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    zábava - Strana 162

    20 Times Celebs Messed Up & Committed Faux Pas na sociálnych médiách
    Sociálne médiá od svojho vzniku urobili veľa dobrého. Je prepojený s blízkymi a priateľmi cez geografické vzdialenosti, znovuzjednotení dávno stratení milovaní a vytvorili komunity pre antisociálnych ľudí. Sociálne médiá však...
    20 Times Celebs Got Paid Thousands To Do Something Totally Normal (Like Turn On Lights)
    You might think that celebrities get paid millions of dollars because they have successfully built up their career over the years. And you'd be partly right. But there's also another...
    20 Times Celebs Dressed As Other Celebs For Halloween
    Halloween is the one occasion where everyone seemingly enjoys dressing up as someone else for one night only. Many times, people choose to go as a superhero, a villain, television...
    20 Times Celeb Kids Made A Splash On The Red Carpet
    For fans who haven't realized by now that Hollywood is built on dynasties, prepare to be surprised! A great deal of fan-favorite and famous entertainers are in some way connected...
    20 Times Celeb Páry preukázali dlhé vzťahy môžu pracovať
    Každý chápe, že vzťahy na dlhé vzdialenosti môžu byť ťažké. Tieto partnerstvá sa spoliehajú na dôveru a komunikáciu ešte viac ako na bežné každodenné vzťahy. Niektorí si môžu myslieť, celebrity...
    20 Times Cardi B dokázala, že bola celkom Boss Babe, Okurrrr
    "Som len obyčajná, ochabnutá, schmegulárna dievčina." Ach áno, ona je! Pretože my všetci milujeme dobrý smiech na náklady kritikov, keď smoliar robí to # 1. Choď Cardi! Priznajme si to,...
    20 Throwback Pics Of Alexis Bledel That Make Us Want To Binge Watch Gilmore Girls
    Gilmore Girls is a TV show that allowed us to embrace our love for small towns, coffee, junk food, and the fascinating relationship between mothers and daughters. Many of us...
    20 Things Wrong With The Twilight Saga We All Choose To Ignore
    Out of all the fantasy worlds created by authors of best-selling book series in recent years, Twilight gets the most negative attention. The union between clumsy normal human girl Bella Swan...