While we commonly take in movie or watch TV in order to get away from the real world, we sometimes find ourselves relating to either the characters we see onscreen, or...
In Hollywood, things seem to move a lot faster when it comes to relationships than they do for us regular folk. Maybe it's the whirlwind nature of the business, the...
Nikto nemôže potešiť všetkých 100% času, a keď ste herec, ste povinní dostať svoj spravodlivý podiel nenávisti - a oni sú zvyčajne dosť vokálne! Vďaka 24/7 prístupu máme rôzne formy...
Getting engaged has definitely in every woman's dreams since she was a small girl. But finding the right man to marry is almost as complicated as finding the right ring!...
Here are some childhood things that might sound familiar. #1 The immeasurable joy that is the sound of an ice-cream truck. #2 Grocery store trips where we were actually allowed...
The best part of SATC was the series of bizarre dates, boyfriends, and flings that the awesome foursome found themselves involved with during the course of the show. It's not...
Pokiaľ ide o televíznych priateľov, diváci majú svoje obľúbené. Počúvame všetko o Seth Cohens a Derek Shepherds of the world a fantazírujeme o tom, ako sú Chuck Bass a Aidan...
ABC's hit medical drama Grey's Anatomy has been around for nearly forever and a decade. Or so it seems. The thing is, it's so addicting, that no matter how passive-aggressively...