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    17 Surprising Facts About Queen Elizabeth And Prince Philip's Marriage

    Queen Elizabeth II has now reigned over the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth states for 65 years, and in 2015, made history as the longest-reigning British monarch of all time, surpassing even her great-great-grandmother, Queen Victoria. Now that the Queen is 92 and perhaps the most influential figure on the planet, people tend to forget that she's actually somebody's wife. At 96 years old, Philip Mountbatten, the Duke of Edinburgh, still stands by her side after more than 7 decades of marriage!

    Though this is one of the most powerful and influential couples in the world, few know the details of their relationship. After all, it's easy to see them as just the Queen of England and Duke of Edinburgh and forget that they're just like many other married couples in a lot of ways. Their relationship wasn't arranged or forced out of Royal duty, but instead began organically. They achieved their dream of starting and raising a family - along with having palaces, armies, and billions of dollars at their disposal - and many parts of their marriage are pretty normal. Read on to find out about the real relationship of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip!

    17 They Fell In Love When Elizabeth Was Barely A Teenager

    Elizabeth II, the daughter of King George IV and Queen Elizabeth I, got the chance to do many things while she was young. Born into Royalty, her father unexpectedly became King when she was only 11 years old, changing the course of her life and the lives of her descendants forever.

    At the age of 25, she lost her father and became the Queen of England.

    But when she was still a child, in 1934, she was first introduced to Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark.

    The two met at Prince George, the Duke of Kent, and Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark's wedding. Three years later, they saw each other again, and according to PopSugar, it was when Elizabeth was only 13 that they fell in love.

    “They saw each other again three years later, but it was during a meeting at the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth in July 1939 - Elizabeth was 13 and Philip was 18 - that they fell in love and began to exchange letters,” reports PopSugar. Despite the five-year age difference, they became smitten with each other. By modern standards in the western world, 13 seems like a pretty young age to be falling in love!

    16 They're Related Through More Than Just Marriage

    Okay, so this is a part of Elizabeth and Philip's marriage that probably isn't so normal! Though they met for the first time when Elizabeth was just a child, they're actually distantly related. The List reported that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are actually third cousins: “Being third cousins, the two met when they were much younger. As TIME reported, Elizabeth was 13 years old at the time and fell for Philip pretty quickly after meeting him.” While this doesn't often occur in many modern marriages, it isn't so strange in Royal and noble circles.

    Though the bloodlines of their ancestors may have crossed paths, the two lovers actually had quite different experiences whilst growing up. Elizabeth was the granddaughter of the King of England for the first decade of her life, and then when her father suddenly became King, she was catapulted into the position of being the first in line for the throne.

    This naturally came with many privileges. But according to TIME, Philip was brought up with less of a silver spoon, despite also being Royalty. He was described as being “reared as a commoner” and “has washed dishes, fired boilers, even played on a skittles team organized by the owner of a local pub.”

    15 The King And Queen Didn't Approve Of Their Marriage

    Here's something that a few more people will be able to relate to: in the beginning, King George and Queen Elizabeth I were not happy about their eldest daughter falling in love with Prince Philip. This wasn't so much to do with Philip's personality, but more because of who he was.

    As a Greek Prince, he didn't have a place in the British Royal Family in King George's eyes. 

    TIME reported that George was worried his family would lose popularity with the British public if they were to bring in a Greek Prince. Though his disapproval was largely to do with his family's reputation, there were some mannerisms Philip had that George reportedly took issue with, including “his loud boisterous laugh and his blunt, seagoing manners” gained from being reared as a commoner.

    In the end, as we all know, the King and Queen came around. George granted his daughter's hand in marriage to Philip in 1946, on the condition that the couple wait to announce their engagement until April of the following year, once Elizabeth had turned 21. Reportedly, the King and Queen also believed that their daughter was too young to be wed, particularly to the first man she'd fallen in love with.

    14 Philip Had To Overcome Obstacles To Marry Elizabeth

    To many, it seemed that Philip had hit the jackpot by putting a ring on Elizabeth's finger. Though he'd never be King of England due to the way the British monarchy works, he would get to be married to the Queen and pass on the throne to his children. But just like in any other relationship, Philip had to make sacrifices to be with his true love.

    The first thing he was required to do was become a naturalized British citizen. And along with this, he also had to convert from Greek Orthodox to become an Anglican. Plus, because of the tensions at the time, anybody who was German in his family was not allowed to attend his wedding. As his three sisters were all married to German men, he was forbidden from having any of them there for his big day.

    Most people don't realize that Philip also had to abandon his Royal titles before marrying Elizabeth. As PopSugar reported, he was born a Prince but gave that up to reduce conflict with the new Royal Family he was merging into: “He took on the style of Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten, adopting the surname of his mother's British family.”

    13 They Had To Keep Their Wedding Low Key

    If we know anything about Royal weddings, it's that they're a big deal. They have become more accessible as technology has advanced, allowing us to see every step the bride and groom take as it happens, but they were always events to be celebrated. But when Princess Elizabeth married Philip Mountbatten, the couple were warned not to make things too extravagant.

    They were married in 1947, just after the end of WWII, when much of England (and the world) was still struggling to recuperate from its losses.

    Political insiders at the time warned the King that any national display of the wealth of the Royal Family would be like spitting in the face of the British citizens who had lost family members, property, possessions and savings while supporting their country. According to Austerity Britain, the advisors told the King: “Any banqueting and display at your daughter's wedding will be an insult to the British people at the present time… and we would consider that you would be well advised to order a very quiet wedding in keeping with the times.”

    Being around to witness the revolution that took place in Russia in 1917, George was concerned that a big Royal wedding would cause the public to turn on him and his family, and so advised Elizabeth and Philip to keep things simple.

    12 Elizabeth Bought Her Dress With Ration Coupons

    We're not sure how many Queens can say that they bought their wedding dresses with coupons, but Elizabeth can! At the time of her nuptials, the Queen had no choice but to use ration coupons to pay for the materials which made up her dress. According to E! Online, the British government allowed the then-Princess 200 extra coupons so she could have a dress worthy of Royalty.

    And worthy of Royalty it was. Embroidered with 10,000 pearls imported from the United States, tulle, and crystals, the gown had a 15-foot train and was made from Duchesse satin produced in Scotland. It was simply cut with a heart-shaped neckline, a fitted bodice with a low V-pointed waist and a paneled skirt that fell down to the floor. The satin for the applique was woven by Warner & Sons and was created at Kent's Lullingstone Castle.

    Sir Norman Hartnell was chosen to design the wedding dress and cited the famous painting Primavera by Botticelli as his inspiration. The artwork symbolizes the coming of spring, which greatly influenced the overall feel and design of the wedding gown. His design was chosen in mid-August, meaning he had less than three months before the wedding to actually create it.

    11 The World Still Stopped For Their Wedding

    Although the Royal Family was advised to keep the wedding low-key and not to show off their privilege, it was still a huge event. Surprisingly to the political insiders, the public was thrilled about the marriage, as a wedding actually brought a ray of sunshine to a country that had been through a considerably dark period. While people were interested in the wedding and happy for the bride and groom, they weren't able to watch it live like we are today. But they did what they could considering the technology of the time.

    When Elizabeth and Philip tied the knot, more than 200 million people from around the world are estimated to have listened through the BBC radio.

    The ceremony was filmed but wasn't televised or uploaded online like it is today. Instead, the footage slowly made its way to cinemas around the United Kingdom, where people flocked as soon as they could to watch.

    Overall, the newlyweds received no less than 10,000 telegrams from well-wishers around the globe. According to Royal.uk, more than 2,500 gifts came their way from fans, including Mahatma Gandhi's famous gesture: a piece of cotton lace that was embroidered with the words “Jai Hind”, which can be translated to “Victory for India”.

    10 Philip Had A Bachelor Party

    Today, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip have a reputation as being two of the fanciest people on the planet, so much so that it's difficult to even imagine them letting loose and having some fun. But Philip is similar to just about all grooms in that before he wed Elizabeth, he had his own bachelor party. It took place the night before the wedding, at the Dorchester Club in London. And shockingly, members of the press were invited to attend. Obviously, Philip wasn't planning on getting up to things that other grooms typically do at their own bachelor parties!

    That said, it appears that Philip and his friends did have some fun on the night. “The prince's group must have been having some kind of fun, because eventually the flashbulbs of the journalists' cameras were torn off and stamped on the ground, with the groom's party moving on to the closed doors of the Belfry Club,” writes Claire Stewart, in As Long As We Both Shall Eat: A History of Wedding Food and Feasts.

    Little is known as to whether Elizabeth had her own hen party. Few details have been released about the bachelorette parties of more recent Royal brides Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton, but from what we can tell, they don't get too rowdy!

    9 They Clashed When It Came Time For Elizabeth To Take His Name

    Each year, fewer brides are choosing to take their husband's name. But in the 1940s, a woman wanting to keep her own name after marriage was much more taboo and caused much more tension. Even if that woman was the heir to the throne of England.

    PopSugar reported that once the King had passed away, there were many arguments as to whether Elizabeth would take Philip's name, or whether she would keep her own once she finally took the throne. The argument wasn't just a domestic dispute between Elizabeth and Philip either; Queen Mary, Elizabeth's grandmother, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill got involved too. Reportedly, both wanted to keep the family name as House of Windsor instead of House of Mountbatten.

    In 1952, the Queen Mother publicly declared that Windsor would remain as the Royal name.

    Most people were happy with this, except Philip himself who allegedly complained about being “the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his own children.” However, a year later, the Queen Mother took back the decision and declared that the new surname of Mountbatten-Windsor would apply to all male descendants of the couple. Confusingly, Princes William and Harry went by the last name “Wales” at school, as their father was the Prince of Wales. Prince George goes by the last name “Cambridge”, as his father is the Duke of Cambridge.

    8 When Elizabeth Became A Queen, Philip Stayed A Duke

    If you first learned about Royal Families from fairy tales and Disney movies, you'd probably believe that queens are married to kings and princes are married to princesses. But in reality, it's a little more complicated than that. At the time of his wedding to Elizabeth, Philip had given up his own title as Prince, but he didn't become one again just because he was marrying a princess. Similarly, Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle haven't become princesses just from marrying princes. Philip is now known as Prince, but he wasn't given that title until 1957.

    Elizabeth became Queen in 1953 at the age of 25, but as she made the change from Princess to Queen, Philip stayed a Duke. This was confirmed at their ceremony, according to BBC News, when he said: “I, Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, do become your liege man of life and limb, and of earthly worship; and faith and truth I will bear unto you, to live and die, against all manner of folks. So help me God.”

    It's still not known exactly why he wasn't given the title of Prince until four years later, but some reports speculate that there was escalating tension in the marriage due to the difference between their titles.

    7 In His Day, Philip Liked To Cook For Her

    Many people wonder what the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh get up to when they're not attending Royal engagements, making speeches and hosting formal dinner parties. According to an insider, Prince Philip enjoyed getting busy in the kitchen, at least in his younger years. In her book My Husband and I: The Inside Story Of 70 Years Of Royal Marriage, author Ingrid Seward claims that Philip loved to cook for his family, and was responsible for making dinner for Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward while the Queen was off on her Royal duties.

    And when Elizabeth was home with the family, he loved to cook her breakfast.

    It's been claimed that he used to love making her omelets, scrambled eggs, and smoked haddock.

    We're sure there are endless chefs and cooks in the many palaces owned by this family, so Philip's cooking was probably about passion and enjoyment rather than duty. It also probably had something to do with the way he was raised to do tasks like this for himself, rather than to always be served. There is endless information out there on what the Queen likes to eat, but it's yet to be confirmed whether she ever cooks for herself or not.

    6 It's Been Hinted That Philip Wears The Pants, Even Though Elizabeth Wears The Crown

    Queen Elizabeth is one of the finest examples of strong and independent women in the world. She heads the most famous family on the planet, and also represents the United Kingdom and the countries of the Commonwealth to the rest of the world. When it comes to Royal power, she has more than her husband because of her birthright. But within the context of their marriage, many believe that Prince Philip is still the more dominant one behind closed doors.

    Those who tuned into the Royal wedding back in 1947 were shocked to hear Elizabeth's vows, as she promised “to love, to cherish and to obey” her husband. The word “obey” is a little rarer in marriage vows these days, but back in the 1940s, it was an expectation of new wives. But not when you're going to be the Queen of England.

    Elizabeth's decision to include a commitment to obey her husband was controversial at the time, to say the least, but highlights her choice to maintain a more traditional relationship behind closed doors, even if she is wearing a crown. According to TIME: “… Elizabeth chose to communicate her devotion to her spouse and her comfort with the traditional duties as a wife by pledging herself to him as other wives would in their marriage promises."

    5 Their Marriage Has Had As Many Ups And Downs As Any Other

    When you have a relationship in the public eye, it's only a matter of time before the rumors start. This is something that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip actually have in common with other celebrities, though it's been quite a few years since they were the victims of tabloid culture in that way.

    It was only a few years after they married and Elizabeth became Queen that the media started speculating that Philip was not being faithful.

    One rumor that started in The Baltimore Sun, according to Vanity Fair,claimed that Philip was “romantically involved with an unnamed woman whom he met on a regular basis in the West End apartment of a society photographer.” Of course, there's no way to know for sure whether any of these rumors of infidelity were true or not, but it is certain that they unfairly made things very uncomfortable for the couple. An insider alleged that the rumor made Philip extremely mad, as you'd expect it to.

    This proves that though they may be the Queen of England and Duke of Cambridge, they've had to go through ups and downs, challenges, and tough times just like any other married couple.

    4 The Couple Does Not Embrace In Public

    There are certain protocols, rules, and practices which must be followed when you're Royalty. Ever since she was a child and her father became the King of England, Elizabeth would have been taught to act politely, always using manners, etiquette, and grace. She would know every rule in the book when it comes to social interaction and the things that are expected of her, and when Philip married into the family, he would have been expected to catch up on all of that pretty quickly.

    One of the things that the Queen and her husband are not supposed to do is show any public displays of affection for one another. We know this because they've been seen endless times together at public events, but in over 70 years of marriage, we can count on one hand the number of times we've seen them holding hands or linking arms. Royal biographer Gyles Brandreth told Radio Times (via People) that the couple maintains “stoic values” which align with their generation.

    While the world might falsely believe that the Elizabeth and Philip are so stiff because they're not fond of each other, it's actually because values have been instilled in them which stop them from being overly affectionate.

    3 Their Bedroom Situation Is More Flexible Than Most

    Everyone's idea of the ideal bedroom situation is a little different. Some like to have someone to cuddle, while others enjoy the freedom of having the whole bed to themselves. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, acknowledging that it's nice to have somebody to spoon, but it's not nice to put up with snoring, cold feet, or a lack of space. In reality, though, most people have to choose one or the other. Not a lot of couples can afford to have two separate bedrooms, especially when they're trying to raise a family.

    As you would expect, Elizabeth and Philip have the best of both worlds and get to choose which they'd prefer every night.

    Beginning in 1949 when they moved into Clarence House together, they had two separate, connected bedrooms.

    Lady Pamela Mountbatten, a cousin of the Royal couple, explained the reasoning behind this with Vanity Fair: “You don't want to be bothered with snoring, or someone flinging a leg around. Then when you are feeling cozy you share your room sometimes. It is lovely to be able to choose.” We can imagine how many people would sleep so much more soundly at night if this was their case!

    2 They're Actually In Love

    Because most people only see Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip as members of the Royal Family - and two of the fanciest people in the world, who can appear a little stiff at times - many tend to forget that they're actually a real couple and that they're in love. Unlike many others of their generation, and especially other Royals of their generation, their marriage wasn't arranged or forced. They actually went against the wishes of their families to be together in the first place, and have had to make a lot of sacrifices to make their relationship work. Many people don't realize that they're actually two people who form one of the most romantic love stories of our time.

    As PopSugar points out, the rumors of infidelity have all been denied. As far as quality time together goes, the couple is said to still take afternoon tea together every day, making sure they still get to bond as husband and wife and not just as members of the monarchy. At their Golden Wedding Anniversary, Prince Philip said that they have tolerance to thank for their happy marriage, according to The Mirror: “I think the main lesson we have learnt is that tolerance is the one essential ingredient in any happy marriage… You can take it from me, the Queen has the quality of tolerance in abundance."

    1 They Will Literally Be Together Forever

    Since the Queen in 92 and the Duke of Edinburgh in 96, we're going to guess that ever getting divorced is off the table at this point. Not only have they nearly made it to the end of their lives firmly by each other's side, but it is commonly believed that they will be buried next to each other when the time comes, so they can stay together for eternity.

    If this is the case, they will be buried on the grounds of Windsor Castle in Frogmore Gardens.

    This is thought to be the favorite residence of the Queen and served as the location of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding. Many monarchs are actually laid to rest in St. George's Chapel, where the Duke (Prince Harry) and Duchess (Markle) of Sussex's wedding ceremony was conducted. The most notable of being buried here is probably Henry VIII.

    Queen Elizabeth's parents and younger sister are buried at Windsor, as are Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Those who aren't buried in St. George's are normally buried in Westminster Abbey. Wherever the couple ends up, most experts are certain that they will be buried side by side so they can stay together forever, the way they would want to.

    References: thelist.com, popsugar.com.au, townandcountrymag.com, mentalfloss.com, nowtolove.com.au