16 Royal Family Lookalikes That Stole The Spotlight

“You look like so-and-so!”
“Has anyone ever told you that you look just like [this celebrity]?”
“With your hair like that, you look so much like [this person], it's crazy!”
A lot of time, people get told they look like someone else. Maybe it's an Instagram star or an actress, a singer or even someone from the royal family. Unfortunately, more often than not, the resemblance just isn't there. Sure, a feature or two might be kind of close, if you squint or deliberately blur your vision, but it's not often that someone who think they look like a famous person actually resembles that famous person.
Except for these 16 people!
In Europe, Asia, and Australia, there is a huge market for lookalikes, and the Royal Family is definitely a hot commodity. As Princes William and Harry have married, gotten engaged, and had children, that family - and thus, the demand for doppelgängers - has grown. Contests are entered, agencies are contacted, headshots are sent away, and soon, these impersonators are posing for photoshoots and getting a wardrobe identical to their famous double. But how many of these lookalikes actually look like the person they're supposed to be playing? Well, see for yourself!

16 Kate Middleton vs. Gabriella Munro Douglas

Formerly a student, Gabriella Munro Douglas got a bit of a pay hike back in 2013 when the then-26-year-old decided to embark on a career as a professional lookalike to the famous Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton!
Raking in about $1500 per appearance, Douglas is just one of many women on this list whose resemblance to the commoner-turned-royal leads to her getting mobbed by fans who think she's the real deal when she's out and about. While the similarities between the two was initially pointed out to her by friends and strangers on the street, Douglas decided to turn the lookalike thing into a career of sorts, and began dressing like Middleton and posing with other celebrity impersonators like British exports Gordon Ramsay and her own faux-husband Prince William!
15 Kate Middleton vs. Jodie Bredo

Another 26-year-old on our list (at least, back in 2015), Jodie Bredo had already been working the Kate Middleton beat for six years! Naturally, being compared to someone for so long and levying that comparison into a career can be fun, except Bredo says that she wishes the Duchess would “change her hair for once”! As a celebrity impersonator, we can't really blame her for being sick of the same old style! A couple other things she's called the Duchess: “frumpy” and “boring”!
To keep up her appearance as Middleton, Bredo stated that she goes for haircuts every two months and follows a beauty regimen similar to the royal, who uses “lots of black eyeliner”. As for fawning over Prince William, Bredo has said that she's more of a Harry girl because “his bad boy image is more for me.”
14 Kate Middleton vs. Kate Bevan

Not only to Kate Middleton and Kate Bevan share the same first name - they also happen to look quite alike! The third Middleton impersonator on our list (trust us, there are loads more), Bevan was working as a pharmaceutical assistant when she decided to quit her job and pursue a career as Middleton lookalike full-time.
Like most of the other doppelgängers on our list, Bevan's decision came after hearing for quite some time how much she resembled the royal before seeing the lucrative side of such a similarity. That being said, Bevan has also gone one step further than her competitors - she's trying to sound like the Duchess too! Thanks to a dialect coach she's hired to perfect Middleton's sophisticated accent, Bevan has shown her determination to look and sound like the brunette royal.
13 Meghan Markle vs. Parisa Fitz-Henley

If you're playing a real-life person in a film - even a Lifetime movie - chances are you want to look the part as best you can. Because of that, it's no wonder that Parisa Fitz-Henley is a dead ringer for soon-to-be royal Meghan Markle - she's playing her in the upcoming Lifetime film Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance!
For the most part, fans of the royal couple have been pretty happy with the casting of Fitz-Henley, who, with her full lips and warm brown eyes, looks remarkably like the actress-turned-royal. Like Markle, Fitz-Henley is biracial, of Jamaican descent, and has a long list of acting credits dating back to 2006 that includes stints on shows like Grey's Anatomy and House of Cards. Most notably, she's appeared in the Netflix series Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.
12 Princess Diana vs. Regine Lansley

We all know that Princess Diana, while by all account an absolute sweetheart, had a self-described naughty streak (much like her youngest, Prince Harry). However, there's a fine line between naughty and criminal, and Diana lookalike Regine Lansley is definitely in the latter category.
Lansley worked as a Diana impersonator for quite some time, despite now being 69, and even had a website dedicated to booking appearances. While this image certainly shows the resemblance between the two, Lansley's extra-curricular activities are what got her into trouble. In 2011, the lookalike was convicted of running a Europe-wide black market business of veterinary narcotics! After the police raid of their French farmhouse, Lansley was tried, convicted, and sentenced to 20 months in prison while her husband and cohort was given 28.
11 Kate Middleton vs. Christina Spencer

In 2011, Kate Middleton wed Prince William in one of the most-watched events ever. Owing to the event, the fame and image of Middleton was thrust into the international spotlight and because of that, 2011 was also the same year that Christina Spencer began to hear how much she looked like the newly-minted royal.
With her long brown hair and light eyes, there are definitely some similarities between the Duchess and the former lawyer, but perhaps not as striking as others on this list. To help with this, Spencer (who ironically shares her last name with the maiden name of Princess Diana) has worked on her facial expressions and mannerisms, but is still searching for her lookalike prince as of 2014 to fully flesh out the impersonation.
10 Meghan Markle vs. Lukwesa Morin

The first American on our list also just so happens to be impersonating the only American royal on our list! Lukwesa Morin of Washington, D.C. is told almost every day how much she resembles the Suits star and, in light of the upcoming royal wedding, is hoping to cash in!
Unlike the other doppelgängers on this list, Morin hasn't appeared as a Markle impersonator, but she did win a contest online where she was voted to be most closely resembling the actress. Like Markle, Morin is biracial, with a French father and a Zambian mother, but, aside from their physical similarities, they don't have a lot else in common. For example, while Markle is engaged to the dreamy Prince Harry, Morin is “not a big fan of redheads”!
9 Princess Charlotte vs. Scarlett Evered

Many people tend to think that all babies and toddler look alike, with their round faces and stocky limbs, which would explain why so many British youngsters were entered into a search to find the most convincing doppelgangers for the littlest royals - Prince George and Princess Charlotte - but only Scarlett Evered won the coveted spot for the latter.
Evered was only two years old in May 2017, but she was already a seasoned professional working as a Princess Charlotte lookalike alongside famous Kate and William impersonators, so her massive win with 2,633 votes didn't come as a surprise.
While it is possible that Evered could choose to continue working as the little princess's lookalike, we all know that children grow and change in appearance and, after a few years, the resemblance might not be so uncanny!
8 Prince George vs. Hayden Ursell

Next to Scarlett Evered, who was voted to look the most like Princess Charlotte, we have Hayden Ursell, aged three, who won in the same contest for entering as Prince George! (Although, it should be noted, that Ursell wound up with 1,000 votes less than Evered, although his competition was much stiffer.)
According to Ursell's mother, her son is regularly mistaken for the little prince, and she decided to enter the contest for fun after a friend discovered it. Although plenty of children were entered into the competition, after it was narrowed down to the top ten finalists, it was Ursell who ended up winning the “crown”. While his brunette locks may not be identical to George's golden hair, the cheeks, hairstyle, and eyes are certainly strikingly similar!
7 Pippa Middleton vs. Hannah Williams

Not a whole lot is known about Hannah Williams, the professional Pippa Middleton lookalike who was hired by photographer Alison Jackson for a series of spoof photos of her getting cozy with another royal lookalike - this time, Prince Harry! With pints and pecks on the cheek, the faux brother- and sister-in-law duo looked pretty friendly. (Jackson is known for hiring impersonators of the royal family and dressing and posing them to fool and delight spectators.)
That being said, we do know that Williams does look an awful lot like her royalty-adjacent counterpart, thanks to the squared-off chin and almond eyes! Of course, with the styling and beauty help that comes with being professionally photographed, perhaps Williams on her off-days doesn't look much like the newly-married other Middleton sister. When she is done all up, though, the resemblance is pretty uncanny!
6 Prince Harry vs. Carson Wentz

Like most famous redheads, many assume that they can simply dye their hair a gingery hue and be compared to Britain's notoriously rambunctious royal, Prince Harry, which is why the imposters of the young Windsor are generally pretty far off the mark. That's what makes it so surprising that the person to resemble the prince isn't a professional impersonator at all!
Carson Wentz is the NFL quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles, who recently won the Super Bowl! The Internet flew into overdrive back in November and December when everyone began comparing the athlete and the prince - and Wentz's own team got in on the fun, posting a quote of Wentz's alongside a photo of Prince Harry! Hey, with their matching hair and longer noses, we can't really blame anyone for mistaking the two!
5 Queen Elizabeth II vs. Patricia Ford

Patricia Ford has been impersonating the Queen of England for well over a decade now and she has certainly been enjoying getting the royal treatment wherever she goes! As one of the most sought-after impersonators of Queen Elizabeth II (for there are quite a few), Ford has had the luxury of starring alongside the Jonas Brothers in a handful of sketches in 2008, has worked with David Beckham, and earns around $780 for a three-hour appearance. Not bad for a woman who simply has to dress up and wave!
Now 82, Ford has been called on multiple occasions the “spitting image” of the Queen, and her website makes no mistake that it is she who is above the other impersonators she competes against (the website is thequeenimpersonator.com).
4 Princess Diana vs. Maureen Murray

The second Princess Diana lookalike on our list is Maureen Murray of Alexandria, Virgina, who won a local Princess Diana lookalike contest way back in 1985 - and we can see why! With the hair, wide smile, and kind eyes, we can definitely see the resemblance between Murray and the queen during some of her peak years. (For the record, the contest was held because the Prince and Princess of Wales were travelling to Washington later that week.)
While many actresses have struggled to play the People's Princess on film and on TV over the years - including, to name a few, Naomi Watts, Genevieve O'Reilly, Lesley Harcourt, and Julie Cox - none quite matched Diana in terms of looks or mannerisms as well as the long-forgotten Murray did!
3 Meghan Markle vs. Sarah Mhlanga

In an article from The Sun, one of Britain's newspapers, four women had signed on with agencies following the announcement of the engagement between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, on account of the increased demand for events with royal - or royal-to-be - lookalikes. While three of the four were dubious impersonators at best, Sarah Mhlanga, a married mom and charity worker, is a dead ringer for the former actress.
Mhlanga says she gets stopped six times a day by strangers who think she's Markle, or who at least comment on the uncanny resemblance, and Mhlanga has started to earn some cash for her appearance, getting about $700 for a few hours' work. Now receiving offers from around the world for lookalike gigs, Mhlanga has said her comparisons to Markle have made her learn to love the features she once sought to change.
2 Prince William vs. Simon Watkinson

The Prince William impersonator to end all other Prince William impersonators, Simon Watkinson has worked with almost every other lookalike on this list throughout his career as the Duke of Cambridge's double. As of May 207, Watkinson had amassed over 300 paid gigs as the toothy Windsor, but admits that he doesn't know how long he will last as the fake Prince William. “He has gone bald very quickly and I still have a lot of my hair,” Watkinson explained.
Like some others on this list, Watkinson won the dubious honour of impersonating Prince William after winning a lookalike contest back in 2011. Now, he commands anywhere from $650 to $1300 for a standard event or corporate party, with the occasional TV gig thrown in there. The most famous William impersonator in the world, Watkinson still primarily works as an engineer, but has definitely drawn enormous crowds for his resemblance to the prince.
1 Kate Middleton vs. Heidi Agan

Heidi Agan looks so similar to Kate Middleton that even her own children can't always tell them apart! Prior to working as one of the most sought-after Middleton impersonators, Agan was a waitress, until enough customers were persistent about her resemblance to the commoner-turned-royal that she sent some headshots to an agency. Just two months later, she was travelling the world and seeing profitable work as a lookalike - nay, the “official” Middleton double!
Of course, with that level of fame, Agan has dealt with the usual Internet trolls, creeps, and death threats, but hasn't allowed it to colour her choice of career, which she says allows her the flexibility to set her own schedule. Since she's the same age as the Duchess, too, Agan expects that she'll be able to work it as Middleton for decades to come!