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    20 Interesting Things About The Stunning Priyanka Chopra

    It seems that everywhere you turn, you see Priyanka Chopra nowadays - the stunning actress's career is absolutely red hot right now. Part of it is because, well, she's so unbelievably gorgeous and the camera just loves her. Part of it is because of her tight friendship with former actress, Meghan. And, part of it is because of her on-screen skills - she's tackled everything from comedies to action movies, and continues to stun audiences. She's certainly not just a pretty face - she's more than comfortable taking on meaty roles that require her to flex her acting chops.

    Yet, despite her recent rise to superstardom, many people still don't know a lot about the exotic star. She's done the talk show circuit promoting her various projects a few times now, but she hasn't quite reached A-List status where the paparazzi follow her every move. Although, the obsession about who she's dating is a pretty good sign that she's getting to that point - welcome to the A-List, Priyanka! Here are 20 things you may not have known about the stunning Priyanka Chopra, one of the actresses who always absolutely slays the red carpet, time and time again (seriously, we have to give her stylist major props).

    20 She Recently Got Engaged To Pop Star Nick Jonas (Talk About A Gorgeous Couple!)

    Of all the Jonas Brothers, Nick Jonas definitely had the best glow up - he transformed from a squeaky clean teen pop star to a total Hollywood hottie, and he's been linked to quite a few stunning women over the years. For the past little while, he was spotted with Priyanka Chopra almost constantly, and now it seems the two are actually engaged!

    We totally love them as a couple.

    Things are kind of on the down low now, with Priyanka not really wanting to reveal a ton to the press, but we can't wait until we get a little more information about potential wedding details.

    19 Her Guilty Pleasure Is Hot Dogs From NYC Hot Dog Carts

    Once you learn even the slightest bit about Priyanka Chopra, you realize that she isn't the type of actress who is content to munch on salad and raw veggies all day long. While she definitely has an amazing physique, it's more so because of her metabolism than her actual daily food intake - the woman loves a little junk food in her life! Case in point, her fondness for NYC hot dog carts. While some actresses avoid hot dogs at all costs, Chopra confessed to Us Magazine that she absolutely loves the BBQ staple, particularly when they're coming from NYC hot dog carts.

    18 There's A Mold Of Her Foot In An Italian Museum

    Okay, this one is pretty unusual. Apparently, there's a museum in Florence, Italy dedicated to the works of fashion legend Salvatore Ferragamo, where there are molds of several celebrity feet. It turns out, Priyanka's is one of them - and she's in pretty amazing company.

    As she told Us Magazine, "there is a mold of my foot in the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum… next to Audrey Hepburn's. Dreams really do come true!"

    Yeah, if you're going to be in any celebrity's company, past or present, Audrey Hepburn would definitely be at the top of our list too. What an unusual and amazing thing to have included in a museum!

    17 Her First Job Was Shoveling Snow

    Priyanka Chopra may have been born in the sweltering heat of India, but that doesn't mean she's never seen snow - in fact, she spent a lot of her childhood bouncing around the United States, including places that had much chillier winters. So, her first ever job was actually shoveling snow, as she admitted to Us Magazine. We're not sure if she just got some pocket change from neighbors or ended up starting an entrepreneurial venture where she tried to corner the snow shoveling market in her entire area, but either way - we never would have guessed that would be her first job.

    16 She Became Miss World In 2000 - Although She Wasn't A Pageant Queen Before That

    There are some celebrities who get their first introduction to the stage in the pageant world, and Priyanka Chopra is one of them - although she wasn't a pageant queen growing up. In fact, the first pageant she participated in ended up taking her on to win the title of Miss World, which is pretty incredible.

    Apparently, her mother sent in some photos of her gorgeous daughter to the pageant, and Priyanka's beauty caught their eye, so they asked her to participate.

    She's pretty far removed from the whole pageant world nowadays, but she still goes out of her way to congratulate many of the Miss World recipients, which is really sweet.

    15 She's A Total Homebody Who Would Rather Stay In Than Go Out

    Now that she's a major celebrity, Priyanka probably has invites to all the hottest parties in town. However, that doesn't mean she's constantly hitting the town to party - in fact, she admitted to Us Magazine that "I'm a total homebody, and when I have time off, I lie in bed the entire weekend." Uh, relatable! We can only imagine how busy her schedule must be while she's working on projects or promoting projects, so it totally makes sense that she'd just want to chill during her time off. The question is, what does she binge watch on Netflix? Curious minds want to know.

    14 Like Beyonce, She Always Carries Hot Sauce In Her Bag

    Everyone has a different palate when it comes to food, and given that Priyanka Chopra has probably eaten her fair share of spicy Indian cuisine over the course of her life, it makes sense that she'd be more accustomed to bold flavors.

    So, in order to have a solution if she encounters super bland food, she apparently travels with Tabasco in her handbag, as she admitted to Us Magazine.

    She's in pretty good company - Beyonce herself said in her smash hit "Formation" that she keeps hot sauce in her bag. Now all the other actresses know that if they need a kick of heat during an awards show dinner, they can just come to Priyanka!

    13 She Does All Her Own Stunts, Even If She Might Get Injured

    The studios and networks obviously don't want any of their talent to get injured, so they're quick to provide stunt doubles for challenging scenes or action flicks. While many actresses take them up on the offer and work closely with their skilled stunt double, Priyanka isn't about that life. As she told Us Magazine, "I do all of my own stunts - and I have scars all over my body from it." We have to admit, we love her dedication - it's probably not easy to do a lot of those action-packed scenes you see her in, but she's committed to portraying the character herself.

    12 Her Gorgeous Skin Is Courtesy Of The SkyMall Catalogue

    Okay, we are completely shook by this fact. When we imagined where Priyanka Chopra shopped for her skincare products, we totally envisioned a luxe boutique on Beverly Hills with an exclusive celebrity clientele and totally posh interior. However, it seems she's a woman who loves to multi-task - she admitted to Us Magazine that

    "I buy 90 percent of my skincare from the SkyMall. You know that magazine on the plane that you're like 'does anyone actually buy this stuff?' Me… I do!"

    Well, we're definitely going to be taking a closer look at the SkyMall catalog next time we fly if it means getting flawless skin like Priyanka's!

    11 Her Nightstand Drawer Is Full Of Snacks For Unexpected Munchies

    Priyanka Chopra is definitely genetically blessed to be able to eat the way she does without gaining weight, and we have to admit, it's really refreshing to hear an actress talk fearlessly about consuming, well, just about anything she wants. She admitted to Us Magazine that, since she sometimes gets peckish in the middle of the night, she actually has her nightstand drawer filled with snacks for the occasion. Yes, seriously. While some actresses will go to great lengths to stick to their diets to stay in shape, Priyanka is straight up snacking in the middle of the night. This is exactly why we love her.

    10 Her Parents Were Both Doctors

    While quite a few celebrities have parents who were involved in the entertainment industry, Priyanka Chopra's are from a totally different world - medicine. Her father, unfortunately, passed away in 2013, but both her parents were successful doctors - and it had a major impact on her. She told Glamour that while she knew she didn't want to be a doctor herself because she just wasn't passionate about it,

    "they definitely taught me discipline, and respecting people's time, and whatever the job is, nothing is ever menial."

    What a great attitude to have, especially in Hollywood, which is packed with so many divas!

    9 She Hasn't Driven In Almost 15 Years

    Okay, here's a little quirk about Priyanka Chopra - apparently, while she knows how to drive, she hasn't driven a car in nearly two decades - 15 years, to be precise - because she just really hates to drive. We're not sure if that's changed since she shared some of her secrets with Us Magazine a few years back, but it's definitely interesting, considering what a car-centric city Los Angeles is. Perhaps she's managed to move into the level of stardom where she no longer has to drive herself, and can just rely on her driver for everything. It definitely seems like the more luxe option, so why not?

    8 Her Debut Film Wasn't In Hollywood - It Was A Tamil Movie

    While it seems like Priyanka is suddenly everywhere, she's definitely not an overnight success - she worked on her first film project way back in 2002, although you may not remember it because it wasn't in Hollywood.

    Her first taste of set life was in a Tamil movie called 'Thamizhanin'.

    We bet all the audiences knew immediately that there was something special about the new starlet, and we're so happy she decided to make the leap over to Hollywood to share her talents with even more people around the world. Perhaps she still pops over to the world of Bollywood for cameos from time to time when the Hollywood bustle gets to be too much.

    7 She Was Teased As A Child For Being Different Than Her American Classmates

    It's hard to imagine Priyanka's life as anything but perfect because, well, she's gorgeous! However, she didn't always have an easy time - particularly back in high school. As a child, she lived in Iowa and Massachusetts for a while and was apparently bullied because she was different. She spilled to Glamour about the experience, saying that "everyone is bullied and picked on [in high school], there's peer pressure, and the fact that I didn't look or sound like anyone else didn't make it easier… looking back I see that it was probably fear and insecurity of the unknown, and I can forgive it."

    6 She's A Huge Fan of Natural Masks, Something She Learned From Her Mother

    While Priyanka probably likes pampering herself with a sheet mask just as much as the next person, those types of products aren't the first she turns to when she wants to indulge a bit.

    Instead of heading to the store, she turns to her kitchen cabinets to whip together a natural mask, something she learned from her family members.

    As she told Refinery 29, "when my mom was younger, she would make a lot of these masks because the sun is really harsh in India and we spend a lot of time outside. There are body masks with turmeric and other natural ingredients that really calm the skin, I do those once or twice a week."

    5 She Dislikes Liars More Than Anything

    Priyanka Chopra seems like a really sunny, positive person who can tackle any challenge life throws at her, but there's one thing she really doesn't care for - liars. When Elle Canada posed the question of what upsets her most in the world, Priyanka simply said "I don't like liars… when you're scared of the truth, it's such a turnoff." So, safe to say, you can trust that whenever Priyanka says something, it's the truth - which is pretty refreshing in Hollywood. Of course, she probably still has to tell a few white lies to keep certain projects she's working on a secret if she's not able to admit the details, but for the most part, it's 100% honesty from her.

    4 She Doesn't Get A Lot Of Sleep

    We're exhausted even just thinking of the type of schedule it must take to keep up with Priyanka's workload, so it comes as no surprise that the star doesn't get quite as much sleep as she'd like - but she doesn't mind at all. As she told Elle Canada "it's not a deliberate attempt to get no sleep, but more a spillover of my intense desire to do everything that excites and inspires me (which is currently many, many things)."

    "Life is sometimes about making compromises, and in this case, sleep seems to be mine!"

    We love how passionate she is about what she does.

    3 Her Dream Home Would Be On Wheels (Or Airborne)

    While she might one day dream of owning a huge mansion in a faraway land, for now, Priyanka's dream home is a lot more unconventional - it would be something that could support all her traveling. She told Elle that "if I had it my way, my home would be a Winnebago… or even an Aerobago (yes, I just made that up)! Since I spent my time between Mumbai and the US and also given the needs of my chosen profession, I am literally airborne most of the time. I absolutely love it though and the thought of a long long flight (like the almost 20-hour flight from Mumbai to LA) makes me happy."

    2 She Loves To Read And Write

    Priyanka Chopra is always so well-spoken and articulate in interviews, so we totally believe that she's a big bookworm - but we didn't know she loved to write! She spilled about her hobby to Elle, saying that "my room and library are currently overflowing. It's a childhood habit that was fuelled by parents who loved to read, too."

    "Somewhere in my teens, I started to write… poems, essays, and stories. I still do, but it's all locked up… I'm too scared to share it with the world."

    We really hope she decides to share it one day - that would be amazing to read!

    1 There's Nothing She Loves More Than A Spa Day

    Okay, this is hilarious - apparently, Priyanka Chopra is so well known for loving to treat herself to a spa day that her team actually needs to take spa placement into consideration when planning her travel routes. As she told Elle, "I absolutely love, adore and crave the spa! My team has been known to take alternate routes to avoid spas at all costs. It's that bad." So, if she ever needs to unwind after a particularly grueling stretch of work, we know exactly where you'll find her - relaxing in a mud bath at some super ritzy spa, cucumber slices on her eyes, totally loving life.References: usmagazine.com, glamour.com, refinery29.com, ellecanada.com, elle.com