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    15 Royals That Have Open-Heartedly Welcomed Meghan (& 5 That Haven't)

    The Royal wedding was an event that people looked forward to for months! Now that it's come and gone, it's easy to see why. The flowers, the outfits, the hairstyles, the photos…   Not only did we get to take part in what is, arguably, the most publicized wedding of the 21st century, but we also got insight into the inner workings of the Royal Family.

    Watching how people arrived gave us a sneak peek. Not only were they arriving in droves, but they also embraced Meghan Markle as their new Duchess… For the most part. Prior to the wedding, there was a lot of backlash surrounding Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's relationship. For various reasons, members of the public were very vocal about their relationship and how it was either an untrue publicity stunt or just general tabloid mongering.

    Luckily, those of us that believe in love are able to be supportive of the Royal marriage. However, the skepticism didn't just live in the public sphere. Members of the Royal Family itself were skeptical of Harry and Meghan's relationship. While the Royal Family isn't the most outspoken about issues, there have been reports of a few Royals who absolutely didn't welcome Meghan Markle with open arms. We've got all the details here.

    20 Let's Start With The Obvious: Prince Harry Loves Her

    Let's start with the obvious one. Prince Harry clearly loves Meghan Markle; he went so far as to marry her! He's also spent the last year or so helping her jump through all the hoops of a becoming a Royal. If that doesn't say 'love', then we don't know what does.

    The unfortunate thing about marrying into the Royal Family is that there are so many rules to follow.

    E! News gave us an insight into some of these rules, which we won't bother repeating here for you. E! explained that “the realities of living as a Royal and essentially a life of service to the British monarchy involves a very ordered and highly scrutinized existence, filled with a seemingly endless amount of arbitrary etiquette that should not be crossed.” And it's true!

    E! has also said that there's a ton of rules to follow, which Harry has to ensure that Meghan knows about. As the Royal part of this relationship, Harry has to be sure that he's supporting Meghan during her transition into Royal life. Judging from how passionate he is about her, this definitely shouldn't be a problem. Plus, it's also proof that they love each other so incredibly much. When it comes to the Royal Family, Prince Harry absolutely welcomed Meghan Markle.

    19 Camilla Loves Her Almost As Much As Harry Does

    If you're not sure who Camilla is, we don't entirely blame you. There's a whole lot of Royals in that family, and it can be hard to remember them all sometimes. For a quick reminder, Camilla is also known as the Duchess of Cornwall. Nicki Swift reports that she's pushing 70, but she's still eagerly making appearances… And sharing her love of Meghan Markle!

    As reported by Nicki Swift, Camilla said "as you can see, they are so happy. Sometimes, you know, in a climate where we are surrounded by a lot of bad news, it's a real joy to have a bit of good news for once. As I said before, we are delighted." According to Nicki Swift, Camilla has called Meghan Markle “a star”, which is high praise considering the fact that Royals aren't technically allowed to comment on certain things.

    Most news sites preface their articles about Royals with that reminder; in order to stay publicly neutral, Royals aren't allowed to say anything about their opinions. People reports that “the prince's office at Kensington Palace says they don't comment on 'private matters',” which is a clear sign to us that something has to be really, really good to get Camilla talking publicly!

    18 Kate Middleton Liked Her At First…

    Believe it or not, there have been some tensions arising between the two Duchesses. While Kate seemed to be very lovey-dovey when Meghan first stepped onto the scene, ever since the engagement was announced there's been a little more… tension, according to New Idea. An access point to a Royal insider offered this testimony regarding Kate Middleton's real feelings towards Meghan Markle: "Kate was shocked to see some of Meghan's [steamy] scenes from her TV series Suits, and was just as horrified as the Queen when Meghan wore a daring top for her engagement photos. Kate adores Harry and wants him to have the family he's always dreamed of, but she's worried he's fallen for Meghan for all the wrong reasons." Hmmm…

    Could this be another hint that perhaps Meghan's laissez-faire approach to Royal rules and tradition could be driving a wedge between the Royal Family members?

    We're not sure. What we do know is that there's been some mixed commentary on Kate Middleton's supposed distaste for Meghan Markle. You can never be sure what's true or not, especially when it comes to love and the Royal Family. We hope Meghan can follow in Kate's footsteps in terms of having a smooth transition into Royalty.

    17 But There's Been A Recent Scandal Poisoning Their Relationship

    After all, Kate Middleton was originally one of the biggest supporters of Meghan Markle. The Sun says that back when the two of them first started to see each other, “Kate was really looking forward to meeting Meghan and she knew how important it was to Harry. They are very close and he really values her opinion on girlfriends” - which makes sense when you hear about Kate's wisdom.

    As a mother, she's full of wise words and opinions that are grounded in common sense. Not to mention the fact that she's been outstanding ever since she first started hanging around the Royal Family. We trust Kate's opinion about potential incoming Royals, which makes us think that there's probably more to Meghan Markle than being just a talented actor. The Sun goes on and says, “It went really well and Meghan was very excited about meeting her,” which has only become truer.

    Nicki Swift agrees with this story, reporting that Meghan has also said Kate's been absolutely wonderful to her. That doesn't sound like someone who hates her! Kate wouldn't have been able to lie, either, about approving Markle's and Harry's relationship. Unless, of course, the Queen asked her to! So, is their friendship for real… Or is there some tense undertones? Only time will tell.

    16 Princess Eugenie Wants Meghan Markle GONE

    One Royal who's not subtle about her hatred of Meghan Markle is Princess Eugenie. An obscure Royal, you probably didn't know about her until Meghan Markle came into the picture. That's not for lack of trying on Eugenie's part, though!

    New Idea has the inside scoop on what's up with Eugenie, explaining that “Harry and Eugenie have always had an up and down relationship - he's always felt she and Beatrice have been bitter towards he and William since Charles refused the girls official roles within the family.”

    This basically means that Eugenie's annoyed that she's a little too far from the crown to have Royal duties like Harry and Meghan will.

    New Idea reports that apparently Eugenie got engaged to her husband-to-be before Harry proposed to Meghan, but was ordered by the Royal Family to not talk about it. Due to the fact that Harry and Meghan got to shout it from the rooftops, New Idea says Eugenie “has been stewing over it and has vowed to make sure her wedding is more fabulous and more memorable than Harry's. No-one expected two Royal weddings in 2018, but Eugenie is promising that hers will be the one that everyone remembers.” Yikes!

    We think that people will remember Meghan and Harry's wedding for a long time, though.

    15 But Her Sister, Princess Beatrice, Doesn't Have Any Ill Will

    Along with Princess Eugenie, there's her older sister, Princess Beatrice. Town and Country got all the details on this working woman, who they say is eighth in line for the throne. According to Town and Country, she's the vice-president of partnerships and strategy at an artificial intelligence company that's based out of New York. This is, of course, after getting a degree from Goldsmiths College, and proving that the Royals really do live up to their name as strategists and rulers.

    Princess Beatrice has never been recorded as having any real opinion on Meghan Markle, though we're guessing that due to the closeness of Beatrice and Eugenie, Princess Beatrice is standing by her sister. Town and Country says that Eugenie told The Telegraph: “[Beatrice and I] get on fantastically well, perhaps because we do and think different things… Like all sisters, we have silly arguments about unimportant stuff, but we do love each other to death." With that kind of bond, there's no way new Duchess Meghan will ever get the support of Beatrice.

    However, they did both go to Harry and Meghan's wedding, as People reported, though Beatrice and Eugenie's hats were much less impressive at this wedding than they were at Kate and William's.

    14 Princess Charlotte Loves Her New Auntie

    After all, have you seen those smiles she breaks into? Princess Charlotte is one happy girl, and you can see that when you look at any of the photos. Harpers Bazaar showed us the first few snaps of the whole Royal Family, including different shots that featured the wedding party and Meghan's mother. We just have to say that it's the most adorable wedding party that you've ever seen.

    Meghan Markle is on record as saying to The Sun that she thinks Princess Charlotte is “adorable”, which we have to say is kind of a no-brainer. It looks like Princess Charlotte has a fondness for Meghan Markle too. Any kid that lets you play with them probably considers you as being in their good books. Plus, if Mommy likes Meghan… Well, why wouldn't Charlotte?

    We think it's absolutely lovely that Meghan and Harry invited the kids to make up their wedding party.

    While there might have some disgruntled thoughts (c'mon, who doesn't get a little sad that they weren't picked as maid of honor?) nobody seems to be really saying anything. Princess Charlotte lives up to her title in all of the photos we've seen, and Harper's Bazaar agrees: they all look incredibly happy and warm, and make for a beautiful wedding party and family.

    13 Prince William Was Hesitant At First…

    Prince William is a little notorious for being more outspoken than some of his other Royal Family members. He hasn't exactly kept a low profile, welcoming three children into the world and being constantly under scrutiny for his close position in line for the throne. Thus, he's usually got some assumptions floating around out there about him. When he does keep his silence it can say volumes more than his words ever do, which could be a trait he gets from his dad (we'll talk more about that later).

    According to The Telegraph, there'd been a few occasions prior to Meghan and Harry's official announcement during which William had met Meghan. While things sound like they went okay with Kate, as The Sun reported, William never really said anything until things started to look a little more serious. In the Royal world, that can be taken as "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all'.

    However, that might not have been accurate in this case… While there was a scandal that The Telegraph reported on, which mentions how William “was unhappy with Prince Harry's decision to go public [with the relationship],” that might not actually have been entirely true…

    12 But Eventually Came Around (With A Little Help From Harry)

    While you might have been skeptical about William's reception of Meghan due to his stoic public silence, it actually wasn't bad at all. In fact, quite the opposite! In that same article that reported that William was hesitant to accept Meghan and reluctant to support Harry going public about the relationship, The Telegraph corrected itself to say that Prince William never actually was upset about Harry's relationship with Meghan.

    Prince William is just generally wary to issue public statements. (Like most of the Royal Family.)

    Nicki Swift assures us that William is a huge fan of the relationship, going so far as to joke with reporters about it! "For me personally, I hope it means he stays out of my fridge… It will stop him scrounging off all my food [as] he's done over the last few years,” Nicki Swift reports, on the topic of Harry's new relationship. He's on friendly terms with Meghan Markle, too, as Cheat Sheet reports “he greeted Markle with a sweet kiss on the cheek, which is typically unseen for the Royal Family.” This is definitely proof that Meghan Markle is in the good books with William, which will probably help smooth over any issues with Kate… If there even are issues.

    11 Princess Michael Of Kent Was Openly Disrespectful

    Whether she meant to do it or not, Princess Michael was incredibly disrespectful towards Meghan Markle. Refinery29 outlines the situation well, which we'll also highlight for you here. To preface this story, we have to assure you that Refinery29 reports that Princess Michael apologized, and still came to the wedding. So things worked out. It took long enough though, as at Christmas time Princess Michael met Meghan Markle while wearing an accessory that was incredibly offensive.

    Refinery29 writes, “the Christmas luncheon was the first time Markle… Met Prince Harry's extended family. Fastened on Princess Michael of Kent's jacket was a piece of [offensive] jewelry - [a brooch of an] ebony figure depicted in a position of servitude… While the style was popular in the Early Modern period, it is now considered [offensive].” It sure is, though Princess Michael apparently didn't think so. At least, not until she received backlash for it!

    In the Refinery29 article, they talk about her apology, which is basically her saying that she's worn it many times without controversy and that she apologizes it caused an uproar this time. Sigh. Relatives can be tough to handle, but at least Princess Michael of Kent has learned her lesson; we hope that that brooch disappears, never to be seen again!

    10 Pippa Middleton Seems To Have Mixed Feelings

    Pippa Middleton has achieved her own Royal ambitions through the marriage of her older sister, Kate Middleton. Pippa is now basically Royalty-by-connection, which meant that her wedding needed to be just as impressive as Kate's. Pippa otherwise keeps a pretty low profile, which can make it hard to find clues about how she feels about her new… Sister-in-law-by-extension? Truthfully, we aren't really sure what this branch of the family tree connects to. We're also not really sure how Pippa feels about Meghan Markle.

    The Insider says that Pippa Middleton neglected to invite Meghan Markle as a guest (or even a plus one) to her wedding, despite the fact that Meghan and Harry had been an item for a while at that point.

    The Insider reassures, though, that that might not have been the personal affront many people are taking it as. According to The Insider, “protocol maintains that it's a privilege typically reserved for married or engaged couples. Still, her Prince went out of his way to make sure she made Pippa's after-party,” which is an incredibly sweet gesture on both of their parts. Harry is a great guy for going and picking Meghan up, and it looks like Pippa doesn't hold any hatred in her heart if she's letting a not-engaged-but-still-plus-one (gasp!) come to her wedding reception!

    9 Prince Charles Usually Keeps A Stoic Silence But Melts Over Meghan

    Prince Charles, the father of Harry and William, is one of the most important people for Meghan to get along well with. While the Queen has the final say over whether or not two people can get married, as the father in Harry's life, Prince Charles' opinion is valued by his sons. This goes outside the realm of Royal responsibility and instead becomes a family value. At the end of the day, they're still a family, and this is just a wedding between two people who love each other.

    Nicki Swift has reported that “Charles… And his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, recently made their opinion on Harry's engagement public: "We're thrilled," they said… “We're both thrilled. We hope they'll be very happy indeed." They certainly look happy! Cheat Sheet supports this claim, pointing out that, “[Prince Charles] filled in for her father walking her down the aisle at the wedding, proving that he was happy to take on a parental role in her life.” If that doesn't say 'love', we don't know what does! Prince Charles has definitely fallen for Meghan, in that adorable way that fathers-in-las do. Hopefully, this bodes well for the rest of the family's future!

    8 Prince Andrew Was Openly Cold

    Who's the one Royal who was really, openly cold to Meghan Markle? There was indeed one of the family who's not keen to welcome her in. In the age where Royals are more of a business than anything else, welcoming people into the family should be a little more relaxed than it once was.

    There's less pressure to marry someone who's already Royal, and you definitely can make marriages more for love than anything else.

    At least, that's the impression we're getting.

    Express.co, UK news site that has all of the inner secrets regarding the Royal Family, expressed that there's one Royal who's absolutely cold towards Meghan. Which Duke was it? Express writes, “the Duke of York is said to have displayed a noticeable dislike of Meghan compared to the rest of the Royals… She had a cold reception from the Duke of York,” who also goes by the name of Prince Andrew. The second oldest son of Prince Philip doesn't like Meghan Markle, and nobody is really sure why. While there's a bit of speculation out there (which is the usual stuff you've been hearing since Meghan first stepped onto Royal property), the fact that she's American just doesn't seem to warrant a cold reception from a Great Uncle-in-law.

    7 At Least Prince Philip Likes Her

    If you're marrying into the Royal Family, you have to be sure that the Prince and the Queen like you. You're not getting in without that Royal stamp of approval, which means it's really important that Prince Philip welcomed her with open arms. Luckily for Meghan, several different sites reported that they got along incredibly well. Nicki Swift has gone so far as to say that the suddenness of the wedding is directly due to the closeness of Prince Philip and Harry. Swift writes, “the reason that Harry and Markle's wedding date seems so sudden may have something to do with Prince Philip's ailing health.

    Prince Harry and the Queen's 96-year-old husband have always been close, so the arrangements have likely been made with him in mind.” UK news site Express.co also backed up this story, saying that Prince Philip and the Queen were “incredibly proud,” and they waved Harry and Meghan off with pride. This is not only a historical moment, but it's also proof that Prince Philip really likes Meghan Markle. There's no way that he would have had a huge grin on his face if he didn't like her. Plus, the fact that they moved the wedding date sooner? Definitely a sign that Prince Philip wanted to be there.

    6 The Queen Is Also A Big Fan (If She Wasn't, Harry Wouldn't Have Married Her)

    This one goes without saying, but we figured we should mention it here anyway. The Queen is indeed a big fan of Meghan Markle, as Nicki Swift reports. The Queen has apparently been breaking rules left, right, and center for Meghan Markle, which is a sure bet that she's a fan of the newest Duchess.

    Nicki Swift cites the fact that “traditionally, the family of the bride foots the bill for the wedding… But the Queen has reportedly decided to put it on her tab in order to welcome Markle into the family with a bang,” and the fact that the Queen is also changing the rules for “the guest list for her Christmas bash. In the past, partners needed to be married into the family before they were allowed to attend this annual gathering.” As you can guess, Meghan Markle did indeed spend Christmas with the Royal Family.

    Overall, you can just see the glow that lights up Her Majesty the Queen's face when Meghan Markle comes around.

    Harry is happy as well, which is huge. Maybe it's the fact that Harry's the second son that the Queen is willing to make a few exceptions to the Royal rules… Or maybe she's just happy that he's finally settling down and committing. Whatever it is, we know that it's given the Queen a smile. She's welcomed Meghan, and we love that fact.

    5 The Queen's Corgis Also Love Meghan, And Have Accepted Her Dogs, Too!

    Dogs are the best judge of character out there. Those cute, fluffy creatures can't help but love or hate someone based solely on their intuition. While there are some smart dogs out there, we're guessing that even the Royal corgis aren't intelligent enough to ponder the finer, intellectual points of Meghan Markle joining the Royal Family. They do know the difference between a good energy and a less-good energy though, and Harry has some hilarious insight into how the dogs feel about Meghan versus him.

    Nicki Swift reports that “her Majesty's Pembroke Welsh Corgis have never taken to Harry, despite his repeated attempts to befriend them over the years… . [Harry] says, 'for the last 33 years, I've been barked at… [Meghan Markle] walks in, absolutely nothing… Just wagging tails'." That's not the only thing that the happy couple has to say about the corgis, though.

    Nicki Swift continues to report that Meghan says, “[they were] just laying on my feet during tea… It was very sweet." If that's not a sign that Meghan's been accepted as part of the Royal Family, we don't know what is. If you can get the Royal corgi stamp of approval, Her Majesty the Queen won't take long to follow suit!

    4 The Duchess Of York, Fergie, Might Only Like Meghan Because Of The Wedding Invite

    Fergie, as she's colloquially known, is more or less the most questionable member of the Royal Family. As the Duchess of York, she's still got a title and quite a bit of sway in the world. Unfortunately, her choices haven't been the best. There have been a few scandals attached to her name, which we'll run through quickly here, courtesy of Australian news outlet, News.com: apparently she has been caught in a few sticky situations, including “being photographed having her toes sucked by [someone who was not her husband] while she was still married to Andrew… And culminated in 2010 when she was caught in a News of The World sting agreeing to sell access to her ex-husband for $820,000.”

    With scandals like this floating around, it's no surprise the Royals didn't want to have anything to do with her.

    However, News.com reports that she did score an invite to Harry and Meghan's wedding, which is making her incredibly happy. If you were in her situation, wouldn't you be welcoming anyone who's welcoming you? We know we would. She's not all bad, and Harry and Meghan know that. It was a sweet gesture to invite her, and we're happy she's coming together with everyone again.

    3 Prince Edward Was Fine With Her, Though He Wasn't Over-The-Moon

    It might not be a glowing review, but at least Prince Edward wasn't cold and uncaring… Right? We can't really shame the man for treating Meghan Markle just fine; after all, how many of us haven't really cared when we met a member of the extended family's significant other? When you're a member of the Royal Family, we imagine that that can be even harder. Have you ever seen them meeting and greeting the public? The Royal Family meets a lot of people, and we're not surprised Prince Edward was just fine with meeting yet another person. How do we know that that's how he feels?

    According to UK news outlet Express.co, someone on the inside said that, “Meghan met a lot of the Royal Family at Sandringham House last Christmas, [and]… It was all fine with Prince Edward, Duke of Wessex and his family.” Well, that's good news! The article goes on to talk about some other members of the Royal Family, and the general consensus is that people seem to like Meghan Markle.

    It's almost hard to find people who dislike her, even within the traditionalism of the Royal Family.

    There's almost a cone of silence surrounding the Royals and their opinions, which we touched on earlier in this article. However, people outside of the Royals definitely have some thoughts about Meghan Markle, even her own family!

    2 Jason Knauf And Ed Lane Fox Were Two Of the Couple's Closest Supporters

    These two are kind of unofficial members of the Royal Family. While the Royal Family consists of people directly related to, or who have married into, the line of the Queen, there are some people who receive honorary status. After all, who would the Royals be without their trusted publicists?

    Us Weekly called Jason Knauf and Ed Lane Fox, Harry's communications secretary and personal secretary, respectively. These are the two that help Harry make all the important decisions about what to say and when to say it. Us Weekly says, “six months into their romance, Harry has asked senior aides to help [Meghan Markle] navigate some of the challenges of being in such a public relationship. A Harry pal says Markle was overwhelmed by the attention that came with romancing Britain's most eligible heir,” which we think is totally understandable. We would get a little overwhelmed too!

    Luckily, it sounds like these two like Meghan Markle, if they're willing to help her adjust to life as a Royal. While there might be a few people who aren't on the Megry (Marry? Harghan? Do these two have a couple name yet?) train, most of the Royal Family has indeed welcomed her with open arms. Welcome to the family, Meghan!

    1 But Meghan's Half-Sister Is Totally Bitter About The Whole Situation

    You've probably heard about all the messy conversations Meghan has been having with her family. While there's been a lot of mutterings from the public about the decisions she's made regarding her wedding invites, it's undeniable that she's got a lot of love for her mother and father. Her siblings, however, aren't feeling so much of the love.

    Meghan Markle's half-sister, Samantha Grant, has been incredibly outspoken about how much she dislikes how her sister is treating her, her family, and even… Herself?

    Cheat Sheet says that Grant and Markle were definitely never close. In an interview with The Sun, Grant is reported as saying “Hollywood has changed [Meghan]. I think her ambition is to become a princess,” and she also mentions, “[Meghan] has a soft spot for gingers”. So, where does the dislike come in?

    Well, according to Cheat Sheet, Grant believes that Meghan is just social climbing. This phenomenon is when someone builds their notoriety and social status through getting higher and higher and better and better social connections in their life. They increase status through things like work, friends, or even… Relationships. Could it be true? We think that Harry and Meghan are pretty solidly in love, but her sister still seems to think there's a part of this that's not true.

    References: thesun.co.uk, eonline.com, cnn.com, express.co.uk, refinery29.com, usmagazine.com, cheatsheet.com, express.co.uk, news.com, nickiswift.com, express.co.uk, cheatsheet.com, people.com, thisisinsider.com, telegraph.co.uk, harpersbazaar.com, thesun.co.uk, people.com, newidea.com, thesun.co.uk, newidea.com,