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    26 Facts About The Gorgeous 'Scandal' Star, Kerry Washington

    Now that Shonda Rhimes' popular political drama Scandal has officially wrapped, one thing is for sure - everyone is wondering what the cast will be doing next, especially Kerry Washington. Washington had about a decade of experience in the industry under her belt by the time she snagged the role of Olivia Pope, but never with any roles that had such depth. She's shown off her acting chops in episode after episode, so we feel like she could handle absolutely any role she encounters at this point - and she can probably afford to be fairly selective.

    We're not sure if she's going to remain in television or head back to the film world, but either way, we're waiting to see what amazing characters she takes on next. She's also majorly inspiring and is an activist who rallies for the causes she cares about. Basically, we just want to be friends with Kerry Washington - is that so hard to ask?

    She always seems so elegant and poised, but every now and then you'll get a glimpse of her goofy side, and we love the contrast. Plus, let's be honest - who doesn't want to know everything about the woman behind Olivia Pope? Kerry Washington is a gladiator just like her character, and here are 26 things you may not know about her.

    26 Jennifer Lopez Taught Her How To Dance At A Bronx Boys & Girls Club

    For those who may not know, Kerry Washington grew up in New York City - in the Bronx, specifically. And, like any New York kid, she took advantage of all the amazing things the city had to offer, including dance lessons at the Bronx Boys & Girls Club. And, she had a particularly interesting substitute teacher.

    She had a regular teacher at the club named Larry who she admits was a great role model, as well as an occasional substitute teacher named Jennifer.

    However, while Kerry was still perfecting her dance skills, Jennifer decided to move to Los Angeles when she got a role on In Living Color. That's right - Jennifer Lopez was Kerry Washington's childhood dance teacher. I mean, can you even? We wonder if they'll ever decide to work on a project together given their roots.

    25 She Didn't Get Her Driver's License Until Her Mid-Twenties

    There are countless celebrities who have a story of getting into their old, beat-up car from high school and driving down to Los Angeles to pursue their dream. After all, you basically need a car in order to get around in L.A., and a lot of celebrities come from places where you learn to drive as soon as you're allowed so you can have a bit of freedom. Celebrities raised in New York have a bit of a different perspective - there are plenty of New Yorkers who just never learn how to drive at all, and rely on public transit for everything. While Washington knows her way around a car now, she actually didn't end up getting her license until she was in her mid-20s because, well, she just didn't need it!

    24 She Was On The Swim Team In High School

    We have to admit - when we imagine Kerry Washington as a teenager, we envision her taking part in arts and drama clubs, not necessarily signing up for every available sport. However, there was one sport, in particular, she excelled in - swimming.

    Just like her character Olivia Pope, Kerry Washington was on the swim team in high school (although it's more likely Shonda Rhimes found out about Kerry's aquatic experience and decided to write it into her character).

    Who knows, perhaps one day Kerry will get the chance to use her experience playing an elite swimmer for a role - you never know what kind of characters will come your way! A few extra skills can be incredibly useful, no matter what they are, because you just never know what kind of character you'll be playing.

    23 She's Named After County Kerry In Ireland

    The public is always curious about how celebrities decide to name their own children, but what about how their parents decided to name them? Kerry is a fairly unique name - there are a lot of Carrie's in Hollywood and the entertainment industry, but not quite as many who spell it the way Washington does. However, that wasn't just her parents deciding to get unique with a regular name - she's actually named after County Kerry in Ireland. Who knew! We're not sure exactly what connection her parents had to Ireland - perhaps they just visited and decided it was so stunning they'd have to incorporate it in their future child's name somehow - but it's definitely not a bad thing to be named after. And Kerry Washington is definitely just as gorgeous as county Kerry.

    22 Forget Popcorn - She's Obsessed With Pineapple

    Everyone knows about Olivia Pope's obsession with popcorn. We're not sure why Shonda Rhimes decided that popcorn and red wine would become Olivia's signature snacks, but they definitely did over the course of the show - to the point where many fans couldn't get into a new episode until they had their wine and fresh-popped popcorn ready to go. However, in real life, Kerry has another culinary passion - pineapple.

    Apparently, she's absolutely obsessed with the tropical fruit and just can't get enough.

    Perhaps her next project will move away from the world of D.C. and instead take place on a tropical island somewhere, where she can eat all the fresh pineapple she could ever want. Honestly, her love for pineapple kind of makes us want to go out and buy a bunch and see if eating it will make us as stunning as Kerry Washington. Perhaps that's her beauty secret?

    21 Her Grandparents' Names Are On The Memorial Wall At Ellis Island

    It's always fascinating to learn a bit more about someone's family history, whether they're a celebrity or a regular person, and Kerry Washington definitely has an interesting story. We're not sure how often she visited while she was living in New York City, but her grandparents' names are actually able to be spotted on the memorial wall at Ellis Island. It just goes to show what a diverse world Hollywood is. There are plenty of celebrities who are originally from different countries all around the world, from Canada to New Zealand to Australia, and then there are celebrities whose families go back generations in America. We're not sure quite how often they film at Ellis Island, but who knows - maybe one day Kerry can film a scene with her grandparents' names in the background, supporting her.

    20 She's A Huge Oprah Fan And Has Seen Every Episode Of 'Super Soul Sunday'

    First of all - who doesn't love Oprah? I mean, the woman is an absolute legend who went from a regular employee on a news network to an absolute superstar business mogul with countless projects under her belt. Her latest, Super Soul Sunday, has earned its fair share of fans since it started up - including Kerry Washington.

    Washington was a guest for one of the episodes, but she certainly didn't show up unaware of what the show was all about - she had seen every single episode.

    To be honest, if Kerry ever decided to quit acting, for whatever reason, we could totally see her becoming Oprah 2.0. She's great on camera, she's loved to talk to, she has a ton of talent, and she's articulate and always has something interesting to say.

    19 She Was An RA During Her College Days

    Kerry Washington wasn't one of the many celebrities who packed up her car the minute after high school graduation and headed to Hollywood to make her dreams come true. She was always interested in acting, but she ended up attending George Washington University and getting a degree before she began trying to achieve her dream of becoming an actress. And, she had a fairly normal college experience - in fact, she was even an RA (Resident Assistant) at Thurston Hall at her alma mater George Washington University. At the time, she likely just seemed like a friendly college student doing her job. Now, though, we imagine there are plenty of people who were students living at Thurston Hall who can't believe that their former RA ended up becoming a huge superstar.

    18 She Doesn't Drink Coffee

    Long days on set require a lot of energy, and many actors and actresses turn to coffee to get a little boost to get through the fourteenth or fifteenth hour of shooting.

    However, you won't find Kerry Washington with a latte in her hand, or sending someone on set for an Americano - she doesn't really drink coffee at all, actually.

    The beverage Olivia Pope is most associated with is obviously red wine, but whenever you see her drinking a hot beverage on screen, it's usually tea - and we have to wonder if that wasn't a purposeful choice based on Kerry's own preferences. I mean, why not make the leading talent happy whenever you can? Given that she's a mom of two young children with a busy job and packed schedule, we've got to say - we don't know how she does it without coffee!

    17 She Went To An Elite All-Girls School Growing Up

    There were likely plenty of good public schools near where she grew up in the Bronx, but Kerry Washington's parents wanted to make sure their daughter had a truly stellar education - so all through her schooling years, she commuted to the Upper East Side to attend class with individuals who wouldn't be out of place on Gossip Girl at the Spence School. She's incredibly intelligent and articulate in all her interviews, although we're not sure if that's because of her education or simply because she's a smart person who loves to learn. And, she wasn't focused solely on academia during her time at Spence - she also was a member of the acapella singing group, Triple Trio. Who knew?! It seems that the Scandal High joke that she and the rest of the cast filmed were truer to her own school experience than we may have ever guessed!

    16 She Very, Very Rarely Drinks (Sorry, 'Scandal' Fans!)

    There's no doubt that Olivia Pope knows her way around a wine glass - her love of red wine is well documented throughout the show. However, you won't often find Kerry Washington kicking back with a glass of vino after a long day, because she really doesn't drink much. In fact, she confessed to Vanity Fair in an interview that she drinks perhaps two or three times a year, and mentioned that

    "I'm such a lightweight that if I drink, it takes me a couple of days to recover. So I prefer to do it on a beach and not when I have to do a three-page monologue the next day."

    Talk about a consummate professional! Well, who knows - perhaps she'll give her approval to a vineyard that wants to produce an Olivia Pope-inspired line of wine, even if she doesn't partake in it.

    15 She Moved To India After Graduating College

    This woman has definitely led a majorly interesting life. So, after she graduated from George Washington University with her degree in anthropology and sociology, she still didn't head to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. Instead, she decided to pack her bags and head to India to work on her craft. Yes, we're serious - she studied the rigorous traditional form of Indian theatre. In an interview with the New York Post, she spilled about her experience there, saying that "I never even got onstage, you're not allowed to until you've studied for years." Obviously, she eventually put her training in Indian theatre on hold to move back to the United States and become a superstar. Still, what a unique skill set to have! Not many other actresses can claim to have studied theatre in India.

    14 The Fitness Fanatic Converted Her 'Scandal' Dressing Room Into A Gym

    It may seem superficial, but it's a reality - when you're an actress, staying in shape and looking a certain way is kind of part of your job. Sure, there are actresses that are all different shapes and sizes, but it's no secret that the vast majority of successful actresses fit a certain mold.

    And, on a less superficial level, exercise can help give you the energy needed to tackle a busy day of shooting - at least, that's how Kerry Washington feels.

    So, she ended up transforming her dressing room into a mini personal gym packed with a Pilates machine and various accessories like free weights and resistance bands. She brings her trainer in, gets some work done, and goes on with her day. No wonder she's in such amazing shape!

    13 Her Iconic Character, Olivia Pope, Was Based On A Real Woman

    Olivia Pope sometimes seems too good to be true. I mean, such an amazing, powerful woman who handles every situation and is a total boss must be a fictional character, right? Wrong! It turns out that Shonda Rhimes was inspired to create the character of Olivia Pope based on a woman named Judy Smith, who, like Olivia, is a lawyer, and crisis manager. She has her team - Smith & Company, not too far from Olivia's Olivia Pope & Associates - and has worked with several big-name celebrities. In fact, you've likely read about some of the work she's done with big name clients without even knowing about her - after all, her job is to take care of everything behind the scenes! We totally love that Shonda Rhimes based such an amazing female character on a real, inspiring woman.

    12 Former U.S. Secretary Of State, Colin Powell Is Her Cousin

    While Kerry Washington may not have spent as much time in the actual White House as Olivia Pope, she's definitely not a stranger to the world of politics. She's an activist who speaks out for what she believes in, had a close relationship with former President of the United States Barack Obama (although obviously not as close a relationship as she had with Fitz!), and she's even related by blood to former U.S. Secretary of States, Colin Powell, through her mother's family.

    We're not sure how close the two actually are, and whether they've spent any significant time together, but still - what a cool connection to the political scene to have!

    Kerry Washington is definitely an insider. And, let's be honest - she's probably spent so much time on the faux White House set that she feels like she knows all the inner workings of the actual White House!

    11 Her Mother Cried When She Told Her She Wanted To Be An Actress

    It's no secret that acting is a particularly tough career to pursue - after all, for every wildly successful star who ends up making it, there are a whole bunch of aspiring actresses that never get their careers off the ground. So, even though her parents seem super supportive, we kind of understand her mother's reaction - as she confessed to Glamour in an interview, "When I said that this [acting] is what I wanted to do, my mother literally cried. She didn't want me to experience all that rejection." How sweet! Kerry ended up giving herself a deadline of one year to try to make her impact, and by the time that year was over, she already had two roles under her belt and knew she was one of the few that would end up making it.

    10 She's A Certified Yoga Teacher (At Least, She Was)

    Honestly, is there anything this woman can't do? So, while she was over in India studying Indian theatre after college, Kerry Washington also used her time abroad to become a certified yoga teacher.

    In fact, as she was trying to get her acting career off the ground, she was teaching beginner's yoga classes in order to make ends meet.

    Nowadays, there's a different form of exercise she's obsessed with - pilates. She's obviously far too successful to take time out of her busy schedule to teach classes now, but who knows - perhaps rather than starting a clothing line like many celebrities do, she'll come up with a side hustle that involves her passion for pilates. We would totally buy a pilates DVD and any necessary gear if we could do it alongside Kerry Washington!

    9 She Was Appointed To The President's Committee On The Arts And The Humanities In 2009

    Okay, we're not sure if playing Olivia Pope just made Kerry Washington more willing to get involved in the political sphere, or if it's just a happy coincidence, but this is nuts. Back in 2009, Kerry Washington got pulled into the presidential world yet again when she was one of the select celebrities appointed to the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities. As a member of that committee, her role was to visit various schools in impoverished areas and reach out to the children, to use the arts as a way to help them see a whole different world available to them. Honestly, she seems like the perfect choice to do something like that - she's wildly intelligent and passionate about the arts, but she also just seems like such a kind person, and we have a feeling the kids totally loved her.

    8 She Has An Adorable Shih Tzu-Yorkie Mix, Josie

    Kerry Washington definitely doesn't have a reputation for being a diva, but she does have one diva in her life - her dog, a Shih Tzu-Yorkshire Terrier mix named Josie.

    If you follow Kerry on social media, you've likely seen quite a few shots of her dog living the luxe, pampered life, both solo and posing alongside Kerry for selfies.

    There are so many actors and actresses who have pets but keep them kind of on the down low, so we sort of love that Kerry introduced her pup to all her fans and frequently brings her along for projects. After all, dogs are known as man's best friend - who wouldn't want them by their side at all times? Perhaps one day Josie will get her own show - she definitely seems like a total superstar.

    7 At 13, She Saw Nelson Mandela Speak At Yankee Stadium

    We have to hand it to Kerry Washington's parents - they definitely made it a priority to raise an educated daughter who was passionate about the world and pursuing her interests. While some of her fellow teens were spending all their time at the mall, 13-year-old Kerry was going with her parents to Yankee Stadium to see Nelson Mandela speak. That's one of those experience that you probably never forget - and considering how passionately Kerry has spoken about various causes over the years, we have a feeling those earlier experiences definitely made their mark on her. Honestly, if she ever decides that the acting thing has gotten to be a bit too much, we could totally see her founding a non-profit or entering the activist world more fully - she's so passionate about what she believes in.

    6 She And Costume Designer Lyn Paolo Crafted Olivia Pope's Legendary Style

    We certainly don't need to tell you that Olivia Pope's wardrobe is absolutely iconic. Everyone is used to characters on television having super chic outfits, but Olivia Pope took things to a whole new level. We basically coveted every single piece of clothing she wore throughout the entire series.

    Her style was impeccable.

    And, that's one thing that really wasn't Shonda Rhimes' doing - while the television superstar is often quite involved in all aspects of her shows, as someone who really isn't into fashion, she left Olivia Pope's wardrobe up to the costume designer Lyn Paolo and Kerry Washington, who also gave her input in the process. And, the results were pretty amazing - seriously, we're kind of hoping that now that the show has wrapped, some clothing brand will start up an Olivia Pope-inspired brand.

    5 She Created An Adorable Pre-Episode Tradition On The Show

    Kerry Washington always seems so supportive of all her fellow cast members, cheering them on for all their accomplishments and basically just being a shining ray of sunlight on set. After all, talent is important, but your attitude definitely plays a huge role in how successful you are in an industry like the entertainment industry as well. It turns out that Kerry actually started up a totally adorable tradition on Scandal that lasted throughout the whole show - before they start filming an episode, she gathers all the cast and all the crew, and they shout out the episode number that they're about to start on, followed by a ton of shouting, screaming, jumping up and down, etc - basically just getting as enthusiastic as possible about the amazing piece of television they're about to get started on. What a fun tradition!

    4 She's Married To Former NFL Star Nnamdi Asomugha

    It's always fascinating to see who certain individuals end up with. We could have pictured Kerry Washington with a fellow serious actor, or perhaps even an academic or businessman that had absolutely nothing to do with the entertainment industry. In the end, though, the heart wants what it wants, and she ended up finding love with former professional athlete Nnamdi Asomugha, who spent several years in the NFL.

    Asomugha has since retired and is now pursuing a career in acting as well, and we've got to say - it probably doesn't hurt to have a supremely talented wife by your side who can give you pointers if you need them!

    The two are majorly adorable together, and probably one of the most photogenic couples we've ever seen (seriously, they're both so gorgeous it's not even fair).

    3 She Started The 'Scandal' Episode Tweet-Alongs

    Kerry Washington is not only a master at what she does in front of the camera - she's apparently quite the whiz with promoting the show and doing all the other things associated with making a project successful, including social media. Back when Scandal debuted, she got an idea (and asked her friend, a social media consultant for her advice) about having the whole cast live-tweet each episode as a way to engage with the fans. She ended up approaching Shonda Rhimes with the idea because she didn't want to seem too demanding of the other cast members who she was just starting to get to know. Rhimes loved the idea, got the cast on board, and it became a hugely successful way for all the actual actors to engage with fans who were also live-tweeting during the episodes and expressing their surprise at all the crazy twists and turns that were taking place.

    2 She's A Huge Supporter Of LGBTQ+ Rights

    Honestly, the more we learn about Kerry Washington, the more we totally love her. I mean, she's a major inspiration, and her list of accomplishments is basically never-ending.

    While her busy schedule means she could easily shrug off other obligations because she just didn't have the time, she instead makes it a priority to support the causes she believes in.

    In fact, back in 2013, she was named an honorary chairperson of the GLSEN Respect Awards, participated in a project by the Human Rights Campaign in 2016, and even won the GLAAD Vanguard Award back in 2015. The show goes on and on about how Olivia Pope and her team wear white hats and are the good guys, and it seems that's pretty accurate when it comes to Kerry Washington's own life!

    1 She Was Working As A Substitute Teacher When She Booked 'Save The Last Dance'

    If you've seen Save The Last Dance, chances are you wouldn't put the woman playing Chenille together with the woman playing Olivia Pope - if you look closer you can see the similarities, but Kerry was styled very, very differently for the role. However, it was one of her first big roles, and you could tell pretty clearly that she was an actress to watch - she totally brought the character to life. However, while it may seem that she was a huge star at the time, in actuality, she was working as a substitute teacher and received so little for her first big role that she actually kept working at her teaching job for the time being (until she began to book even more roles and bring in a better income from acting alone).

    References: usmagazine.com, fame10.com, vanityfair.com, imdb.com