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    Avoid At All Cost 13 Things Kardashian Nannies Must Never Do (& 7 Reasons Why They Deal)

    For celebrities like the Kardashians, there is just so much to be done. Seriously, it's insane! From filming shows to doing photoshoots every other day, there's a lot on the agenda - and not a lot of time to do it. But when you have kids, it's even worse. And since work keeps these reality stars so dang busy, they often have to rely on someone to lend a helping hand.

    Without babysitters or nannies, these celebrities would be in serious trouble. Fortunately, there are nannies out there who can be real lifesavers. But as you might expect, there are certain rules that a nanny must follow. Parents have a certain way they want to raise and discipline their kids. That's just the way it is. But when you're hired by the Kardashians, even the most experienced babysitter might feel a little bit overcome by all the tight rules and restrictions. Now, if you ever saw the Kardashians hanging out with their nannies, you'd probably think, "Oh c'mon, what restrictions? They're going on vacations and probably get paid millions!" But trust us, there are some major do's and don'ts in the Kardashian household that every nanny must adhere to if they want to keep their jobs and maintain their reputations.

    20 Avoid: Absolutely No Disciplining The Children

    When a Kardashian or Jenner child disobeys a rule or acts out, a nanny might be tempted to enforce some discipline. After all, when has sparing the rod and spoiling the child ever helped a parent out? It's why Kardashian nannies are allowed to run the kids' schedules anyway they see fit, just as long as their parents approve. But one thing they can't do is discipline the kids. This makes the job a little more difficult. Even a source close to Kourtney Kardashian admitted that the nannies had a tough time doing their jobs because the sisters are always there to remind them how to do it. But hey, the job pays a pretty penny, you get to travel all over the world, and hang around so major stars, so it's a pretty sweet deal if you ask us!

    19 They Get To Keep Some Lavish Items From Their Closets

    Most people don't know this about the Kardashians, but they're actually pretty generous to their staffers. According to sources, Khloe Kardashian often donates her designer clothes to her nannies. And since she's a celeb, she's probably only worn it once or twice before she decided to discard stuff. Everything she donates is probably still brand new! So, who on Earth would be insane enough to say no to an Armani trench coat or a Mark Jacobs sweater? Hum, no one, that's for sure! Sources also claim that Khloe is way more organized than Kim is, at least, when it comes to the stuff in her closet. So, Khloe is aware of which clothes to give after her weight loss, and she's known for being super generous too!

    18 Avoid: They Better Not Fold A Sweater Wrong, Or Kim Might Flip

    Kardashian nannies can organize the kids' closets any way they want, but they better fold the sweaters the way Kim wants. Kim's closet is always looking so pristine, after all. So, she expects the same thing in her kids' closets. She even had her staff stay up late to organize her closet after she came back from an event one night. But one source claimed that she lost it on a someone who didn't fold a sweater the way she wanted to. So, Kim took the sweater from the middle of the stack and ruined the hard work that the staffer had done, and demanded it got folded "the right way". Wowzers!

    17 Avoid: Nannies Can Get Dolled Up, But Cannot Be Too Attractive

    After Kim Kardashian had her third child, Chicago, she decided to put a ban on, wait for it… attractive nannies! Now we're not saying that Kanye West has a wandering eye, whatsoever. We know the rapper is obsessed with his wife and kids. But Kim isn't taking any chances. So, if a nanny looks too attractive, then they probably won't get past the interview. But that doesn't mean that a nanny has to look like a total dog either. Nannies are still allowed to get dolled up on occasion. After all, Kim's all about beauty and women's rights. So, she'd never put a woman in a position where she doesn't feel like she can't express herself.

    16 They Can Definitely Expect Nice Compensation For All Their Trouble

    Staff members claimed that while the Kardashians aren't always easy to work with, they're very generous with their pay and even gift them nice things during the holidays. But they don't just look after their own staffers. Kylie Jenner once gave her ex Tyga's nanny a pricey Celine handbag worth about $2,700. So, who knows how much she'll give her own nanny now that she's a mom? But it's not just the sisters either. One staffer claimed that Kanye West gave her a pair of snakeskin Yeezy boots one Christmas. But given how much the family's worth, it's not surprising that they'd give things away, to be honest!

    15 Avoid: Doesn't Matter If Stormi Just Took Her First Steps, Nannies Are Forbidden From Taking Any Pics

    Celebrities or not, parents will do whatever it takes to keep their children safe. But Kardashians have to work even harder to keep the paparazzi from taking photos of their kids. That's not always easy when they have a potential staffer who's trigger happy with their Smartphones. So, it won't matter to a Kardashian if one of the kids was taking their first step or they made a cute face. If a nanny takes a photo of their kid, they'll be fired. The only people who get to preserve memories are the family themselves. The nannies wind up unemployed if they break this sacred rule.

    14 Avoid: The Nannies Are Expected To Walk Behind Them In A "V" Formation

    The Kardashians are like a Royal dynasty. So, it's important to remember that the help has to stand in the right spot at all times. Just ask anyone who's ever worked for Kim. The beauty mogul demands that everyone walk behind her in a V formation, which isn't easy when taking care of kids. Imagine if little Saint decides to crawl or attempt to run off! That 2-year-old has the power of getting his nanny fired right away. So, when working for Kim, it's always best to just do what she says. She's got this whole “walk behind me” routine down to a science, and it seems to be working for her.

    13 They Get To Tag Along On Lavish Vacations, But They're There To Work

    Nannies are like part of the family, which means that when the Kardashians have to travel, they get to travel too. But it isn't necessarily a relaxing vacation every single time. Whether they're indoors or out and about, it's the nanny's responsibility to bring the kids in to Kim and Kanye for a quick photo snap. But if the kids get fussy and start to cry, then they have to yank them out of there before mommy and daddy start to get a headache. So, in effect, going on vacation with the Kardashians doesn't mean the job slows down. If anything, the vacations are more stressful than staying at home.

    12 Avoid: Nannies Musn't Forget To Do Any Of Their Chores, Particularly If It Includes Buying Broccoli For Kris

    Being a nanny among the Kardashians involves a lot more than looking after the little ones. There are certain chores that the nannies must follow… or else. Just ask Pam Behan, the former nanny of the Kardashian/Jenner kids. In her tell-all book, she claimed that she had a difficult working relationship with Kris Jenner. Somehow, we have zero trouble believing that! Kris is pretty much running the show, so she probably knows what she wants, and how she wants it done! Behan mentioned a particular incident in which she had to go to the supermarket, but forgot to buy some broccoli which was on the list. When she returned, Kris was so livid that she completely lost it on her. What followed next were a series of foul words directed toward poor Behan. In fact, things got so bad that she almost quit… over some darn broccoli. How about that?

    11 Avoid: They're Strictly Forbidden From Wearing Jewelry

    Nannies are allowed to dress up during special occasions, like when they're joining the family at an event. But dressing up better than the Kardashians themselves is a huge mistake. Seriously, do you think they'd let their nannies outshine them? To that end, nannies aren't allowed to wear jewelry, no matter what. But it's just as well. When you think about it, the last thing a nanny would want is to wear a lovely necklace or diamond earrings and then have one of the kids yank them out of their ears or neck. Besides, being a nanny is a messy job, and they can always get all gussied up when they're off the clock.

    10 They Can Definitely Glam It Up Whenever The Entire Family Goes Out For An Event

    When you're a nanny working for a famous family, chances are you're going to get snapped by the paparazzi at some point. So, you better look like you work for someone rich. Just ask Kim and Kanye's staff. They've been caught in a couple of photos, along with them. Since nannies and staff members will be photographed every now and then, they have to make sure they look the part. They can't just follow Kim and her family looking like a total slob, right? We might not see the nannies at every event or award show, but as long as they work for the Kardashians, they have to play the part. In some ways, it's almost as if they were celebrities themselves.

    9 Avoid: They Must Never Question The Kardashians On How They Raise Their Kids

    When it comes to the way that the Kardashians raise their kids, a nanny's opinion is completely irrelevant. But naturally, a nanny might feel compelled to intervene if they see one of the Kardashian/Jenners disciplining their kids in a certain way. Some might be tempted to say something if they feel that the parents aren't doing their jobs. But that's a mistake that could get a nanny booted from the Kardashian household. As you can imagine, upsetting a Kardashian is pretty much the worst, whether you're a nanny, a makeup artist, or an assistant. If you plan on working for the Kardashians, you better learn to keep your personal opinions to yourself and just stick to taking care of the kids.

    8 Avoid: Nannies Are Never To Appear On KUWTK, Hopefully They Are Camera-Shy

    If the nannies don't want to make their Hollywood debut, they're in luck. “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” is a nanny-free show. Over the past several seasons, fans haven't seen a single nanny pop up to say hi on the reality series. So if any nanny applies for a position with the assumption that they'll become a reality star, then they're in for a major disappointment. But on the plus side, if a big-name celebrity like Angelina Jolie were to visit the Kardashian household, a nanny might have a shot of shaking hands and rubbing elbows with a famous celeb. Not too shabby, if you ask us!

    7 Nannies Get To Swatch Samples Of Kar-Jenner Beauty Products

    It may seem like a bit of a strange request, especially in between taking care of the kids, the pets, handling their cleaning duties… But those employed by the Kar-Jenner clan definitely luck-out sometimes. They get sneak peeks of the newest beauty products the girls are putting out, and even get to see how the colors look on themselves, as the famous sisters sometimes ask their staff to swatch samples on their arms for their instagram posts.

    6 Avoid: The Kardashian Nannies Are Not Allowed To Choose Outfits For The Babies, And There's A Reason Why

    The Kardashian/Jenner kids might be young, but their parents know all there is to know about designer wear. And if they're ever in doubt, they've got people they pay tons of money for fashion advice. But nannies aren't one of them. These kids have expensive wardrobes, and every single outfit is carefully chosen. But if the Kardashians have enough money to spend on their kids' outfits, that's their business. And there's a reason behind this madness. The Kardashian kids are like the family business' unpaid models, so they have to look fashionable all the time, even if they just popped out of their mommy's belly.

    5 Avoid: Questioning The Kardashians' Orders. They Must Comply… Even If It's Totally Weird

    It's no secret the Kardashians have strange requests for their staff members and nannies. They're rich and can ask people to do whatever they want. But if even if you think some of their requests are weird, imagine what it's going to be like when the next generation grows older. The nannies will likely have to continue traveling overseas, taking care of the kids, cleaning after the dogs, or getting ice cream at 2am. Nannies have to do whatever the family says, no matter how strange the request is.

    4 They Get Flexible Schedules. No Set 9 To 5 Hours For These Nannies

    Having a set schedule as a nanny is a luxury that the Kardashian's caregivers simply don't have. They don't get to work from 9 to 5 and then clock out and call it a day. The fact is that the Kardashians work hard to keep their net worth in the millions. This means that one day, a nanny might have to stay at home and take care of the kids while mommy and daddy are off doing a photoshoot. The next day, the Kardashian family might decide to jet off somewhere. So the nannies will have to pack their bags, get on a plane, and do their jobs abroad. Don't hate the player, hate the game!

    3 Avoid: No Personal Life For The Nannies, They're Always On Call

    The only thing more taxing than being an ER doctor is being a nanny for the Kardashians. They're on call 24/7. And wherever the sisters and their family go, so do the nannies. It doesn't even matter what time they call. The nannies have to be ready to pack up their stuff, get in their car and meet them at the airport or at home. This is even more important when the girls have to travel for their reality series, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.” Since the stars are filming, they rely on the nannies to keep their kids safe and entertained.

    2 Avoid: Nannies Can't Slack On Cleaning, Kardashians Will Micromanage

    If there's one thing the Kardashians cherish above all else, it's control. Things have to happen exactly as they want it… or else. And to make sure that this happens, they pay detailed attention to everything that's being done, especially when it affects their kids. But Kim Kardashian isn't the only one who's like this. Her sister Kourtney is such a neat freak that she pretty much controls everything in her kids' lives, at least according to an ex-staff member. Kourtney would make sure they cleaned everything perfectly up to her standards. Kourtney was reportedly always checking to see what the nannies were doing, which made it tough to their jobs because of all the micromanaging.

    1 They Can Bond With The Kids At Dinner, While Mama Kim Eats At A Table Nearby

    Nannies will be allowed to eat alone with the kiddies while their parents sit at a different table. In one instance, North and her nanny sat at a separate table from Kim Kardashian while they ate at Carpaccio in South Florida. But insiders explained that this was necessary because there were videographers in the area, and Kim didn't want her child to be seen in footage that would be used online or on TV. Kim herself never made her actions clear, especially since she's shown her kids off on social media. But then again, she doesn't need to explain herself, She's Kim “Freaking” Kardashian!