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    zábava - Strana 150

    24 Fashion Pics Of The Pretty Little Liars Cast That We're Totally Obsessed With
    For years, we were following the lives of four Pretty Little Liars and best friends who were all threatened by an anonymous person that went by the name A and...
    24 Úprimné zábery z Victoria's Secret Angels
    Prepáčte ľuďom, ale nikto nikdy nepozná skutočnú odpoveď na Victoriaovo tajomstvo. Je to preto, že je záhadou, ako tieto ženy existujú bez toho, aby boli umelo vytvorené v laboratóriu! Vtipy...
    23 Twilight Throwback Photos That Make Us All Feel A Little Nostalgic
    It's hard to believe that it's been a decade since the first Twilight film came out. Though this sparkly story has attracted a lot of hate, Edward and Bella still have...
    23 Social Media Posts These Celebs Deleted Right Away (& Why) In 2018
    Some celebrities have a bad habit of posting insensitive tweets that half of the world sees, then trying to quickly delete them. It only takes one second before millions of...
    23 fotiek Celine Dion, pretože ona začala 'visí s' Pepe Munoz
    Celine Dion je ikona. Hudobne, módne a len prostredníctvom svojej všeobecnej existencie a prítomnosti vo svete. Ak na to niekto potrasie hlavou, je jasné, že nepoznajú krásu a radosť Celine...
    23 Známe detaily o manželstve Ellen A Portia De Rossi
    S manželstvom, ktoré trvalo viac ako desať rokov, Ellen DeGeneres a Portia de Rossi sú jedným z najcennejších párov Hollywoodu. Po stretnutí na začiatku 2000s, iskry lietali okamžite medzi Ally...
    23 Celebs Who Came Out Recently (And How)
    As we all know, back in the day, speaking up and letting people know that you were a member of the LGBTQ community was pretty dangerous and very stressful. Many...
    23 Celeb Kids With The Most Bizarre Names (+ 2 Who Got Tagged With A #Normie)
    "Anything else would've been basic"- when Cardi B explained baby Kulture on SNL, she spoke from the gut. An egg just broke Kylie Jenner's Stormi announcement for the most IG...