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    15 Celebs Who Spent The Most Money On Their Appearance

    In a time where it seems like everyone is getting some work done, we are slowly beginning to accept the whole concept a little bit more than we used to. To some of us, unnatural reconstructions are still bizarre. This is why celebrities try their best to keep the news on the DL.

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    Unfortunately for them, these celebs just aren't as sneaky as they thought they were. Seldom do stars actually undergo reconstructions without comments from the public eye. Maybe there are too many of us watching at all times, or maybe the procedures aren't as minor as we all thought.

    Because of the general opinion on reconstruction is that it's a negative thing, a lot of celebs are doing what they can to keep it private. In addition, they choose to deny every rumor that comes their way if these procedures are mentioned. Sometimes, this means that they're lying to us, and then they try to continue hiding it all.

    When celebrities do hide their reconstruction from their fans, we usually end up finding out anyway. It's just all too obvious-in most cases-so the celebs can't get away with it. Let's get started with some celebs who have attempted to hide their unnatural reconstruction results.

    15 Janet Jackson-There's No Hiding It

    There was not a chance in the world that we couldn't notice Janet Jackson's alterations. She did an okay job of trying to hide it, but it just wasn't worth the effort on her end. She obviously had the reconstructions done, and it was much more noticeable than she or her surgeons probably anticipated.

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    Even without her old pictures in sight, we can almost unanimously agree that she had a reconstruction at one point. Some people simply don't know how to ease into it or cover it. This makes the bigger changes even more noticeable. If Jackson had found some way to ease into her new features-as opposed to doing it all at once-it might have been easier for her to get away with it! We ended up seeing it though!

    14 Gisele Bundchen Struts Her Procedures

    Even this famous supermodel wife of Tom Brady found her way into a surgeon's office. Most of us would be extremely happy to have a face as pretty as hers. Part of this definitely has something to do with the culture of modeling. It's filled with comparisons and competition. Knowing that Gisele Bundchen's reconstruction makes a little bit more sense. We still aren't quite so sure why someone so beautiful would do that though.

    When we compare Bundchen's older photos to the more recent ones, we can visibly see the differences between the two images. She's clearly had work done, and it's not as obvious as she may want it to be. We're just going to assume that this had something to do with her modeling career. Maybe this little operation plays a key role in her success, too.

    13 Nicki Minaj-In Denial

    This transformation is simply too obvious to leave unmentioned. Nicki Minaj likes to say otherwise, but we are pretty sure she's had some work done at some point. She denies all of the claims made that call her out for having any work done.

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    We aren't sure to what extent Minaj has undergone reconstructive work, but it definitely seems like a lot. Looking at these photos it can be said that she's augmented more of her figure than she's like to admit. Because she turns down every comment made about her reconstructions, it's impossible to know what actually went down. We do know that her excuse that it's her natural figure can't be true. If it is, then we all want to be a part of the Minaj family! It's likely she's gotten work done though, whether she fesses up or not.

    12 Ashlee Simpson-Pieces Of Her

    Ashlee Simpson isn't nearly as popular as she used to be, but we still have some questions for her. She seemed to have some changes made to her looks back when she was just getting started with making music. This could have easily been because she wanted to look especially attractive at photo shoots for album covers. She also could have been trying to live large with the new income heading her way.

    We're not sure if everyone feels the same way, but we think that Simpson's transformation is pretty obvious. We think she at least had some work done to her looks to make them seem slimmer and less obvious. She's another star who likes to deny it all though. She claims that her awful pictures are being compared to her really good ones, which makes it look like she's been under the knife.

    11 Ariana Grande-Thanks To More Than Puberty

    Usually, when stars undergo major appearance changes, they try to blame it on puberty. If they get lucky, the timing works out perfectly. This may help to deter some of the questions asked about potential operations, but it doesn't always happen so smoothly. Ariana Grande is one celeb who denies all of the claims about getting work done, stopping while she's ahead.

    After Grande got her big break on Nickelodeon, she wanted to branch out and step away from her “little girl” phase. There's some speculation that says she might have had a procedure or two done.  This is especially a thought due to how much her appearance has changed. It's much more different and that's not a typical thing to happen during puberty. Plus, it happened rather quickly and was just too timely.

    10 Kim Kardashian And Famous Assets

    A hot topic of debate is Kim Kardashian and her ever-popular figure. She's widely admired for her overall beauty, but we think that this is more than chance. She's got the money to pay for multiple procedures, and she has the connections to all of the best surgeons. There is no reason to believe that she wouldn't take advantage of all this.

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    It is believed that Kim had some minor work done to her appearance that isn't necessarily her backside. She likely had a lot of work done considering how different she looks between today and way back when. We're assuming that her backside has had some work done on it too at some point, just because of how unnatural it looks. Again, we haven't had any confirmation from Kim herself. The signs just all match up, and we have no reason to think everything happened by chance.

    9 Renee Zellweger-Way Too Obvious

    Renee Zellweger should have given this operation a lot more thought before moving forward with it. Maybe she just didn't realize how dramatic the change could possibly be. Maybe she didn't care enough to do more research. Regardless of how it all went down, it's safe to say that her reconstructions are more than just slightly noticeable.

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    It's hard to pinpoint exactly what Renee had done to her appearance, just because there are so many differences between her back then and her currently. We'll just leave an image of her today and what she looked like in the early 2000s and you can be the judge. Nonetheless, she tries to deny it when people ask her about getting work done, but we really can't figure out why… it couldn't be more obvious.

    8 Megan Fox-Wrinkles Or Not

    Megan Fox is easily one of the most attractive celebs out there, and lots of guys will agree. She's got something unique to her, and it's what draws us all to her. Unfortunately, all of that beauty may not be her own. There's a chance that Megan has gone under the knife at one point or another.

    When we take a look at Fox's pictures from the early 2000s and compare them to more current images, we can see the differences in her appearance quite easily. She continuously claims that she's never had any work done, for example, she posted on Instagram that she does, in fact, have wrinkles on her forehead. But we still aren't buying it. She may still have wrinkles but there's something about her look now that's just so drastic to what she looked like back in the day.

    7 Nicole Kidman-Was Better Before

    We aren't here to say that Nicole Kidman looks bad for her age, but we can definitely tell that her good looks have something to do with reconstructions. She's currently 50 years old and looks almost as good as she did back in her prime. Sure, she looks a little bit different right now, but maybe it's just her makeup. That's what she would like for us to think.

    In reality, it's highly likely that Nicole has had some work done. We think that Botox is to blame for most of it. She also allegedly had collagen injections somewhere down the road. Kidman still refuses to admit that she has had any kind of work done. We definitely don't believe her, especially after comparing her older and newer pictures.

    6 Blake Lively-Everybody “Nose”

    Because the common theme is to hide everything, we've discovered Blake Lively doing the same thing. Anytime the topic of getting reconstruction done comes up, she continues to keep quiet. She doesn't give anyone a yes or no answer, regardless of who's asking her.

    It's pretty obvious-from the pictures-that Lively has changed her physical appearance at some point. Her before and after images are some solid evidence that she's had some work done. She just looks way too different now than she did back then. This doesn't just happen overnight!

    We may never get a definite answer from her, which makes it seem even more likely that she has gone under the knife. If she truly hasn't, couldn't she just let us know that? Something's going on, and we all know about it.

    5 Halle Berry-Berry Telling

    Some of these celebs like to go above and beyond or have extremely high expectations. This leads to more dramatic changes than we would have expected. This results in obvious alterations and assumptions revolving around reconstructive operations.

    Halle Berry is a star who did these reconstructions right if she did it at all. Some rumors have been started that claim Berry has gone under the knife once or twice. Whether or not she has had one at this point, we aren't sure. We can say that her appearance has changed quite a lot in newer pictures. It's not as dramatic as the other celebs featured on the list though, and most of the comments probably don't surface.

    We can all learn something from Berry. Apparently, keeping things natural-looking will save you from a lot more rumors and unnecessary remarks. We think she looks fabulous either way!

    4 Miranda Kerr Is Carrying A Bit More

    When someone looks as good as Miranda Kerr does, there's most of us can't come up with a reason that they should have to go under the knife. Why would they risk ruining something that's already flawless? We should ask Kerr to find out. She likely won't let us know anything though.

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    After taking a look at Kerr's before and after shots-just a year or two apart-we can notice a big difference in her appearance. We'll let you see for yourself in the above images. Regardless of what we think, this young star claims that she was just wearing a really good bra at the time and gives her credit to Victoria's Secret. We totally aren't buying her story. We will be buying one of those bras if she's telling the truth though!

    3 Mariah Carey-She's Staying Quiet

    Most of us will agree that Mariah Carey is a total stunner. She's currently 47 years old, but she looks super young. We can all assume that the reason she looks so young and the reason she made this list have a connection somehow.

    Carey has gone under the knife once or twice as it's obvious from the above images. It ended up taking multiple operations to get right. Finally, she reached the point where she is today, and she was happy. We are unsure if she's had any other reconstructive surgery done yet because she stays silent on the subject.

    Whenever Carey is questioned about the topic of getting work done she simply avoids the questions and moves on. We don't need all of the details. We would simply like a yes or no answer about her face and its changes over the years.

    2 Jennifer Aniston-As Young As Rachel

    Jennifer Aniston is quickly approaching her 49th birthday, but she doesn't look a day over 25. What's this about? Most of us remember her from Friends, where she played a pretty young woman named Rachel Green. Well, she hasn't aged much since then, and we think we know why.

    There's only a couple of reasons that a woman who will be 49 shortly looks like she did nearly 25 years ago. One of these is complete luck and maybe a little bit of magic. The other is going the unnatural route. The main reason that Aniston has never given a direct answer on the reconstruction question is that hers is less noticeable than many others'. Whoever reconstructed her appearance kept things subtle, which makes it challenging to confirm anything. No matter what, we're still impressed that she looks this good!

    1 Angelina Jolie-Too Good To Be True

    There's no way somebody looks this good at 42 years old! Ask anyone about Angelina Jolie getting work done, and they'll agree that she's definitely had something done. Her appearance just seems way too good to be true. She constantly says that she has never gone under the knife, but looking at her images, what do you think?

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    Again, these are changes that don't just happen by chance or with a killer makeup artist. They require a procedure from a professional, and that's that. She clearly has the money and resources to pay for it. There's no reason she should be ashamed of it, aside from society's overall opinion of these types of operations. Maybe she just really doesn't want her kids to find out!