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    15 Signs That You Might Be A Basic B*tch

    There is no reason to be ashamed of being a basic b*itch. Everyone has a little basic b*itch in them. If they said they didn't, they're lying. There is no problem loving all things mainstream and popular. You're a basic woman that does basic things. You might be a bit boring and do ordinary activities like go to Trader Joe's all the time, but there is no crime you're committing there.

    According to Urban Dictionary a basic b*tch is a b*tch with a pH value greater than 7. What's wrong with that? Okay so you get really excited the minute pumpkin spice lattes are back on the menu at Starbucks that and you still shop at Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch. People might judge you for that, but you know haters are gonna hate. Just in case you aren't sure if you fall into this basic b*itch category, we've created a list just for you to find out. Let the basicness begin!

    15  Your Joy Comes From Going To Target

    There is not enough to say about how much you love going to Target. You actually love spending time at Target than with actual human beings. The prices are reliable and their selection is so diverse. They literally have everything so there really is no reason not to take a trip to Target. What is even better is that there is almost always a Starbucks in every store, which is your second favorite place to go. So what is not to love? Have nothing to do? Just go to Target.

    14 You Love Fro-yo So Much

    FRO-YO is you favorite word. The reason why it's your favorite word is because it's your favorite meal of the day. You even have a point card for Yogurtland, Pinkberry and Menchies because getting a free fro-yo is your favorite thing in life. There are so many fun and colorful flavors that you could never get enough of. You plan on eating fro-yo for the rest of your life and it most likely will be the last meal you'll ever have.

    13 You Religiously Watch Every "Real Housewives" Show

    The Real Housewives of Orange County, New Jersey, New York, Atlanta, Beverly Hills, D.C. and Miami. You watch ALL OF THEM. You even watch the new one in Potamac (the place no one knew even existed before it was a Housewives show). It is your guilty pleasure to watch those women and the drama the comes with their glamorous lives. You also aspire to even be a "Real Housewife" one day. There is no shame in that. Everyone has goals in life, so why can't that be yours?

    12 Pumpkin Spice Is Your Favorite Flavor

    You drink pumpkin spice lattes, light pumpkin spice candles and ice-cream and cookies! You just can't get enough of this flavor. You wish there was no other taste in the world but pumpkin spice. Because you love pumpkin spice so much, you also wish it was Autumn all the time. Sweater season, boot season, and most importantly of all… pumpkin spice season.

    11  Forever 21 Is Your Favorite Store And Always Will Be

    You still shop at Forever 21. Whether you are going clubbing, to a music festival, a wedding, church or a party, you go to Forever 21 for ALL your outfits. Your entire closet is nothing but clothes from there. Although you are three years above the age of 21, you still shop there because you can always count on Forever 21 to have something you will love.

    10 You Share Inspirational Quotes On Social Media… Every day

    "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the Life You Imagined."-Henry David Thoreau. You aspire to inspire people everyday and you absolutely feel that you are making an impact by sharing all your favorite inspirational quotes. All of your Instagram, Twitter and Facebook followers know they could rely on your quotes to lift them up (or you like to think they do). Keeping spreading that love girl!

    9 Fitting Room/Mirror Selfies Are Your Thing

    Taking a fitting room selfie is mandatory when you shop. It just wouldn't feel right if you didn't take one. It is super important for you to take a picture of yourself in an outfit that you most likely will not buy because you already took a picture in it. So what is the point of taking a fitting room selfie of yourself? There is absolutely no point, but you still do it because you are BASIC.

    8 You Love Brunch

    You live for Sunday brunch. Forget all those other days of the week. Taco Tuesday and Thirsty Thursday ain't got nothing on your Sunday brunch. You dream of those endless mimosas and that delicious chorizo omelette all week. Your happiness comes from brunch and there is nothing else you do on Sunday because it is that important to your basic life.

    7  You Quote Mean Girls To This Day

    "Get in loser. We're going shopping." "I can't help it that I'm so popular." "Grool."All those quotes have meaning in your life. Quoting Mean Girls every day is a thing for you and your friends. The movie came out back in 2004, but 12 years later you still keep the popular dialogue alive. Regina George is also your spirit animal and you even still try to make "fetch" happen. You go Glen Coco!

    6 Las Vegas Is Your 2nd Home

    Viva Las Vegas! It is your second home because going there as often as you can is important to you and your basic crew. You plan every trip with your best girls and your only intent is to drink as many vodka cran (because calories) and grind on as many hot (and hopefully) single guys as you can. It's not a true Vegas trip unless one of your friends loses her shoe. Yeah, that kinda basic stuff happens to you.

    5 You Still Rock UGGS Proudly

    You are still madly in love with your UGGS. You rocked them in middle school, high school and even college. Who cares about the "rules of fashion!"  Since when is comfort a crime?Your UGGS are comfy and that is all that matters to you. From your Classic Short UGGS to your Essential Tall UGGS, those boots will always have a special place in your heart no matter what people say.

    4  You Worship Carrie Bradshaw

    To this day, Carrie Bradshaw is your idol and you worship her with all of your being. She is the reason why you are a writer and absolutely love fashion. Your friends also love Sex and the City and each one of you is either a Charlotte, Samantha or Miranda. You are Carrie of course because that is the way it has to be. When the Sex and the City movie trailer came out for the first time, you cried because that is how happy you were. This is an obsession that will never end.

    3  You Only Use One Instagram Filter

    There is only one Instagram filter that you go to when posting a picture of yourself or your daily activites. Although you know you most likely will go to that one filter, that doesn't stop you from trying every other single filter option. Gingham, Mayfair, Juno, Slumber and Rise never do the trick. Hudson will and always will be the filter you can rely on to make you look your best. #Filter

    2 You Wish You Were A Member of T-Swifts #SQUAD

    Girl power means everything to you and it is most likely because you grew up with the Spice Girls as your idols. That is why being a part of Taylor Swift's super squad is one of your life goals. You love that they wear amazing outfits and live a very glam life. Why wouldn't you want to be friends with that group of women? In the meantime, you created a squad of your own and that will do for now.

    1 Your Coffee Barista Knows Who You Are And What You Drink

    Going to Starbucks is part of your every day ritual. Your barista knows your name and even knows how to spell even if it's complicated. You know what is also the best thing?They know what you're going to order before you even say it. You take "being a regular" to a whole other level. Let's not forget how much you love that pumpkin spice latte. That is why you go. There is no other reason.