank top and jeans. If she did wear that combination, we can be sure that it would be fabulous. We always enjoy seeing what outfits she's put together because we know they're always creative and unique.

    She's rocking some really fancy, cool nails in this photo and looks great. It turns out that Cardi B loves fashion so much that she's delving into fashion design. Yup, she's going to be collaborating with Fashion Nova, The clothing line will come out in fall 2018. What will it be like? Well, we don't know, because she hasn't shared very much. But we know that we'll be first in line.

    16 Beautiful Braids

    Cardi B is wearing her hair in two long braids in this picture and combined with the long gold earrings and white bodysuit, it's a really cool look.

    A lot of people have noticed that the star has a great sense of style and looks awesome in whatever she's got on. According to a Dazeddigital.com story called "How Cardi B became the queen of New York Fashion Week," she was the talk of the festival. She performed at Alexander Wang's September 2017 party which was a really big deal since that's a huge party. The celebrity was also given front row seats to some really important shows, so it's clear that the world loves her and thinks that she's a massive star. With outfits like this one, it's easy to see why.

    15 Love Story

    Awww. This photo of Cardi B and her fiance Offset is definitely super sweet and adorable.

    We always love seeing pictures of couples looking in love, and when a celebrity couple looks this in love, for whatever reason, it can seem even more exciting. Maybe because we hear about so many celebrity divorces that it's always nice to see that some pairs are still happy and keeping their love story alive. When Cardi B released a song called "Careful," people wondered if the tune was about Offset and if she was saying that he was stepping out on her, but according to Pitchfork.com, she has said that isn't the case at all. She said that she was played the song before she even started a romance with him: "I was just talkin' about things I relate to and that have happened to me."

    14 Put A Ring On It

    If a celebrity being pregnant with their first child is big news, a celebrity getting engaged is also a pretty massive deal. And that's exactly why this photo of Cardi B showing off her engagement ring is so exciting.

    Cardi B and Offset got engaged in October 2017. She has an 8-carat diamond ring but that's not the coolest part of the story (even though, yes, that's really impressive). Offset actually popped the question when he and Cardi B were on a concert stage in Philly. Yup, that's a fitting proposal when we're talking about music stars. Don't we think that more proposals should be as perfect as this?! It's definitely better when the guy puts some real thought and effort into it. This was a romantic moment for sure.

    13 Stunning Selfie

    We all love a good selfie, don't we? After all, there's a reason why so many of us post selfies on a regular (maybe even daily) basis. It can just be really fun to show off the fact that we're having a really good hair and/or outfit day. Just one of the best things about being a girl.

    Cardi B seems to appreciate a good selfie as well, at least judging from a selfie like this one, which is truly fabulous. Her hair looks amazing, long and full and curly, and her long nails and glittery phone case contribute to the overall elegant and glam vibe of the image. We really never see her looking anything less than glam, though, so we would never expect anything less.

    12 All Sparkles

    Taking a look through Cardi B's Instagram account is a lot of fun. She posts a lot of images like this one where, basically, she looks amazing. She captioned this with @gq so this was a photo from a shoot she did with the magazine.

    Sometimes pictures can be taken of celebrities that make them look fairly normal and relatable. And then there are the photos that make them look like the elegant, sophisticated, cool stars that they are. This photo definitely fits into the latter category. Cardi B is literally sparkling and glowing, just like the picture's background. The GQ story's headline includes the phrase "B on Her Unstoppable Rise" and that's definitely a great way to describe it. She doesn't seem to be slowing down and she's just getting more and more famous, and with this baby, that's even truer.

    11 Looking Cool

    It's hard not to look cool, calm, and elegant in a little black dress. The LBD is a staple of fashion and basically signals that you really know what you're doing when you put an outfit together. It's no surprise that Cardi B donned an LBD, and it's also no surprise that this one is a bit more interesting than a typical one. It's got long sleeves and a turtleneck.

    We like how sleek she looks here, with her hair long and straight and pulled back into a ponytail, and her sophisticated black high heels. This is a party dress for sure and something you wear to a fancy event for fancy people. And Cardi B definitely fits into that category now that she's a bonafide star.

    10 So Glam

    Would every celebrity be brave enough to wear a dress like this one? Probably not. But it's not a surprise that Cardi B is brave enough.

    Fashion always tells a story and a lot of us like to dress according to our mood. That's what makes clothing so fun. It can really elevate an ordinary Tuesday afternoon and make us feel more special. And it's great to know that as Cardi B has shared in interviews, she doesn't spend a ton of money on clothes and doesn't think that it's necessary, either. Don't we just adore hearing advice like that?! It's not like we're rolling in celebrity money, so most of us can't afford designer duds, anyway. We should take a page out of her book and pair cheaper clothing with good shoes. It's such good advice.

    9 Definitely Stylish

    For a while there, the whole "super tall boots… like really, really tall boots" thing was a massive trend. It was basically as if we needed our shoes to look like pants. If we were wearing ankle boots, we were doing it wrong.

    Cardi B is wearing really, really, really tall boots in this photo that she posted on Instagram, and she is definitely rocking them. She paired them with tights, jean shorts, a graphic t-shirt, and a jacket with poofy sleeves… and it all looks great. She really can throw an outfit together (although, of course, we're sure that she puts a lot of time and effort into it, so it's not really "throwing together" as it is "carefully curated").

    8 Living The Dream

    Here is a photo of Cardi B winning "Best New Artist" at the 2018 iHeart Radio Music Awards. She definitely looks like a star in her beautiful burgundy dress. This is totally a princess dress -- you know, the kind of dress that we all dreamed of wearing when we were kids because it's so good for twirling.

    When Cardi went onstage to get her award, she talked about her "haters" and that's pretty cool. It's exactly what we've come to expect from her: she's always bold and real and honest. She's not a celebrity who talks in sound bites and doesn't speak her mind. Nope, not at all. We always know how she feels about a subject (that is, if she's ready and willing to tell us).

    7 On Her Throne

    Cardi B is wearing such a cool dress here. Can we get one for ourselves?! Okay, okay, we wouldn't dare because we think that she looks so great in it and it suits her.

    It's impossible not to think "star power" when looking at a photo like this one. A lot of stories have been written about how famous Cardi has gotten recently and how that happened. An Eonline.com story talked about "the Cardi B empire" and mentioned that Cardi B's single was number one the Billboard Hot 100 chart for three weeks. That would be amazing and impressive enough, but it's even more amazing and impressive because Lauryn Hill was the only other solo female rap artist to have that happen. It just goes to show that when someone is talented, they can go super far.

    6 So Excited

    Cardi B looks really happy and excited in this photo that she posted on her Instagram account. Oh yeah, and she looks really stylish, too. It's no wonder that her Instagram posts got comments like "You look beautiful wow!!!" and "Two words pure beauty." We would have to say that we totally agree with those comments.

    This is an interesting dress and is very flattering. We also like her hot pink purse (and would love to own that ourselves, please and thank you). Are we wondering how Cardi B chose her name? Well, when she was in high school, people called her "Bacardi" and so "Cardi B" is another version of that. Pretty interesting stuff. It sounds like she has always been nothing less than completely fabulous.

    5 Too Cool

    Some people wear their hearts on their sleeve. Cardi B wears her heart on her jacket… or, well, her name.

    This is a super cool denim jacket and much cooler than if it didn't have her name. This outfit totally signals, "Hey, I'm a star, and I'm here to stay." What's really cool about Cardi B is that she's not only stylish and good-looking but she's also really, really, really smart. When she was interviewed by GQ, she literally talked about American politics and said that she knows a lot about the history of the Presidents. That's not something that every celebrity is going to do or know so that makes her unique and makes her a star worth following.

    4 Bodak Orange

    Cardi B is beloved for a lot of things -- her music, her Instagram posts (she has 21.2 million followers), her fiance, and now her pregnancy -- and her style is up there at the top of the list.

    Cardi B's biggest single and most famous song might be called "Bodak Yellow" but she looks really good in orange. A lot of people might be afraid or nervous about wearing orange because not everyone thinks that it's everyone color. But, naturally, if anyone was going to look good wearing orange, it would be none other than Cardi B, and we think that she looks awesome (as usual). As it turns out, she's not big on spending tons of cash on clothing and thinks that you can definitely save money. According to Narcity.com, she said that wearing an inexpensive dress with "a good-quality shoe" is a good idea.

    3 In Peace

    This Instagram post and Cardi B's comment got a lot of attention when it happened because people seemed to really love that she said, "I'm just getting fat. Let me fat in peace."

    When we think about it, this is definitely a really amazing, inspiring thing. There is so much pressure for celebrities (especially female ones although it extends to guys as well) to look perfect and skinny at all times. Usually, when we say that a celebrity looks pretty, we mean that she looks thin. And, honestly, that's not super great or fair. With this Instagram comment, Cardi B is basically saying that just because a woman has a stomach doesn't mean that she's pregnant and that it's perfectly fine to have some curves and be your actual body weight. What's not to love about a celebrity that says things like that?!

    2 Looking Like A Gift

    This might not be a dress that we would wear, because, well, it's definitely over-the-top, but that's exactly why it works so well on Cardi B.

    She's not one to be shy about her clothing choices… and we're thankful for that. She keeps things interesting and keeps us guessing and we love that about her. Even though she wears some outfits like this, she's actually very relatable and can sound very down-to-earth. When she was interviewed by TheCut.com in November 2017, she said that she had been introduced to J.Lo and Beyonce and really was starstruck. Who can't relate to that?! That's totally how we would all be and it's really cool that she just admitted that. She's not pretending and she's exactly who she is all the time.

    1 Surprise, She's Pregnant

    Yup, Cardi B has got a bun in the oven, and here is the undeniable photographic proof.

    When Cardi B was on SNL, she showed everyone her stomach, and it was a great way to tell everyone that she was pregnant. That's much more interesting than simply saying it on social media (although, of course, we're always excited to learn about a celebrity pregnancy, so however they choose to share it is fine with us). Cardi B and Offset both announced that she was expecting a baby on their social media accounts this past weekend, so it's not a secret anymore, and everyone knows. We definitely can't wait for this baby to be born. Do we think that it will be a boy or girl? Will they grow up to be a singer as well?