12 Proven Ways To Get Noticed
Getting noticed is the first step to capturing someone's attention, however most people retract like a turtle in a shell when it comes to doing something about it. Are you like the turtle? As much as you may want to stand out, you somehow find a way to blend in to the background while others create a grand display vying for everyone's attention. Upbringing, negative past experiences or current circumstances may have left you a bit insecure but today you are going to turn a new leaf and get the attention you deserve. You can be the loudest person in the room, wear the brightest colors, or walk down a flight of stairs on your hands, but leaving an impression that is not only memorable but positive, can be achieved by doing the following twelve things instead. Stand in a league all on your own by displaying confidence while leaving your mark in a manner that isn't too intrusive.
12 Randomly pay a compliment to someone unsuspecting
Paying a sincere compliment is such an underrated gesture that goes a very long way. Most people are quick to speak their mind about something negative yet shy away from paying a sincere compliment out of the blue. Have you ever seen a stranger's beautiful smile? Did you like the way a person was dressed on the subway? Did your colleague do an amazing job today? Did you enjoy the song by the street performer? What about people do you notice and genuinely like? Why not let them know? If the world had more people who spoke their positive minds with compliments instead of insults, people would have self-esteem boosts every day.
11 Look a person directly in the eyes
In a technology driven world, it's no surprise people rarely make eye contact anymore. It's obviously a little bit awkward, but imagine being the person who does. Sure it will make someone uncomfortable, but it will also leave a noticeable impression. They, along with the rest of the universe, are probably accustomed to looking at people without truly seeing them. It is easy to look at someone, we look at thousands of people every day; on the street, in public transportation, in stores, at work, but do we ever really see them? If you want someone to notice you, you need to notice them first. Freak them out a little and look them in the eye, until they turn away.
10 Give yourself permission to let your hair down
And by let your hair down, we mean do something the tabloids will write about. Well not exactly, unless you want to of course. But here come those pesky thoughts again: 'What will people think if I do that… say that… wear that?' Who cares? Those people have all kinds of crazy demons in their closet, don't let poisonous thoughts of what they will think of you stop you from doing what you want. So the question is, what DO you want? Years will pass before you know it and if you haven't done what you truly want by then, you can't get that time back.
9 Say YES more often
If your agenda is wide open and people no longer ask you to do things, you may want to ask yourself why. Have you been too 'busy'? Naturally some things take precedence over the social scene: family, profession, and health, etc… but what if none of those reasons are why you say 'no' most of the time? If you want to get noticed, shock the heck out of people and do something they least expect by saying 'yes', 'yes' and yes again! People who take life by the horns and seize opportunities get noticed. Say 'yes' to the universe more often and more of the right opportunities will come into your life.
8 Don't be nice, be authentic
You know the party you don't want to go to; the so called friend you don't want to talk to; the job you don't want to do? Well, tactfully don't. It sounds easy when put that way because it actually is. People spend too much time pussyfooting around subjects they don't want to tackle or people they don't want to offend, but in the meantime, they are selling themselves short by not being upfront. Stop being the nice person and start being the better version of your authentic self. You will step on a few toes, ruffle some feathers and perhaps lose a few 'friends' in the process but one thing for sure is you will get noticed for being honest.
7 Go a full day out of the house without your phone
Technology was created to bring people together and it has successfully managed to pull people apart. Do you remember the last time you went to visit a friend and had a face to face conversation? Or sat in a restaurant with such great food, wine and company that phone notifications had to wait? Have you recently traveled and sat in the airport with an actual paper paged book? If you manage to leave your abode with no technology in hand, you will discover everything for the first time. With your head up, you will pay attention to details as you walk, sit somewhere and wait, or simply 'be' in your own company without the crutch of a handheld device. In such a technology driven world, you will stand out like a sore thumb and anyone not looking down at their iPod, iPad, or iPhone, will notice you.
6 Make yourself a bit 'uncomfortable' and approach
No one likes to feel uncomfortable or look awkward, but sometimes you need to get yourself out of your comfort zone to get noticed. As the old expression goes 'if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got'. Want to get noticed? Then do something different! Be the fresh face in an unfamiliar neighborhood and take a new way or means of transport home. Join a meetup group, a fitness class, take a course, organize an event, commit to public speaking; enter a competition. Do something that makes your stomach churn in a nervously exciting way and go for it. Every year, try to shoot for at least one thing that puts you drastically out of your comfort zone. You will not only get noticed, your growth in character will be thankful for it.
5 Use your brain
Living in a materialistic world, it's natural to dress with other's in mind when we want to get noticed. For some women, this means exposing a large quantity of skin, wearing a face packed with makeup and leading with the body but while you may have 'good looks', don't forget that you also have an awesome brain. Intelligence is the most underrated sex tool that should be used more often. A human being who knows how to use their mind to get noticed is sexy, no skin necessary. So how do you do it? Become a great storyteller; show what a good conversationalist you are; express your knowledge of cultures; politics; wine, whatever! Don't be afraid to show the intelligent side of the real you.
4 Do something daring that people wouldn't expect you to do… just because.
Want to really get noticed? Do something that will make people gasp, in a good way… or not… doesn't matter! The purpose of this isn't to prove a point to them, it's to prove a point to yourself. You can do anything you want to your own body, without fear of being judged. A person who confidently makes decisions despite what others will think, gets noticed. Perhaps you want to dye your hair red, shave it all off, drop 30 lbs, form a fitness model physique, get a tattoo or remove a tattoo. Drastic (safe) changes always get noticed.
3 Check your body language
How are you sitting right NOW? Hands in your lap, back hunched over, legs crossed? Body language is an incredible way to gauge someone's behaviour and comfort level. If you want to get noticed and leave a positive lasting impression whether it's at a job interview or on a date, your body language should display confidence. Stop fidgeting your body, shifting your eyes and bobbling your head. In short, relax. Avoid looking anxious by allowing natural pauses to occur in the conversation and don't rush your words by speaking too quickly. Not only will your point come through more clearly, you will be admired for your calm, collected approach.
2 Pick a day and pull off your favorite, daring outfit
The whole point isn't to walk down the street looking like Madonna back in her 'Like a Virgin' days; it's simply to rid yourself of the fear of what people will think of you if you did. When we don't have the guts to wear what we want, we allow our fears to control us and don't have the guts to be who we are. Office jobs and many other professions keep us locked into a certain type of attire most of the time. If given the opportunity to break out of that 'uniform' for even one day, watch how carefree you will become and how much good attention you will get.
1 Ditch the friends and do a 'just me' date
It's such a rarity to see a person bold enough to venture on their own, that the idea of attending events or restaurants solo can make even the most self-assured person feel uncomfortable. Groups however, can be intimidating and people are less likely to notice one person out of a bunch. If you want to get noticed, grab a hold of your inner courage and start appreciating your own company. Not only will you set yourself apart from thousands of people, you will powerfully demonstrate the one thing many don't have: self-confidence. Taking a solo trip to a reputably safe destination, is a fantastic way to get noticed and leave an impact on whoever crosses your path.