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    21 Rules All The New Kardashian Kids Have To Follow

    The Kardashian baby boom is here! In just six months, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West delivered their third baby, a daughter named Chicago, via a surrogate; Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott had their daughter Stormi following months of speculation; and any day now Khloe is due to have a daughter with her boyfriend, Tristan Thompson. Kourtney also has three children of her own with her former partner, Scott Disick, and Rob has one daughter, Dream, with his ex-fiancee, Blac Chyna.

    There are now more children than grown adults in the family and it looks like they have no plans of stopping soon either. Khloe revealed on the show Extras, "This family is just multiplying!" and momager Kris Jenner added, "It's overwhelming. It's a lot of little people. I love it though. I love every second of it. It's such a blessing." Hilariously even Ryan Reynolds got in on the action, as the Deadpool star tweeted, "Can someone settle an argument between me and my priest? Which Kardashians are pregnant?"

    If we know anything about this family, it's that they will be priming the next generation for future fame. After all, the world will know the names of these kids before they even get to say their first word. So how do the family keep their little ones in check? By laying out these very strict and focused rules of course.

    21 They Are Not Allowed To Hear Or Say The Word "Fat"

    Nobody would dare say the word "fat" around the Kardashian kids because it's banned from their vocabulary.

    In an episode of KUWTK, Kris let slip to Kourtney, "Do you think I look fat?" and Kourtney snapped back, "Don't use that word in front of my daughter, please."

    There's not much chance of the Kardashian kids having weight issues when they are older as sugar is very limited in their diets. Kourtney revealed on her website, "I always try to avoid sugar. First, sugar is addictive and I notice that after I eat it, I need it. Sugar doesn't sustain you when you actually need energy, like for a workout. Also, when I eat sugar, I find that more cellulite appears." So the C-word is okay but not the F-word - got it.

    20 They Are Allowed Hair Extensions At Just 3-Years-Old

    When Penelope was just 3-years-old, she went on a day trip to a hair salon in Colorado and Auntie Khloe treated her to waist-length hair extensions.

    Khloe added a photo of their matching braids on Instagram and wrote: "I made her my mini me!!"

    North must have been jealous of her cousin as days later she got braids weaved into her hair too.

    The backlash came almost immediately as one fan tweeted, "Why would they put weave in North West's hair?' and a second added, "Opened the news and the first thing I see is Kim Kardashian gave her 2-year-old hair extensions. (Goes to my happy place and counts to ten)." It's unknown what special magic the Kardashians weave to get a toddler to sit still whilst the extensions are added but somehow they managed it.

    19 They Are Bribed With Candy To Do Modeling Jobs

    One shocking secret Kim revealed to her fans was that she bribes North with candy so she doesn't act up during fashion shoots. Kim shared a photo of her 4-year-old wearing a fur coat and holding a lollipop to Snapchat with the caption: "Mom bribes." North was at work modeling for Kim and Kanye's new fashion brand The Kids Supply.

    Kim also revealed to US Weekly that when her daughter doesn't feel in the mood for school, she will be bribed with makeup. "She's such a girlie girl. She loves all of my products. She loves the glosses," before adding,

    "Sometimes I have to bribe her to go to school and be like, 'Do you want to put on some makeup?' and she'll say, 'Okay.'"

    North clearly knows how to play her own mother like nobody else.

    18 They Can Have Their Own Reality Show Just Like Dream

    Rob's daughter Dream might be less than 18 months old but she is already in talks (well, at least her mother Blac Chyna is… ) to star in her own reality show.

    An insider told US Weekly, "Blac Chyna is going to do a new reality show in 2018, that's almost a certainty. Dream will be able to be on the show. There's a lot of interest in doing her show." 

    Even in her young life, Dream has been surrounded by drama as her parents have been warring with each other since her birth and they both currently battling for custody. Most recently, Chyna was seen throwing Dream's pink stroller at visitors during a Six Flags visit after they allegedly provoked her. This reality show certainly isn't going to be without drama.

    17 The Kids Must Have Their Own Separate Bodyguards

    One bodyguard is not enough for the precious children and they each have their own individual security from their home gates to the playpark nearby. Security was tightened after Kim's robbery in Paris when she was tied up and her jewelry was stolen. On the night of her robbery, Kim told her bodyguard Pascal Duvier to leave her alone in the apartment and instead go with Kourtney and Kendall to a nightclub. Sharing security guards is now no longer an option for the family as they realized their error.

    An insider told Page Six, "The kids being kidnapped is Kim's biggest fear. She previously didn't want to shell out for armed security, but now she realizes the family needs 24-hour protection." 

    Aaron Jackson, the President of Finest Execution Protection, told E! News, the price for such tight security can cost as much as $100,000 a day.

    16 They Will Spend Most Of Their Time Within The Gated Community

    The Kardashians have not just taken over social media but also the gated area of Hidden Hills, California. Only residents who can pass the strict security are allowed in the area (sorry that means no Los Angeles celeb-spotting tour buses!) The neighborhood is also home to Miley Cyrus, Kathy Griffin, and Drake. When they are not at school or kindergarten - this is where the Kardashian kids will spend the majority of their childhood.

    The gates are so well-guarded that even Kylie couldn't make it through once.

    She shared with her fans on Snapchat, "So I just pulled up to my gate and I was like you know the normal routine - 'Hey it's Kylie Jenner… ' He was like 'Are you with Kylie Jenner?' I was like, 'Oh, no. It's THE Kylie Jenner.'" No chance of us getting in without an invite then.

    15 They Are Expected To "Co-Sleep" And Share A Family Bed

    Sharing a bed is just second nature for the Kardashian kids as Kourtney reveals they get a "better sleep" if everyone gets their head down as a family. They practice "co-sleeping" and she explained to People, "Getting the kids to sleep through the night in my home was different for each individual child. When I had Mason, co-sleeping just kind of happened naturally. It's what worked for all of us to get the most sleep, so I quickly embraced it."

    She added, "With co-sleeping, I didn't have to get up out of bed to get the kids back to sleep whenever they woke during the night. It was easier when one of the kids woke up since I was right there. Co-sleeping just ended up feeling like we all got more sleep."

    Getting up in the middle of the night and walking around each separate room in her huge mansion sounds exhausting to us, too.

    14 Only Gifts From Luxury Designers Will Be Accepted

    The Kardashians know that whatever their kids choose to wear will likely sell out online within a matter of minutes so they only support designers they know well. Due to their celebrity status, they get to rub shoulders with top fashionistas so most of the gifts they receive are worth eye-watering amounts.

    North has been spotted with a Hermès handbag and her own jewel-encrusted Balmain dress. She has also received luxury gifts from designers Givenchy and Stella McCartney.

    Life and Style magazine revealed that the children have their own glam squad which costs around $5,000 a week.

    An insider said, "North has a wardrobe stylist, hairstylist and manicurist to doll her up every day. North is one of the most photographed children in the world. She loves having her hair and nails done, so it also keeps her happy."

    13 The One Color They Must Avoid Wearing Is Pink

    The Kardashians know that the cutest pictures of their kids will sell the most so stepping out in cute matching outfits is a must. These kids need to be the stars of tomorrow so they can carry on the Kardashian dynasty and the key to success is putting your best fashion foot forward. North is allowed to pick out her own outfits most of the time but there is one fashion rule she must respect - don't wear pink.

    An insider told Radar Online, "Kim had always loved wearing pink before meeting Kanye, but he hates the color. Kanye thinks it's just cliche for women to wear pink. (He) doesn't want their daughter dressed in pink, ever."

    However, the online magazine reported that Vogue editor Anna Wintour said, "I don't understand why North's parents dress her in all black. It's just inappropriate for North to be in dark colors."

    12 There Is A Deal Between The Parents And The Paparazzi

    Celebrity photographer Jayden Seyfarth revealed to Fairfax Media that the Kardashians have a pretty sweet deal with the paparazzi. They will tip them off to whereabouts they will be that day (which is no big shock to anyone) and the paparazzi photos will be carefully selected and photoshopped before they are published.

    Seyfarth revealed, "(Kim) selects the pictures and they are photoshopped, it's common knowledge over here, every single pap knows."

    "Other paps don't really bother waiting at her house anymore because she barely leaves the house, and when she does, she gives (the paparazzi) the tip, then takes 60 percent of the money."

    This also explains Kim's meltdown over the pictures of her on a Mexico beach showing cellulite - her image is so controlled those images should never have been made public.

    11 Busy Schedules Means The Kids Have To Share Birthday Parties

    There are now more Kardashian kids than there are parents so time spent on each child is rare as the family grows. The easiest way to make sure the kids still have a great time on their birthday but also save space in their busy schedules is to double-up on the birthday parties.

    During the summer last year, Kim and Kourtney gave 4-year-old North and 5-year-old Penelope a Moana and Hawaii-themed party in the backyard. They have a feast of BBQ ribs, mac and cheese and a Moana lookalike turned alongside a petting zoo.

    Later that year, 2-year-old Saint and 3-year-old Reign had their very own Monsters Inc themed birthday party complete with ice skating and sledding on fake snow in the garden.

    Now we just can't wait for Stormi, Chicago, and Khloe's newborn to have their first joint celebration.

    10 No Matter What, Their Birthday Parties Have To Be HUGE

    There was really no words when Kim and Kanye staged an entire festival for North's first birthday party. Named 'Kidchella', the party took over Kourtney's entire back garden as Kim and Kanye were still having work done to their house at the time whilst staying in a $14 million a year rental.

    The festival was a nod to the celebrity-packed Coachella festival that takes place in Indio, California, each year.

    The family shared photos of a giant Ferris wheel and a performance area where Kylie and Kendall serenaded the guests to their own version of Rihanna's We Found Love. It's unsure what the cost of the party actually was but The Guardian's Lost In Showbiz section did report that the bouncy castle alone was a staggering $15,000 to hire.

    9 They Live In L.A. So A Passion For Driving Is A Must - But Don't Ask The Family For Lessons

    When the Kardashian kids are finally old enough to get their license, they might want to get some help with lessons from outside the family. Caitlyn Jenner hit a disaster when he was involved in a collision that had fatalities, Khloe was arrested for a DUI, and anyone who has seen a few episodes of KUWTK will remember them sliding out of control at least once.

    Kylie also was involved in a serious three-car collision only eighteen days after she got her driver's license.

    TMZ reported that 16-year-old had damaged her $125,000 Mercedes SUV and she also damaged the cars of two other drivers.

    It's safe to let the kids drive around their huge homes in the play cars, but once they hit the busy L.A. highways, then things will be a lot scarier.

    8 They Can't Appear On KUWTK With Their Nannies (But Can Go On Holiday With Them)

    The Kardashian's team of nannies are more than welcome to take the kids on holiday - especially if the parents are too super busy to hit the beach themselves - but they can't appear on KUWTK. The last thing this family wants is anyone seeing how much help they have at home.

    An insider told Heat magazine, "Kim and Kanye want to project this perfect family image. At home, it's easy to show everyone a glossy social media version of themselves."

    Adding, "It's a well-oiled machine with three nannies moving around the house, bringing the kids in for a quick Snapchat with mum, then whipping them away again if they start to cry or make a fuss." The family actually doesn't know any different because they were also raised by a team of nannies growing up.

    7 They Can Skip School If They Are Filming KUWTK 

    Education is the Kardashian household is only second to shooting KUWTK as the show needs to be kept very much alive so the family can remain famous until the end of days. So this is likely why Kourtney was so relaxed about allowing 8-year-old Mason skip school in favor of shooting scenes.

    One family friend told Radar Online, "(Mason is) being homeschooled right now instead of being enrolled in Kindergarten. It has to be this way. He is shooting Season 11 of the show."

    Kylie also chose work over education. When she was 16-years-old, Ryan Seacrest asked her many hours of school she attended a day and the young reality star turned makeup guru replied, "I do like three to four. (Then) I usually work. I'm pretty busy all day." Kylie's business empire is set to hit the $1 billion mark by 2022 so it must have been the right decision for her.

    6 The Kids Must Be Kept On A Strict Gluten & Dairy-Free Diet

    Kourtney decided to introduce a strict gluten and dairy-free diet for her children and the rest of the family jumped in on the idea. Kourtney wrote on her website,

    "I kept battling with myself back and forth. I do believe that we have one life to live and I would like to live it feeling my best."

    "I have noticed a great positive change in behavior with my children when we stick to a gluten-free and dairy-free diet."

    Now it's believed that Kylie and Khloe will also make sure their newborn daughters eat clean too.

    Kim also revealed on her own website, "When it comes to snacks, I'm really into giving North nutritious versions of fun foods that every kid loves. I love Cheddar Bunnies instead of classic Goldfish crackers because they are made with more natural ingredients."

    5 Scott Has Banned Penelope From Wearing A Bikini

    Kourtney revealed to E! News that her children have a say in what they choose to wear. My son definitely has an opinion on what to wear," she added, "He gets himself dressed every day and likes to come out and show us his outfit, and we're not allowed to have a say in any of it."

    Kim also said, "Every morning and every night is (North's) time to shine. She can wear costumes, which she really loves. She wears wild pajamas. And then when we go out, she really just wears whatever I want."

    However, this is one rule for the kids and that's the bikini rule imposed by Scott. Kourtney continued, "(Scott) doesn't really have an opinion on the girls' stuff, except (no) bikinis for little girls."

    4 Everyone They Come In Contact With Must Sign A Strict Non-Disclosure

    When the Kardashians childhood nanny wrote a 148-page memoir about the years she spent with the family, they decided not to let this happen again and now everyone who is close to their own kids is asked to sign a nondisclosure agreement. Kim ranted on her own website about the memoir, "This is the kind of stuff we have to deal with every day. People looking for scandals and creating nasty stories just to make a name for themselves. You can't get away with it."

    Even Kylie has got in on the nondisclosure idea and anyone who meets with Stormi must sign to say they won't sell photos of her newborn daughter.

    This came not long after a former staffer was caught trying to take snaps of Kylie when she was pregnant. If anyone does break these confidentiality agreements, they will be slapped with a legal fee of $10 million, according to OK! Magazine.

    3 Their Names Must Be Kept "Short And Easy To Spell"

    There's a rule for everything in the Kardashian family and that includes how they name their children. If you're wondering why all the kids have unconventional names, well, Khloe had an explanation for that.

    The expectant mother revealed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show the names should be "short, easy-to-spell, one-syllable - that kind of vibe."

    Penelope and Chicago are the only kids with More than two syllables, followed by Mason and Stormi, then Reign, North, Saint, and Dream.

    All Khloe has revealed so far is that she and Tristan Thompson are having a baby girl but she will likely play ball and stick to the Kardashian rules of baby naming. Especially as these kids will likely have a makeup or fashion brand named after them in the future, so it has to be something unusual.

    2 Prince George Is The Idol They Will Have To Look Up To

    Wait… what? According to the Kardashians, the idol they look up to is nonother than Prince George. Aged just 4-years-old, the third in line to the British throne has become one of the most recognizable tots in the world and it's mostly for his unique and traditional style.

    When the Kardashians were looking at inspiration for their latest kids clothing range they found an unlikely hero in the young Royal.

    Khloe told The Daily Telegraph, "Prince George is the cutest ever! He is so cute and pretty, but he still represents very well. He is very cute."

    Both Kim and Kate Middleton were pregnant at the same time, so if there is a future world where Prince George and North meet, then we want to be there when it happens.

    1 "Screen Time" Is Limited To A Strict 30 Minutes A Day

    Anyone who has watched an episode of KUWTK knows that it is nearly impossible to get the family not to look at their phones. They've tried banning them from the dinner table or taking holidays where there is no reception but it just hasn't worked.

    According to Kourtney, she doesn't want her kids to have the same dependence on technology so she limits their screentime.

    In a post to her own website, she wrote, "It's tough to know what's best for our kids when it comes to technology. Now that all my kids are over the age of two, I do allow them limited time to play video games and watch television. We have a game room, so I allow 30 minutes of video game time during the week and an hour on the weekends." Sounds like a tough regime.

    References: usmagazine.com, radaronline.com, dailymail.co.uk