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    15 Celeb Parents Who Protect Their Children From The Spotlight

    Whether they love the paparazzi or loathe them, celebrities know that it just comes with the territory of being in the entertainment industry and, well, being a celebrity. Their experience may change a bit over the years depending on how their level of fame grows, but it's something that they can handle since they're adults. However, there are many celebrities who get very, very upset at the idea of the paparazzi snapping pictures of their children, or even about the press talking about their children because they didn't choose a career in the spotlight. They just happened to have parents who were famous, and that's not quite fair.

    Now, there are obviously some celebrities who sell photo shoots with their children and gush about them constantly and bring them into the spotlight from the moment they were born. Part of the reason the world was so shook when Kylie took down her photos of Stormi was because Kim and Kourtney had been sharing their children with the world for years. However, it seems Kylie is on her way to joining the ranks of these celebrities who prefer to keep their children out of the spotlight until they're a bit older and can make certain decisions for themselves.

    15 The First Time The World Saw Ryan Reynolds And Blake Lively's Children Was When They Celebrated Dad's Star On The Walk Of Fame

    Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively are both huge superstars, and the world absolutely loves learning about their sassy relationship. I mean, they're constantly throwing shade at each other on social media in the most charming way possible. However, there's one thing that they don't share with the world - their children. In fact, the first time that they brought their daughters into the spotlight was when Reynolds received his Hollywood Walk of Fame star so that the whole Reynolds-Lively group could celebrate as a family, not so their daughters could be in the spotlight. If they have any more children, we have a feeling they'll be just as protective of their privacy.

    14 Mila Kunis And Ashton Kutcher May Be Big Stars, But They Keep Their Kids Private

    Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher have both been in the spotlight for quite some time now - I mean, Mila was just a teen when she got her breakout role alongside Kutcher! They've spent a lot of time together over the years, and later in life, they found each other and sparks flew - and the rest is history. They started up their little family, but unlike many celebrities who are sharing pictures of their newborn babies with the tabloids, Kunis and Kutcher decided to keep those memories to themselves. As Netmums reports, Kunis commented that "we don't share any photos of our kids publicly because we feel that being public is a personal choice."

    13 Sacha Baron Cohen Is Majorly Over The Top, But When It Comes To His Kids With Isla Fisher, They're Out Of The Spotlight

    Both of these celebs are used to playing totally over the top characters on camera and making the rounds promoting their projects on various talk shows and in interviews. However, when it comes to their children, they're a lot more tight-lipped - and that's by design. As Fisher spilled on Today, "they have rights, too. It's a very conscious decision and truly I would feel really disgusting about myself if I used my family to sell something. It wouldn't sit right with me. It doesn't line up with my values." However, if you chat with her when the cameras are off, apparently she absolutely can't stop gushing about her amazing children.

    12 Ryan Gosling And Eva Mendes Have Kept Their Daughters As Private As Possible

    Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes got their first taste of just how obsessed the world was with them when they became a couple, and all of a sudden their fame skyrocketed. Everyone wanted a picture of them. When they had kids, they wanted to make sure they weren't exposed to that kind of scrutiny. As Mendes told People, "Ryan and I decided early on to give [them] as much privacy as we could… I find the media's 'bump watch' obsession to be both intrusive and stressful, so I made a decision to eject myself from it completely." Hey, if it works for her family, why not?

    11 Kristen Bell And Dax Shepard Are Outspoken About The Paparazzi Staying Away From Children

    Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard may be total goofballs most of the time, but when it comes to causes they care about, they mean business. And for them, that means their children's privacy. Bell spoke about her policy of keeping her children out of the spotlight on Access Hollywood, saying that "I'm telling you right now, we don't want our daughter's face anywhere eve until she decides because I have the utmost respect for her." The policy obviously extended to their second child, and we're curious to see what things will be like when Lincoln and Delta make that decision for themselves.

    10 James Corden May Hang Out With Celebs All Day Long, But When It Comes To His Kids, The Cameras Are Off

    Between his late night show and his YouTube hits like the Carpool Karaoke series, everyone knows James Corden at this point. However, despite the fact that he's a huge star now, he's managed to keep his personal life very private. Not many people know much about his wife Julia, and the two of them are even more secretive about their children. In fact, most people probably don't even know that the comedian and talk show host has three children already! His kids might want to be in the spotlight when they're older, but for now, Corden is making the decisions - and he's deciding to keep their lives as normal as possible.

    9 Natalie Portman's Move To France Likely Makes Keeping Her Kids' Lives Private A Whole Lot Easier

    Natalie Portman has never been the type to spill all her juicy secrets to the tabloids, but her need for privacy has definitely increased since she's had children. And, it's probably a whole lot easier now that she's no longer based in the United States. Now, Portman and her hubby Benjamin Millepied call France home, and given France's laws on paparazzi and privacy, it's a whole lot easier to keep life normal for their daughters than it would be if they were living in sunny Los Angeles, home of all the paparazzi who are constantly trying to get the juiciest shot to sell.

    8 Kate Winslet's Children Are Older Now, But She Still Fiercely Protects Their Privacy

    Kate Winslet's relationships haven't always lasted, but many of them have left her with particularly meaningful memories in the form of her gorgeous children. And, though she's been in the entertainment industry for decades now, she's not keen to have her children in the spotlight. She spilled her thoughts to The Guardian, confessing that social media wasn't allowed in her household and that when her eldest, Mia, asked to have an Instagram account, she refused. Since people would know she was Kate Winslet's daughter, the trolls would probably come rushing in, so we have a feeling Winslet made a good call on that one.

    7 Most People Don't Even Know Donald Glover Is A Dad Because He Protects His Kids From The Paparazzi

    Okay, we're pretty sure that we've officially uncovered Hollywood's coolest dad. I mean, can you think of a cooler parent than Donald Glover? Most people don't even know that the actor/comedian/rapper has children, because he keeps his personal life very private. People know that his partner's name is Michelle and that he now has two adorable children, but not a whole lot more - and that's exactly the way he likes it. Perhaps when his children are a little older they'll realize what a big deal their dad is, and thank him for keeping them out of the spotlight while they were growing up.

    6 Matt Damon Has A Brood Of Four Children, But The Public Hasn't Seen Much Of Them

    When a celebrity marries a normal person, the world is still curious about their lives, but they often don't have the same level of scrutiny as when a celebrity marries a fellow A-Lister. Though he's been a star for years now, Matt Damon ended up finding love with a bartender at a Miami bar he went to for a few drinks, and the duo has four adorable children. You won't see them on the red carpet with him much, even now that they're getting older because the two of them have made it a priority to keep them out of the public eye.

    5 Julia Roberts May Be A Huge A-Lister, But Her Kids Live A Quiet Life In New Mexico Away From The Paparazzi

    Even though Julia Roberts is a huge superstar and she married someone who was in the industry (albeit behind the camera rather than in front of it), her children have kept a very low profile over the years - and that's by design. Rather than hitting the Hollywood hot spots, Roberts prefers to live a quiet life with her family in New Mexico, where her kids really have no idea what a big deal their mom is. Roberts helps out by keeping a low profile when she's out in public with them, taking off her actress hat and putting on her regular mom hat.

    4 Adam Brody And Leighton Meester Both Know How Intense The Paparazzi Can Be, So They Keep Their Baby Girl Away From All That

    Given that they're both celebrities who have been leading stars on major teen dramas, it's kind of surprising what a low profile Adam Brody and Leighton Meester manage to keep most of the time - and they did just that with the birth of their first child. Meester hid her baby bump for quite some time, and the world very, very rarely sees their daughter Arlo out and about. Meester explained her approach to Refinery 29, saying that even though "I am very proud of that area of my life" I just "don't talk about Arlo very much" because she doesn't want that press attention.

    3 Halle Berry Rarely Shares Photos Of Her Kids Because She Believes In Protecting Their Privacy

    Halle Berry has gone through some major relationship drama over the years and always manages to emerge stronger than ever - she's basically a super mom. And, when it comes to her superpowers, protecting her children's privacy is one of them. As she said on Instagram in response to a fan's comment, "it's my belief, and I'm not criticizing others who have different beliefs, that it's my job as their mother to protect their privacy as best I can. When they grow and they're of age and they want to share their images on the internet, that will be for them to decide, not me."

    2 Tyra Banks Became A Mom Later In Life, And She Has Enough Perspective To Keep His Life Private

    At this point, Tyra Banks is definitely more comfortable in front of a camera than most people - she spent years as a model! However, when it comes to her baby boy, she's not dragging him to auditions for baby modeling gigs. In fact, she's keeping him away from the camera altogether. She told USA Today that "I don't think that [my son] ha asked to be seen, so I'm very, very conservative when it comes to showing him. We get offered lots of money with offers like 'you would be on the cover of this or that.' And I always have to turn down that stuff."

    1 Janet Jackson Has Been An Icon For Years - But She's Still Managed To Keep Her Young Son Away From The Press

    Janet Jackson has seen firsthand the devastating impact the media can have on you when they dig into your personal life, so after the birth of her son Eissa, she wasn't rushing to get his photo taken for the tabloids. In fact, she was fiercely trying to protect is privacy. About four months after he was born, she finally shared a single picture of the two of them together - and she's kept things pretty quiet ever since. Given what her brother went through in his life, we have a feeling she wants to keep Eissa as far away from the public scrutiny as possible.

    References: netmums.com, vh1.com, instagram.com