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    10 Pics Of Celebs Meeting Royals Who Were Starstruck (And 5 Who Seemed Careless)

    Celebrities are accustomed to meeting fans who are completely starstruck. After all, it's part of the job - there are plenty of people who watch them on movie and television screens for years, who listen to their songs on repeat, so when they actually encounter them in a restaurant or out running errands, it's a big deal. Since they deal with starstruck fans so often, you might assume that all celebrities are completely immune to other celebrities, but that isn't always the case.

    Just like an average person, celebrities are often fans as well and may geek out a little bit when they meet a fellow celeb whose work they admire when they're attending a red carpet event together.

    Now, there are celebrities, and then there are members of the Royal family. With a few exceptions, such as Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle, most members of the Royal family are born into it. They're brought up in those circles and have likely met more celebrities than they can even count. And in many of those situations, it's the celebrities fangirling over the Royals, believe it or not - although you will occasionally spot a celebrity who doesn't seem all that affected by someone from the Royal family.

    Here are 10 celebs who got totally starstruck upon meeting a Royal, and 5 who kind of didn't really care.

    10 Celebs Meeting Royals Who Were Starstruck:

    15 Meryl Streep Totally Fangirling Over The Queen

    To say Meryl Streep is a big deal in the entertainment industry would be an understatement. The woman is an absolute legend who has tackled a variety of difficult roles over the years and is definitely an inspiration to countless rising starlets. However, even Meryl gets a little starstruck when it comes to Queen Elizabeth. This fantastic shot is taken when both Meryl and the Queen are quite a bit younger - I mean, Her Maj has brown hair instead of the white locks we've grown so accustomed to! - and it just proves that Meryl definitely doesn't buy into her own hype. Though others may consider her pretty much royalty, she's well aware that the real Royals include figures like Queen Elizabeth. Although we have to admit, her gown here is pretty regal.

    14 Cara Delevingne Totally Over The Moon About Meeting Prince Charles And Camilla

    One of the reasons the public loves Cara Delevingne so much is that she's absolutely unafraid to be herself. Whether it means pulling a goofy face during a modeling shoot or giving her true opinion when asked on a red carpet, she's not the type to stay quiet and keep her opinions to herself. So, when she met Prince Charles and Camilla, she didn't just calmly smile and let them do the talking - she had a full on conversation that led to both her and Charles laughing uproariously. We have to admit, we're kind of curious as to exactly what they were discussing at this particular moment. One thing is for sure, though - Cara is probably definitely going to be getting more invites in the future because she totally seems like the life of the party.

    13 Nicole Scherzinger Totally Struck By Prince William

    He's now a married father with young children, but do you remember that back in the day, Prince William was a straight up heartthrob? As in, girls would have pictures of him on the walls of their bedroom, right next to all the boy band posters and celebrity photo shoots. He was blonde, he was British, and he was royalty - what's not to love? While no one will actually get to live out their dream of ending up with Prince William now, since he seems quite taken by his wife Kate Middleton, that doesn't mean women who meet him won't occasionally be transported back to their teen days of swooning over Prince William. It seems Nicole Scherzinger - a confident, gorgeous pop star - has been transformed into a fawning teenage girl here, and it's kind of adorable.

    12 Drew Barrymore And Lucy Liu Charmed By Charles

    For those who don't remember, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu starred together in the revamped Charlie's Angels film franchise and spent a fair bit of time together on press tours and other outings to promote the project. They also got some invites to prestigious events, including this one, where they had the opportunity to meet Prince Charles. These are two women who have perfected their polished red carpet smiles, so it's even more charming to see them just grinning ear to ear, totally unable to suppress their glee. This definitely makes us want to see a version of the movies where Charlie is played by none other than Prince Charles - I mean, the name even fits! Perhaps thanks to the success of the reboot in the '00s, someone will decide to do yet another reboot, this time with a bit of a British twist.

    11 Queen Elizabeth Getting A Smile Out Of The Unflappable Anna Wintour

    Anyone who knows anything about fashion legend Anna Wintour knows that she's, well, not exactly the type of woman who wears her heart on her sleeve. She's nearly always pictured with a neutral expression on her face, looking utterly bored with what's going on around her, and her sunglasses definitely make it a lot easier to conceal her emotions. However, even the unflappable Anna Wintour isn't immune to the Queen's charms - she's pictured here, presumably sitting in the front row of a fashion event, having a blast with Queen Elizabeth. We're not sure who is charming who more, but we're kind of delighted by the whole situation. I mean, would you not pay good money to see a reality show that just documents Anna Wintour and Queen Elizabeth on their adventures? Sign us up!

    10 Reese Witherspoon Showing Kate Middleton Some Southern Hospitality

    Reese Witherspoon is probably one of the least intimidating people in Hollywood. After all, though she's a huge A-List superstar with a long and successful career in the industry, she always just seems so sweet and hospitable - we bet it's that Southern upbringing at work. This shot has captured a moment where she's shaking Kate Middleton's hand and presumably thanking her for attending the event, and though she's definitely being a consummate professional, there's just something about that smile that's a little bit starstruck. Who knows - while Kate definitely favours British designers, perhaps she'll rock a Draper James frock at one of her many obligations in the future and show her friend Reese a little love. I mean, a lot of the Southern clothing line's pieces would be absolutely perfect for a spring or summer event thanks to their fun prints and silhouettes.

    9 Tom Cruise Thrilled To Chat With Prince Philip

    Tom Cruise seems like one of those A-List stars who has been around so long that he's seen just about everything. He's had fans coming up to him and fangirling all over him for decades now, and he's walked so many red carpets he's probably lost count. However, it seems that the great Tom Cruise isn't totally immune to being starstruck - he's pictured here having a conversation with Prince Philip and he seems absolutely thrilled to be exchanging words with the Royal. We just hope he didn't use the opportunity to try to convince Philip of all the benefits and positive aspects of Scientology - keep that conversation for another time, Tom. We have to admit, we're definitely majorly curious as to what exactly they're discussing here - they're from two totally different worlds!

    8 Helena Bonham Carter Absolutely Beaming During An Encounter With Her Majesty

    While many American celebrities get starstruck by the Royals because, well, they're literal royalty, we have to admit it's probably a lot more difficult for actual British celebs to stop themselves from gushing. After all, if you grow up in the U.K., the Royals are definitely a way bigger deal. You see them every day on your money, you hear all about their latest adventures, and they're just woven into your life in a way that just isn't the same for Americans. So, during one of her many times meeting Queen Elizabeth, when she drops into the customary curtsy, Helena Bonham Carter can't seem to stop herself from squealing a little bit, starstruck. We don't blame her - and we totally love that, even to a Royal event, she rocked her trademark black attire.

    7 Halle Berry A Little Overwhelmed By Meeting Queen Elizabeth

    It seems that in this situation the American is more impacted by her meeting with the Queen than the Brit! Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry are likely here promoting the James Bond flick they both appeared in, and while Brosnan seems cool as a cucumber, Halle Berry is a bit starstruck as she's curtsying and shaking the Queen's hand. I mean, it seems like she can barely look her in the eye! Although we have to admit, she definitely made the right outfit choice for the occasion - the simple yet delicate white gown and long black gloves are chic, elegant, and oh so appropriate for this kind of an event. What you would wear to a red carpet event isn't necessarily what you would wear to meet a Royal, which is something many other celebrities can't quite seem to grasp.

    6 Ellie Goulding Thrilled To Hang Out With Prince Harry At The Invictus Games

    It must be quite strange to meet Prince Harry at the Invictus games. On the one hand, he's a Royal. On the other hand, he's not rocking formal attire or standing with his family members in a line to greet dignitaries and celebrities. He's just rocking jeans and a t-shirt, spending time overseeing the event he helped pull together. It's definitely a less intimidating way to meet a Royal. Singer Ellie Goulding attended the games, and she managed to get a selfie with Prince Harry - and she couldn't look happier about it. The woman is absolutely beaming ear to ear, and it's clear that she really enjoys spending time with Harry. Now that he's set to marry former actress Meghan Markle, perhaps Harry's circle of friends will include a lot more people from the entertainment industry, including people like Ellie Goulding!

    5 Celebs Meeting Royals Who Couldn't Care Less:

    5 Princess Margaret Seems More Impressed Than Mick Jagger Is By Her

    Mick Jagger has been a straight up rock star for longer than many of us have even been alive, so let's be honest - the man has seen it all. He's been the subject of female adoration for decades, so he's probably not too intimidated by anyone - including a Royal. A younger Mick is pictured here at a table beside Princess Margaret, presumably some kind of charity function. He's just looking at the camera, cool as a cucumber, while Princess Margaret can't seem to keep her eyes off the rock god. It seems that in this situation she's the one who was starstruck, not Mick. We don't blame her though - I mean, it's Mick Jagger! He's, without doubt, one of the biggest rock stars of all time, so it was probably quite a thrill to be seated next to him.

    4 Kanye West Doesn't Take Off His Glasses For Anyone - Not Even Prince William And Prince Harry

    Kanye West's reputation has only grown over the years as being someone who's a bit of a jerk and full of himself, but it seems that persona was intact even back in the day. West is pictured here alongside Diddy and Prince William and Prince Harry, and while everyone seems to be smiling and having a good time, Kanye is just posing and trying to keep a straight face to show how unaffected he is by all of it. It's just a strange look - the fact that he's completely buttoned up with a tie while the Princes are far more casual with a few buttons undone on their tie-less shirts. And we can't even get into those terrible aviators that you presumably can barely see out of. We get it, Kanye - you're too cool for the Royals.

    3 LeBron James Meeting Prince William And Kate Middleton In Sweaty Athletic Gear

    The Royals very frequently meet British athletes when they're out supporting their nation at various sporting events, but they often don't meet quite as many American athletes as they do American celebrities. However, never say never - they did get a chance to meet basketball legend LeBron James. While we've seen him look amazingly dapper in a suit before, in this situation he's just rocking some athletic shorts and a sweatshirt that he very well may have worn during training. He's also breaking a major Royal rule by touching Kate, even though slinging an arm around her shoulder may seem totally casual and inoffensive. He probably didn't even know that was a no-no, but that just proves how far from starstruck he is - he's not the type to be intimidated by the Royals because, well, he's LeBron James!

    2 Leonardo DiCaprio, Who Treats Princess Eugenie And Princess Beatrice Like The Rest Of His Fans

    This photo with Leonardo DiCaprio flanked by Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie is amazing. While they're definitely not as recognizable to people outside Britain as figures like Queen Elizabeth, Prince William and Prince Harry, these two ladies are still princesses, as in, legit royalty. Yet they seem far more starstruck by the A-List Hollywood hunk than he is by them. We know that Leonardo DiCaprio's type is models, and that Beatrice and Eugenie are a bit young here, but still - the fact that he poses with them the same way he'd pose with any fan who came up to him is kind of hilarious. DiCaprio is known for his womanizing ways, though, so who knows - perhaps a Royal romance will be in his future at some point.

    1 Helen Mirren Behaving Like The Queen Is Just Another Party-Goer

    Helen Mirren is one of the few actresses out there who has had the distinct pleasure of playing Queen Elizabeth on screen, so we'd imagine it must be a bit intimidating to meet someone you've played. It seems that's not the case for Helen Mirren, though - she's pictured here at some sort of soiree having a conversation with the Queen and another gentleman, and she seems like she could be talking to anyone, not in the presence of Royalty. Perhaps she already had her starstruck moment earlier in the evening, or perhaps all that time spent playing Queen Elizabeth made her feel like just another character in Mirren's eyes - either way, the fact that she's so cool and collected is kind of amazing. Although, that could just be Helen Mirren being super cool, as always.