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    21 Embarrassing Pics Of Style Mistakes These Celebs Admitted They Can't Even Look At

    When we get dressed up for a night out or an exciting event, it's the most fun twirling in front of the mirror. For celebrities, they have a different kind of experience, as they know the cameras will be flashing and if they put one stylish foot stiletto wrong they might not be able to live it down for a very long time.

    The red carpet can be tricky because stars won't be able to see the dress before it's finished - instead, they will have to view sketches. Sure, they have the option of borrowing a gown from a designer but then - gasp - they might be wearing the same as another star. Former PR to the star Aliza Licht told E! News, "There will be a conscious decision to not show that dress on the runway. You'll get sketches beforehand, but never photos." Sometimes, they just don't know how they will look on the night at all before it's too late.

    However, it's never the stylist's name that makes it onto the 'Worst Dressed' list the day after these events. The celebrities who have been branded the least stylish at an event can really kill their egos. These following stars all had moments just like this and they want to bury these fashion errors for good but unfortunately - the internet never forgets.

    21 We Can See Why Kim Kardashian Regrets Anything From 2007 To 2012

    Kim Kardashian has gifted the world some memorable style horrors including her floral Met Ball gown when she was compared to a couch. But even that was nothing compared to her throwback years when she first stepped into the spotlight.

    During an interview with Insider, she revealed, "I definitely have style regrets. I mean, I wear some things and I'm just like, 'Why did I wear that?'"

    She recalls "anywhere from 2007 to 2011, 2012" as her worst years of style shame. We can't believe she doesn't love these bold metallics and velour tracksuits anymore.

    Now she has toned down her style, she said her the one fashion item she misses the most is her towering Louboutin stilettos. The reality star said, "That was the hardest thing for me, to transform from wearing a platform to no platform at all. I would literally wear the triple platform heels that were super crazy. I remember the Louboutin(s) - like the really tall ones. I was obsessed with them."

    20 Bjork's Infamous Swan Dress Was Just A Joke Gone Wrong

    When most people think of Icelandic singer Bjork, they can't get her famous "Swan Dress" she wore draped over a nude bodysuit to the Oscars in 2001 out of their minds.

    The "It's All So Quiet" singer even bought eggs that she 'laid' along the red carpet - yes, really.

    The dress caused a media storm and made it's way to the top spot on almost every 'Worst Dressed' list in fashion magazines around the world.

    However, Bjork revealed to Vogue that the dress was simply just a joke and she didn't mean for it to cause a storm. She confessed, "I was actually amazed at how many people thought I was serious. I didn't mean to cause a riot." The dress has since been donated to a Russian ballet company.

    19 Gwyneth Paltrow Deeply Regrets That Goth-Inspired Outfit To The Oscars

    We'll admit Gwyneth Paltrow has worn some of the most stylish and flattering dresses on the red carpet over the years but even she admits to getting it terribly wrong at times. In an issue of her lifestyle magazine Goop, she revealed her biggest fashion mistake was "The goth Alexander McQueen."

    She opted to go braless in that gown - something which she regrets now. The Shakespeare In Love actress added,

    "There were a few issues; I still love the dress itself but I should have worn a bra and I should have just had simple beachy hair and less makeup. Then, it would have worked as I wanted it to - a little bit of punk at the Oscars."

    It was an unflattering choice but at least now she's learned it's full support she needs in the future.

    18 Kendall And Kylie Would Beg For This Photo To Be Destroyed

    When you have to spend your childhood in the spotlight, your embarrassing fashion choices are made very public and can return to haunt you. Nobody knows this better than Kendall and Kylie Jenner who have been in the spotlight since they were 8 and 10 years old.

    Even though fans would argue she's one of the most stylish Kardashian-Jenner sisters, she revealed in a blog post on her website titled My Personal Style, "Compared to all of my sisters, though, I feel like I'm not as trendy."

    She also admitted, "It's still so embarrassing to look back at old pics! I cringe. Kylie and I went to the Wango Tango concert and went on stage in zebra-striped outfits. I had braces and was smiling so big. Sooo embarrassing!" She's certainly made up for it in the style charts now.

    17 Justin Timberlake Will NEVER Forgive Britney For These Matching Denim Outfits

    At the 2001 American Music Awards, the then-it couple Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake stepped out in matching double denim outfits and the internet has not let them forget about it since. It turns out that Justin hasn't quite forgiven his famous ex-girlfriend for this huge fashion faux pas.

    When the Australian talk show The Project asked him, "What have you learned about the industry that you didn't know when you were in 'NSync that you know now?" He replied,

    "If you wear denim-on-denim, it will get documented. You know what, I don't think I could even bring that back."

    He added, "It was such a crazy time and the world was different, the music industry was different. It was just a different time." Unfortunately for him, there was never a good time in fashion history to wear a denim fedora.

    16 Jennifer Aniston Couldn't Stand 'The Rachel' Haircut

    Jennifer Aniston is one of the most recognizable faces in the world and she can thank her signature haircut 'The Rachel' on the show Friends that put her on the world stage.

    As it turns out, the actress isn't that grateful and she admitted that she thought the famous blow dry was "the ugliest haircut in the world."

    In an interview with Glamour magazine, she said, "I was not a fan of the 'Rachel'. That was kind of cringe-y for me. Looking back - honestly, even during that time - I couldn't do it on my own. I needed (my hairstylist) Chris (McMillan) attached to my hip. Left to my own devices, I am not skilled with a hairbrush and blow-dryer." She also ranted her loyal hairstylist was "the bane of my existence at the same time because he started that damn Rachel." So much for being grateful.

    15 Lady Gaga Decided To "Tone It Down" After She Peaked With Lobster Head

    Lady Gaga's outrageous outfits gave us some hilarious moments over the years - the meat dress was above and beyond one of her standout looks. Now, she's "toned down" her look and admitted she hit her peak with this crazy lobster outfit. Now, she wants her songwriting skills to be taken seriously and people to focus more on the music itself rather than what she's got on her head.

    The Perfect Illusion singer told The London Times Culture Magazine,

    "I've been in the studio with boys. You can't make music with a bunch of boys who are staring at a lobster on your head. They are going to get distracted."

    She added, "All the outfits, fashion and art pieces over the years made sense to me. They didn't make sense to other people.” Out with the old Gaga and in with the new.

    14 Miley Cyrus Revealed The Years 2008 - 2013 Still Haunt Her Now

    Miley Cyrus is still young but she's lived many different lives and with that has come quite a few mistakes she now regrets.

    When Cosmopolitan quizzed her on what outfits she hates the most, she replied, "Pretty much 2008 to 2013. The Grammys were rough and tough for me. Yoikes!"

    Yoikes indeed as who can forget her transition from child star to outrageous Miley gone wild.

    Surprisingly, another huge career moment she can't live down now is that Wrecking Ball video. She told a New Zeland radio station, "That's something you can't take away - swinging around [in your birthday suit] on a wrecking ball lives forever. Once you do that, it's forever. I'm never living that down. I will always be the [revealing] girl on a wrecking ball." We feel for you, Miley.

    13 Jonas Brothers Cringe At Their Ed Hardy Stage

    The Jonas Brothers have been in the spotlight since their Disney days and they have successfully moved their career from squeaky-clean pop stars to now international, grownup heartthrobs. Yet their past can't be forgotten and embarrassing moments have been recorded by both fans and the media.

    When Racked magazine asked Joe Jonas what his biggest fashion regrets were, he replied,

    "I think we all had an Ed Hardy phase, where you had the hat, and the T-shirt, and the shoes - and the jeans, if you were lucky! Head to toe. Dark times. But we gotta go through the fire to come out knowing what to wear without looking insane."

    Suspecting the clothing items were likely gifted by the designer this will be tough criticism to hear.

    12 Sarah Jessica Parker's Black Wedding Dress Isn't A Happy Memory

    Sarah Jessica Parker's Vivienne Westwood wedding gown she wore when her Sex and the City character Carrie Bradshaw was ready to walk down the aisle was adored by fans. In reality, during her own wedding to Matthew Broderick, she dressed all in black, although if she were to renew her vows, it's likely a fashion choice she would not like to repeat.

    When Andy Cohen asked her why she chose such a daring choice, she replied, "Oh, I wish it was because I was bada**. I just was too embarrassed to spend any time looking for a wedding dress."

    "There was a store that I liked that I knew, and I just went and got whatever they had hanging."

    Adding, "(Today) I would do it differently. (I would) white it up. I'd wear a beautiful, proper wedding dress like I should have worn that day."

    11 Taylor Swift Can't Live Down The Time She Wore Her Top Backwards

    Taylor Swift is well aware that with her international fame comes a lot of ridicule but she does sometimes bring it on herself. Like a few years ago, when she was spotted at a basketball game wearing a red turtleneck but fans were quick to point out that her red turtleneck was actually been worn backward. The internet turned her fashion mistake into a meme overnight and she never quite lived it down.

    Following the release of her latest album Reputation, she poked fun at all her past failings from relationships to fashion errors and of course, this one could not have been left out.

    She created her own back to front sweater merchandise with the Reputation logo on proving that even if she does make mistakes - she's still earning the big bucks.

    10 Pharrell Williams Finally Listened To Advice And Stopped Wearing Fur

    Happy singer Pharrell Williams deeply regrets the years he spent parading around in fur and has vowed to change his attitude towards animal cruelty. The final straw for animal rights group PETA was when he wore a floor-length fur coat to help promote French designer Moncler in Paris. Since he received the backlash, his ways have changed for the better.

    He told Complex magazine, "Often I see people going crazy over people who wear furs. And just recently I tried on something from Moncler. This crazy jacket."

    "And I regret it because I sympathize with the people who are animal activists. I sympathize with their movement and I recognize that people could be impressionable." 

    He was quick to call out the hypocrites though, adding, "Don't point the finger. Like, I hope there's nothing leather in your whole entire house."

    9 Victoria Beckham Can Not Believe She Wore Louboutins At 8 Months Pregnant

    Victoria Beckham rarely steps a foot wrong when it comes to luxury fashion but even she cringes when she looks back at pictures of her wearing towering stilettos whilst pregnant. The mother-of-four revealed to The Edit on Net-A-Porter,

    "I have made so many fashion mistakes but I actually don't look at them as mistakes. I celebrate those things, I laugh occasionally, but I'm not ashamed of any of that."

    She added, "When I was pregnant with Romeo, I walked around in Christian Louboutin heels, literally at nine months' pregnant! At some point, I thought it was OK!" We thought it might have been the PVC catsuit during her Spice Girls days or matching purple outfits with husband David Beckham that would have topped her list of the worst.

    8 Ryan Reynolds Wishes He Never Posted This Photo On Instagram

    When Ryan Reynolds stopped on a beach to allow his wife Blake Lively take an intimate snap of him and his daughter, James, together - his biggest regret is allowing her to post it on Instagram. The backlash started almost immediately, as one fan commented, "'Poor baby looks so uncomfortable and unsafe," and another added, "James' feet are dangling out of the bottom of the carrier, and they're together. When baby's feet are pushed together in a carrier, it increases the risk of hip dysplasia, as their little hips are basically pushed out of their sockets."

    The Deadpool actor finally confessed on The Today Show, "The baby's not properly secured in the vessel that I'm wearing there."

    "I'm a first-time dad, and that is not the first mistake I've made. I can guarantee you it won't be last. I'd never used that particular carrier before. Every other time has been perfect."

    7 Harry Styles Can't Believe He Wore These Gucci Suits

    Harry Styles' strange fashion phase where he would actually leave the house wearing these horrendous Gucci suits is so cringy even he admits that it's difficult to look back.

    He admitted to Radio One host Nick Grimshaw that the fashion choice was "so dodgy" and we think many would agree.

    Despite being one of the eligible bachelors of the moment he admitted that his dating tactics have been "wrong and weird" in the past. The former One Direction band member, who has previously dated Kendall Jenner and Taylor Swift, revealed to Elle magazine, "I used to (Google his dates), then I said I'm not going to do that anymore, it's impossible to go in without a perception of someone and you've never met them and I started feeling like that was wrong and weird." That's about as odd as his Gucci suits.

    6 Mariah Carey Slammed Her Style Team: "They Didn't Know What They Were Doing"

    Mariah Carey will never change and everyone's favorite diva won't even take the blame for her own fashion mistakes. The We Belong Together singer revealed to PrideSource that if she could restart her career, she would get a better hair and makeup team in the '90s. She said, "I was such a kid, just in over my head, but if I knew that I was gonna do this for my life I probably would've been like, 'Who does your hair and makeup?'" She added,

    "Because they had me with some people who didn't know what they were doing and I knew it wasn't really good."

    Even her former stylist wasn't safe. Their crime? Making her wear black. She continued, "They did (put me in black a lot). It was just like, ahhh, such a long story. You don't even wanna know." Life is tough at the top.

    5 Jennifer Lopez Can't Live Down She Once Wore Clogs

    The world was shook when Jennifer Lopez rocked her floor-length Versace gown at the Grammys alongside her then-boyfriend, P Diddy. She still has that gown kept safely in a wardrobe at home so she can reminisce anytime - but what fashion choice really haunts her? She told Glamour,

    "I remember early in my career there was a crazy picture of me with this brown button down dress and these horrible clog shoes, and I thought to myself, 'Whatever made me think that looked good or looked good together!?'"

    So what's her go-to fashion item to chill in now? She revealed, "I think the boyfriend jean is something you'll see me wearing in a lot of paparazzi photos and things like that because I actually wear it in my regular life." She's just a regular down-to-earth cool mom at heart.

    4 Cheryl Said Girls Aloud Were "The Worst" At Fashion

    When you're an international post star with a busy career, there's not much opportunity to start picking out outfits for yourself so that is usually left to the management team. Sometimes, they can get it spot on and other times its just a disaster - something which former Girls Aloud band member Cheryl Tweedy knows well.

    She told Celebs On Sunday: "There were all those awful stages where everyone has seen me at my worst. We weren't groomed at all in Girls Aloud, we were just shoved out there and told to get on with it."

    The singer, who is currently raising her first child with former One Direction band member Liam Payne, added, "I learned the hard way by seeing all the ticks and crosses and people saying, 'What the hell is she wearing?'"

    3 Keira Knightley Said Her Pixie Cut "Wasn't What I Was Going For"

    When the 'Pixie Cut' first became a trend, almost every celebrity jumped on the style but some regret it more than others. One of those people is British actress Keira Knightley who hopped into the hairdressers but didn't quite get the look she was going for. In an interview with Elle magazine, she revealed,

    "I don't think I'd do pixie again. I think I've got two cowlicks at the front of my hair, so what you think would be a low-maintenance haircut was just a complete nightmare."

    "I looked like Sid Vicious (Sex Pistols rock star), which wasn't what I was going for."

    She has to change her hair so many times for roles that she's likely not covered a single style. When it comes to beautifying herself, she claims that her routine is simply using rosehip oil with moisturizer to get her fresh-faced look.

    2 David Beckham Said Meeting Nelson Mandela In Cornrows Was A "Bad Decision"

    There is no denying David Beckham is a style icon; the iconic tattoos that cover his body, his incredible sense of style (he is the face of Armani after all) and he still keeps his overall fitness at peak. The only thing he can never seem to get right is the hair and even once decided to rock a mohawk.

    The father-of-four recalled on The Graham Norton Show, "Some of them have been really bad. I hadn't thought them through. The topknot wasn't too bad, but the (cornrows) were a bad decision!"

    He added, "It was bad timing as well as I was going to South Africa at the time with England and ended up meeting Nelson Mandela so that's why I regret that one.” We forgive you, Becks.

    1 Pamela Anderson Is Horrified She Once Lived In Ugg Boots

    The reigning Queen of the Ugg boot is and always will be Baywatch babe and Playboy model Pamela Anderson. If she was out in L.A. dashing between meetings, even on a boiling hot day, she was wearing the signature Australian Ugg boots. When on the set of Baywatch, between takes she was wearing - that's right - Ugg boots. The model practically lived in them but now she can't look back on this era without cringing.

    She told People magazine that her name will always be associated with the liked-and-loved footwear, revealing,

    "I made them (Ugg boots) popular unfortunately on Baywatch. They used to call them 'Pammies' all over the world."

    We bet there's still a pair she slips on at home from the collection of hundreds she was likely gifted.