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    15 Crazy Popular Beauty Trends From Around The World

    We sure do some wild things in the name of beauty. And the fashion and beauty blog boom has allowed us to see just what bizarro things the trendsetters are doing in the name of looking good. These beauty bloggers have also taught us in great detail how to emulate these must-have looks.

    Thanks to these blogs, Pinterest and Instagram, we get to see what the hottest beauty trends are around the world too. These trends are often absolutely extraordinary, so it's not long before they spread like wildfire to western shores.

    This is a list of the beauty treatments, styles and products that are trending around the world right now from Asia to Europe to the Middle East and the USA. Some are weird, will shock you and probably gross you out completely. Some are wonderful, will have you cooing at the cuteness and will make you want to try it yourself. How many will you try?

    15 Heart-Shaped Fringes - South Korea

    Some might think it's totally adorable, others sickly sweet. Nevertheless, the hottest trend in South Korea at the moment is styling your fringe in the shape of a heart, as seen all over Instagram. To achieve this look, you'll have to use your curling iron / hair straightener skills and a lot of hairspray. When complete, your fringe will look like an upside down heart. Celebrities such as Kendall Jenner are even getting in on the action. Her recent Instagram post flaunting her take on the look went viral and topped one of her sister Kim's pics to become the most shared Instagram photo ever.

    14 Hangover Makeup - Asia

    The idea of somebody wanting to look hungover seems absolutely crazy. You're pale, puffy-eyed, queezy - it's not a good look right? Well apparently, Korean and Japanese girls are adopting this look and calling it a new beauty trend. The Korean version of hangover makeup involves making your eyes look extra puffy through contouring. They create their so-called “happy eyes” because they think it makes them look more youthful. Other ways to achieve the hungover look is to add blush under your eyes to make you look, well, sick and smudge your eye makeup to give it that slept-in look. Alternatively, you can go out and get hammered tonight and by tomorrow you'll have the perfect hungover look.

    13 Candle Therapy - Brazil

    You've seen those videos where an unfortunate birthday girl gets a little too close to her cake and her hair goes up in flames. This is basically the hottest trend in Brazil right now. Candle Therapy has a big supporter in the form of Vogue Brazil's editor Victoria Ceridono, who claims the process is actually good for your hair. According to Ceridono, waving a candle underneath your locks cauterizes the hair thus preventing split ends and breakage. Afterwards the stylist chops off your split ends strand by strand then adds a multivitamin treatment, which is probably much needed!

    12 White Henna - UAE

    Isn't Henna great? It's reminiscent of the times you used to doodle all over yourself when you were bored at school, but it's much prettier. The beautiful body art has migrated to western cultures because it's so pretty. At the moment, girls in UAE are avoiding the traditional black henna and opting for the white version instead. White henna was made popular in Dubai by an artist named Sara Vazir from Pakistan. A popular beauty blogger in the region who has a huge Instagram following, Huda Kattan picked up on the beauty trend and the rest was herstory.

    11 Scalp Botox - UK

    We've been freezing our faces with botox for decades. And the trend has become more and more popular the easier it has become to get injections - you can even get your dose at your local salon these days. The hottest new trend emerging in the UK is the number of women asking to get botox in their scalp. The idea is that it prevents your scalp from getting sweaty and ruining your perfect hairdo. The beauty treatment which isn't necessarily advertised but often requested at Revere clinics in London and Middlesex costs around £1,200.

    10 Rubber Masking - Korea

    Koreans know what they're doing when it comes to skincare. It's never long before their hottest trends reach the US and spread like wildfire. This is true of rubber masking, which sounds a little bit like an odd fetish but isn't, unless you get turned on while you're doing it of course. Nevertheless, the mask is so good for your skin and contains minerals, vitamins, collagen, calendula, tea tree and various other skin-enhancing ingredients. It comes as a powder, you mix it with water, it solidifies on your face and looks like you've covered yourself in candle wax.

    9 Clown Contouring - USA

    This trend comes from the USA, or more specifically one American YouTuber who is an absolute genius when it comes to contouring. Forget Kim Kardashian, YouTube star BellaDeLune is the new queen of contouring thanks to her clown contouring technique. She shows us how it's done in her YouTube video which is a tongue-in-cheek piece of vengeance against all the haters who have called her a clown in the past because of the way she applies makeup. Achieving the look involves using extreme contouring, which is probably the real trend here, until you look like a crazy circus clown and then blending it until you look beautiful.

    8 Bikini Facial - New York

    It's really unfortunate that us ladies choose to spend so much time removing our ghastly, unwanted body hair - thanks a lot evolution! The whole process and the results aren't always favourable either. A lot of (sometimes painful) work goes into it and no matter how hard you try you wind up with a shaving rash or unwanted redness. That's where the bikini facial comes in, offered by New York spa, Townhouse. If you're willing to let a stranger give some love and attention to your lady parts, then you'll be treated to cleansing and exfoliating treatments, even a skin peel.

    7 Aquarium Nails - Vietnam

    This aquarium look isn't a brand new trend but has become hot again recently thanks to a Vietnamese TV channel. A while back, somebody from Texas posted a YouTube tutorial on how to create a set of nails any mermaid would be envious of. But it wasn't until it was posted on the Vietnamese channel's Facebook page that the video went totally viral. Aquarium nails are made by injecting baby oil and glitter into a double-paned acrylic. If you're going to try it at home, just don't slip and get your finger instead.

    6 Strobing - France

    If you'd rather not buy into the contouring trend then strobing is an alternative. The makeup movement is popular in France. It provides a look that's much more natural than contouring which can appear a bit too perfect at times. Strobing is all about using reflective makeup to let your face shine. Apply to high planes and points on your face for a glow the Cullens family would be proud of!

    5 Beauty Matching - Middle East

    Couples can be so obsessed with one another, it's gross. This usually shows itself with things like matching profile pictures and constant declarations of how amazing “the boy” is. How about couples getting surgery to look like one another? That's what some loved up pairs are doing in Beirut and UAE. So-called “Beauty Matching” is becoming a hot trend in the Middle East and is basically cosmetic surgery for couples. According to a Dubai-based cosmetic surgeon, husbands often follow in their wives' footsteps after seeing the results of their cosmetic treatments.

    4 Hair Tapestry - UK

    Remember when you were a kid and you used to get awesome woven braids? Well this hot beauty trend takes hair braids to a new level. Masterminded by cutting-edge salon, Bleach London, hair tapestry involves weaving intricate patterns into your hair until you look like a true hippy. The look is perfect for the summer and sure to pop up at festivals around the world. You can even try it yourself if you own a tapestry loom.

    3 Cryotherapy - New York

    The latest trend to hit Manhattan sees spa guests stepping into a human-sized freezer. Let's hope it doesn't also involve getting hypothermia. Those looking to lose weight are visiting cryotherapy spas, which contain saunas or machines that are kept at temperatures in the minus 100-200s. Supposedly, putting yourself through this torturous experience can burn up to 800 calories, flatten your tummy and get rid of cellulite. The spas also have quite the celebrity following with the likes of Lindsay Lohan, Daniel Craig, Yoko Ono and even the New York Knicks getting cryotherapy on the regular.

    2  Snail Facial - Thailand

    If you think the idea of eating escargots is bad, how about having them all over your face? It makes you feel a little bit sick doesn't it? Well, there's a popular snail spa in Thailand offering snail facials that can supposedly clear up your skin for just $30. Just imagine these slimy guys gliding slowly over the contours of your face.

    1 Puppy Eye - Korea

    Apparently we enjoy making our eyes look like that of an animal - a previous beauty craze was a flick of eyeliner that makes your eyes look a bit more feline. We've moved onto dogs now though. Puppy Eye makeup was first made famous by beloved K-Pop singer, model and Gangnam Style co-star Hyuna. To get the look you need to follow the curve of your eye with your liquid liner and create a downward flick. This emanates the innocent and cute puppy-dog-eyes effect.