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    How to Make Your Boyfriend Happy Over Text & Make Him Love You More

    You love your boyfriend, and want him to know it. In the era of technology, knowing how to make your boyfriend happy over text is something you can learn.

    Maybe your boyfriend is having a hard time in a particular class, his new boss is really driving him over the edge, or he's just feeling a little down. You can still send him positive thoughts, even over text. And I'm going to show you how to make your boyfriend happy over text.

    But remember, don't use this as a replacement for face-to-face communication. Texting should be used as a supportive tool. If you find yourself texting him more often than you see him, this is not a good method of communication for your relationship.

    Stay present and use texting only as a way to make him happy when you're not able to physically be with him.

    How to make your boyfriend happy over text

    In today's digital age, we're all glued to our phones. Once, I denied and argued with people, telling them this wasn't true for me, but I give up. I'm addicted. I try to not use my phone as much, but it's hard.

    With that being said, since our phones are always close by, it's become a major way to communicate with the people around us. The people closest to us-our friends, partners, and family members-you text them all. Though I usually argue that texting is destructive. Because, let's face it, it is.

    In some circumstances, texting can be a positive way to communicate with people. If you're not always able to be near your partner when they have a bad day at work or are feeling a little down, you can still communicate with them!

    #1 Wish him a good morning and a good night. Who doesn't love getting good morning and good night texts from someone you love? Those are the sweetest texts you could ever get. If you know he has a stressful day at work coming up, send him a sweet and lovely good morning text. Add in an emoji for fun. You can also make these texts a tradition when you wake up together.

    #2 Send him a single emoji. Who knew that there are times where emojis can say more than words? Well, they can. If your words fail you, sometimes an image can say it all for you. Send him an 'in love' emoji or if he's coming over later, send him the infamous 'eggplant.' These small messages will brighten up his day.

    #3 Send him a funny meme. Memes have become a staple in most of our lives. Why else do we use Instagram? Okay, for selfies, but also for the memes! If you find a funny meme or a meme that reminds you of him, send it to him. It'll bring a smile to his face, and he'll be happy to see you two connecting.

    #4 Flirt with him over text. You heard me, flirt with him. Just because you've been together for a while, doesn't mean you can't flirt with him. Get flirty, girl. Send him a cheeky text message or a naughty photo. It's a great way to capture his attention and get him excited about seeing you later on.

    #5 Send him cute texts. When you send him a cute and mushy text message, how can he not fall in love with you all over again? By sending him a cute text, you'll bring a goofy smile to his face. But, do you know which texts to send him?

    20 texts to make your boyfriend really happy

    You just read that sending him cute texts can make your boyfriend happy, but do you know which texts are the ones you should be sending him? If not, don't worry. I have you covered. Here are 20 texts that'll make your boyfriend as happy as apple pie.

    #1 You're my whole world. That's all he's ever wanted.

    #2 I'm so proud of you. You stand by your partner, and he's happy to know that.

    #3 You're so handsome. You're only speaking the truth!

    #4 How can you make me blush when you're not even here?! He's one gifted man!

    #5 I feel so safe when I'm next to you. Every man wants to protect his partner.

    #6 You've been on my mind since last night, it was perfect. Oh, he'll be happy to hear this.

    #7 I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend. He's more than your boyfriend, he's your partner.

    #8 You're the only one who can make me feel like this. Knowing that will give him the biggest smile in the world.

    #9 My friends are all jealous I have a man like you. While making him happy, you'll also be boosting his ego at the same time.

    #10 All I want to do is make you smile. And he knows it. That's why he works so hard to make sure you're smiling too.

    #11 You're the only one who can make me smile like this. And he's happy to know that.

    #12 You have the sexiest brain. His brain is what turns you on the most.

    #13 When do I get to see you again? You can't wait any longer!

    #14 You, me, Netflix? How can anyone not smile to the thought of Netflix and chill?

    #15 Missing you! If you miss him, let him know!

    #16 Tell me, how did I get so lucky? I must say, he's pretty lucky to have you too.

    #17 Sorry for the late reply, I was bragging about you to my family. He has to know how proud you are of him.

    #18 Do you remember our first date? The minute he reads that, he automatically starts smiling.

    #19 I love how I can be myself around you. Isn't that what love is really about? Finding a true connection?

    #20 How are you even real! Well? We're all waiting for an answer. Seriously, tell us.

    Now you know how to make your boyfriend happy over text and what you can text him. It looks like you're all set to bring a smile to your boyfriend's face!