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    17 Problems Only Busty Women Can Relate To

    Breast-size is the ultimate case of "the grass is always greener." For women that don't have much going on up top, they'll often envy those who do. And those who do, they might wish they had a little bit less up top for several reasons. Of course, there are real benefits and drawbacks to both. The only people who can truly determine which is breast, or um, best, is women who have had both a large and a small bust at some point in their lives, be it from implants, pregnancy, or weight loss/gain.

    There are more women with bigger chests in North America now than ever before. A 2013 study found that between 1993 and 2013, the average cup size for American women jumped from 34BB to 34DD. This is thanks to an increase in the number of women choosing to get breasts implants, as well as weight gain.  That means that a lot of women can relate to the difficulties that a large bust can bring on, and in the summer, many of these "problems" seem a whole lot worse.

    Luckily, most of these issues can be dealt with if you employ a little ingenuity and plan ahead for times when your bust size might affect whatever you're doing. But whatever size of bra you wear, all that really matters is that you feel good about yourself. At the end of the day, does it REALLY matter if your cup runneth over? If you're dissatisfied with your small bust, or your partner is, keep in mind that women who get implants to please their partner are way more likely to not only regret getting them in the first place, but to actually have them taken out. That's just one problem busty women may deal with, and here are 17 more and what you can do about them.

    17 The Ever-Attractive Boob Sweat

    One of the most unpleasant things that comes with having a big bust is the sweat that comes along with it. When breasts are so close together and in tight, dark spaces like a bra, it's bound to get hot in there. If you're wearing a light coloured top, you might even get to experience the super sexy "under-boob" sweat stain for everyone to see. If you're concerned about your sweaty chest, there are a few things you can do to help. First, wear breathable fabrics whenever you can. This isn't always the easiest thing in the world, but it'll make a big difference when you can. Another great way to control sweat is to apply a talc spray to your bra before you wear it, and it will help absorb the sweat as it comes. You can also use baby powder. And, if all else fails, just enjoy the glistening effect it gives your chest!

    16 Tops are Tight in the Bust and Baggy Everywhere Else

    If you've got a big bust you've definitely experienced this. Some tops are so tight on your chest that it almost makes it hard to breathe, and then as soon as you make it past there, they hang way too loosely off of your torso. Some women also say that this makes them look much bigger than they are. If this is you, one of the best investments you can make in your wardrobe is having your clothes tailored. It might seem like a pain, but tailored clothes that fit perfectly to your shape will take your outfit from "meh" to "WOW!" instantly. If you need to buy a large top to fit your chest, but a small for your stomach, you can simply have a tailor take in the bottom and it will look as if the top was made just for you.

    15 Bathing Suits are Dangerous Territory

    Strapless bathing suits are awesome because you don't have to worry about those pesky tan lines on your shoulders, but for busty girls, they're usually problematic. Similarly, triangle bikini tops are good for making sure you have limited tan lines, but not so good for support. Most girls with bigger chests need more support (i.e. underwire!) from their bikini tops than those other types have to offer, which can make bathing suit shopping problematic. Luckily, there are now bathing suit lines dedicated to accommodating a woman's curves, and comfort and support don't come at the cost of style. Look for a top with an underwire and structure in the sides to hold your bits and pieces in place and avoid any nip slips at the pool. Another option is a bathing suit top with a removable strap so when you want to lay down and tan you can remove it, but when you're up being active, you can reattach it.

    14 A Strapless Top… Are You Kidding Me?

    It's not just strapless bathing suit tops that give busty girls problems: strapless dresses are equally difficult! Summer is wedding season which means strapless bridesmaid and bridal dresses. No bridesmaid or bridewants to be standing up at the alter pulling her dress up constantly, or the alternative: having her dress and bra fall down! Yikes! Strapless dresses are also popular styles for any occasion at all during summer, so it's not just busty wedding party members who deal with these issues.

    When it comes to finding the perfect strapless bra to wear under your dress, there are a few key guidelines: try before you buy, underwire, underwire, underwire, and seek help from a professional bra fitter! One size does not fit all when it comes to strapless bras, so you will need to experiment with a few sizes until you find what works best for your body. Like bathing suits, strapless tops with underwire will give your bust way more support, and will also prevent your bra from falling down. When you're bra shopping, consult with staff for tips and recommendations for the perfect strapless bra, and before you know it, strapless dresses won't be a nightmare!

    13 Cross-body Bags Emphasize Your Bust

    Cross-body bags are not only stylish, but they're pretty practical. They're a good way to distribute the weight of whatever is in your bag equally, and they don't feel as awkward as one-shoulder bags. But, if you have a big bust, the strap on a cross-body bag falls between your breasts making them look even bigger. So, what can you do?

    Try a cross-body bag with a thicker strap (at least one to two inches) to prevent it from awkwardly separating your chest. Make sure the body of the bag lays flat against your body, rather than a bulky look that juts out from your body. Wearing clothes with more structure than just a t-shirt will also help the bag rest nicely across your body. It can be more difficult to do in the summer, but wearing a bag over a structured outfit will help prevent the strap from cramping your style.

    12 Back Pain

    Most of the issues busty girls deal with can be awkward or uncomfortable, but they don't usually have a negative impact on your health. But back pain caused by a heavy chest is not only comforting, it can have long-term effects on your body. The heavier your breasts are, the more your shoulders will roll forward, putting unnecessary pressure on your thoracic outlet, which is where the ribs, shoulder blades, and nerves meet in a narrow triangle. This can lead to back and neck pain, numbness in the hands and arms, and migraine headaches.

    For extreme cases, breast reduction surgery may be required to ease the pressure on your body. Otherwise, make sure your bra is the right size, as this can make a world of difference. Most women wear a bra that is way too small and have no idea. Another way to ease the pain is to get a bra with wider straps so the weight of your breasts is equally distributed in your bra. When you're moving around a lot, it might be best to double up on the sports bras and make sure there is less painful bouncing going on.

    11 The Stares and The Comments

    Catcalls and whistles are a common occurrence for girls, no matter their bust size. Some women find this flattering, but a lot of the time it's totally unwelcome - not to mention creepy. For women with big chests, comments can be extra rude and crude, and it doesn't just happen when you're wearing a low cut top. Unfortunately, there isn't too much you can do about other people staring or commenting on your body, but you can choose how you handle it and do your best not to let it bother you. One self-defense expert recommends appearing as confident as you can (fake it until you make it) because more confident body language has been shown to make you less likely to be targeted for cat-calls. She also says by "acknowledging but not engaging" with cat-callers, they're less likely to continue. Keep in mind, no matter what, it's not your fault when you're the subject of this kind of harassment. You're entitled to wear whatever and act however you may choose without having to worry about disrespectful comments from anyone.

    10 Exercise Can Be PAINFUL

    When you have large breasts, running up and down stairs is no joke. You are likely familiar with the image of a woman literally having to hold her breasts with her hands while she takes the stairs, because it can be downright painful if she doesn't - and someone could lose an eye! It isn't just stairs that are tricky: any kind of physical activity can be difficult when there are two heavy masses hanging from your chest. While some women are naturally prone to having a large chest no matter what kind of shape they are in, if you're overweight and your breasts are very large, exercise is one thing that can help reduce them. The problem is, they might interfere with your willingness to workout in the first place. Kind of a catch-22, hey? Stick with a good quality and super-supportive sports bra, and wear a workout top with a built in bra for extra support. Take the time to experiment with what works best for your body, and you're bound to find the best type of exercise for you.

    9 Buttondown Shirts are Tricky

    A crisp button-down shirt isn't just a great look for guys. They're a great option for women in the office (or anywhere else) and there are tons of stylish variations to choose from. But, busty women who want to try this style will probably notice it's not as effortless as it is for those with a flatter chest. If you're a busty woman and you've tried a button down shirt on, you likely noticed that if you button it past your chest at all, it will gape between the button holes… Not cute!!! But, it's likely better than having your shirt unbuttoned to your belly button… especially if you're in the office. One thing you can do is buy a bigger top so that it buttons easily over your chest, and then have it taken in at the waist. Otherwise, try double sided tape where the shirt overlaps to prevent it from gaping.

    8 Guys Focus Too Much on Them

    While a lot of people consider big breasts to be sexy, for some women, they prove too much of a distraction and their other amazing parts  get no attention from their partners. Some busty women will say that their men pay way too much attention to their breasts in bed, and not enough to any other parts of their body. There are all sorts of theories about what makes men so attracted to breasts (including the theory that the larger they are, the healthier and more able to bear children the woman is) and while body parts are sexualized in the media, attraction to breasts is subconscious to some point. Your guy might have no idea that he's neglecting other parts of your body, and the best way to help him figure it out is to nicely TELL HIM! Problem solved.

    7 High Top Tables are Deadly

    So, you're out for a nice dinner, and you take a seat at a table, only to realize you're at a high table that hits you right in the middle of your chest. Not only is this awkward if you need to lean forward while you eat (no one wants to eat soup from a distance) but it can actually be painful. There's a good chance one of your breasts will take on a life of its own and spill a drink or knock something else over. Awkward! Hopefully, you have a good sense of humour about this type of thing. Otherwise you might need to ask to sit at a lower table.

    6 It's Stuck!

    It sounds like something from a nightmare, but a lot of busty women have gone through this in real life: You're in a change room trying on a top or dress. It goes on okay but it's maybe a little bit snug in the chest. Next thing you know, you're trying to take it off and it's stuck at your chest. Panic sets in as you imagine being found dead in this change room 6 days from now, with an outfit pulled halfway over your head. But usually it stops there. You either manage to get it off yourself or a quick "help!" will have a dressing room attendant over in no time, and they'll probably tell you it happens all the time - because it does!

    5 Empire Waists are Not Flattering

    A few years ago empire waists made a big comeback, and they're still popular now. Similarly, peplum tops that have a flounce of fabric just below the waist are all the rage. The problem with tops like these is that for a woman with a big bust, they end up looking like maternity shirts no matter how flat your stomach is. A large bust creates a shelf-like effect for fabric to just hang down from, rather than form to your body. These types of tops may be best to avoid, but if you're feeling good in a top, rock it no matter what!

    4 Lingerie for Big Breasts Can Look Ancient

    Remember that scene in the Titanic when Kate Winslet is being worked into her corset? That type of look might seem familiar to busty women. Often times, lingerie that will accommodate a big chest might seem like it's from the early 1900s too. Whether they're awkwardly lacy or way too structured, you might feel like more of a granny than a glam-goddess. But, worry not, busty babes! Lingerie has come a long way, and you can find pieces that are just as sexy, if not more, than the stuff you see on Victoria's Secret models.

    3 Everything Looks Super Sexual On You

    Dressing conservatively is a whole new ball game when you have a big bust. While many girls struggle to force their breasts into cleavage, busty girls basically never have a lack of cleavage, and unless you're wearing a turtleneck and overalls, your girls will be out to play. Even when you're wearing a shirt with a high neck, your breasts will still look big, but your cleavage will be hidden. We live in a super-sexualized world, so while it shouldn't be a big deal to have any part of your body showing, some people will forget where your eyes are and make constant eye-contact with your chest.

    2 Sleeping Can Be Tricky

    It sounds crazy, but big breasts can really impede on your sleep quality. Sleeping flat on your stomach is basically out of the question unless you have two perfectly placed holes in your mattress. Not only does it hurt to sleep that way, it can also make it hard to breathe. The same can be said for sleeping on your back, though. The extra weight on your chest when you're flat on your back can feel like there's an invisible force pushing down on you. Your only option might be sleeping on your side, but this can also pose some problems. If you're on your right side, your left arm needs to rest somewhere (and vice versa), and your breasts might get in the way and make this awkward and uncomfortable. Try hugging a pillow when you sleep on your side and it will ease a little bit of pressure on your shoulders.

    1 They're The Subject of Lots of Jokes and Jiggles

    Of course, we had to save the best for last. People seem to think that if you have a big bust, it's open season for pointing it out at the worst possible time. They also seem to think that having someone come up to you and grab your breasts and jiggle them won't hurt, as if their size gives them some sort of super-human pain shielding power. Hint: it doesn't! If you're a busty girl, you probably have nicknames that go along with it. But try not to let it get to you. There are definitely worse things to be known for than being busty!