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    20 Things To Know About Harry And Meghan's Marriage, Based On Their Zodiac Signs

    The Royal wedding was a gorgeous event, but now we can't help but wonder what Harry and Meghan's marriage will be like. With the help of the zodiac, we might be able to get a clearer picture. Harry is a Virgo, born on the 15th of September. Megan, on the other hand, is a Leo, as her birthday is on the 4th of August. In the zodiac sign, Leo's solar season is followed immediately by Virgo's, so the two signs are right next to each other on the Wheel of the Zodiac, according to Refinery29.

    Is this a good or bad thing? What does it, and other characteristics of their signs, mean for their marriage? Psychic medium and astrologer, Suzie Kerr Wright, told GoodHousekeeping.com, “Their sun signs fall one after the other so they're not necessarily a good or bad match.” Before you clutch your chest in fear for the Royal marriage, she goes on to add, “However, I haven't seen such beautiful synastry - love and relationship astrology - in a long time.” Hmm, that sounds like a good start, but we're curious: what will the finer details of their marriage be like? From how they'll deal with conflict to what makes their union shine, read on to discover 20 things about their marriage, according to their zodiac signs.

    20 They're Zodiac Neighbors Who Need To Work Hard

    Since they're next to each other on the Zodiac wheel, this might make Harry and Meghan's compatibility a little difficult. Known as adjacent signs, signs that are right next to each other on the Zodiac wheel often think and behave differently. This might cause some problems in relationships and marriages, reducing some of their compatibility. However, from the moment they met on a blind date, Meghan and Harry instantly fell for each other. “I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly,” Harry told the BBC. “It was a confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned.” Just because their signs are adjacent, it doesn't mean they can't get along.

    Despite what might be seen as differences when looking at their union from the outside, the most glaring difference being how Meghan isn't a Royal, the passion between Harry and Meghan is evident.

    You can just flick through their wedding pictures to see how affectionate and connected they are. But is that enough to make their marriage work? Their differences can be worked through but they need to be willing to make the effort. By doing this, Leo and Virgo are classic adjacent signs that can connect instead of clash, as reported by ProAstro.

    19 They Need Some Balance

    Instant chemistry and love, at first sight, is heady and blissful, but it takes hard work to make a marriage successful. Sometimes love just isn't enough. In order to make things work, Leo and Virgo need some balance, so Meghan and Harry will have to make use of their assets in order to level out their different characteristics. For example, Leo might be seen as more outgoing and dramatic than Virgo, but this doesn't have to cause discord. The couple can find harmony by seeing the good in each other. For example, Virgo should concentrate on how Leo's passion makes her a fantastic supporter, which is especially important in such a high-profile marriage.

    On the other hand, Leo should see that Virgo's level-headedness can be a really good thing for the marriage because it can remind Leo to be rational during difficult times. Since Virgo is down-to-earth, he's always ready to lend a hand in the relationship. By working together and focusing on these powerful strengths, a union between Leo and Virgo can work harmoniously. This means that the way Leo and Virgo are seated next to each other on the Zodiac wheel can work to their advantage because it hints at how close and happy they have the potential to be!

    18 Their Rising Signs Are Opposite - But That's Good

    On the Zodiac wheel, when people's rising signs are opposite each other it might seem like a negative omen for their relationship, but it can actually be a very healthy thing. According to The Wise, our rising signs are the windows through which we see life. They are also our outer personalities or the characteristics of ourselves that we show to the world.

    Meghan's rising sign is Cancer, while Harry's is Capricorn.

    A rising sign in Cancer means that Meghan will be focused on family and home during their marriage. She will want to create a loving atmosphere from which to launch herself into the public eye, which is how Cancer rising signs are described in Elite Daily. Capricorn, on the other hand, is also focused on home life - it just comes out in a different way. With a rising sign in Capricorn, Harry will be focused on ensuring greater stability and financial success in the outside world so as to nourish the home. It's all about making the home a better, happier place. So, there's definite compatibility between these two signs! And, it's worth remembering that although we display attitudes and qualities of our rising sign, we are not limited to them, as pointed out on The Wise.

    17 Making Use Of Differences Will Keep Their Spark Alive

    Leo and Virgo are an interesting pair because their relationship can be fiery hot or ice cold - it just depends on what they decide to do with their differences. It's troubling to think that they can end up totally disconnected, but that doesn't mean they're doomed to such a marital fate. In order to have a happy, chemically-fueled marriage, Henry and Meghan will have to focus on those differences that attracted them to each other in the first place to prevent them from building walls between them.

    For example, as described on Astrostyle, “Leo adds a rainbow bright splash of color to Virgo's un-dyed natural fibers. Life feels vibrant again with the Lion's appearance.” Wow, seems like Harry's in for a treat by being married to the fiery, passionate Meghan. But she will also be able to nurture the spark in their relationship as time progresses by focusing on the beauty that Harry will bring to her life. “Selfless service is Virgo's M.O., which awakens Leo's generous nature and paves the way to a more purposeful life for the Zodiac's lion,” Astrostyle reports. By channeling each other's most passionate characteristics, there's no doubt that Harry and Meghan's spark can continue making fireworks.

    16 What They'll Be Like As Parents

    Are cute little Royal cousins for William and Kate's children on the way in the near future? If so, what kind of parents will Harry and Meghan be? As a Leo mum, Meghan will be a fierce mother Lion protecting her cubs from danger. According to an article on Elite Daily, Leo mums will be proud of their children but also very strict. They want to raise their children in a way that protects them. As a Virgo, Harry would be the kind of dad who is dedicated and fiercely loyal to his family.

    He'll share in Leo's parenting skills because he'll also want his children to be disciplined and raised correctly.

    So there are definitely similar parenting behaviors there which will keep the Royal lovebirds in harmony. When arguments over the kids do crop up (as they invariably do in every family), what might happen is that Harry will turn on the charm to get things to go his way. Virgo men are persuasive and skilled at making it look as though they share in the Leo woman's ideas. Sneaky! The result, though, is that both partners (and kids) will be satisfied in the process, so everybody wins.

    15 The Big Problem They Face

    Both Meghan and Harry agreed that they fell in love really quickly. The combustion between Leo and Virgo can be fiery, but it can easily fizzle once they discover each other's flaws. However, that doesn't mean they're going to be waving goodbye to the union any time soon! Clearly, Harry and Meghan have already nurtured a strong relationship. They started out with a long-distance relationship which meant they had to keep their connection going without seeing each other much, and they survived through it.

    This shows that they have much more going for them than simple chemistry. However, it's important for Leo and Virgo to both be in the right headspace when embarking on marriage. This involves being aware of a common problem they face. As outlined on Paired Life, the biggest problem is that Virgo tries to help too much while Leos want to control their own lives. They might view Virgo's help as being controlling, while Virgo might feel hurt that their assistance isn't valued. This can cause them to stop appreciating each other's good qualities, so it's worth keeping an eye on.

    14 Maturity Is A Must

    One of the cautions of a Leo-Virgo union is that it's easy for them to be pulled in different directions if they have separate life goals and dreams. Therefore, maturity is needed for this marriage to work. This is a promising sign for Harry and Meghan's marriage in the future because they have both already shown that they're mature and on the same page. An example could be seen in their engagement interview with BBC. As reported by Time Magazine, in that interview Harry said…

    "Both of us have passions for wanting to make a change, change for good. With lots of young people running around the Commonwealth, that's where we are going to spend most of our time hopefully.”

    Meghan confirmed his words by adding, “It was really one of the first things we connected on. It was one of the first things we started talking about when we met - just the different things we wanted to do in the world and how passionate we were about seeing change. I think that was what got date two in the books probably.” Nice! Clearly, they're both headed in the same direction, filled with passion for similar goals which is a good sign for their marriage satisfaction.

    13 How They Deal With Disagreements

    Sooner or later, every couple will argue. But how will Meghan and Harry deal with disagreements in their Royal marriage according to their Zodiac signs? Again, it's important for them to focus on what makes them compatible instead of what pulls them apart. Leo tends to argue by focusing on why they're right. This can make them quite inflexible during arguments. According to Thought Catalog, other signs in the Zodiac often try to avoid fighting with Leo. Yikes.

    As for Virgo, they tend to be overly-critical and might snap over silly things that wouldn't bother other people. As you can see, it's easy for Leo and Virgo to clash during arguments as well as for small disagreements to get out of hand. However, at the heart of it, both Leo and Virgo are extremely loyal and dedicated to each other. In fact, their different fighting styles could actually work to nurture their relationship. Since Leo is confident, this can be what insecure Virgo needs to boost his own confidence. And, since Virgo is practical, this can help to reel in Leo's flight of drama. They can learn from each other, as described on the Keen website, which keeps their relationship healthy and proves that differences can be a good thing.

    12 They Need To Get Emotional

    One of the best ways Leo and Virgo can boost their relationship over time is to focus on building emotional closeness. This isn't always easy for them. For example, they might battle to have a lot of emotional intimacy because Virgo isn't as affectionate and warm as Leo is. In fact, he's quite reserved. Leo also wants to be given lots of praise and needs that to feel happy in the relationship, which might be difficult if Virgo isn't really the type to be forthcoming with his feelings. It might be difficult for Virgo to understand Leo's need for grand praise since he feels uncomfortable when the center of attention (although Harry does seem to be the exception in this regard!) Virgo tends to be emotionally self-sufficient, according to AstroReveal, but he will show his affection in more subtle ways. Therefore, it's important for Leo to see beyond her ego and notice these behaviors as they can help to maintain the emotional closeness between these two signs.

    The trick to make the relationship work is for Harry and Meghan to learn from each other.

    It might also help them to stay in tune with each other's different love languages. For example, a Leo might want to show love with lots of compliments, whereas Virgo would choose quality time instead. Finding common ground in how they express their love will nurture their bond.

    11 Their Mental Connection Keeps Them Together

    Although Harry and Meghan clearly have positive body language and chemistry, there's another connection they share which will guarantee their marriage makes it. It's their mental connection! Both Leo and Virgo are signs of the Zodiac that thrive on mental stimulation. Leo is the type to fall in love with someone's mind, while Virgo enjoys forming a mental connection with someone. It seems that part of the reason why Harry and Meghan hit it off on their first date was because they had so much in common, which created a nice foundation for their relationship, especially when combined with their sizzling attraction. In a marriage, Leo requires lots of mental stimulation.

    Since she's full of ambition and dreams, she wants to be with someone who complements those values. The Virgo man, on the other hand, is fueled by intelligence, so conversations between the two of them are sure to be satisfying while providing a nice foundation for their union. Over time, Meghan and Harry's mental connection will help them continue having lots in common while finding mutual ground when faced with their Zodiac sign differences. It's also set to broaden their horizons, which will be interesting for us to see.

    10 They're A Team

    Harry and Meghan need to be a team in order to deal with everything a Royal marriage throws at them, from dealing with the media and family obligations to chasing their philanthropic goals. Their Zodiac signs work in their favor in this regard. Both Leo and Virgo are known as the cooperative signs of the Zodiac. They're always willing to help and aren't afraid to get their hands dirty to complete a task.

    Although they might handle activities in different ways, both signs have the ability to try to understand each other's weak points.

    As explained by Astro Reveal, Leo is capable of empathizing with Virgo's need for perfectionism and might try to teach him to become less worried about the small details on a project in favor of the bigger picture. On the other hand, Virgo will offer support to Leo's ambitious plans, while still helping to keep her feet on the ground. This makes them a team to watch out for. On the home front, Leo and Virgo work well together. Leo might feel good to know that Virgo always has her back when it comes to supporting the home, while Virgo will embrace hard work to keep that family flourishing.

    9 Their Marriage Is Honest

    Instead of causing strife, the differences between fire-sign Leo and earth-sign Virgo actually work to boost their level of dedication. This means that their relationship will be filled with commitment and the trust that flows from an honest marriage. On the subject of honesty, Leo might actually sometimes be a little too honest, bordering on brutal. However, the good thing is that her partner will always know where she stands and won't have to worry about lies. A Virgo is actually quite similar, focusing on avoiding niceties in favor of being straight-forward and direct. This need for honesty on the part of both signs makes for a refreshing relationship.

    We've already seen an example of honesty in Harry and Meghan's relationship during their BBC engagement interview, specifically when it came to preparing Meghan for life in the Royal family. “You know, I still have to have some pretty frank conversations with her to say what [she is] letting yourself in for [and that it's] a big deal. It's not easy for anybody. But I know at the end of the day, she chooses me and I choose her, and therefore whatever we have to tackle together or individually, it will always be us together as a team,” Harry said. Since they're both honest and upfront, it makes it easier to communicate and work on nurturing trust.

    8 The Trouble They Need To Watch Out For

    There are things both Harry and Meghan need to be on the lookout for in their marriage, based on the darker sides of their Zodiac signs. An example includes Leo's penchant for being the drama queen of the Zodiac, which can result in pretty flamboyant displays of anger during heated moments. Leo can also be competitive, proud, and a bit arrogant at times. They might hold onto something out of pride instead of admitting that their partners are right. Since Leo is a fixed sign, this stability makes them great achievers, but the downside is that they sometimes have less self-reflection than they should.

    As for Virgo, they can be quite critical while being prone to bouts of insecurity. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is critical and analytical, but they tend to be big gossips!

    Knowing about these darker Zodiac traits is important for a Leo-Virgo marriage so that both parties can nip them in the bud and prevent them from creating problems.

    For example, dealing with a highly critical Virgo partner could make a Leo stubbornly hold onto their resentment, which can prevent emotional closeness from growing. Likewise, if Leo focuses more on being right than having a happy marriage, this can result in Virgo feeling insecure in the relationship.

    7 They Have The Ability To Be A Power Couple

    Leo and Virgo can make a great team because of their positive attributes. But there's another good reason why they have the chance to become a power couple of note. They don't both chase the spotlight. This might sound strange to say considering both Harry and Meghan are going to be in the spotlight a lot due to their high-profile marriage, and both are on track to achieving the same goals. But here's how their differences actually work to make them a force to be reckoned with: Leo wants to chase the spotlight but Virgo doesn't.

    Being ambitious and driven, a Leo wants to make waves and get attention. Even though Meghan has left her career as an actress now that she's married to Harry, she's still ambitious. As mentioned on the News.com.au website, a book written by Andrew Morton explains how ambitious Meghan has been since she was a child, being described as a “supreme networker.” As a Virgo, Harry might prefer to be behind the scenes, even though he's always in the limelight due to his fame. But here's where things get interesting: while Leo makes grand plans with fire and passion, Virgo is content with planning them behind the scenes. This doesn't mean he's pushed out of the spotlight. What many don't realize is that the most important jobs get done backstage!

    6 How They'll Be Social

    Since Leo is a fire sign and Virgo an earth sign, they usually have different social needs and behaviors. Leo is highly social, always the life of the party and the center of attention. Leo dominates the social scene, finding it easy to connect with people and make new friends. As a public figure, this can result in success, but on the home front, it might cause problems in a marriage with a Virgo, who tends to be much more reserved and shy. You might read that and think, “No way! Harry is a social person” and you'd be right. But it's a different type of social behavior. As explained on Horoscope.com…

    “Virgos are adept at socializing in a variety of settings, and they're charming to new people, but all of this takes a toll on their energy.”

    They tend to focus on close friends rather than trying to build connections with strangers. So, in order to prevent arguments related to social lives, Harry and Meghan will have to work with their different social needs and behaviors. Virgo also cherishes quality time on a one-to-one basis, so the Royal couple will have to ensure their time together isn't always about being surrounded by loved ones.

    5 They're Devoted To Family

    When the world is locked out and it's just the two of them alone, Leo and Virgo cherish their family life and partnership. They're devoted to the health and wellbeing of their closest loved ones. This bodes well for the Royals, as they're a closely-knit bunch. Both Harry and Meghan have swooned about each other's families since before their wedding, showing that they've made real effort to get along. However, the important thing is that Meghan and Harry are not afraid to focus on their devotion to each other first, and we've seen that already happen in how they've fought against Royal traditions.

    An example can be seen in how Harry wore a wedding ring for Meghan, even though this is quite unusual - both Prince William and Prince Philip don't wear wedding rings. It's a small thing, but it says a lot: it reveals that their commitment to each other comes first. They're devoted to their families, but not at the price of what feels right for them. It's this strong bond between them that makes their marriage start off on the right footing. It will be interesting to see what happens in future, but if they continue putting their relationship first it will thrive.

    4 How They Deal With Stress

    Stress happens to everyone, even the Royals. Dealing with stress is important in a marriage. Both parties need support to help each other to get through the anxiety-causing situations that can crop up. It's interesting to imagine what will cause Meghan and Harry reasons to get stressed out. Looking at their Zodiac signs, Virgos tend to bottle up their emotions, which in itself can cause stress. This could also make it difficult for Leo to help them out because during difficult times Virgo might become the strong, silent, and stressed out type. As for Leo, they tend to feel stressed when they're not acknowledged and when someone contradicts them. They care a little too much about what others think, which can be a source of anxiety for them, according to Bustle.  Apart from how they stress themselves out by keeping their emotions locked in, Virgo also feels stress when they don't get the last word as well as when they're disorganized. According to Trusted Psychic Mediums…

    The best antidote for stress in the Leo-Virgo union is compassion.

    Virgo should be sensitive to Leo's need to mellow out, while Leo needs to try to understand Virgo's needs while encouraging him to open up about his feelings so he doesn't burst.

    3 They Need To Communicate In Healthy Ways

    To deal with stress and their own disagreements, communication is key. As with any relationship, if both parties can't communicate with each other, this can cause a host of problems and relationship dissatisfaction. While both Leo and Virgo are great conversationalists, they need to deal with their specific communication obstacles in order to make their union work.

    This requires them to change their communication faux pas instead of trying to change their partners. As mentioned earlier, Virgo doesn't really open up. This can be a problem, especially during the course of a marriage. Their Leo partner needs to be patient and not expect him to start opening up overnight. It can be good for Leo to encourage him to open up gently, such as by bonding in other ways in the relationship.

    But ultimately, Leo shouldn't let their need to be in charge get in the way as this will put Virgo right off. One of Leo's obstacles to healthy communication with a Virgo partner is how they tend to want to rule the spotlight, such as by being funny and charming. By actively listening instead, this can encourage a shy Virgo to open up much more. Virgo can help a Leo by offering supportive communication, instead of assuming she knows how he feels.

    2 Hello, Love!

    Since both Leo and Virgo are loyal to each other, this works really well with their love of romance. Yes, both of them are romantic signs, but they express it in different ways. Even though Virgo might not be as affectionate as Leo, they can find ways to nurture their romance in the relationship. Leo tends to show love and romance through passion since they're a warm sign.

    On the other hand, Virgo will be subtler and their practical approach might dilute Leo's passion. Oh no! Before we write off the romance and intimacy, there are things that can help. The blend of Earth and Fire can help instead of block the romance between Virgo and Leo. According to Astrostyle, Leo is a Yang (or aggressive) sign, while Virgo is considered a Yin (or receptive) sign.

    What this means is that Leo could be domineering and sometimes even selfish, while Virgo could end up sacrificing more and even being too passive.

    The signs need to rebalance themselves, the site suggests, by Virgo working on their confidence and openness and Leo having more patience. By doing this, it can help Virgo and Leo create a long-lasting match that's filled with intimacy on all levels: physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

    1 Will They Last?

    Although at first glance the Leo-Virgo marriage might seem like a difficult one to make successful, there's no doubt that they can work and be happy together in the long term. However, it's essential that both parties are up for making their marriage work. Even though Leo and Virgo are different on many levels, there are ways for them to work through their differences.

    Both signs will need to work on their individual issues, while also making the relationship a priority. The reassuring sign is that both Meghan and Harry already seem to be doing this in their marriage. It's also good news that both of them have their bases covered: they're both family-oriented and focus on their union above all else. Success boils down to their shared values, and both Harry and Meghan need to be open to each other's values over time to keep their relationship happy and balanced. While earth signs are grounded and want to focus on a stable life, fire signs have the dream to explore and find adventures. By finding middle-ground, Virgo and Leo can have the perfect mix of both lifestyles and create a happy relationship.

    References: Refinery29, Astrostyle, Elite Daily, Keen, Astrology, News.com.au, Thought Catalog, Time, The Wise, ProAstro, BBC, Trusted Psychic Mediums, AstroReveal, GoodHouseKeeping.com, Paired Life